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/lit/ - Literature

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1132025 No.1132025 [Reply] [Original]

what's up il/lit/erates?

not sure if anyone uses this board anymore.. but I was hoping someone could recommend me some good contemporaneity fiction (like stuff that's come out in the past 5 years or so). I've been reading a lot of classics lately and I need a nice change. I'm not looking for some mass-market paperbacks but rather some god-tier modern literature.

What does /lit/ recommend?

>> No.1132033

Bolano's 2666. This Franzen dude is all the rage lately, you might want to check out Freedom. Also Inherent Vice, which is quite underrated.

>> No.1132036

try to read something more relaxing.. i sometimes read historical novels (the robert harris type) and ive been reading stieg larssons trilogy... literally it isnt worth shit, but its a page turner, it really takes you head off your feet and you appreciate more the good stuff when you read it. literally i find most writers of the last 20 years ive read rather unsatisfying.... i think bolano is a pretentious fuck. i did not hated some of pynchons work, although its not great wither

>> No.1132045
File: 45 KB, 569x412, howaboutislapyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't own a shift key
>you head off your feet
>you appreciate more the good stuff
>i didnot hated
>its not great wither

>> No.1132053
File: 68 KB, 600x450, 1283894273350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad? i have a hangover and english isnt even my first language, so i cant be bothered to get into a grammar and spelling debate

>> No.1132056


You can't even approximate writing for shit, you read crappy Swedish crime pulp, and you talk shit about Bolano? Suck a bag of dicks dude.

>> No.1132060

do you want fiction or nonfiction? Stephen Hawking just came out with a new book, about physics if you're into that.

>> No.1132064


pretty much this. also, i know someone will recommend infinite jest, which was written 14 years ago. i don't know too much about new literary fiction, but i do know that there have been a lot of new translations of great works originally in spanish. new directions has been publishing a lot of them. you might also want to check out tom mccarthy.

>> No.1132065

thats not the only thing i read. and yes, bolano is a pretentious fuck who caqn only impress tarantino fans

>> No.1132066

where is this picture from op?

>> No.1132070

Ask almost any physicist who they think the top 3 most influential physicists are and you will almost never get back a list that features Hawking. Like it or not, he is pretty much famous for being "that smart dude in the wheelchair."

>> No.1132071

not op, but is Infinite Jest really worth it? I was always intimidated by it because it's fucking long as well. Wouldn't I be better off reading something like War and Peace if I want to go about an undertaking like that?

>> No.1132075


You could, you know, read both.

>> No.1132077


whatever floats your boat, really. they're very different books.

>> No.1132081

I don't care how good of a physicist he is (he teaches at Cambridge, that's good enough for me). But I'm still interested in physics, though I don't know much about it.

>> No.1132085

Pic related, though it was written in 1989. The sequel, World Without End, came out in 2007 - I didn't like it as much as PotE but it wasn't terrible by any means.

Also, this is a stock reply, but have you read The Road? It's fairly short, unlike PotE.

Don't read a book for its length.

>> No.1132086
File: 38 KB, 289x475, image.8061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.1132093
File: 5 KB, 116x149, leo inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
