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File: 254 KB, 1200x716, THOMAS_COUTURE_-_Los_Romanos_de_la_Decadencia_(Museo_de_Orsay,_1847._Óleo_sobre_lienzo,_472_x_772_cm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11316364 No.11316364 [Reply] [Original]

What books to read and how to live by this philosophy ?

>> No.11316371

You need instructions to be a last man?

>> No.11316617

are nietzschefags always this stupid?

>> No.11318555

hedonism is hard in this era because it's much easier to just delve into smaller pleasures (think a shitty entertaining youtube video) than fucking a prostitute or whatever old hedonists would do in their time.

>> No.11318591

And fucking a prostitute is a smaller pleasure than following the word of Christ
I can do it too

>> No.11318672

Hedonism isn't even a philosophy, it's just a way of life where you pursue endless pleasure until one day you wake up and want to die.

>> No.11318681

Much harder to be a Stoic, though

>> No.11319320

a strict hedonist requires himself to be something less austere than the time. its like a calling to become the last man of some sort. the last one to care, the last one to find out, the last one that did that whore before she changed her ways.
Inextricably consumed in some other course of function as like the ultimate penman's way of doing the things we write about over some last course of time that unless we prescribe ourselves belief as like the ultimate novelty, we as the acting hedonists, become some sort of relief to those that seek folds in life and find course for turning back to face the past and that then only realize they are becoming the people they looked to to become something less than entertaining (like cops view people that get away with breaking the law after theyvetrapped them in hedonistic trappings about keeping to a law by breaking it).
hedonism is like fearing the death of one's self but failing to acquire that fear is the ultimate form of the last dying breath of someone needing to find death as a way to total up the sum of all their fears to become the last thing that they have to think about and care about as a way to fulfill that life leads to death and so we fear it to prevail that it consumes us in the end too. hedonists only care to become some next practice, participle, less corollary and without becoming a fact of life become some ulterior venue for belief to rest on the shoulders rather than on the heart.

having said that you could make a youtune channel and shoot up a school. as a true hedonist then you'd be available to beliefs and the rest of society as something that reminds them that they're still right but dont have to face them without their intuition backing them up.

a good book to read to learn about this might be something by beftrand russel or dr seuss.

without drawing too much from these posts theres also that hedonists dont ever actually need to be part of a group of people. they tend to stand out and are written about. hemmingway would be a hedonist if he didnt join the army.

>> No.11319330

Anthony Bourdain is the end result of hedonism. A meaningless life and unpleasant death.

>> No.11319632

start with the vatican sayings and principle doctrines http://www.epicurus.net/en/vatican.html http://www.epicurus.net/en/principal.html

Next I suggest you read Epicurus's letter to Herodotus http://www.epicurus.net/en/herodotus.html

If you are still interested, then I suggest you read On the Nature of Things by Lucretius http://classics.mit.edu/Carus/nature_things.html

>> No.11319646
File: 50 KB, 190x265, randpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ayn Rand. She was a long-term hedonist, although she herself denied being a hedonist.

Her idea was that the purpose of life is to achieve happiness; this is done through productive work.

>> No.11319650

Thank you. This thread is too filled with 'overmen'.

>> No.11319669

stress the manifold

some of these will make it hard to believe any, if at all, ever even exist. stress that i made a grammatical error here please..

>> No.11319678

same fag

>> No.11320142

>concerned with virtue
Pick one

>> No.11320202
File: 361 KB, 1146x1079, TheAbsoluteStateOfWomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's harder because everyone is a hedonist now. Before you could abuse the fact that most people were theists and had morals.

>> No.11320264

wtf I'm an incel now

>> No.11320608

>being an incel instead of a volcel

>> No.11321949

Confess each Sunday and you can do both pretty easily!

>> No.11321955

History will remember your greatest contribution to this thread!

>> No.11321970

Damn that girl in the back left has amazing tits

>> No.11321980

But aren't women compulsive liars? How can I believe everything they claim, in that image, to be true?