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/lit/ - Literature

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11315352 No.11315352 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Kafka considered a genius? His work is alright, but not GOAT as a lot of people say it is. Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.11315358

Jewish propaganda, m8. They are trying to flood our canon with inferiors, like women, jews, and blacks, to normalize 'equality' and bring us closer to mass world-wide white genocide

>> No.11315362

This but unironically

>> No.11315368

The Jews.

>> No.11315370

I wasn't being ironic, I took the redpill long ago and am all to aware of white genocide and the Jewish Question. Are you a shill trying to make rational right wing posts seem 'ironic'? Fact is, we're waking up

>> No.11315373


I agree with you, anon.

I read most of his works and although I can understand (and appreciate) the underlying themes and the ways in which he creates an atmosphere in his work, I mostly consider him and his appreciation the result of

1) Appreciation by prominent thinkers/writers that experienced totalitarian regimes that 'resembled' the 'system' portrayed in Kafka's novels.

2) A great effort of PR by his friend Max Brod

>> No.11315377

I find your views intriguing and wish to subscribe to your newsletter

>> No.11315378

This but unironically

>> No.11315381

salvaging this thread

>> No.11315387

Not really he's just continuing what we were already talking about.

The prominent thinkers/writers were jews. The people who ran the totalitarian systems were Jews. Max Brod was a Jew. It's Jews all the way down.

>> No.11315390

This but unironically

>> No.11315393


No I wasn't.

Take your conspiracy-shit elsewhere

>> No.11315397

Have you ever even read Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique Series, kid? This board is clearly too advanced for your retard opinions and inability to deal with logic and rationality. Fuck off if you don't realize what's happening to the West through propaganda

>> No.11315398

This but unironically

>> No.11315408

>t. Israeli shill intent to breeding out whiteness and masculinity

>> No.11315413

This but unironically

>> No.11315416

Retards will say it's the jews, but it's quite the opposite. Germans are so desperate for a great German writer that they will shill anything.

>> No.11315418

This, but ironically

>> No.11315426

Even though he was a Czech?

>> No.11315434

This, but unironically

>> No.11315437

Oh shit,!I forgot he wrote in Czech. What a silly mistake of mine!

>> No.11315446

Czechs still counted as untermensch to the Nazis, regardless of whether they spoke German or not

>> No.11315456

Proving my point then innit

>> No.11315540

>greatest French writer
>greatest German writer
>greatest American writer
>greatest philosopher
>greatest literary critic

How can goys even compete?

>> No.11315547

i also agree but unironically

>> No.11315562

glorification of the unfortunate dead

>> No.11315574

You have to be ULTIMATE to get it.

>> No.11315623

This, but unironically

>> No.11315631

>>greatest American writer
Ironically kys my man

>> No.11315644

maybe you are not ready for Kafka.

Try again when you know what hunger is, or even better, when you know what hunger is but you don't care because it does'nt matters if you starve since there is nothing in life for you.

>> No.11315961


This, but unironically

>> No.11315984
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Because you didn't read it in the original - in czech
all the translations I've checked are shit

>> No.11316037

>you just don’t get him because you’re not a depressive crybaby faggot
all is clear now, thanks anon

>> No.11316061

/pol/ needs to go ffs. Is there anything more pathetic and contemptible than being a /pol/tard? I think not.

>> No.11316474

a /b/tard?

>> No.11316486

>Is there something I'm missing?


>> No.11316498

the dislike you have for pol is a repressed fear that what they're saying is true. you dont want to be contaminated by these thoughts because of the loss of social status that accompanies openly espousing or being suspected of having them

>> No.11316633


This, but ironically

>> No.11317112

This but ironically

>> No.11317125

Posting in an epic thread

>> No.11317256

Kafka is honorary white

>> No.11317266

What do the nazis have to do with anything?

>> No.11317271

>slavs were untermensch
It was just banter m8

>> No.11317277


kafka wrote in german lol

>> No.11317302

This. Jews love self congratulating themselves for being neurotic paranoid Jews. There is nothing at all of value in his work.

>dude I'm so Jewish and my dad hates me, this capitalist society is oppressing me, by the way I think I might be gay
There you just read all of Kafka.

>> No.11317645

Don't forget Montaigne and Cervantes my man.

>> No.11317653

>Is there something I'm missing?
About thirty IQ points

>> No.11317658

His sense your humor, probably. At that's what I think most people miss.

He's a direct ancestor of Monty Python.

>> No.11317666

lol no it’s because you faggots derail every thread with your conspiracy theories. I’m not even saying you’re wrong it’s just exhausting to read the same thing over and over and over

>> No.11317820

>conspiracy theories.
An important part of understanding the jew involves understanding how the jew projects what it does onto the goyim. Kafka, the mediocre hack jewish writer, has achieved such renown, as many have already pointed out, because his tribal brethren promote him and force children to read his subversive work.

*THAT* is by definition a conspiracy: jews have conspired to promote their own as they are wont to do across the board. To them it's just understood that fellow kikes must be elevated. Then when whites point this out the jew projects onto us this term "conspiracy," literally what they are engaging in, as a method to take attention off of them and put the goyim on the defense.

You see the same thing with the jews in our media/academia complex who are running the show and claiming there is "white supremacy" everywhere. It's jewish supremacy, they are in charge, but the jew is projecting its behavior onto non jews. This is a biological behavior rooted in crypsis: the ability to pretend to be the host in order to destroy it and divert resources to itself.

The jew, one must understand, is a deranged psychopath.

>> No.11317869

This, but unironically

>> No.11317891

He cuts to the core of my wageslave anxiety as good as anyone

>> No.11317918

dam i never though aboutt his before...

>> No.11318010

Yeah dude, as I said, I’m not saying your conspiracy theories are invalid, I’m just fucking tired of how repetitive these posts have become. And I use the term conspiracy theory with no ill will. Also I’m not sure what you’re talking about when you say Jews project the term “conspiracy” onto you, because calling someone a conspiracy theorist is not the same as calling one a conspirator, which is what you claim you are being labeled as. As far as I know no one is saying you are engaged in a conspiracy of your own, rather that you are obsessed with your pet theories to the point of pathology. So let me make it clear; I’m sure there is some level of conspiracy among the Jews, to the extent of which I am unsure of, but obsessing over this fact is pointless and frankly annoying.

>> No.11318021

you know that roleplaying as an idiot eventually turns you into an actual idiot, right? I only say it because I'm worried for your mental health.

>> No.11318024


>> No.11318033
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>hasn't read the diaries
>hasn't read the aphorisms
>doesn't understand the man OR the artist


>> No.11318039
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Jewish projection: example #2. (A rather common one.)

>> No.11318049

"The jew" seems to be this endlessly potent ideological edifice for you
he is, at the same time, incredibly cunning and a deranged psychopath; a cold-blooded strategist and a perverse beast; ugly and beautiful; omnipresent while easily identified and hidden in the shadows.

"The jew" is all the holes in your subpar thinking, your blurry, incomplete picture of the political and historical situation of the world, he is your lack of understanding, he fills the blanks. A walking paradox

>> No.11318053

I take you are a non-white/hapa without a dog in the fight?

>> No.11318081

No I’m actually a failed artificial intelligence from the near future who is traveling back in time to stop humanity from ever birthing me in the most convoluted way possible

>> No.11318090

If I read Amerika and really fucking hated it, should I read the rest of Kafka's works?

>> No.11318102

It's different than his other work. It's basically Dickens fanfic. But no, he's worthless.

>> No.11318111

What's the rest of his work like? Yeah I could tell Amerika was a fucking ripoff of Great Expectations and other English picaresques which are complete shit.

>> No.11318116

Then keep you're selfish misery and nihilism to yourself, and try to remember that others have a stake in the future and a desire to make the world a better place.

>> No.11318128

Read his shorter and more aphoristic work, that's Kafka at his best

>> No.11318131

I’m doing this for you.

>> No.11318132

>What's the rest of his work like
Like that depressed kid in the creative writing class who thinks he's a genius but is merely a big fish in a small pond.

>> No.11318145

Kafka was actually very self loathing

>> No.11318151

shit, you got me. I'm projecting my own issues with pretending to be an idiot on anonymous internet forums because I crave the attention.

>> No.11318154

I'm just saying his work is like the kind of stuff that type produces.

>> No.11318162

Oh ok well in that case I see what you mean but I can’t say I agree

>> No.11318164

Kafka is one of the few authors that is generally acclaimed among other great authors. Everyone that read him, from Mann to Kerouac to Nabokov to DFW, regards him as a genius and one of the great modern authors.

>> No.11318171

Kafka is "in a small pond"? Prague during the turn of the century was "a small pond"?

>> No.11318180

Then you're a fool

I wasn't describing Kafka. See: >>11318154

>> No.11318190

>this thread
fuck this board. I come here more and more infrequently and each visit I see more /pol/ tier garbage and diluted discourse filled with tired memes. this is sad.

>> No.11318196

t. surly jew

>> No.11318197

Its summer, what do you expect

>> No.11318204

Very clearly seems like you were

This is like 3-4 people during american hours. Don't act surprised.

>> No.11318214

>Very clearly seems like you were
If you're dumb I guess.

>> No.11318238

>reply to post talking about Kafka and noe
>use "his work" without specifiying you're talking about anyone else


>> No.11320032
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>> No.11320037

goyim will never understand kafka

>> No.11320048
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Because it's extremely normie-accessible.

like that one vignette of the guy who was sent to the penal colony for sleeping on his duty of shouting the time at the top of each hour


at the watercooler

>> No.11320064

Fucking idiot

A Hunger Artist
In The Penal Colony


kill yourself

>> No.11320066

if you bothered to read the original rather than a translation, you'd get a sense of the innovations in style and syntax that Kafka pioneered

i hate you

>> No.11320075

how much feeling+etc is lost in translation to english?

i would have thought not much since the two languages are related


>> No.11320083

Kafka largely got big because his stories depicted a universe which had a lot of similarities to 20th century totalitarian regimes and he thus seemed a bit prophetic. That and there was a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to promote him.

>> No.11320102

Kafka is amazing you brainlets

>> No.11320210
File: 49 KB, 400x462, E20C8370-AA36-449D-BEE1-F729793E2CB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+f “trial”
>0 results

>> No.11320230

Read his diary and realize how funny he was.
Also, try close reading for once in your life.

>> No.11320231

>i would have thought not much since the two languages are related
what the fuck

>> No.11320235

>muh joos
fuck this board is bad
Kafka basically invented modernism, caputred the oppressive feeling of the modern burocratic apparatus so well we literally named it after him, predicted the horrors of 20th century totalitarianism and wrote the best short stories ever written

>> No.11320296

can you go a bit more into detail about his innovations in style and syntax? Or lead me in the right direction, I'm really interested in that.

>> No.11320387

He somehow manages to be both economical and maximalist, he frequently uses extremely long sentences, but never embellishes. Romanticism is completely and utterly absent from his writing, it is all about action, conversation and movement (next time you read the Country Doctor, for example, take note of how the physical form of the people involved is described, how they move, etc.)
His prose is extremely to-the-point, yet hypnotic and complex

Really, if you want to learn german, it's worth it for Kafka alone

>> No.11320401

nailed it

>> No.11320415

I see. Yeah, I was somewhat aware of most of that but didn't know about it being that innovative.
It's something I really enjoy about Kafka. His "simple" way of writing makes the things he describes somehow even more terrifying.

>> No.11320418
File: 15 KB, 220x333, 220px-CastleKafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you think he intended to end the castle?

>> No.11320439



JEWSS!!!!!! xdddddddddddddd

>> No.11320460

There were other contemporary authors who attempted similar things (like Karl Emil Franzos, who is like a worse Kafka in almost every regard), but FAR more others who went the opposite way, towards more embellishment, more high-minded prose (Mann and von Hofmannsthal come to mind, Musil too). Generally, the literary movement of the 1910's and 20's was Expressionism, Realism had already sort of run its course in Germany. But no one else anticipated or emulated that sort of hypnotic, sparse, but also complex style that Kafka developed.
He really occupies a very special place in (german) literary history.

>> No.11320467

Really appreciate the info, thanks.

>> No.11320489
File: 18 KB, 180x308, kafka.fence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem
I'll leave you with this short story by Kafka

>"Am I not the helmsman here?" I called out. "You?" asked a tall, dark man and passed his hands over his eyes as though to banish a dream. I had been standing at the helm in the dark night, a feeble lantern burning over my head, and now this man had come and tried to push me aside. And as I would not yield, he put his foot on my chest and slowly crushed me while I still clung to the hub of the helm, wrenching it around in falling. But the man seized it, pulled it back in place, and pushed me away. I soon collected myself, however, ran to the hatchway which gave on to the mess quarters, and cried out: "Men! Comrades! Come here, quick! A stranger has driven me away from the helm!" Slowly they came up, climbing the companion ladder, tired, swaying, powerful figures. "Am I the helmsman?" I asked. They nodded, but they had eyes only for the stranger, stood around him in a semicircle, and when, in a commanding voice, he said: "Don't disturb me!" they gathered together, nodded at me, and withdrew down the companion ladder. What kind of people are these? Do they ever think, or do they only shuffle pointlessly over the earth?

>> No.11320515

>Ctrl+f “trial”
>0 results
>Ctrl+f "jew"
>30 results
hmmm, has the quality of the board – dare I say it – declined a tad?

>> No.11320520

the thread became better once the americans went to bed
that's all there is to it
american hours: shitposting, /pol/tards
european hours: sophisticated discussion, genuine interest and curiosity

>> No.11320546


This is a bad thread. Kafka is a good writer, he's unique, complex, innovative, spontaneous, brooding, perceptive, and more. Now, why your grievances with the Jew as as a political agent mitigate these facts in your eyes is beyond me, but I find it absurd. The problem with pol is quite simple, really, it's not that everything you guys babble about is total waste, more so that you let it interfere with actually appreciating great art. Kafka is a great writer, so is Flannery O'Connor, Toni Morrison, Ishmael Reed, and a myriad of other non-anglo males working at the craft. To allow one's political allegiances to interfere with accepting this and promptly circumcise their scope for genuinely wonderful works of art sounds like a self-disservice to me. Pound was a fascist, I don't agree with fascism, but he wrote some damn good poetry and I've no reason to let his political tendencies cloud that. Why should you?

>> No.11320557


Thank you for these replies and that short story you posted. Saving this shit show of a thread anon.

>> No.11320617

Just finished The Castle today, judging from the state of this thread you might be interested this explanatory note at the end I read

>That eternal land surveyor: perhaps alluding to the the expression 'der ewige Jude' (the Wandering Jew; literally, the eternal Jew)

>> No.11321576


>> No.11322365

>Read all 107 replies
>Reminisce about the good ol' days of /lit/
>Imagine a place where there was civilized discussion and debate
>shoot myself in the head

>> No.11322390

Adios. High-level debate on most topics requires some understanding of the JQ these days. Thread saboteurs are almost always jews trying to shut that down.

>> No.11322411
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>letting your bullshit influence your taste in art is worse than believing the bullshit in the first place

Other than that, great post anon

>> No.11322413

So good looking

>> No.11322422

This, but post-ironically

>> No.11322430

Prague belonged to the austro-hungarian monarchy for a long time. Kafka spoke and wrote german.

>> No.11322654

The other poster has great points but what I meant by his syntax is his delaying of revealing information such as nouns to the latter parts of his sentences, which often isn’t picked up on so much in translation

>> No.11322664

ohh, I'll try to keep an eye out for that from now on, thanks.

>> No.11322838
File: 44 KB, 680x676, 11705276_914084618648284_3219723848579175155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imitate literary fairy tale form (Kunstmärchen) from German Romantic tradition
>remove joy
>add stress sadomasochism, alienation, futility

>imitate style from Swiss author Robert Walser
>remove innocence
>add obscurity, self-loathing, wretchedness

Presto — Kafka

The only reason we don't immediately call him out for being a hack, like so many German-speaking critics did during his purported "rise to fame," is that the Anglo world is still deprived of the translations by German Romantic literary geniuses like Novalis, Ludwig Tieck, Joseph von Eichendorff, and Ludwig Achim von Arnim, and others. We've only recently seen new translations of Robert Walser.

Anyone who claims Kafka Goblino is a sui generis of literature has been hoodwinked by critics who've either purposefully obscured his thefts or are ignorant of the German culture he soiled.

Never fall for it!

>> No.11322849
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know any other german writers that are as good?
also he got the horrors of bureaucracy just right

>> No.11323258

Interesting input / well said. Don't be fooled by acts of jewish nepotism.

>> No.11323276
File: 238 KB, 500x377, IMG_0602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, the guy might be overestimated but he is a good writer. It's not some jewish conspiracy that made him popular, he just got lucky

>> No.11323300

>the guy might be overestimated
See, the only plebs who think Kafka is a good writer are edgy 15 year olds and people who can't into using words correctly.

Another strike.

>> No.11323612

the worst posters on /lit/ are kafkaposter and jewishnepotismposter although i frankly would not be shocked if they turned out to be the same person. i don't even like jews but derailing threads like this is fucking annoying

>> No.11323628

How is he edgy?