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11313234 No.11313234 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the postmodern people that peterson refers to that are destroying the west?

>> No.11313238

it's another thinly veiled antisemitism thread

>> No.11313243

OP delete this nazi post

>> No.11313245

Buzzfeed and Huffington Post readers who draw Steven Universe fanart and vote Democrat

>> No.11313247
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>"be objective don't get into postmodernism"
>recommends Dostoy and Neech
what did he mean by this lads?

>> No.11313249

The French, mostly

>> No.11313251

probs the same ppl censoring vidya porn who created his stupid fanbase in the first place

>> No.11313259


>> No.11313322

It's obvious he doesn't know what post-modernism is and just uses it as a catch all phrase for things he disagrees with.

>> No.11313595

His absent father figure

>> No.11313703

this, somewhat

peterson and similar pseudo-intellectuals like paul joseph watson stand to be pretty vague in what they define as "postmodernism." this isn't exclusive to them by any means; discerning the boundaries of postmodernism and what is to be considered postmodernism is inherently subjective. however, oftentimes when talking heads alike to those mentioned previously refer to postmodernism, they are using it as a generalized term for (very) loosely postmodern ideologies they posit as degradative to our society and culture, especially moral relativism, hedonism, and the general notion of no objective truth. they tend to assert these as fundamental to postmodern thought, and thusly form loosely constructed rhetoric which inflates the questionable aspects of postmodern thought to an extent that is usually just plainly irrational (e.g. "postmodernists think ISIS is o.k. because of moral relativism!" or literally just PJW's entire poorly construed video critique of pop culture).

effectively, from what i've gathered, when they speak of the ominous "postmodernists," they tend to just be speaking of a poorly construed, constantly changing strawman composed of hyperbolic conceptions of what postmodern thought is, almost always conflated the left-wing and "cultural marxists."

>> No.11313728

WVO Quine and his whole debate with Carnap.

>> No.11313743

Proponents of Frankfurt School ideologies and literal, economic Marxism.

>> No.11313784
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my favorite folder ^^^

>> No.11314645

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/175054406