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/lit/ - Literature

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11317186 No.11317186 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11317191

That's very nice. People are so quick to forget about the past these days

>> No.11317197


>> No.11317205

The propagation of mass literacy a mistake.

>It is of little matter whether many peasants know how to read and listen no longer to their cure, but it is of great matter that many men like Renan or Littre should be able to live and be listened to! Our safety is now only in a legitimate aristocracy, I mean by that, a majority that is composed of more than mere numbers.

--- Flaubert

>> No.11317206
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>tfw having genuine enthusiasm for something is now presumed to be stupid or foolish, and the assumption is always that you're either a moron or being ironic

Is real life becoming like this too, or is it only on the internet? I don't get out much.

>> No.11317212

xO <white male authors r gud!!!!)

>> No.11317213

pretty much only here on 4chan.

>> No.11317219
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>> No.11317221
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>everyone is dumb but me and my friends

>> No.11317407

I wonder how this dude's life is going. How are people treating him in everyday interactions? Is he at peace, or maybe even happy?
Maybe he was a successful model once, when he posed for this photo, but how did he live before that, and how did he live afterwards? We automatically assume that he's happy because he has good looks, but for all we know, he may be undergoing a divorce now, drowning his sadness and disappointment in alcohol, thinking how unpredictable and irrational the human fate is.
For us, he will remain Someone Else, we will never really know what is lurking behind the photo, behind the skin, inside that skull, what he has seen and felt, and what other people have seen and felt of him. For us, he will remain to be only that sexy-ass Marcuse-loving motherfucker. God, I want him to tear my boypussy apart with his massive alpha cock.

>> No.11317427
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And you think someone who spends his time posting Flaubert quotes on a Cambodian backgammon board would be a part of that aristocracy?

>> No.11317450
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>> No.11318367

get out of here dfw

>> No.11318573

it's not genuine enthusiasm you moron

>> No.11320276

>Implying he was actually wrong

>> No.11321161

Soibois only care about modern genre fiction and you know it. They're reading Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and Ernest Cline. They think pre-1930 literature is boring and problematic. Stop acting retarded for easy (You)s.

>> No.11321198
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/lit/ is full of failures that can't cope with people having genuine passion for something. By calling them onions they feel happy for a few seconds in their miserable lifes.

>> No.11321337

Why does everyone on 4chan care so much about what basedboys think/do? Seems more pathetic than being one in the first place.

>> No.11321354

actually this guy is probably the exact opposite, what >>11321161 described

>> No.11321358

>he thinks sois exist
>tells people to stop making stuff up

>> No.11321363

>tfw I would unironically say that

>> No.11321381
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>> No.11321409
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>> No.11321415

Those pics always remind me I can't be a real basedboy, because I have terrible teeth.

>> No.11321419

Anon, have you ever visited twitter? Soibois exist.

>> No.11321421
File: 9 KB, 211x239, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh traditions and classics!

>> No.11321445
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>muh soiboy memes

>> No.11321451


>> No.11321460

I repeat, soibois are reading modern genre fiction.

>> No.11321464

You're soi as fuck dude.

>> No.11321471

No you, soiboi. Go back to reading the latest Chuck Wendig novel.

>> No.11321483

Have no idea who that is, my soi friend.

>> No.11321491

tfw no SÖYBOI bf

>> No.11321499

Stop lying, soiboi.

>> No.11321506

I'm not lying, soiboi. I don't read books.

>> No.11321530

>I don't read books.
That explains everything.

>> No.11321537

reading is not an intelkigent way of relaxing. your posturing is meaningless to me, i could not care less what your iq was or wat u read in your free time. all that matters is that reading is deleterious to creativity and encourages poor posture and improper breathing/circulation and relationship with the world. You’re ignorant of the things worth understanding and a vicious nitwit almost entirely unprovoked yet as rabid as any 100 iq insect on this board. Go read, you’re an idiot for reading outside of when its necessary. That you read more just shows a lack of self awareness or impulse control, that anyone reads most than 2 hours a day is a sign that the literati are degenerate overhealthed arthropods. Its a waste of time, one should be with friends, women or one’s thoughts not engulfed in fantasy or worse other men’s ideas. Nothing ive said comes from others, its always disgusted me that people read for pleasure or play vidya for hours on end or use snapchat or discord or take social media as a legitimate pass time. you have no idea what it is you know or believe and are reacting purely defensive, inference based, reactions. no first principles, no basic mode of dealing with people, i said its low iq, because doing math proofs (another bug activity) or working on a home project (do-nothing slave work) is more productive than continuing to read past the point of necessity. im only here because this board bullies /pol/ and keeps the anime swarm at bay, if there was a different board divorced from literature without such a slow pace, like /his/, then id move there. literature is horrible for the mind, the people ive met who engage with it the most are incompetent philosophically and debased spiritually. You seem like you’re: contenptuous of others, a poor judge of character, spiteful that people might not share your interests, moody, incapable of tempering your aggression, vindictive, arrogant, self-deluded and more than anything, probably a bore, since all you do is read unless you were posturing and your free time isn’t more reading and you just said that because you’re really a 130 iq upper midwit whose LARPing. Regardless, you seem like a petulant childish fag

>> No.11321539

Why come to a board that's centered around something you don't care about? I've never gotten that. I didn't start regularly posting on here until I got back into reading. For years I stuck to /tv/ and /mu/.

>> No.11321542

im only here because this board bullies /pol/ and keeps the anime swarm at bay, if there was a different board divorced from literature without such a slow pace, like /his/, then id move there. literature is horrible for the mind, the people ive met who engage with it the most are incompetent philosophically and debased spiritually.

>> No.11321552
File: 50 KB, 500x344, smug oscar wilde statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn son, that's a ton of projection and rage. Keep crying, brainlet.

>> No.11321558

Same, and I don’t have friends and I also don’t take pictures. Well... such is the life of a 23yo shut in virgin

>> No.11321580

>it's another /pol/ pretends to be intelligent episode

>> No.11321610

You know where are you, right? You're either baiting or don't have any self-awareness whatsoever. Shitposting on 4chan is a bigger waste of time and more detrimental to your relationship with the world than reading literature. You can't babble about how "one should be with friends, women or one’s thoughts not engulfed in fantasy or worse other men’s ideas," while posting on here.

>> No.11321625


>> No.11321807

You posted a massive paragraph of rage and I'm the one who's triggered? Kek, take a look in a mirror.

>> No.11321844

basedboys are reading harry potter though

>> No.11322552

>basedboys dont read my special secret books, they only read bad books

Classical literature isn't something only /lit/ reads