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File: 6 KB, 200x204, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11328092 No.11328092 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: writers who would be gamers if they were alive today. Pic related.

>> No.11328106

Video games would be alright if there were any good games.

>> No.11328115

i dont understand these people at all, i played some video games when i was a teenager but evne then i mostly didnt care about them. Like honestly what is the point

>> No.11328121

The Last Of Us would be a great book.

>> No.11328124

You are not properly participating in this thread.

>> No.11328131

Posting in a thread isn't participating?

>> No.11328138

I could see Dostoyevsky becoming addicted to games like he did gambling.

>> No.11328147

The thread has a specific theme which you and others are ignoring. Which is why I said "properly participating" since you want to get pedantic. Baby brain.

>> No.11328246
File: 1.72 MB, 499x281, 1528432990691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mother series. You can thank me later.

>> No.11328278
File: 5 KB, 248x224, Mother_overworld_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it actually? It looks like some boring pokemon thing.

>> No.11328369

Start with Earthbound. Mother 1 is a bit dated in a lot of ways (Contrarians might get pissed off a this comment but disregard them). Also funny you should mention Pokemon, Pokemon was inspired by the series in a few ways (some pokemon designs and music), but generally they have nothing to do with each other. But yeah The order you should play is: Earthbound, Mother 3, Mother 1.

>> No.11328400
File: 112 KB, 350x350, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11328401

Just stop.

>> No.11328408

Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.11328440

Tell me about huserl

>> No.11328452

I only play Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.11328520

Nice b8

>> No.11328542

You either haven't played enough in terms of variety or you're forcing yourself to like something you cleary do not. Either way stop doing it wrong.

>> No.11328646


>> No.11328659

if dfw was born five years later he would have morphed into chrischan 2.0

>> No.11328739
File: 5 KB, 197x255, Robert E Howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11328794
File: 255 KB, 835x773, 613C63AD-1BC0-471A-90F6-782BA6AFC439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11328812

I wanna go back in time and show him Borderlands 2. I wonder if he'd kill himself any faster.

>> No.11328885

I'll give it a fair chance but it seems to linear for my tastes.

>> No.11328899


>> No.11328900

Theres a lot of irony in BD2

>> No.11328911


Im not him but dont sleep on the Mother series, it's good

>> No.11328917

I tried it today but got frustrated because there was a meteorite and I couldn't go anywhere because of some police block offs and didn't want to bother talking to all the people

>> No.11328927

I don't think there are any hidden games I am missing out, just that they don't interest me. I can only play games that give the player a lot of control so like an RPG is the last thing I want to play. I enjoyed the latest zelda game because it gave a lot of freedom but even that got boring after a while.

>> No.11328957

Might as well just kill yourself

>> No.11328958

Loot boxes would have been the end of him.

>> No.11328962

Video games aren't that important

>> No.11328967

very accurate. basically all guys who write stuff like this

>> No.11328981

Just show him twitter, somethingawful or just internet culture in general. He would have offed himself instantly then.

>> No.11328988

was Joyce cross-eyed?

>> No.11328992

upvote!! xD