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11328632 No.11328632 [Reply] [Original]

Why shouldn’t I just go ahead and end it all? Anti nihilist books?

>> No.11328637

that is the only logical conclusion.

thankfully, most of our lives are plagued with irrationality and completely bereft of logic, so you can just go on living.

>> No.11328639

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.11328652

Confession by Tolstoy

>> No.11328660

The Ego and His Own
The Unique and Its Property
The Only One and Its Dominion

>> No.11328726
File: 1.43 MB, 2160x2319, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit quality image my dude, you should probably end it.

>> No.11329154
File: 58 KB, 930x631, 22 year old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit image period
First i really doubt those numbers but even if true it's an average meaning there is a bunch of people that died age 2 and 40+ which completely nullifies his message.

>> No.11329475

My dude that’s Mishima

>> No.11329491
File: 820 KB, 1415x957, 124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats with the Japanese and wanting everyone to die at age 20 in a violent war

>> No.11329497

Who cares, the message is getting across. No need to get autistic about technicalities.

>> No.11329499

Weren't they involved in basically constant warfare of varying intensity (mostly infighting between clans, etc) for most of their recorded history?

>> No.11329513

Because you aren't beautiful yet. Once you conquer a nation in the name of Ushpia you can die with beauty.

>> No.11329525

not during ukiyo

>> No.11329527

>le people only lived to 18 and then they dropped dead in the past meme

what a retard? Mishima wrote this? I'm taking him off my backlog

>> No.11329534

If you cannot be Alexander, then you can be Aristotle. Live to help others.

>> No.11329535

Because in the post-war era of Japan, companies emphasized life long work and heavy benefits for older workers in order to entice migrant workers to stay put. This created a heavy amount of largely useless old businessmen and, unsurprisingly, both these men and people who hate them think that Japan would be more awesome if they all just died. Now they can't say that, respect the elderly and what not, so instead they like to worship mostly inaccurate samurai ideals of dying in battle to make "can we get rid of these old people" into "can't we go back to dying in sword fights at 23?"

>> No.11329539

Nihilism doesn't suggest suicide. Existentialism does but even that's been covered to the point of being trite.
Have an original idea for once, anon

>> No.11329544

Literally, unironically, this.

>> No.11329546

That's an interesting prognosis of Old Japanese Businessman Syndrome

>> No.11329550

>trying to justify one’s existence with ideological systems of thought

>> No.11329575

So we shouldn't try to justify our existence? It's not that eassy

>> No.11329577

Why do you need to justify your existence? You exist whether you've justified it or not.

>> No.11329604

there is no logic in killing yourself either, in fact your beliefs are as quantifyable false as everyone elses

this, is the disorder called Nihilism.

>> No.11329608

Wondering why we exist isn’t a worthless endeavor but but as >>11329577 says, your existence isn’t contingent on any system of logic, so seeking to justify your existence is a futile effort beyond any personal aspirations or societal subscriptions. Existence isn’t justifiable on a large scale, unless you’re le god is le secret purpose of existence

>> No.11329616

god it must feel so terrible to be a nihilist. i feel sorry for you.

>> No.11329623

I suppose the crucial thing is to distinguish between justifying all of existence and justifying your own particular one. The former is futile and is what I’m talking about here, but the latter is something we feel the need to do, for whichever motives I’m too lazy to describe

>> No.11329626

You came to that conclusion through ideology

>> No.11329630

Comfy god beliefs

>> No.11329637

actually you did too

>> No.11329647

Explain. I’m not the one trying to justify existence. I simply see ideologies as tools of investigation, things that are smaller than the more nebulous nature that people have.

>> No.11329654

actually my existence is contingent on ideology as far as we can see

>> No.11329692

Okay, well see my other contemptuous comment.

The way we live and can live with ourselves can be helped with ideology but existence does not depend on systems of thinking, and realizing this can unburden you from the chains of social order to establish a way of living based on a greater understanding of existence. Otherwise you’re following a cartoon version of what a human should be, something simply prescribable en mass through doctrine. There was existence, then thought. That’s all my claim is. Everything else is just a way of livng with yourself.

>> No.11329724

I say thats a way of living with yourself. what was your other comment by the way

>> No.11329740


i didnt think you were being contemptuous if that was your meaning

>> No.11329758

This is why I have no respect for the majority of atheists. If they stand on the precipice of nihilism, brought there by their own materialistic ideology then refuse to follow their path to it's logical conclusion and instead, in an act of cowardice, assert they are capable of fabricating metaphysical meaning themselves (when they assert the metaphysical does not exist) then they are hypocrites of the highest order.

No-one gets to claim they base their worldview on rationality if they continue to live in a universe they claim is nothing more than the material.

>> No.11329769

i agree

>> No.11330218

fear of death i guess, but it's probably better to live a short well lived life than a long drawn out life only filled with things that are dull

>> No.11330314

I don't know how you conceive this as logical, baby bitch boy.

>> No.11330710

>I can't overcome it, so I'll run and deny it.

The N-man is rolling in his grave.

>> No.11330726

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.11330884

>Anti nihilist books?
Nietzsche's corpus

>> No.11330894

>defining "nihilist" as "life-denying" rather than its actual meaning
why do neetshitfags do this?

>> No.11331103
File: 20 KB, 327x499, Holy Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even memeing. Read the New Testament, anon. Jesus will help you.