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/lit/ - Literature

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11327490 No.11327490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some good book reviewers you trust?

>> No.11327495

/lit/ generally has a good taste

>> No.11327498

imagine fucking her haha

>> No.11327503

imagine being her while being fucked ahahah

>> No.11327505

i dont have to imagine

>> No.11327515

There goes 3 weeks of no fap down the drain

thanks a lot op

>> No.11327558

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.11327578
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Just like trust yourself

>> No.11327579


>> No.11327587

Honestly, Goodreads.

>> No.11327608

Imagine being this much of a weak-minded, pussy-fever cuck

Just hire a prostitute you fucking weirdo

>> No.11327616
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>> No.11327617

Go out and hit the dating market.

t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.11327628

have some self control

>> No.11327630




>> No.11327638


>> No.11328046

This is well-written and true

>> No.11328082

fuck this clickbait, we need to get the mods on board about banning this shit

>> No.11328091

Think you might want >>>/lgbt/

>> No.11328143
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>> No.11328161
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>Who are some good book reviewers you trust?

anon is the only one you need

>> No.11328165

This. Mods are up and banning whores now so hopefully they get to this thread soon. Enough reports and this shit will be gone.

>> No.11328174

We need everyone to
don't stop until all these threads and posters are gone. we can do this together /lit/! Lets make this fucking board great again!

>> No.11328177

god i wish that were me

>> No.11328179

In my experience when you report someone you are the one who gets banned. Maybe the current mods are less vindictive little bitches these days though.

>> No.11328218

Agreed, it is one of the easier things to identify and call out.

>> No.11328232

Oh fuck those thighs

>> No.11328233
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>> No.11328236

Report the op

>> No.11328239

This post reeks of Schopenhauer, found a time machine you senile bastard?

>> No.11328240

Already did. Others should reply to this comment once they've filed a report. Show mods we care about this!

>> No.11328241


>> No.11328248

legitimately one of the funniest posts in a while. fucking based.

>> No.11328258


amazing work

>> No.11328261
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This man is right

>> No.11328266

Normals will NEVER understand. Smfh.

>> No.11328275

Lets start a thread on /qa/ and start a petition as well. I'm tired of seeing women posted on /lit/

>> No.11328284

>that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.
Did you know? Women who are ovulating smell more attractive to men.

>> No.11328285

women who are ovulating are also attracted to men who arent their boyfriends. the more you know

>> No.11328298

Sauce now. I love a good blackpill.

>> No.11328302

oh no no no

yeah they are literally programmed for cucking lmao

>> No.11328305

Unironically this. Link it around in threads on here when it is made.

>> No.11328381
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It seems it is YOU who is the normal, my 15 year old Chum, I would like to extrapolate by stating that the door is on the left. Good day sir.

>> No.11328383

Most men don't have such a knee-jerk reaction to seeing one chick in a bikini, and most autists here are into 2D purity, so where the fuck did you come from?

>> No.11328384


>> No.11328397


>> No.11328409

I have nothing against that Schopenhauer. Your post gave off a condescending tone, that's all.

>> No.11328416

Ah, well why didn't you say so! I will have no one tarnishing the name old Schoppy-kins, Not on my board, no sir.

>> No.11328422

my board
You mean >>>/r9k/

>> No.11328425
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>> No.11328427


>> No.11328430


>> No.11328432

>getting this mad about pictures of pretty ladies

>> No.11328438

Most of us enjoy the pictures in and of themselves. But we are principled. It's not allowed here nor should it be.

>> No.11328524
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The urgesproblem with civilization is that you ,as a Man,can't just simply let your instincts go completely unleashed without any regard for morals ,as you see a woman who inspires this kinds of sensations.The kind of freedom our ancient ancestors had,complete,without consequence,is gone since the advent of civilization.Now you have to play silly,often frustating games to get some, when in other times you could just go and take what you wanted if you had the physical strength to do so. Keep jezebels out of lit, im on nofap and succeding to control myself,but a man can only resist so much you niggers.
Also good post man.

>> No.11328528

>this mad
are you mad?