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/lit/ - Literature

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11332150 No.11332150 [Reply] [Original]

>be I
>proud stoic
>co-worker asks “What is up”
>I replied “the ceiling”
He laughed at me even though I answered his question the best I could.
Some people are cruel, but I can’t let them shake me.

>> No.11332153

>/lit/ - literature

>> No.11332154

how come?

>> No.11332155

fuck normies. praise kek white brother. were simply superior

>> No.11332158
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I'm not white

>> No.11332159
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>> No.11332290
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den get da FUG off my bord


>> No.11332490

> Be me
> Solipsist
> How's the weather up there?
> Me
> MFW I am myself

>> No.11332861

where I am from, this is a common "joke answer" to the "what's up" question. That is why he laughed. You didn't answer his intended question. Sage for being too /lit/eral.

>> No.11333001

being a stoic doesn't mean deliberately misinterpreting a co-worker's request for gossip. you must be one of the one-tenth of a percent of people who find Sheldon Cooper funny.

>> No.11333005

I'm afraid a lot more people find him then that.

>> No.11333006


>> No.11333164

What the fuck are you trying to say here?

>> No.11334723

>be Christian
>co-worker ask "What is up"
>I replied "God"
He laughed at me.

>> No.11334799

For a literature board, a lot of people here really don't understand irony.

>> No.11334800

This unironically.

>> No.11334820

This ironically

>> No.11334833
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>be me
>unworthy follower of Christ
>co-worker asks "What is up?"
>I reply "Suffering"
He said I was weird and depressing. God have mercy on his soul

>> No.11334838

He's saying that a lot of people, much more than 0.1% of people, find Sheldon Cooper funny. Are you really this dense?

>> No.11334862
File: 12 KB, 210x240, man-at-arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure he laughed at you? It seems to me perhaps he was laughing with you, at the joke.

>> No.11334884

>you must be one of the one-tenth of a percent of people who find Sheldon Cooper funny.
You mean the most popular character on a show that's run for over a decade? You know you can think things are shit and acknowledge other people like them.

>> No.11334901
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>implying god is in sky heaven

>> No.11334929

You're right. My coworker then told me that God is within us all.

>> No.11334932

>coworker needs help moving a table
>asks for a hand
>I clap

>> No.11334995


Books with this type of narration? I like it.

>> No.11335005

Laughter is literally held to be a bad thing in the Enchiridion

>> No.11335012

well tbhwyfamalam I think most dumb laughter is obnoxious and harmful. just look at your nearest television sitcom. it's a distraction for brainlets. stoics are a better breed.

>> No.11335518

Notes from Underground

>> No.11335910


>> No.11335930

>that one guy who has been posting the same "satire" every day on /lit/ for years

>> No.11335965

>be this mortal coil
>proud absurdist
>coworker asks "how's it going"
>reply "barely"

He laughed at me even though I answered the question the best I could.

Some people can never understand the absurd.