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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 158x239, Shogun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11335001 No.11335001 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished "Shogun" by James Clavell. What did /lit/ think of it?

>> No.11335003


Too many white people

>> No.11335014

>So sorry, Anon-san - my master Toranaga-sama and I do not know of this 'Anime' you speak of, and we do not know what you mean by 'Start with the Greeks' It's honto, neh?

>> No.11335021


We're the Japanese really THAT good at bathing?

>> No.11335037


>> No.11335040

Who was the best character and why was it Mariko?

>> No.11335041
File: 88 KB, 634x463, 0C154076000005DC-4040580-Traces_of_gold_have_been_discovered_in_Tycho_Brahe_s_hair_in_qua-m-74_1481890455461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, but Musashi is superior.

>> No.11335049

Good if you’re a plot fag
Meh if you’re a prose fag

>> No.11335056

the only Clavell i've read was King Rat and I enjoyed it immensely

>> No.11335059

I'm more interested in what you thought of it, OP.

>> No.11335072

I haven't read Shogun yet, but @ 1000 pages, is it worth reading over something like Taiko (since I consider Musashi 10/10, why not read another book by the same author)?

>> No.11335283

It was good back in the 70s. I viewed it as a great adventure story, with a cultural and historical aspect. Don't think I'll spend the time to reread it, tho.
Try and binge watch the mini-series. It can't cover the depth of the book, but it's decent entertainment.

>> No.11335403

weeb trash.

>> No.11335421

go kys, anime is greattt!!!!

>> No.11335449


Any love for Taipan?

>God's Blood!

>> No.11335459

I liked it a lot

>> No.11336223

It's trash, it's basically about some deluded white fella and his fetish for Nip women while cucking Jap men. Shit read.

>> No.11337238

sounds kino tbqh

>> No.11337290

>read it over and over for the sex scenes as a child
>pages stick open to sex scenes, binding breaking down
>mom sits down to read it
>falls open to my semen bookmarks

>> No.11337654

For me no. It's an entertaining book but the author literally has no subtlety with his messages. One of his main points is japan is cultured and sophisticated while Europeans were heathen savages. After about the tenth time he describes bathing or the main character having no self control and eating until he throws up I had to stop

>> No.11337741

Form your own fucking opinion.

No, Europeans of the time were just terrible at bathing.