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File: 82 KB, 520x750, Immanuel Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11324480 No.11324480 [Reply] [Original]

All you need is Kant. Every other "philosopher" is unworthy.

>> No.11324500

can't get anywhere in Kant without first going through what he was responding to - Hume.

>> No.11324509

yes, but since Hume can be summarized as:
>muh experience
>muh extension
>muh cause
>muh jews
>muh communism
>muh feminism
>muh atheism
it's not like that's a very extensive prerequisite

>> No.11324517
File: 211 KB, 900x646, 1413053299930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talks about Kant
>Posts picture of Friedrich Jacobi
I would genocide all you retards if I could.

>> No.11324522

yes, but you "kant", can you?

>> No.11324526

Why not plato too, that's a big inspiration for kant

>> No.11324551
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x3868, 1501935072694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11324613

How can you know that noumena exist if existence is a category and categories are only applied to phenomena?

>> No.11324621
File: 209 KB, 1200x1200, immanuel-kant-9360144-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autismos perfecta

>> No.11324990

How to into kant

>> No.11325313

Use lube

>> No.11325325

>reading outdated tripe

Love how you guys fall for reading centuries old memes

>> No.11325356

That's not even Kant you unknowing degenerate

>> No.11325366
File: 10 KB, 208x283, josefpieper_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading this prussian kant

>> No.11325430
File: 55 KB, 596x557, 1522783020442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skipped Kant and went straight to schopy.
I feel superior to kantians in terms of wokeness.

>> No.11325518

Fucking idiot, what is this?

>> No.11325523

>disclaimer: kant actually looked like this

>> No.11325541

It's funny because Jacobi utterly btfo'd the concept of the thing-in-itself, but kantcucks conveniently try to ignore it.

>> No.11325601

Kantian ethics are a bit dull in my opinion, but I haven’t read him extensively.

Here’s my Kritik of Kant:

Fundamentally, his argument is That moral authority—that is, something that is morally, “correct”—derives itself from a conditional statement on requirement.

For example; it is not “moral” to study, as you are only required to study if you want good grades, and therefore you can sidestep this conditional statement by simply not wanting good grades.

This makes sense, but when we ask, “what is the conditional requirement for morality,” the belief fails.

For example; it is a moral to not enslave people because [some conditional that cannot be sidestepped.]

I left to conditional in brackets because I have not been able to think of any moral conditional that cannot be sidestepped, except for maybe religion, however he entire purpose of Kantian Ethics is to establish a system of morality that doesn’t require religion.

Morality is a biased and relative thing, not everyone has the same belief of what is moral, just look at /pol/.

So to say that morality derived itself from your own requirement to uphold that sense of morality seems to be incorrect, as then every persons sense of morality can be self-validated. The criteria for what is moral is non existent under Kantian ethics.

I may have misinterpreted Kant, if so, please explain my error. I am eager to learn.

>> No.11325605

I hope this is a shitpost

>> No.11325646

Bump, not because I agree, but because we need more discussions about philosophy on this board.
Also, I believe that is Friedrich Jacob, not Kant.

>> No.11325661
File: 77 KB, 490x750, skorzeny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need more discussions about philosophy on this board
not really

>> No.11325663

Sadly, it's probably not.

>> No.11325688

>we need more discussions about philosophy on this board
Couldn't agree more, except I'm the only philosopher here.

>> No.11325721

Kantian ethics strike a big balance between empathy, sympathy, and the individual will.

>> No.11326544

>that pic
That's Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi.