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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 400x400, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11314198 No.11314198 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy just a meme or is he actually worth reading?

Additional info: I've never read Hegel.

>> No.11314208

I'd say yes; he is both a meme, but also worth reading in a serious context. I've read a few of his books, and watched hours and hours of his lectures, and I can't say that I've ever wasted a single second consuming anything he has put out. I haven't read Hegel, either, if that's any consolation.

>> No.11314222

Watch Pervert's Guide To Ideology.

I'd say read one of his books like First As Tragedy Then As Farce, but you're obviously not an actual "reader"

>> No.11314226

Yes. He's got a nice take on ideology and his jokes make him more interesting to read. He's shitting on both left and right wing movements which is quite nice. He also made 2-3 movies which, imho, are the best intro to him.

>> No.11314227

What would make them not an actual "reader?"

>> No.11314250

Not that anon.
He doesn't know where to start with Zizek on his own and has never read Hegel. It's not a bad thing tho. Everyone's gotta start somewhere and Ziz is pretty good at making people understand how full of shit they are.

>> No.11314253
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, marxist_llamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is fun and friendly. he is also a lunatic leftist of the worst kind, it's worth reading specially his stuff about "divine violence" and revolutionary terror in general, like this thing

>> No.11314625



In addition, contrary to what the JBP shitposters may tell you, his first few books are really good, thought-through and used quite extensively in academia.

>> No.11314649

have you actually read them? it's the same sort of witty stream of unconnected thoughts as he writes now, it's just more original and less copy/paste at that time, he is a very smart and insightful writer, but i wouldn't call a single thing he has produced exactly "thought-through"

also he is mostly used in meme academia, like literary criticism or cinema studies, not so much in actual philosophy or politics or things like that

>> No.11314688


Yes I have actually read them, /pol/friend. Whilst politics indeed doesn't utilse him (for obvious reasons), philosophy and other humanities studies do still use his work quite a bit here in Western Europe.

If you would actually like to read an early interesting piece look up "How Marx Invented the Symptom"

>> No.11314707
File: 117 KB, 900x900, 0C21DAF7-1B36-49FC-8754-7FDDEB926EDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man gives lectures like a jazz soloist. For the most part he’s incomprehensible, but everynow and then what he says lines up in a profound way.

>> No.11314710
