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11330555 No.11330555 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most underrated form of literature, and why is it Erowid drug trip reports?

>> No.11330662

Psychedelics are fringe because that is their purpose. The mystical is whatever is past the limit of the common imagination.

>> No.11330715


>> No.11330724

I thought I was the only one who loved to read trip reports. DMT trips are really inspiring.

>> No.11330753

You too Anon? I thought I was the only one.

>> No.11330763


>Suddenly I don't know why but the puking stopped and was unable to scream, my lungs still felt like they had been ripped from my body but weren't bad as before. I kept my eyes closed and all I could hear was evil laughter and steve urkels voice saying 'Did I do that?' over and over in different tones, that's when I lost all bodily function, I seized up stiff as a board and pissed and shit myself.


>> No.11330787
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Holy fuck, people giving themselves severe brain damage from drugs are the worst and saddest stories. My heart breaks when I hear “it’s years later and I still can’t concentrate on basic stuff, even writing this story took really long,” it’s a surprisingly common sad story on Erowid. Other people might be cynical and say they deserved it for being so stupid, but I’m the same idiot who tried to get high on various stuff as a teenager; luckily I kept it to not very brain-damaging stuff.

Anyway, yeah OP, Erowid trip reports are pretty fucking fun. You learn about the huge range of potential for various experiences of the human brain. Psychedelic trip reports are usually the most interesting, especially stories of entity contact. If they’re not bullshitting, there’s fair amounts of people who have seemingly received clairvoyant or precognitive or somehow supernatural wisdom from entities while high on psychedelics. Salvia and DMT trip reports are some of the wonkiest and most interesting, because the drugs themselves are very powerfully mind-altering.

>> No.11330794

coming through with a classic boys


>> No.11330798


>> No.11330799

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

>> No.11330813

PROTIP: Use the advance search feature and set the intensity to EXTREME for best results!

>> No.11330828


minus the pissing and shitting (which i do seconds later, in the bathroom) this sounds like my average morning waking up

>> No.11330843


Fuck man. I just passed my 2-year mark clean from opioids a couple of days ago, and thankfully, I hardly ever think about them any more, and I never crave them.

I hope the author of that report is alright, but these kinds of closing comments

>Now is the 4th day of me taking Concerta with my Methadone and I feel extra. I hope I'll get a prosperation out of this. Now, I don't need any more drugs in the world. I have my prescription drugs that keep me going and I don't have any more preassures in my mind. I'm free.

Are always so ambiguous. A new drug that solves all their problems, makes all their issues melt away, but that's hardly ever how it goes for more than a couple of weeks.

>> No.11330869


Congrats bud.

So true. Back when I was using and while I was withdrawing I would always return to this story. It has been a few years since I've read it, but it still brings the memories back.

>> No.11330969

From time to time, I too, peruse those Erowid reports for entertainment purposes. In my mis-spent youth, I was quite the psychedelic voyager and seeker. Now, a bit older and wiser, I find life to be enough of a trip. I do still find the reports from other explorers to be interesting though.

>> No.11331030

3meo pcp brings you...

The Insectoid Sex Circus and Other Odd Takes


>> No.11331046

I abused the fuck out of 3meo for months and it is like getting addicted to ketamine which ive also done. Except 3meo is a lot more... spiritual. You really learn to love the madness

I had serious deja vu doing 3meo once. Repeated the same actions from the previous night at the exact same time that were oddly specific but kept blacking out during use etc

Dont get addicted to 3meo or ketamine. Wrecks short term memory, self control and inhibition.

>> No.11331077

She cute

>> No.11331147
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Nice trips, OP

>> No.11331224

>The dentist asked me once more if I felt the gas. I told him that it was starting to take effect, but was not very strong - despite the fact that I could barely string the sentence together - as I wanted him to turn it up even more - which he did. The last thing I remember hearing was the dentist saying to the nurse, 'This one likes to fly high'.
>I'm the messiah and I'm going to save the world by turning everyone onto LSD. I'm Ken Kesey, I'm Ram Dass, I'm Neal Cassidy driving the bus to the next Acid Test. I'm on a mission. I have found the ultimate truth, and I believe that I have the ability to express it. It's straight out of the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. I am The Merry Prankster - doing ever increasing doses of LSD because I believe that there is a reality behind this one, and I am going to evolve and become a transformed being - a metamorphosized, evolutionised, mental telepathical Guru.
>I experienced for the first time in my life, the Holy Realm that is Gascid.

This is legitimately compelling, 10/10

>> No.11331231

reddit please
reddit please
too bad for him

>> No.11331315

A great hash writeup from 1848:

>> No.11331335

This is my all time favorite trip report.

Please read it and enjoy.


>> No.11331349

The datura ones are superior
How can I know if I have brain damage? My mind is always bonkers, but I'm diagnosed bipolar, but I also messed around with psychedelics a few times, and other garbage, but mainly weed. I know for sure weed (internet and porn too maybe) messed my concentration but I think I also was kind of fucked by default. What do you think, frog?

>> No.11331375

jesus christ thats horrible

>> No.11331379

Wow, he reads exactly like Hunter... There's a wry kind of genius behind the insanity -- great report

>> No.11331384

I think that if all it took to cause brain damage was some weed and a few experiments with psychedelics then half the world would have become retarded somewhere around 1967

>> No.11331389

thank you for reading. i used to hate "We're an American Band" but after reading this report several times, I love it.

>> No.11331400

I spent early high school reading them. I had been doing research before trying ecstasy and found them to be a wealth of imagery. I also imagine how fucked up the people who wrote them are now.

>> No.11331405

This. People really need to stay away from meth and heroin and benzos. Doing this means that you're probably safe. also don't over drink.

>> No.11331495


Don't do meth folks

>> No.11331502

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.11331503


>> No.11331521


>> No.11331536

God just imagine standing naked in front of a girl and having her look at your penis and yawn mockingly and then she has you get on your hands and knees like a dog and lick her filthy soles and if you do a good job she will let you lick her asshole as well god just imagine.

>> No.11331557

what was the fatty substance?

sounds awful

>> No.11331567

I have no idea but it's disgusting. Especially considering they have a child. Reminded me of Naked Lunch in a way.

>> No.11331571

yeah, i have a kid and i felt really bad for their kid

good thing they stopped

>> No.11331572


>> No.11331612

>then half the world would have become retarded somewhere around 1967
>implying thats not the case
Anyways, I also used benzos for like two months straight when I was embodied anxiety and then I have used them casually from time to time, and I also went through an oxycodone phase for like two moths, dosed about 12 times overall I guess. I don't think I went long enough with both of those to actually change my brain that much.
But some of the psychedelic experinces were with fake acid (nBOME or something like that?), maybe those fucked me up.
I think weed and alcohol are both some of the worse things you can throw to your brain if it is long term use.

>> No.11331631
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Benadryl trips are by far the most consistently interesting.

Also, in Gravity's Rainbow, Slothrop's sodium amytal trip where he goes on a turd voyage reads like an Erowid drug report.

>> No.11331638

I think you’re good if you’ve just done weed and psychedelics, I’m the guy you responded to. You definitely may be a bit “foggier” but it’s not that bad, they can’t cause that much brain damage compared to harder shit.

>> No.11331641

is there an invisible toilet in this picture? because all I see is a naked ass with a pile of shit under it

>> No.11331643

It's body fat. Note how she lost 50 pounds. Body fat sluicing out of the pores.

>> No.11331644

>be erowid trip report
>be written by someone with no literary experience or skills
>be written by brainlet druggy degenerate
>fail miserably at capturing the complexity, nuance, and beauty or a DMT trip

just take it yourself, words can never describe

But to OPs point, yes some of them can be funny to read about people who smoke so much crack they start talking to their dead relatives, just not the psychedelic ones.

>> No.11331647

thats disgusting. i had no idea that that could happen

>> No.11331648

You know that 90% of those stories are completely made up right?

>> No.11331649

fiction is a genre of literature

>> No.11331655

who tf would waste time larping as a druggie writing a drug use report?

>> No.11331658


If it's bitter, it's a spitter

>> No.11331669

Has anyone here tripped on datura or high doses of benadryl? I like psychedelics a lot but those other kind of trips seem so much more "animalistic", they are much more interesting to read about. I would like to try that kind of stuff but I'm a coward. I know of people who have gone schizo from stuff similar to datura (you don't find that plant where I live but there is a similar one I belive) but it doesnt really make sense to me, psychedelics seem much more prone to make that kind of damage that a plant that it's effects come one basically in hand with being intoxicated with it. Seems weird.

>> No.11331680


>> No.11331683

>That one guy who lost it completely on a mix of peyote and research chemicals and started shamanic drumming for hours on end in a trance
>When he becomes lucid he finds the pile of spare change, toys and food his kids left for him

>> No.11331694

read any report on datura. Apparently causes fever dream-ish hallucinations that are incredibly vivid and almost always horrific in nature. Like salvia but much more life like and persistent.

Seems like the closest thing you could get to a full on indian style vision quest. However the risk of you hurting yourself or others, and/or getting locked up for retarded behavior are absurdly high relative to most other drugs.

>> No.11331705

Also, I’d recommend going cold turkey on drugs for a bit if you’re so scared. INCLUDING “innocuous” ones like caffeine and nicotine. What people don’t realize is even these very un-trippy drugs can bring back the feelings of dissociation and slowness and weirdness of a drug trip. Give yourself at least a month without weed and heavy psychs/heavily mind-altering drugs at the very least, even alcohol, and see what happens. Weed and psychs can indeed cause some residual impairment but they go away pretty quickly if you stay sober. They’re not dissociatives or something mind-fucking like that, whew.

>> No.11331716

What about sleeping pills? I can't sleep without zopiclone and like 9mg of melatonin

>> No.11331726

>stay away from meth
oral meth is objectively good for your mental health.

>> No.11331746

> Then came an unsteadiness of gait not that of one who fears to fall but of one who tries to keep down, for I felt as if there were springs in my knees, and was reminded of the story of the man with the mechanical leg, that walked away with him. I sat down to dinner at half past six o'clock. There was a glass between me and the rest of the company, and an inch or two interposed between me and whatever I touched. What I ate, or how much, did not matter; - the food flowed like a river through me. There was a wind going by, blowing over the table, and carrying away the sounds, and I saw the words tumbling over one another down the falls.
Thanks for the interesting read.

>> No.11331751

Melatonin should be pretty innocuous, it’s not really psychotropic or that harmful. I don’t really know much about zopiclone but since it can apparently cause withdrawal symptoms if suddenly stopped and I’m not a doctor, I wouldn’t suggest suddenly stopping it. I’m not an expert at all, just a person who’s done some drugs and more likes reading about the effects of a lot of drugs. From my own experience, I was afraid I’d fucked up my brain from weed and psychedelics and trying some dissociatives a few times because I permanently felt a bit “off” even when sober. I decided to take a break from them, still felt weird. Stopped drinking tea and coffee, and, presto, very fucking soon I was back to somewhat boring sober normality. The caffeine was making me feel odd somehow! Guess I’m lucky to worry about such a small thing, my story is a pussy one compared to other people’s stories.

>> No.11331769

Yeah coffee makes me weird too, but I can't stop drinking it

>> No.11331772

>I can't sleep without placebos
That is over 10x the recommended dose of melatonin. In adults below the age of 70, most of the effect is placebo and you will get diminishing returns on the already small effects with such a high dose.

>> No.11331799

If it makes you feel better, without caffeine, I just feel bored now, and I think the slight weirdness/trippiness brought back is worth the boost of energy. At least I know I don’t have permanent and significant brain damage now, which is reassuring.

>> No.11331807

If you've ever actually went through a serious drug habit and taken it to its conclusion then you would know that erowid is full of teenagers that weigh 90lbs doing 'strong' doses that are actually cowardly doses that most sane and normal people wouldn't even bat an eye at.

>> No.11331810

>that guy who read IJ on datura

>> No.11331826

There's no such thing as "sober" in the modern world. It's a stupid fucking idea, and having it as an ideal state is a good way to fuck yourself through non-competetiveness or dysjunction with "normal" people. Our world is increasingly artificial and the key is to find a good sustainable level of chemical assistance to function in this articial environment. Either that or escape it into an actual natural state ala kaczyksi-ite cabin living.

>> No.11331829

You're weak and your insides are all retarded

>> No.11331836

I bet you think music isn't a drug

>> No.11331841

But I listen to autechre

>> No.11331849

Nah, I’m saying that if you’re really afraid of brain damage from drugs, stop using drugs for a while and let your brain heal itself/see if it can even heal. I’m not saying go cold turkey forever, just give it a while and see what happens. If you don’t feel that you’re brain damaged/arent afraid of the effects drugs have had on you, there’s no particular reason to go cold turkey from caffeine, nicotine, weed, alcohol or whatever except for health reasons.

>> No.11331854

I hope you’re still in your teens, because this kind of over-performative cool guy act should not be impressive to anyone old enough to drink.

>> No.11331903

Seems like we got a thug right here folks

>> No.11331915

t. placebo tripper

>> No.11331922

>Erowid drug trip reports?

some are pretty good.

I think new age, self-help literature of the 1970's is radically underrated and the extent of its influence is unrecognised.

>> No.11331929
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>not reading IJ while you're withdrawing from methadone

>> No.11331965

>I think new age, self-help literature of the 1970's is radically underrated and the extent of its influence is unrecognised.

i'll check it out, the revival of new age music in the past 10 years has me intrigued

>> No.11332102

Nice taste in drug.

>> No.11332259

I did some fucking plant because of erowid. Now my vision is permanently damaged.

>> No.11332280

> the drums from the movie Jumanji
This fucking killed me.

>> No.11332283
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God I wish that were me.

>> No.11332295

Did you eat some cyanide from ill-prepared morning glory seeds?

>> No.11332571 [DELETED] 


>> No.11332576

Yes and it was the dumbest thing Ive ever done.

>> No.11332648

>I got home and didn't remember why I had run all the way here, so I sat and smoked a cigarette. Ok, sounds like a safe, kinda weird, little trip right? Wrong.This is where things get crazy. I don't remember everything, just little bits and pieces past that point. Next thing I remember was my mom coming home and yelling at me asking why I had no clothes on, and I just mumbled some shit about how I had to take them off cause it was hot and the air conditioner had been towed off by some cowboy in a red van...yeah, she pretty much knew I was on something right then and there. So she asked what I had taken, and I told her it was this stuff from R's yard and he had sold it to me for ten dollars. She kind of freaked out and started asking me all these questions, but I just walked off trying to find my cell phone which was later found in the door of the refrigerator.

>She called over my neighbor who was a few years older than me and had a past of pretty heavy drug use, but quit to be a preacher. He told her he had no idea what I had taken, and after a few minutes of trying to figure it out by asking me and getting a bunch of shit about how I had bought this stuff from R because it fucked his dog up, so I made four liters of tea out of it and went to the store to go scuba diving.
Datura sure sounds like a hell of a time

>> No.11332669

I assume you already know this so I won't kick you while you are down, but this really highlights why anons ITT ought to do their research properly before trying any drug. Any drug where the user is risking permanent and significant damage is most likely not worth even attempting to try, no matter how good the experience may seem when described. It is a shame people desperate for new profound experiences are pushed into more risky territory because all the best, most harmless psychs are illegal like magic mushrooms, LSD, and DMT.

Be careful anons, test your stuff, buy a scale, stay safe.

>> No.11332673

I used to make up stories for this site. It's fun coming up with them and retards take them as fact

>> No.11332684

No, my parents named me after an emperor

>> No.11332690

Will the retards ever recover?

>> No.11333124

Don't do drugs kid

>> No.11333131

>posting pepes
>no brain damage
pick one

>> No.11333267

This one hurts

>> No.11333275

Good taste on /lit/? Rare.

>> No.11333303

are you talking about the girl or the literature

>> No.11333319

>not informational pamphlets found in medical waiting rooms

what are you even doing?

>> No.11333327

I'll let you decide that

>> No.11333395

>tfw no curvy Uzbekistani kike gf

>> No.11333456

For me brain damage came first, professional bipolar cutter by 13

Didnt smoke weed but then fell into inheritance and psychs out the wazoo

Less mentally ill but always batshit insane/neurotic

>> No.11333478

I read IJ in rehab and I didn't have the dustcover so it looked just like the AA big book. People would walk by and say shit like "Boy you really like that book huh?" and I would just laugh and say "yeah it's pretty good" and it took about 2 weeks and some guy trying to talk to me about the book before I realized what the confusion was.

>> No.11333480

I haven't finished; is this some meta-reference to IJ?

>> No.11333486

no that actually happened

>> No.11333487

Dem hips and trips.

>> No.11333525

god damn i want her whole ass all over my face

>> No.11333559

psychosis trip reports are the best
>I believed they were following me. My life turned into a horror spy movie. I made long phonecalls to psychics at remote telephone booths. One of them told me there was a book in my room that was being used as a focus by the coven and I had to go get it. There had been a book when I moved in. I opened it. It had a horned beast on the inside cover and was the supposedly true description by a ritual murderer about how he set about killing his victims while possessed by demons. I burnt it. Things like this made me believe the whole thing was real.


>> No.11333596

Everyone was thinking it, this anon just had to come out and say it.


>> No.11333603


Read till the very end ahahaha, these people are hopeless

>> No.11333629

I thought you must be a callous dick for saying that but I laughed too.

>> No.11333647

I don't get it, the other guy from the top of the thread had it a lot worse

>> No.11333667

Got him

>> No.11333688

He's referring to the last paragraph anon
>To this day, I feel an instant sickness when I am around the smell of keyboard cleaner. The high started out great, but almost ended lethally. If I am ever going to do it again, I now know not to do more than 3 or 4 huffs.

>> No.11333691

I think the first delusions were cool enough to make the whole thing worth it

>> No.11333694

Oh, that, yeah why would she even consider doing that shit again lol, just get better drugs lol

>> No.11333706

The datura reports are better than anything Lovecraft ever wrote desu.

>> No.11333717

she's literally perfect

it makes me angry that someone like her exists and i'm not fucking her

>> No.11333727


>> No.11333747

i gave up all hope of having sex with desirable, attractive women years ago anon. it's much easier this way and i recommend it.

>> No.11333753

>le psuedosage druggy wisdom nuggets
The mystical is the remotest form of subjectivity - common imagination is irrelevant. Only the subject's imagination is relevant.

>> No.11333776

This is the best route to take. When I'm in public I don't even bother looking at women that are above 7/10

>> No.11333786

Link pls

>> No.11333886

>If I remove the mental, and psychological, and emotional horror that followed, I'll tell you that the physical sensations finally returned - as did my motor control. But the problem is that I had damaged my brain - and the signals that should have just reported to my cerebellum that I was in fact alive and moving, were mistransleted by my brain as Pain signals. In short - when my feeling returned, I was in unbearable pain - everywhere - non stop - every freaking day of my life for the last 14 years.

>I nearly commited suicide so many times. Not because of depression or sadness, but because I simply could not imagine waking up every day to *this* - suffering - and *nothing* to be done about it because it is not physical as such - it's neuropathic pain - and it did not heal - and there is no treatment.

>> No.11334024
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My neighbor when I was a teenager looked a lot like her. but I was too autistic and insecure to make a move on her even though I think she liked me, now she's gotten fat and lives in a trailer with some fat manlet

>> No.11334084
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Close, but the most underrated form of literature is actually US military field/training manuals.

Pick related, mixed with the Improvised Munitions Handbook, is without any exaggeration probably one of the most gripping, terrifying, and relevant reads you'll ever have.

>> No.11334437

Babby still hasn't become cool enough to understand that dorks are cool

>> No.11334458
File: 84 KB, 853x480, sweating-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just found her IG

This is a gold mine

>> No.11334554

I know her personally

>> No.11334792

You write that much, on a false premises. Most women know this. Anyone could notice the sharp change in behaviors of aroused men. Simply, they rightfully suppose most men control themselves. I'm sorry you don't, try to discipline yourself a little ; ten minutes of being a bicycle seat is a lot.

>> No.11335008

>normie tier drugs

>> No.11335020

too bad the "if I die" video didnt get published.

>> No.11335030


>> No.11335034

Nvm. Her name is Milana Vayntrub

>> No.11335204

I am old enough to drink in any country save your fucked-up wonderland, friendo. Would you call Thompson "over-performative"?

>> No.11335207

DARE was right

>> No.11335353


Last time i felt this sick from reading was when i read Guts

>> No.11335361

>he doesn't understand autechre

>> No.11335418

every "deep" stoner and druggie I have ever known, which has been a lot, has raved about autechre.

i have a master's in music from a highly competitive conservatory. i dont need druggies to tell me what is good.

why dont you try getting off of the drugs and living in reality for a change?

>> No.11335482

Stop listening to music thats a drug. Better not eat any suger anon cause you would be a drug addict.

>> No.11335522

Holy shit, if you have such low standards, you deserve your suffering, you faggot.

>forehead so big it’s a sixhead
>those fat thunder thighs
>stupid looking face

She’s cute but calling her “perfect” is pathetic

>> No.11335528

I am sober, though. Probably more sober than you.

>> No.11335530

this so much

sober and easily impressed

>> No.11335533

Says the faggot that goes to an art school. How about do something with a tangible benefit then you can have some credence when you speak about 'living in reality'

>> No.11335546

>pointy elbows

>> No.11335573


More like graduated, works in the industry and has released and been featured on a number of albums. I also have a wife and two kids.

Don't get so butthurt over a shitty band. If you love them so much then why dont you go suck their cocks?

>> No.11335596

This is why you don't huff gasoline

>> No.11335602
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thingken about eating mushrooms

bad idea?

>> No.11335619

I preffer acid but shrooms should be ok

>> No.11335621
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Just a reminder that all psych drugs exist in plants because of a selection process that ends up with a bunch of delirious dead resources for the plants to enjoy. Your attributions of sacredness are misguided and the information you collect from drug reports is useless except as a means by which others can make pragmatic use of such chemicals for their ends. Drug culture, especially psychedelic drug culture, is a type of consumer culture that helps the low to high middle-class anti-consumer transition in their proto-yuppie phase. This transition is most common in young woman whose changes in personae are celebrated by the social group rather than castigated as is the case for men - who, expected to abhor flexibility and change, remain conscience and true to their position or forfeit the game. Enjoy.

>> No.11335627

Go for it, unless you're mentally ill, or mental illness runs in your family.

>> No.11335634

>be me
>mentally ill
>play with psychedelics regardless
someone stop me!

>> No.11335638

i don't talk to people a lot so i don't know anyone and you can grow shrooms yourself apparently

i'd be good in that regard i think
just wondering how easy it would be to totally fuck myself somehow

>> No.11335640

>love is just a chemichal reaction

>> No.11335658

Shut up mentally ill fucking retard

>> No.11335661

Stop being mean!

>> No.11335677

>t. butthurt artist who went to conservatory and works in the music business is mad that two architecture dropouts are better and more successful and more popular than him

If you're better than Autechre, show your stuff. Let's see how it holds.

>> No.11335742

>go to school for something
>drop out
>lol i guess i am a musician now

>If you're better than Autechre, show your stuff. Let's see how it holds.

>implying that i am going to dox myself before a hostile audience

>> No.11335751

I you can't help it i'd recommend having some benzos on hand in case your trip goes bad and don't use them for anything else because they can be addictive.

>> No.11335754

That's what he was going for.

>> No.11335778

I'd rather suck autechre cock then hear another word from your ass

>> No.11335791

>I'd rather suck autechre cock.....

thats more than obvious

>> No.11335806

Dude you're shitting on autechre for a fucking joke reply and even are so pathetic as to bring up your own musicial education in the process. Just because I like autechre doesn't mean there cock is in my mouth any more than it is up your ass apparently. You're clearly more consumed, similar to an alcoholic who makes their life about not drinking.

>> No.11335832


>> No.11336060

dude, my replies are half assed farts out of my ass. i havent even thought of autechre in over a decade. no serious musicians take them seriously. its pleb tier garbage for drugs users and people who get off sexually to technology. if one was listening for actual music or musicianship, they would find that there is none.

>> No.11336063

So what do you think about Aphex Twin then?

>> No.11336094

he still falls into the category of "druggies rave about him," but I find his music to be more interesting melodically and harmonically than that of autechre and for this reason I have bought more than a few of his albums. These days I dont listen to him much.

>> No.11336104

I can see your gripe with some of autechre but it is kind of like a musical rorschach test with their crazier stuff. I don't know how you could dismiss all of their stuff as lacking musicianship though. Really I hate when druggies invade in music genre or particular artist but whatever floats your fancy.

>> No.11336114

>implying i don't always do it
>implying i didnt already went through my benzo abuse phase

>> No.11336118

I am glad that we could come to an understanding. I have not explored the full discography of autechre because I found nothing that interested me in my first several attempts. My honest opinion is that they are skilled at what they do, but that their music is not for me.

Maybe I will have to come to /lit/ more often.

>> No.11336140

Just a recommendation but 4:18


>> No.11336141
File: 37 KB, 720x405, Autechre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would literally do if these lads tried to mug you, m8? Show them your faggy music degree?

>> No.11336162
File: 528 KB, 510x617, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in the US. I would practice my second amendment rights and then brag about it on /pol/.

These actual boomers look like they couldn't walk leisurely up a hill without getting winded. They also look like they smell bad.

>> No.11336168

Missed the point entirely, anon. And love is not a chemical reaction, but a term we use to denote a bunch of arbitrary and abstract things which together are unrelated except when contained in this common expression of humans. Love is actually nothing and therefore doesn't even have an opposite in the form of hate.
The most underrated form of literature are all the files that go together to make your profiles. Having dipped into these from time to time, I'd even class them as superior to the raw data of phone conversations and emails and bank records and medical records. All because the notes of your overseers as so blunt and unapologetic.

Imagine watching a woman be set up with a man just because of control and selection, or another one being selected for disappearing into sexual slavery just because of the limits to her file.

>> No.11336170

>not k

>> No.11336172

not for me. thanks for trying.

>> No.11336176
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>> No.11336276

reply to this post if you're high on life

>> No.11336310

Weed is much stronger now than it was in 67 though

>> No.11336352

I'm high on xanax tbqh

>> No.11336392

it's a bad trip

>> No.11336410


>> No.11336414
File: 160 KB, 900x1200, 1517774638933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer one star stream of consciousness yelp reviews myself

>> No.11336421

>being this full of estrogen



>race knowledge

All of my kek

>> No.11336422

>then half the world would have become retarded somewhere around 1967
They did though, those boomers have been ruining the world ever since.

>> No.11336428
File: 74 KB, 581x416, 1518409535319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one star goodreads reviews are fun as well

>> No.11336500

I never understood the necessity of Xanax, due to feeling an inescapable, pure nothingness

>> No.11336676

I was too irritable and neurotic because of stuff I have to do to the point I just wanted to blow my brain off and couldnt stand hearing the noise people make while eating
Now I'm to sleep and careless to take care of my responsabilities but I find it better to be non-functional and calm that being non-functional and neurotic
Is a shit drug for weakling who can't deal with life or for people who suffer of extreme anxiety, I used to be the later before but not so much now
It would probably not do much to you of if you are not anxious or freaking out, maybe just a light buzz, somehow similar to alcohol

>> No.11337158


I've done datura twice. That stuff is not even fun. The first time I did it was a group of us and month later we all agreed that we were not the same people since the day we first took it.
The second time wasn't too bad, I just felt like a fever and acted like I had pounded three 4 lokos.

>> No.11337168

Tell us more about your first experience

>> No.11337344

a person's interpretation of a brain maintaining homeostasis is not literature

>> No.11338245

bet nigga?

>> No.11338864

.>implying bad trip isnt a good trip

>> No.11338952

You can learn more from the bad trips than the good ones.

As someone who has done lots of things, where naming the drugs I haven't done is easier than listing the ones I have done, I have zero desire to do datura. Almost every trip report is "stay away". I'm sure that a small group can work with it, like salvia can be useful to some but not most, but I'd rather do other plants that are easier to work with.

>> No.11339499

Salvia is by far the most misunderstood and misused drug/ entheogen out there. You are supposed to take the fresh leaves and ball them up and chew on them until the experience starts and lasts for a few hours if you do it right. Very pleasant and insightful experience every time. Instead, retards smoke 50x divinorum extract and, unsurprisingly, have a bad time if they are not prepared for such an experience (as they usually are not prepared in the cases of most irresponsible normalfag users). If one must smoke this stuff, just smoke the dried leaves over a short period of time, much smoother come up and all that bizarre shit becomes background thoughts to a much deeper experience, instead of being a distraction in the foreground.