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/lit/ - Literature

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11321611 No.11321611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Wait anon...WHAT? You are majoring in CS? WTF WHY? Duuuude that is a bugman major my guy, how come you aren't doing English like us?

>> No.11321619
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>Dude, I was reading Montesquieu while lying in bed last night. My neck hurts like hell, bro.

>> No.11321629


This guy from the right is probably the most handsome man I have ever seen.

I have no desire for men, and I dont feel any desire form him, but I can see that any girl would want to get fucked by him, and that makes all the red blood cells inside my veins jealous.

>> No.11321639

He looks good but it’s possible to be too buff. Maybe that’s just what I tell myself though.

>> No.11321651

Looks plastic.

>> No.11321652

why does this make me smile , no homo

>> No.11321661
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>Yo bro! Can I borrow your Easton hardcover copy of Goethe's Faust? Me and the boys are going up to the cabin this weekend and I need something to read on the drive.

>> No.11321666

>too buff

>> No.11321681


I dont think so, and if it is it's just some hyaluronic acid fillers.

But the guy is/has:

tanned (good skin color)
good eye color
great jaw
great cheeck-bones
muscles of a greek statue (and not of those bizarre body-builders)
A perfect balance between female and male facial features

That guy is a 20/10

>> No.11321689

He has dick sucking lips. The guy on the left has a better face overall.

>> No.11321703

yeah left guy is by far the best looking

>> No.11321734
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Is this just an excuse to post hot guys?

>> No.11321743



>> No.11321748
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>Yo anon, me and Brad are making a book club for Moby Dick, you want in?

>> No.11321750
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>> No.11321753
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I wonder what the male/female and the hetero/homo ratio of /lit/ is

>> No.11321765
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>Countries of origin: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
>Countries of destination: Balkans, Cambodia, Caribbean, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greece, Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Morocco, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Tobago, Turkey, Vietnam.

Doing an extremely big think

>> No.11321769
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Are you, by any chance, blind?
Those guys are hot regardless of their skin.
> hey bro i red this book called "the sun also rises" by Ernest Hemingway. It was really boring

>> No.11321775

>female sex tourism
you mean when a woman travels literally anywhere?

>> No.11321779

We started with the Greeks so we have a woman and a boy on the side.

>> No.11321781
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I fucked up the joke

>> No.11321782
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>Yo anon, thanks for bringing back that copy of Confessions of a Mask that I let you borrow. So how did you like it?

>> No.11321800

Women don’t necessarily like super-buff guys, they can be intimidated by them/consciously or unconsciously classify them as meatheads. Well, women who aren’t complete bimbos, anyway. It’s the same way a woman with huge tits, a nice ass, and a whorish/heavily made up face can be sexually pretty hot but there’s also something in you that goes “she’s probably a bimbo”. I’m not filled with ressentiment, insecurity and bitterness I swea, I’m just saying what I honestly think.

>> No.11321802

>Why are you staring at my arm pits anon?

>> No.11321808

because its true, all the hot girls are english/psychology as well

>> No.11321813
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>Hey anon, did you read "stoner" by John Williams? It's really sad but i liked it

>> No.11321829
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No problem bro! Brofist!

>> No.11321835

he looks like a Skyrim Khajiit
but MEOW

>> No.11321837

>Women don’t necessarily like super-buff guys, they can be intimidated by them/consciously or unconsciously classify them as meatheads
Not to mention that too big muscles are, after a certain point, themselves unattractive, possibly not as good-looking as a slimmer but still toned guy.

>> No.11321852
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>Anon, you like books, right bro? We want to get into Berkeleyan Idealism this Summer, but don't know where to start. Got any advice, dude?

>> No.11321856

hey roastie of /lit/ how r u doing today. Thanks for telling your preference in men. Are you fat? that is why you have to compromise with slim-toned eh? bad luck fat roastie

>> No.11321858

Don’t worry faggot, it’s unlikely your muscles are too big.

>> No.11321867

you should kys

>> No.11321875

>Berkeleyan idealism
>Where to start
Chad is still a brainlet confirmed.

>> No.11321879

they are big from pushing fat roasties out the way

>> No.11321914

>a woman with huge tits, a nice ass, and a whorish/heavily made up face can be sexually pretty hot
not really, no.

>> No.11321927

You're only reinforcing that Anon's point.

>> No.11321933

Which is the superior major, English or Philosophy?

>> No.11322009
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>Hey anon, I just finished reading The Book of Disquiet and it has made me feel pretty sad, it resonated with me a lot. Can you give me a hug bro?

>> No.11322045

Are there any hot girls in law?

>> No.11322053
File: 496 KB, 643x580, 1508809071629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some weird male bonding thing where you try to normalize your sexual preferences with each other? Like how girls who live together will have their periods at the same time.



>> No.11322060

He looks like a freak of nature, you have bad taste for a faggot

>> No.11322064

t. closet bender

>> No.11322071

they have watches, but i have time.

>> No.11322078

Nah I just find nigger lips on a caucasian ridiculous

>> No.11322116

what does this even mean

>> No.11322119
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Not everyone is "blessed" with British lack of lips.

>> No.11322161
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>X is bad so the exact opposite must be good

>> No.11322212

These guys are fit but most of them have shit tier facial aesthetics.

>> No.11322218
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>> No.11322224


>> No.11322236
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>> No.11322243

You are the winner of this exchange, lipless guy.

>> No.11322265
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, 1570996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is an attractive man.

The man in OP is the simularica of an "attractive" person.

Stop letting underwear advertisements tell you how to live your life.

>> No.11322275
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>> No.11322278


>> No.11322285

The roastie is right, you are wrong.

>> No.11322301

>all this cope

>> No.11322338
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I seek new perfumes, ampler blossoms, untried pleasures.

>> No.11322353
File: 76 KB, 563x789, 1d7b3432ae38f04aed0111d33f22c836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chekhov's short stories? Those are the best bro, my favorite is Misery it was so sad dude. What about you bruh?

>> No.11322392

doesnt matter anyways. women only care about personality anyway. it just so happens that there is a strong correlation between attractiveness and good personality (at least in men). this is for multiple reasons. for one, bad personality traits like laziness and lack of self control make people fat and unhealthy. also, having a bad personality has a negative impact on your physiognomy, for example someone who is often resentful or bitter will look uglier as a result. also, people who are naturally attractive tend to be treated better and therefore treat others better as a result.
this is the basis for the whole fake it till you make it thing. basically, stop concerning yourself with your looks and focus on getting into the mindset of someone you aspire to be like.
guys like in op pic probably get laid a lot but wont have a fulfilling relationship because they are shitbags (or not, they could be great guys for all i know). and dont interpret this as “you need to be a nice guy.” having a good personality and being a “nice guy” arent the same. you will have to figure out what that means though.

>> No.11322438

There's a little explored principle of the magnetic duality of the heart, and the manner in which it acts on the universe. Focus on the subtle changes in your sensation, and in feeling, in light, in mood. Especially focus on the subtle changes of mood in social interactions. How different moods and sensations come and go like tides within normal social interaction, and how, rather than acting on one person, or then acting on the other, as though they had between them two out of sync wind up clocks, that the tensions of people are acting in the invisible space between them, pulling and repulsing them inside some superhuman extra-sensory realm beyond our comprehension and control. In a word, start using your heart as an eye, which is not simply perceiving purely interior sentiments, but an entirely real and entirely concealed world beyond comprehension.

Once you've started learning to do this, you can better maneuver through the social landscape, you can start to feel the desire a woman might have for you, and you can project your desire, or at least nurture and fuel it, even silently and across distances. Abstaining from masturbation, then using meditation to build internal sexual tension and desire inside yourself is good practice to this end. Stroke the flames of lust within yourself, control them, and you can then inflict them on the world.

This is not enough though. You must free yourself of all stupid sentimentality. Act on your viral instincts. If you're rejected or rebuffed, cast it aside from your thoughts and move on in life. Read the Gita, and act. Love with your body, hold your mind and heart aloof.

Women are contemptuous of the impatient and detest men who hesitate. It's a paradox, but always keep it in mind.

A great many men will go and sleep with a lot of women and then come to believe that it is some incredible skill that they posses. In fact, when a girl decides to sleep with someone its because she wants to sleep with someone, not because that specific man possesses some carnal skill or charm or by any innate virtue. Tame and break your ego, otherwise sex will destroy your soul and make your personality intolerable. If you want to sleep with women, go to someplace where lots of women are looking for sex (bars, strip clubs, tinder, etc.), and make yourself sexually available. There's no pride in being a masturbation tool, and don't let society (which is corrupt and morally sick) tell you there is, or that it is virtuous. Dignity is superior to gluttony, and its only a sick and gluttonous people who believe otherwise.

Finally, sex is a means to the end of a family: to producing kids and finding pleasure in your lover. Don't loose sights in these aims. The man who has had sex with a thousand woman, and produced no children nor found love, is a miserable virgin compared to the man who has sincerely loved only one woman and fathered children with her.

>> No.11322475

youre a fag

the guy on the left is CLEARLY the hottest one desu

>> No.11322512

Deida, is that you?

>> No.11322517
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>> No.11322519

I’ve been walking parts of this path and have recently opened myself up to having sex as a means towards self-mastery and some form of spiritual attainment. On a somatic level I want to be able to choose when I orgasm, as well as explore what my own kinks are. There is a high degree of self-indulgence in this activity - but I do feel that to supercede the impulse I must master it first. I also want to explore this space of sexual desire that is free from it’s possessive aspect (I want to involve myself with the polyamory scene). This would be something along the lines of being able to share my love without regard to monogomy.

I do believe that there is nobility in a mastery of sex in-and-of-itself and divorced from the creation of children. Yet, even if this is incorrect and I do have children one day (which, in the end, is somewhat out if my control) I do hope for the sex to be earth-shatteringly good.

>> No.11322528

Well Chad I just thought I should pick a career field that will get me the highest income for the lowest effort so...

>> No.11322530

stop being so degenerate. just pick a woman and settle down. you are the reason for the downfall of the west.

>> No.11322531
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>Dude for real? Camus? Sartre? Celine? Faulkner bro? Fucking Dosto? All second rate and awful, dislike them immensely, they mean absolutely nothing to me. Get some taste bruh.

>> No.11322534

Man, the level of magical thinking you are displaying

>> No.11322544

oh yeah like i'd take advice from a guy who wears jewelry

>> No.11322558

> blaming sex for post-imperialist turn
g’luck next life

>> No.11322618

Stop being self indulgent. Self indulgent "finding yourself" is a cretinous and infertile pastime of modern man. You exist in a society, your meaning in life comes from your existence in society. All you're really doing is masturbating, and deluding yourself with pseudo-mystical bullshit to justify it.

The jealous feelings inherent in sexual relationships aren't bad things. Stop assuming that every sensation that isn't pleasure should be negated. Those jealous feelings are a sign that your passion is alive and strong, its the stick to loves carrot, and "sharing your love without regard to monogamy" is a dumb excuse to avoid one of life's most fruitful experiences.

Sex doesn't have to be earth shatteringly good. It's your connections with other people that should be earth shatteringly good, and this is done by having extended emotional connections with people and going through shared experiences together (which is what happens in extended monogamous relationships), not by one night stands and weird tantra videos on youtube. You're not being spiritual, just self absorbed

>> No.11322652

this. it is so liberating when you decide to live your life for others (and for god)

>> No.11322670

you’ve negated your credibility here. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said but your phrasing betrays bitterness.

I’m not interested in worshipping your jealous God

>> No.11322675

have fun in hell then. what makes you feel worthy to critique your creator? the embodiment of love? repent. for he is a merciful god.

>> No.11322679
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>it is so liberating when you decide to live your life for others

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.11322683

have you tried it?

>> No.11322686

pure ressentiment

>> No.11322688

Yeah then I decided to stop being a spooked up cuck

>> No.11322695

k i have had fun larping as scholastic as well but i fear this meme is going to far and people on here are genuinely starting to believe a bipolar middle eastern guy was the incarnation of an omnipotent benevolent being

>> No.11322696

youre lying, and youre miserable. youre hiding behind the facade of the internet but you know that your self indilgence isn’t fulfilling

>> No.11322705

nice projection

>> No.11322704

I’m sorry to hear your neck is esquieu

>> No.11322706
File: 44 KB, 397x387, Houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not lying, I am miserable and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.11322712

I love you

>> No.11322713

> have fun in hell
sounds like you’re already there

Don’t worry, you have several more lifetimes in which to make progress.

>> No.11322722

>have fun in hell then
you best start believing in hell. you're browsing it.

>> No.11322729
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>> No.11322736

I'm fetching brimstone for browser

>> No.11322740

Monogamy doesn't have a possessive aspect - what separates it from polyamory is singular commitment (which, ironically enough, displays more self-control and is arguably more ""noble""). As such, your justification about 'mastery over the self in the space of sexual desire' is an almost non-sequitur.

Polyamory as shared love is a weak rationalization towards wanting more sex.

>> No.11322742

imagine having black genetics, taking steroids and ending up with a roid gut and bitch tits without being that big

>> No.11322759

U 2 bb

>> No.11322772

>Monogamy doesn't have a possessive aspect

It does, its mutual possession and this is a good thing. Possession is taking a stand on what is yours