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/lit/ - Literature

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11316211 No.11316211 [Reply] [Original]

>The Odyssey is like so dumb. Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful? That's not very feminist, Ody. You got some learnin' to do.

>Now for today's thought bubble: a little tiny Lysistrata figurine. Oh Homer, we can't possibly hold you accountable for not being a feminist in ancient Greece, after all, it's not like feminism existed back then, oh wait, it totally did, you misogynist pig.

>Back to the Odyssey: is Penelope the true hero of the story? Yes. Yes she is. That's all we have time for today, be sure to like and subscribe and buy tickets to my new movie: The Da Vinci Code with Teenagers.


>> No.11316221

Why did you even post this garbage

>> No.11316232

he's right in the sense that greek literature is outdated and they all followed the same method of thinking

>> No.11316243

retard alert
retard alert

>> No.11316246
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>influenced every single adventure story for two thousand years

>> No.11316272

He's right about Odysseus hating women, as evident by having literally zero% women in his entourage; but, he was as well racist, homophobic, transphobic, ageist, ableist, Islamophobic, anti-Semetic, pedophobic, and some. His troop consisted solely of dead white males. That's problematic.

>> No.11316306


>> No.11316310

I don’t see the problem
Women should be faithful

>> No.11316332

Men should as well

>> No.11316342

Did Odysseus eat some Cheerios?

>> No.11316352

>Odysseus is literally made Calypso's stud
>Forced to have hot divine sex every day for seven years
>Calypso asking him every day to live as an immortal with her
>Odysseus STILL wants to go back to Ithaca and Penelope
>He goes to the water and cries every day looking out towards Ithaca
Odysseus' devotion to his wife and people is superhuman, that's why he's the hero.

>> No.11316374

Ancient Greeks were germanic

>> No.11316405

He doesn't even say that tho

>> No.11316485

Based Odysseus.

>> No.11316495

what the fuck, did you even watch the video? he didn't say a single one of these things

>> No.11316503

Yes he did. Just in different words. Only slightly different words, really.

>> No.11316506

>Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls
Road hole doesn’t count.

>> No.11316649

Has anybody else here notice a trend of youtubers giving energetic, fast-talking, and reductionist video summaries, all of whom use the same exact graphics to present their videos?

>> No.11316659

It is just another phase in the mkultra-ing of the world. Shut up and enjoy it.

>> No.11316680

This idea that the Greeks "influenced" literature so heavily is absurd. It is more reasonable to assume that the human mind will result to a more or less common ground of archetypical symbols and the reason this keeps coming up is due to an essential quality of the human psyche rather than people just stealing from the previous generation all the way back to the greeks for some arbitrary reason (why not the myceneans rather?) fuck the greeks. Anyone who can conceive of platonic ideas is as smart as plato and has not somehow been influenced by him. His ideas are common to the entire human species. African child soldiers have probably dreamt up cave allegories and were killed before anyone could listen. Our thought is as common as our eye or skin tones.

>> No.11316681

why do /pol/ brainlets get butthurt when people point out classic literature is misogynist and racist?

>> No.11316708

Gas the moderns

>> No.11316712

How the fuck do people miss this in the fucking story.
It's always
>omg wow ODYSSEUS cheated on his wife so much and then acts like she should be faithful????
>that's so sexist

>> No.11316876

Because the bourgeois intelligentsia love to take potshots at authors who are long dead and unable to defend their own work. Also, pointing out historical sexism and racism from the vantage point of the present day isn't particularly insightful or thought provoking in any way.

>> No.11316890

incels: the thread

>> No.11316946

projection: the post

>> No.11316961


>> No.11316977

Odysseus had 7 years of sex under duress with Calypso by any modern definition he was raped or at least sexually assaulted during that time because unsurprisingly in many countries "forced to penetrate" isn't considered rape. If anyone says that Odysseus was being a "player" because of his time with Calypso they are perpetuating the stereotype that men always want sex which is deeply problematic to feminist theory. Oh wait feminist are the ones that still complain about faithful Penelope and player Odysseus.

>> No.11316983

Women are such brainlets. Am I right, fellow men?

>> No.11317015

>pointing out historical sexism and racism from the vantage point of the present day isn't particularly insightful or thought provoking in any way

Stop being a cultural relativist

>> No.11317024
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The modern humanist moral gestalt in the west has gotten so bad that at this point basically anything written, said, thought, or done prior to 1995 is immoral or problematic in their view. The notion of the past as something of value is being systematically destroyed.

>> No.11317041

That's an ejection actually

>> No.11317043
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>M-muh tradition!

>> No.11317049

If you to look at a non-western society whose traditions were dying out, almost any anthropologist would say that the society was sick and dying, yet we are unable (unwilling) to apply the same standards to ourselves.

>> No.11317056

Yes, people like their education in bite-sized, visually stimulating pieces.

>> No.11317062
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>M-muh old books!

>> No.11317076

Why are you trying to re-orient the s_o_y meme from being about leftist/neo-liberal urbanites to traditionalists? Are you simply a retard?

>> No.11317077

ever consider that the past is being criticized for being sexist and colonialist because it is?

>> No.11317091

You're s o y af, dude.

>> No.11317097

>the same people who hate on John will support Fagles use of sexist terminology like "whore" and "slut"

>> No.11317115

>sexist and colonialist because it is
It totally was, I agree with you, but those criticisms are giving people license to dismiss millennia of accumulated myth, beauty, and knowledge.

For instance, Emily Wilson's translation of the Odyssey throws out the lovely opening line

>Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end

and replaces it with

>tell me about a complicated man

because the former was "problematic" since it glorified Odysseus

>> No.11317137

>oh no! my old books about fairytales are being translated by women now!! it's the rnd of the world
Your precious culture seems pretty fragile. Maybe try to learn some stuff that isn't obsolete boyclub bullshit

>> No.11317144

This. s.o.y. traditionalists btfo'd.

>> No.11317154

It's not the end of the world, that was literally one example of tens of thousands. Our culture is being systematically eroded, from within, by its constituents (it's not the jews or muslims or anything, I'm not a polfag). Clearly most westerners people don't want to live in the culture they inherited, and that's pretty sad, but it is ultimately up to them.

I know I can't change anything which is why I'm probably going to KMS in short order.

>> No.11317203

See >>11316876

>> No.11317223

thought is a development. the history of literature and art is not a random sequence but a series of moment where each reacts to its past.

>> No.11317234
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>oh no! my old books about fairytales are being translated by women now!! it's the rnd of the world

That's not the point he was making at all, you stupid faggot. That anon wrote out his thesis in the very first line of his response, and you still managed to completely miss it.

>> No.11317241

Are you gonna cry, dude?

>> No.11317247

>Also, pointing out historical sexism and racism from the vantage point of the present day isn't particularly insightful or thought provoking in any way.

fucking reactionary brainlets, get the fuck out of this board

>> No.11317291

Why does it need to be further discussed how sexist and racist the past was when it's obvious to everybody? Explain in detail how the post you were replying to was a pseud post.

>> No.11317300

Odysseus was a based MGTOW guy just like me. If he was alive today he would have voted Trump, and deported rapefugees in his free time probably.

That's why we gotta protect his legacy against the feminazis and jews, the translating thot Emily should be imprisoned on the day of the rope for destroying the work of the based white nationalist Homer, a symbol of our western civ.

>> No.11317308

imagine being so gay that in the year 2018, after having had access to the information on the internet for years and been able to research things and make logical decisions about where the evidence lies, you were still not only clueless about the differences between sexes and races but still in the hysterical mindset that actively rails against anyone sane enough to notice them

imagine this level of dicks in your ass

>> No.11317309

Psychoanalyzing, pathologizing, shaming, and ridiculing the opposition are literally the oldest tricks in the neoliberal progressivist handbook.

>> No.11317335

>Waaaaahhh waaaaahhh goo goo ga ga.

>> No.11317465

Hole detected

>> No.11317593
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>fuck traditions maaaan!
>they're like pointless social constructs. Grow up, grandpa!

>> No.11317657

Sure.. *Snap*

>> No.11317669

Name one(1) tradition you can't survive without

>> No.11317673

John Green is genuinely fucking retarded. His analysis is that of some fuckwad who drank his mommy's titty milk until he was twelve. This is not a good analysis of a text in any way, shape, or form, he's just sort of helplessly flabbergasted about the entire fucking Epic. John Green is 100% literature for retard fortnite-babies who probably won't survive to their thirties, he is a shitstain on the written word and is only successful because women don't find him threatening. John Green is a reminder to take care of yourself and those important in your life, for the John Greens are out there looking to shame themselves and ruin everything you hold dear by sheer force of pitifulness

>> No.11317676
File: 286 KB, 977x730, aaaaaaaaaggh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His analysis is that of some fuckwad who drank his mommy's titty milk until he was twelve.

>> No.11317685


>> No.11317701

>what are IV drips
we can't all be smart, at least you get to enjoy the small things in life to the fullest

>> No.11317736

I know this is a joke but I had a TA who was exactly like this

>> No.11317777


>> No.11317873

Festivals and holidays
The work week

>> No.11317897

Yeah he does. He directly makes an "open letter to the patriarchy" and talks about the double standard of Odysseus' faithfulness and Penelope's faithfulness.
>One of Odysseus' least stellar qualities is his attitude toward women. He's really big on this sexual double standard in which the exact same behavior types women as sluts and men as studs... Meanwhile, Odysseus sleeps with every manner of magical lady and nearly marries an island princess but he assures us that he was always true to his wife in his heart. Which is nice, but it would also be nice if he was true to her in his pants.

Then he goes on a long rant about Medusa, who isn't even in the fucking book.
>This is a book full of misogyny and, cyclopes aside, a lot of them are female, like the sirens, who lure men to their deaths, or Scylla, who's basically an octopus with teeth, and then of course they're Charybdis, a hole who sucks men to their doom. You can explore the Freudian implications of that one.

Then after going for literally half the video about the patriarchy, feminism, double standards, and other nonsense that has nothing to do with the actual book he ends his saying Odysseus was a violent idiot who would have destroyed Ithica had Athena not stepped in and ended the cycle of violence.

This is an awful, awful analysis of The Odyssey and a big problem in the education system. We should not measure the virtue of historical figures, especially ancient ones, by the moral compasses of modern days. This happens most often when a historical figure undergoes a post-mortum character assassination because "he owned slaves!" or "he was racist!" Yeah. That was normal back then. It's about as ridiculous as saying Jesus was a bad person because he wasn't a vegan. Or Martin Luther King Jr was a bad person because he didn't recycle. Can't you just accept that 2,000 years ago the cultural norms in Greece were different from your own culture, and rather than go on a long winded rant about how much better you are than ancient Greece, learn about WHY their culture was built that way? I'm sure there was a good reason.

>> No.11317905

>This idea that the Greeks "influenced" literature so heavily is absurd.
Not really. Not when you have people like Dante and Milton explicitly mentioning that they were influenced by Greek epics.

>> No.11317916

Not traditions.

Those can easily be lost. I'll grant you manners. Not really a necessity but close enough.

>> No.11317922

t. basedboy

>> No.11317924

>marriage can be lost
yes and it only marks a massive social downfall like what we're seeing now

>> No.11317930

>go through this whole thread
>not a single good argument against what john green is saying
he's right

>> No.11317936

Marriage hasn't been lost and you not liking your life doesn't mean society is in a downfall.

>> No.11317939

Almost like this board is for teenage and early twenties pseuds.

>> No.11317944

>8th century BC

>> No.11317962

T. Retard

>> No.11317981


>> No.11317989
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Because what John Green is doing is an example of postmodernist education, not a classical education. In a classical education you read the book and try to understand what utility might be extracted out of it to guide you in your life. That's the old system. The new, postmodernist system is: you read the book, and you analyze it in terms of whose social position of power it justifies. So you look for who the supremacist is, in the text. It could be the author, it could be the characters, it doesn't matter. You read the text as if all it does is reflect on the current, corrupt power structure in modern society. And that's the beginning of literary criticism under the social justice regime.

We have Social Justice Tribunals in Ontario. They're named that. The educators in Ontario have already decided that the goal of the education system is to indoctrinate children from from kindergarten-- from kindergarten-- into a radical, postmodern, leftist, communitarian, equity-oriented ethos. That's what they're doing. Even math and science are put under that umbrella. Just go online and download the documents.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission should be abolished. It's a very dangerous and subversive organization. The idea that he purpose of education is to get them while they're young, in kindergarten, so this radical postmodern marxist ideology can be so thoroughly indoctrinated among them that they have no chance of escaping from it. That's what's happening in the education system. It's unbelievable. The people who are producing the educators that emerge from that institute should be put on trial for treason.
Marriage has been lost. Divorce grows in popularity, less and less people get married every year, single mothers are on the rise, and that's a bad thing. And before you say "you can survive without marriage" let me point to every single civilization on earth that independently agreed that marriage was important and those that didn't died out, much like the west is dying out along with marriage.

>> No.11317999

Powerful argument.

>> No.11318007

We could never be without that tradition even if we tried. No matter what we are all God's apprentices.

>> No.11318020

>expecting me to waste time on a moral relativist

>> No.11318022
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>translating a book that's been translated many times by many different authors instead of an untranslated work by a poor POC or woman

>> No.11318035

Man, I can actually hear his kermit-like voice

>> No.11318036

there is nothing wrong with sexual "double standards" because men and women are different and hence unequal

>> No.11318040

I'm new to the thread. Just calling retards as I see them. And either make an argument or don't say anything. Otherwise you're just making yourself look as worthless as you most likely are.

>> No.11318041

For the (you)s

>> No.11318047

Postmodernist types don't believe men and women have differences though.

>> No.11318051

now you've done it bucko

>> No.11318055

People like to forget that under the traditional societal rules, men engaging in promiscuity beyond maybe their adolescent years was considered shameful. For sure there was an uneven prejudice against women, but the same general sentiment existed for men. The "double standard" is really just a skewed understanding of the history books, just as the narrative that history has always been men as a class against women as a class.

>> No.11318058

Not an argument. Just because you don't like Jordan Peterson (neither do I) doesn't change that postmodernists dominate the humanities and that John Green is teaching high schoolers this form of criticism.

>> No.11318069

>No holidays and festivals
>No structured work week
You can't get rid of the work week since people will work whenever they feel like it, which will lead to economic collapse. You *can* get rid of holidays and festivals, leaving a society with nothing to celebrate and kills culture, which makes such a society soulless and completely lacking vitality.

>> No.11318077

Yawn. Prove it.

>> No.11318080

the absolute state of retards

>> No.11318092

>Makes unsubstantiated claim
>Gets called on it
>"It's you that is the dumb one!"
You have officially conceded.

>> No.11318096

>make claim substantiated by the entirety of history
>get told by a brainlet to break it down for them so their brainlet mind can comprehend it
>call them out on being a brainlet
"I am officially a brainlet" -t. (You)

Fixed all that for ya

>> No.11318101

summer repost don't fall for the bait.

>> No.11318108

imagine going to these lengths to justify your virginity

>> No.11318118

Like I said, you've officially conceded by dint of not being able to provide examples for your perceptions. So even if you had provided arguments they would not be accepted. But you did not. You essentially repeated your lackluster previous response. Saying history proves you right is meaningless. You would have to provide actual examples which according to you would be very easy. But you're incapable of doing so. You have conceded. Your argument has been proven false.

>> No.11318126

imagine being a shit-eating retard like you

>hurrhurr u haff ofishully conseeded le ebin innernet fite 2 ME, THA GR8EST DEB8R EVVAR!!!!!!1!1!1

>> No.11318135
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both of you either say something about the Odyssey or go continue this conversation on reddit.

>> No.11318140

You're trying hard to have the last word. It might be easier and look better if you used an actual argument to do so. But you don't have one. You have a lot of inner work to do. Find peace. The beginning of that road is to stop telling yourself that you are smart.

>> No.11318141

Name me a civilized society that did have an established work week or holidays/festivals.

>> No.11318144

Not an argument.

>> No.11318150

did *not* have an established work week or holidays/festivals.

>> No.11318157

>I'll keep responding to your blatant shitposts, but YOU'RE trying to have the last word and YOU'RE the one trying to convince yourself you're smart
and logic has once again disappeared straight up your ass bud

>> No.11318166

The onus is not on me. His argument hinges on that evidence and I demanded he provide it. He apparently can't since he has conceded by reducing himself to transparent sophistry such as: >>11318157

>> No.11318173

>its resorting to sophistry to call people out on low-IQ posts
lmao stay mad faggot

>> No.11318185

You couldn't substantiate your initial argument now you can't even substantiate why you find me stupid. You're flailing.

>> No.11318215

How's that having two mommies thing working out for ya?

>> No.11318220

The butthurt roastie brigade is out in full force today!

It's okay sweetie, maybe one day your pathetic gender will create something that lasts for millennia. I'm rooting for you!

>> No.11318224

I don't have to substantiate your stupidity you purebred turboautist

>> No.11318241

You do have to, in order to justify your painful insistence on having the last word. Otherwise you are proving to me and everyone else that you have a far more unpleasant personality than I do.

>> No.11318251

>Marriage has been lost. Divorce grows in popularity, less and less people get married every year, single mothers are on the rise, and that's a bad thing. And before you say "you can survive without marriage" let me point to every single civilization on earth that independently agreed that marriage was important and those that didn't died out, much like the west is dying out along with marriage.

>> No.11318262

As if you fucking idiots don't need the legal and moral traditions the west was founded on and continues existing with. You absolutely blind idiots.

>> No.11318312
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>white supremacy good
>religious dogma good
>slavery good

>> No.11318342

>Implying white supremacy existed before the discovery of the New World.
>Implying the practice of slavery was exclusive to the West

>> No.11318412


>implying the west didn't fight several wars and sacrifice millions of whites to end slavery in their dominions

>> No.11318436

Define "white"

>> No.11318549

>durr the West didn't overcome each of these things by applying its own principles towards itself

>> No.11318584

You are so fucking right and its sad people will ridicule you for this.
>It is more reasonable to assume that the human mind will result to a more or less common ground of archetypical symbols and the reason this keeps coming up is due to an essential quality of the human psyche
This is one of the truest things I've read on here

>> No.11318594


nowhere in the odyssey does it say odysseus had sex with anyone except his wife. not sure where this interpretation comes from

>> No.11318597

Calm down.

>> No.11318629

This video made me deeply upset. It is btw also possible to construe the Odyssey as a feminist text, or at least as a text which is not unaware of the female plight in 800 BC Greece.

>> No.11318643

He’s not reading too much into it, just talking out of his ass.

>> No.11318659

Except there's actually all kinds of non-archetypal symbology that appears distinctly in works outside of the Western cultural sphere that get discounted or bastardized to make them align with archetype theory. This is the primary criticism of Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces and Monomyth, and one of the biggest failures of Jungian collective unconsciousness theory.

Moreover, we can trace a direct line of authors admitting personally to Greek influence all the way down the Western canon, and an even bigger line of inferred inspiration in the forms of common structure and theme. These didn't arise on their own, they were imitated.

>> No.11318669

This. I'm pretty sure the Fitzgerald translation's opening notes talks about Homer's uniquely aware stance on contemporary Greek women's lifestyle. It's not by any means a new insight or one that requires the text be cannibalized.

>> No.11318693

Shouldn't you be selling people online personality quizes, Jordan?

>> No.11318696

All this arguing and all that is really accomplished is John Green's clout increases. I wouldn't be surprised if his intern or something starts these threads. Hell, for all you know I'm said intern flaunting it right now.

>> No.11318710

John Green's just going to end up getting #MeToo'd a few years down the line. Though I hope his retarded brother goes first. John Green is the Platonic Form of Mediocrity but Hank Green is a fucking entropy-increasing negative mark on humanity as a collective.

>> No.11318716

This. All of this. I HATE working for him. But it's better than being a paralegal.

>> No.11318724

Okay I laughed, I like your style John Green-intern-LARPer

>> No.11319201

>be reading Dante's Inferno
>Beatrice is so problematic
>she's just another manic pixie dream girl
>and the book is SO VIOLENT!
>especially the circle of hell for the violent
>why didn't Dante put any trigger warnings?
>and the prophet Mohammed is burning forever among the heretics? Uh... just wow. How Islamaphobic.
>I hope a new translation rightly puts Mohammed in heaven and he fucks Beatrice because Dante isn't entitled to salvation!
>die Western culture!
>die die die!

>> No.11319205

I want everyone who unironically supports this viewpoint to eat shit onto a sidewalk or asphalt so I can laugh as everyone else rightfully passes them by and doesn't even try to help them up or see if they're alright

>> No.11319774

no they believe that women are better than men

>> No.11319802

I know this is bait, but what about bright eyed Athene? She was by his side and he was very thankful. She's the only reason he managed to infiltrate his home and what not.

>> No.11319891


dante never read the greeks tho. he still was inadvertedly influenced by them thru virgil

>> No.11319899

>>The Odyssey is like so dumb. Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful? That's not very feminist, Ody. You got some learnin' to do.
bait. nobody is this shallow.

>> No.11319906

Green is that Nobody, in both a vernacular and ironically Homeric sense

>> No.11320026

stop posting this

>> No.11320030

Sure are a lot of w*man in this thread. Face-it ladies, your gal fucked-up; she wrote a shit translation that will be forgotten in a year. Maybe next time, okay?

>> No.11320035

A woman, woman (male) or a woman-like man will respond to this post with the word "virgin" or "incel" within the next half hour. Mark my words.

>> No.11320047


>Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful?

This seems like Odysseus' prerogative if you ask me.
If she doesn't like it then I guess Penelope should do something about it.
I thought feminism was about empowering women not about complaining for men to change.

>> No.11320080

>Satire mode engaged
Stahp. You sound like a CIA robot programmed to shitpost.

>> No.11320089

Penelope was kind of a retard.
>She has a dream
>An eagle comes in and kills all the suitors
>The eagle says "I am your husband."
>Penelope needs help understanding what this dream means

>> No.11320094

>Crash Course Literature
this idea is so retarded but I can't tell why

>> No.11320213

Know that I changed a couple of pathways and now you're basically being hurt by them all over the place.
I hope you get fucked for good this time.

>> No.11320513

le ebin KEK thread.

>> No.11320538

Hundreds of thousands of teenagers will grow up with this in mind and you can do nothing about it

>> No.11320542

didn't the illiad require iphigenia to sacrifice herself? most greek women aren't really potrayed in that bad of a light, at least i never got much of a negative impression.

>> No.11320624

Are we any better? I had to put up with this postmodern literary analysis bullshit when I was in high school as well. It pissed me off back then too. If only I had known just how much it would escelate after I graduated.

>> No.11320648

All their stories are about human beings first of all, but we are looking back at Greece right now in the light of identity politics. Ignore both the right and left talkingpoints, they don't do Greece justice.

>> No.11320741

Nein. I'm a postmodernist who reads a lot of classics and writes poetry inspired by it. Granted, I'm only interested in postmodernism in art, I think it has massively different connotations in other fields. Then again, gender studies comes from Lacan and shit, who saw massive differences in men and women, particularly in their meaning-making.

>> No.11320810

>read Anna Karenina
>she dumps her stuffy old husband for a hot new prince YOU GO GIRL!
>she attends an opera even though everyone there slut shames her
>Alexi tells her he will look the other way in her affair so long as she keeps up appearances with him
>she turns down his offer YAS SLAY QUEEN! He don't own you!
>thinking Anna is about to die, Alexi says he forgives her for cheating on him
>then she recovers from childbirth and runs off with Vronsky again STRONG, INDEPENDENT, DON'T NEED NO ALEXI!
>told not to visit her son, visits him anyway YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
>Vronsky goes off on business for short periods of time, how dare he not respect what a goddess of perfect Russian nobility she is?!
>Anna has two families because her heart is so full of love
Who knew Tolstoy was such a staunch feminist?

>> No.11320822
File: 123 KB, 810x685, alasdair-macintyre-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The educators in Ontario have already decided that the goal of the education system is to indoctrinate children from from kindergarten-- from kindergarten-- into a ... communitarian, equity-oriented ethos.

Please leave communitarians out of this. We aren't what you think we are.

>> No.11320914

“Postmodern ethos” is an oxymoron

>> No.11320925

>anything written, said, thought, or done prior to 1995 is immoral or problematic

This is definitely a view that some people actually hold and it is definitely not a strawman which you just made up

>> No.11321405

These kind of videos are made for people who don't have the attention span to even read Wikipedia articles, much less a book.

>> No.11322085


>> No.11322087

who cares? rather be a conqueror than a slave

>> No.11322098

>tfw tyou are so strong, opend minden, free thinker individual that some slurs make go apeshit
those people in the past were so stupid and emotional right guys?

>> No.11322106

Islam is eternal.

>> No.11322130

ThisX1000, he did it to survive.

>> No.11322148


>> No.11322311

Thanks for that cuck, we were afraid men were getting off the hook here and were about to go fornicate with their wives' neighbor

>But they do

Found the cuck

>> No.11322331


>> No.11322337

The West is the only civilization, ever, to morally dismantle all of these systems.

>> No.11322473

How is that culturally relativist. You're trying to hard to stick it to the /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.11322484

>Not traditions.
Uhh My family has been breathing for thousands of years bucko

>> No.11322594

>All you should care about is base level survival

>> No.11322833

Remember when Telegonus rode to Ithaca on a dolphin and threw a fucking spear through Odysseus' chest and then he had to get together with Telemachus to swap moms for sex? HaHaHaHa

>> No.11322921

take a look at this nigger. go eat shit out of a fucking indian street shitter

>> No.11323486

John Green's forehead forms right angles.

>> No.11323497

>people who don't want to witness the collapse of Western society must be niggers
Oh man you really got me there, Chief

>> No.11323502

>john green is a blockhead
it makes sense

>> No.11323516

Updating the classics and removing the racism and misogyny would actually be a good thing.

>> No.11323522



>> No.11323526

Because it's current year and we're pro good things and anti bad things, duh?

>> No.11323533


I can't tell if you're being sincere.

>> No.11323551

another anti-white propaganda

>> No.11323621

he would've hated it had it existed

>> No.11323653

And with good reason

>> No.11323675

magapedes and /pol/ hate mgtow more than they hate leftists

>> No.11323764

>Ancient Greece
>White supremacy

>> No.11324102

I would want to get back to my wife and homeland, but you better believe I would get all up in calypsos magic pussy as long as I was stuck on that island. Seriously I bet she looked like Greek Rihanna. Oof I would cum in her everyhole and let her cum all over me before I would weep looking out over the vast ocean. Hopefully Athena would be playing with herself while it was happening too.

>> No.11324128

I hope they do, they will be Menelaus who lets Helen cuck him and then take her back, and I will be odysseus, the mgtow doing the cucking while having a pretty hot wife.

>> No.11325382

That's some pretty severe domination complex you got going.

Are you sure you don't only think you want to have sex because women have told you for so long that sexual conquest is how you demonstrate your value?


>> No.11325869


hey wow jordan peterson can I buy some self authoring suites so I can write about how I was bullied in school and thusly can be a part of the alt-right with no guilt because one time a bully pushed me over

>> No.11326596

No I like how sex feels psued. I would simply be making the best of the situation and get some sweet island pussy. not that a low test numale like you would understand that anyway lol.

>> No.11326632

Got convinced to leave /lit/ again, hope you guys are teenagers

>> No.11326642
File: 19 KB, 491x488, 1497677170476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying sexism and colonialism are bad things

>> No.11326662

washing your hands after taking a shit / before preparing food.

>> No.11326673

not even a little bit sperg

>> No.11326694

i will be there to relentlessly mock them when the time comes.

>> No.11327110


Explain that to the socjus evangelicals.

>> No.11327172

Can you imagine him being your English teacher? What a cuck.

>> No.11327197

The first jew tactic.

>> No.11327217
File: 47 KB, 480x270, Steve_French.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks hated women. They were vessels to carry the genetics of their fathers so that the fathers could live forever through the DNA of their jizz. Greeks were also pedos and fags, especially idealizing young men. See: Catullus Who cares if they were feminist? You can't learn from people you tacitly or explicitly confirm your biases. If women were smart, they would bother themselves to learn more about their oppressors and their inner workings to better understand their own subjugation by men and the ways in which they exert power over men, formulate arguments that address the oppositions argument in a logical and well-informed manner, and could secretly harness the sex drive and it's consequential hypnotic/brainwashed state to control the world.

>me, a woman
>using my brain
>*silences the autistic screeching of my retarded sisters*

>> No.11327245

What a basic bitch.

>> No.11327247

show us your tits or else you aren't liberated enough to use your sexual power to control men

>> No.11327289

I would bully this fuck to the point of nervous depression.