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/lit/ - Literature

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11320283 No.11320283 [Reply] [Original]

Every book that is marketed as "tragic", and appears on "le most sad books of ALL TIME!" lists, is usually melodramatic normie shit.

So I ask you /lit/, could you give me some serious literature about loneliness, dejection, alienation, for the truly depressed?

I'm thinking something like Kafka but more contemporary, like pic related. I want to read about inner experiences and everyday suffering.

>> No.11320293

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.11320295

Can't you just google those terms

>> No.11320304

Japanese lit is your best bet. Jump right into the Sea of Fertility senpai

>> No.11320308

No because Google results are ranked by how many people link to particular pages, i.e. how popular they are. Popularity doesn't help here because like I said, popular "sad" books are terrible.

>> No.11320313

Just looked him up... Do you mean the book or the series? The first book appears to be Spring Snow...

>> No.11320327

The series, yes.

>> No.11320478

Notes from underground.

>> No.11320553


Don't read stuff like that if you are truly depressed. Reading sad and pessimistic things won't soothe you, it will only affirm a dismal view of the world. Literature should be an escape from your normal feelings and it should act as a port for viewing life differently, and then over time your perspective shifts.

If you really want to learn about alienation, read Freud and the successive authors that explain it through psychoanalytic frameworks. Read Marx for alienation with respect to capitalism. Look for your reading material to be from authors that wrote on these topics, but weren't muh feelings and affirmed life.

>> No.11320665

I get your point, but if you're feeling sad, you listen to sad music. Same goes for literature. I'm not going to cheer up by reading something life affirming.

I've read Marx and most of the Frankfurt School (Marcuse, Adorno etc.) but that's alienation from a sociological perspective. Hard to relate to if I'm honest...

>> No.11320706

The Flame Alphabet by Ben Marcus

>> No.11320712

Go read some emil cioran and try not to kill yourself afterwards

>> No.11320826

Il fu Mattia Pascal by Pirandello maybe
Also Stoner, expecially in some parts

>> No.11320862

imagine taking freud seriously
pseudo science

>> No.11321144
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Natsuo Kirino's Grotesque.

>> No.11321179

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for but I recommend Filth by Irvine Welsh. It's pretty grim, but also funny.

>> No.11321225
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U wot m8

>> No.11321263

yet it works as well as ""scientific"" CBT :S

>> No.11321266

>read a bunch of Jews to understand your condition
imagine being this divorced from your native tradition

>> No.11321302

Christianity is fundamentally Jewish

>> No.11321374


I watch doki doki literature club playthroughs when I'm sad! ^_^

>> No.11322926

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara absolutely tore me apart.

The Goldfinch is very sad for differe t reasons--you basically watch a man spiral into functional addiction. It's also a rollicking adventure novel.

Anything by Kazuo Ishiguro will make you feel big feelings.

>> No.11322964

>A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara absolutely tore me apart.
Yeah, if you want something that will make you sob then this is it OP.
The actual quality of the book leaves a little to be desired, but it does its job and makes you feel depressed

>> No.11322972

that book is hilarious

>> No.11323139


>> No.11323291

>Every book that is marketed as "tragic", and appears on "le most sad books of ALL TIME!" lists, is usually melodramatic normie shit.
>posts no longer human
He was literally a normie fucking hoes and doing drugs.

>> No.11323686 [DELETED] 

my music

>> No.11323708

>Implying that makes a difference

>> No.11323722

He was abandoned by his family after his suicide attempt and was poor after that. The only ability he had was to seduce women.

>> No.11323753

This isn't exactly /lit/ but here's a good sad read courtesy of /o/

First start with the guys forum posts and intro to his tragedy(story ends at pg 10, some is hard to read because of outdated formatting):

Then read his book. Its relatively short:

You might see the guy as a melodramatic pussy or maybe you'll connect with it like I did. It won't exactly make you cry but I thought it was refreshing how up front he was about his misery.

>> No.11323930

> that people can actually believe in a religion like Christianity is something that drives me to the edge of despair.
>Dostoevsky was a truth-teller
umm, Clayton?

>> No.11324044


>> No.11324057

Novalis's Hymns to the Night

>> No.11324109

>imagine being this divorced from your native tradition
The world would be better if everyone left native tradition behind

>> No.11324111


My diary desu