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11312075 No.11312075 [Reply] [Original]

What are your ideas for your book/novel?

I wanted to write an book about incels/robots, and their life, basically an modern "Notes from Underground"
Either that or an book where an virgin goes to SEA and meets other miserable people

>> No.11312153

I've been thinking about writing about a Minor League baseball player who gets so tired of degenerating in that weird position of mediocre excellence that he decides to stage a terrorist attack at one of his team's home games. The plan fails miserably so he flees the country, changes his name and ends up becoming a star player in the Japanese Baseball league. I intend it to mostly be a comedy.

>> No.11312271

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.11312284

Imagine the paradise that life would be if you looked like that. Holy shit I want to cry.

>> No.11312291

What a disgusting whore. Dead behind those eyes

>> No.11312306

She's not as alive and virtuous and fulfilled as us, fellow white 4chan brother

>> No.11312315

Unironically this. Imagine taking pictures like this and posting it online for hundreds of thousands of people to see

>> No.11312322

yeah, imagine having sexual value. heh... w-what a f-fag

>> No.11312338

>ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed at that which one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one's frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority and perhaps jealousy in the face of the "cause" generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one's frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one's own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.

>> No.11312343

Plenty of people have high sexual value, including me. But only the sad narcissists post stuff like this
What do you think her self-worth is like?

>> No.11312350

>y-you're just projecting

>> No.11312370

I want to write a book on the same vein as Coraline, about a little girl who faces off against a monstrous entity, although it'd be more grounded in reality than Gaiman's novel. So far I've got 16k words in; it's kind of shitty, but for my first work it's decent.

>> No.11312373

It is a life of constant, overwhelming sensuousness, an unbroken chain of orgasm. If her body was yours, would you not constantly look in the mirror and masturbate, filled by the consubstantial climax that your form brings to others?

>> No.11312399

where did you take that from specifically? I don’t remember N using back slashes in his work to indicate conjunctions and he never at all championed materialistic whoredom

>> No.11312430
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She looks like she's made of plastic, it's smooth but also uncanny
anyway it's about a garbage man who want to be a writer, and he gets his idea from other people garbage. He is surrounded by trash, both literally and metaphorically, as the people he associates with are human scum at first glance. Later on he gets overly obsessed with a particular house, thinking they are the Manson family 2: electric boogaloo.

>> No.11312445

True. This bitch straight from the Uncanny Valley with an ass obviously imported extra-terrestrially.

>> No.11312459

I want a synthetic body desu

>> No.11312468

I want to see a book written from the POV of a Kim jong-un type character, someone who relunctantly has to take over their father’s role as dictator after he dies

>> No.11312477
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Something like this sounds very nice

>> No.11312495

Damn. That ass makes it worth going home to see the parents.

>> No.11312512

>constant sexual harassment and threats of rape
>make up costs rival the budget of a small Pacific nation
>jealous women isolating you
>butthurt men shittalking you
>people distracted by your appearance ignore your other skills
It's be pretty shitty actually. Someone should have the balls to write a book about attractive people (not the whole she's pretty but doesn't know it shit) problems, instead political correctness forces to write about average joes and the whole fat positivity crap.

>> No.11312519

That's bullshit and doesn't apply to a single modern heir. Kim could've just taken couple billions and fuck off living in exile.

>> No.11312522

That's a good price for that appearance.

>> No.11312523

Somebody breed this poor woman.

>> No.11312537

There is a minimal benefit sans aesthetics, it doesn't even guarantee confidence and the external factors are likely to lower it. Hell, she won't even have much easier time to get laid than someone SOMEWHAT attractive because tons of men will be too scared to talk to her normally.

>> No.11312540

She's married to an asian dude, he'll breed her

>> No.11312550

Notes from Underground worked because it is written in irony as a critique of that type of person. It is brilliant in the same way that Madame Bovary is brilliant (although the latter is far better) in that it portrays a character that is meant to be made fun of, but portrays their thoughts and the emptiness of modern society in such a real that one cannot but help but to sympathize with the otherwise repugnant character. I imagine that to read Madame Bovary has a very similar effect for many young women as Notes from the Underground has for us.

My point being that if you want to write a book about incels/robots, it cannot be purely symathetic, a critique of society alone, but a critique of society as well as the character themselves, much like Madame Bovary.

>> No.11312555

no way

>> No.11312557

>Hell, she won't even have much easier time to get laid than someone SOMEWHAT attractive because tons of men will be too scared to talk to her normally.
lmfao. Nice perpetuation of female inagency.

>> No.11312561

That must've taken some doing.

>> No.11312565

Her Name is STPeach, you can look it up

>> No.11312573

A gas station attendant in Alaska witnesses sightings of what seems to be a ghostly cult in the woods across the road during his smoke breaks. Being a brain cancer survivor, he does know if he is facing hallucinations or if the cult is in fact real.

>> No.11312584

that's a backslash
the passage is from wikipedia
if you lack talent and self-discipline, materialism is basically all that is left to you after the old idols have set their sun.

>> No.11312604

It's the best tactic for any gender unless you're in a rush (in which case you're fucked either way)

>> No.11312608

yeah there is nothing behind those eyes except cold narcissism. plus she's trying to show off ass-ets she does not possess. God I bet she's a fucking vapid cunt

now that's-a more like it. still a narcissist, but she looks alive. I hope she has a nice day

>> No.11312679
File: 48 KB, 1080x720, your nightmare come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you assume an asian guy can't date a woman like her. That's cute.

>> No.11312695

not if he doesn't have betabux he can't (but he probably does because he's Asian)

>> No.11312701

That picture is why he thinks that. Gross.

>> No.11312805

For an asian to attract a white woman, usually he is either loaded or is of the rare sort that has a strongly masculine phenotype, a la Toshiro Mifune.

>> No.11312810

Story about a priest in a far off, accelerationist future who struggles to reconcile his faith with the dissociative, isolating technology of his time.

>> No.11312813
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I think that that could be an great book

>> No.11312876
File: 43 KB, 463x332, nigger to the west.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to realize that relationships and the way people attract to each other doesn't work linearly (i.e. thinking that only chads can date hot girls) is to stop being an incel.

>> No.11312889

Please write this, you could be on to something, ditch the "Manson" or "plot focus".
It could be a fantastic commentary on how materialism affects certain people in the community.

>> No.11312893

I just want to be loved.

>> No.11312896

I'm freaked out by women like this. Who is she trying to attract with this? Does she like having all her friends and casual acquaintances masturbating to this?

>> No.11312910

she wants more likes than anyone of her friends. More likes, more exposure, more exposure, more chance of becoming "someone" (plot twist: they never get past the 15 minutes of fame and it's never anything more than the best photo they've taken)

>> No.11312928

sorry but you're delusional

>> No.11312936

m8, do you think girls post pictures of themselves in bikinis on the beach to show they had a good time?
They want guys to masturbate to it. They get off on it.

>> No.11312969

>Sitting alone in a room constantly taking pictures of yourself
>Sending the pictures to people you will never meet
Aside from the bubble-booty the reflection in the mirror is chilling.

>> No.11312980

>sitting alone in a room sending word salad to an anonymous imageboard full of people you will never meet

take a pic of your room and lets compare

>> No.11312996

That isn't what fucking Notes is about

>> No.11313005

That's hardly comparable.

>> No.11313019
File: 671 KB, 791x1214, IMG_1151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this board so full of white knight beta orbiter retards
i thought you guys were supposed to be smart

>> No.11313029

This image is infinity; it contains the essence of all that was, all that is and all that shall be.

>> No.11313030

>lookig at words makes yuo smort

>> No.11313050

>Two studies have tested the possibility that cisgender women can also experience autogynephilia. Veale and colleagues (2008) found that an online sample of cisgender women commonly endorsed items on adapted versions of Blanchard's autogynephilia scales.[44] Moser (2009) created an Autogynephilia Scale for Women based on items used to categorize MtF transsexuals as autogynephilic in other studies. A questionnaire that included the ASW was distributed to a sample of 51 professional women employed at an urban hospital; 29 completed questionnaires were returned for analysis. By the common definition of ever having erotic arousal to the thought or image of oneself as a woman, 93% of the respondents would be classified as autogynephilic. Using a more rigorous definition of "frequent" arousal to multiple items, 28% would be classified as autogynephilic.[45]
Life as a man with autogynephilia is hell. It's like they're taunting me.

>> No.11313051

The way she has her lips pursed, the exacting distance between her eyelids, the glazed self-satisfaction settling on her eyes as she takes the selfie, the guitar laid lovingly on the chair like a sentient testimony to her dissembled vacuity, the video games and related paraphernalia half-in the shot to gesture at the minor but still significant role they play in her life, the laminated paper tree ornaments to memorialize interpersonal trivialities... legitimately frightening. The person is the room.

>> No.11313052

just because i am pointing out that 4chan users are pathetic doesnt mean i am defending twitch roasties

>> No.11313066

>>29 completed questionnaires
More scientific than most studies that back Blanchardism, though

>> No.11313070

Isn't that already a Harlan Ellison story?

>> No.11313073

I'm writing several short comedy-horror stories which are set in the same world.
The one I'm working on right now is called 'The Living Cartoon', and deals with two warring sisters, one who is young, mature for her age, has a boyfriend she's sexual with, the older of the two sisters is an ugly shut-in loser who spends all her time watching and collecting merchandise for her favourite cartoon series.

Things take a dark turn when the older sister's erotic fetishy drawings of her cartoon OC are discovered by their mother, who, during a row where she tries to take them away to show her psychiatrist, the older sister pushes her mother down the stairs which kills her. The murder/accident is covered up by the younger sister, their workaholic father believing his wife's death to be an accident.

But the younger sister can't leave with the grief she has for her dead mother, this grief made worse because her sister continues to collect her merchandise and watch the same damn cartoon series each day as if nothing ever happened. So the younger sister confesses the truth to her father who, rather than being furious, chooses to be understanding. This enrages the younger sister to the point she calls up her boyfriend, grabs all her sister's merchandise, puts it in the car, taking it all to the nearby dump to burn it.

The younger sister has burnt nearly all the merchandise. However before she can burn those fetishy OC pictures a strange storm rolls in, striking her with a golden bolt of thunder, burning her flesh and almost killing her. She is taken to a hospital and put in a full body cast, being told she'll be disfigured for the rest of her life...

To cut a long story short the younger sister ends up having the cast removed only to find herself as her sister's fetishy OC, which drives her to the edge of her sanity as government forces close in to capture her.. It's a dumb story, but one I think might be slightly elevated by the deepest lore worldbuilding I've done for the series as a whole, but we'll see if it'll work I guess.

>> No.11313084

>t. Foucault coolaid-drinking idpoler
I know what I am, innately.

>> No.11313096
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why bother my dude
just be chill

>> No.11313106
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>> No.11313112

didn't white noise already do that?

>> No.11313113

she looks like a robot

>> No.11313136

Statistically significant studies show that around 40% of "transgender" people commit suicide. You probably blame that on social stigma. Really there isn't enough science behind it for me to trust it. To get on hormones you just have to go to therapy for a year. No matter how inconsistent you are, as long as you keep repeating "I believe I'm a woman" you can inject your body with serious brain altering chemicals. I went through the process myself, I'm glad I reneged. Gender therapists and the like have no fucking clue what they're doing.

>> No.11313143

Where did I imply any of that? I make no normative claims, only the descriptive assertion that I am sexually aroused by the thought of possessing female traits.

>> No.11313158

So easy bound and down

>> No.11313185

I'm am trying to write a short story based on Diary of a Country Priest but set in a suburban McDonald's. "Diary of a Suburban Fry Cook." I want to examine modern life from the perspective of the lowest of the low.

>> No.11313186

When you said "I know what I am, innately," I took that to mean "a woman," because Blanchard thinks AGPs are more properly trans than HSTSs. But far be it from me to tell you you're not allowed to have a fetish.

>> No.11313199

Again, I only used the term that accurately describes the paraphilia.

>> No.11313203

Ok, go on about your fetish then. I maintain that the study you posted is a pile of shit, though.

>> No.11313228

which story? I'm not familiar with his work

>> No.11313256

The issue arises whenever a counterargument is made. The fact of the matter is that many men who undergo sexual reassignment, as dubious as such a procedure may be, have a very particular set of sexual proclivities, which cannot be succinctly explained by the social theory or "power structures" foisted by the humanities unto the discipline of psychiatry. My enviousness at the idea of women being commomly aroused by their own bodies is only tangentially related.

>> No.11313268

Ayy lmao

>> No.11313281

>the idea of women being commomly aroused by their own bodies
How can anyone non ugly not being aroused by their own body?

>> No.11313313

Are you gay? Autoandrophilia is uncommon to the point of not really being identifiable.

>> No.11313316
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For the love of God I want a girlfriend.

>> No.11313339

The worst feeling is knowing you had a good chance of getting, before all your fucking hair fell out
at 22 years of age

>> No.11313348

Wasn't talking about some sex change stuff. Just generally being aroused by your own body.

>> No.11313422

Have never seen that, but I plan for most of the story to be set when he's still festering in the Minors so I think it's distinct enough. If I'm ripping off anything it's Bull Durham.

>> No.11313487

u keep posting dese jezebels when r u going to learn

>> No.11313514

I'm writing about cocaine and hookers and Jesus.

>> No.11313652
File: 362 KB, 900x1260, 1472351432251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm developing this anime that takes place at a fast food restaurant. The main character is a fourteen year old by surrounded by sex goddess women with giant boobs. The manager has the biggest boobs as she is the most powerfulest. The boy tries to become head chef and out compete the other big boobed women using the pain from his youth to fuel his fry cookery.

>> No.11313970


>play games on youtube
>become a millionaire without ever leaving home

wow such hard life
much suffering

>> No.11313977


My friend went bald shortly after turning 20, is ugly as shit, and I lost count of his girlfriends long ago

>> No.11314291

stream of consciousness about a guy lamenting having to inhabit and take care of an organic body
eating, drinking, sleeping, exercising, bathing etc, all just so tedious and bothersome

ends in suicide

>> No.11314442

>constant sexual harassment and threats of rape
Add to that insults and death threats and you have my life before the age of 20 when I became a shut in.
>make up costs rival the budget of a small Pacific nation
But you'd have easy income through Twitch.
>jealous women isolating you
My GFs did this. Probably wanted me to chase after them or some shit.
>butthurt men shittalking you
No change.
>people distracted by your appearance ignore your other skills
Good looks are mostly an advantage. t. good looking man.

>> No.11314479

Low-fantasy novel about being a woman in a men's world. Also dealing with the idea that you owe your family allegiance only based on relations. Ends in tragedy and exile.

>> No.11314480

Fuck you I'm already doing that

>> No.11314517

The twitch/yt point is just weird, most people making big bucks with it are average as fuck, so looks isn't a crucial factor. There are obviously people who basically camwhore without going all out but even there most are pretty normal looking. (Same with webcam stuff and porn and sex work actually) Simply being hot doesn't guarantee you anything if you can't add something more. At best it's a bonus.

>Add to that insults and death threats
Holy shit, now that's extreme, mate. From who did they come?

>Good looks are mostly an advantage.
For men I guess it balances out a bit more and there might be more pros since we don't live in a culture that totally fetishises our bodies but there are still quite a few cons that are way too often overlooked.

>> No.11314523


Tits are everywhere on 4chan, no fucking board is safe from it.

I dont wanna jerk off all the time, please stop posting these

>> No.11314728

Out of interest, could you comment on this essay?
I'm curious to see how your view compares to that author's.

>> No.11314838

I've dated a few 9/10 thots and they're all a mental wreckage. The kind of people that will eat cheeseburgers and drink milkshakes in front of her friends, then throw it all up in the bathroom. The kind of people that can't have any sort of experience without taking pictures and posting on social media to get validation. The kind of people that literally cut themselves and have the most twisted diaries and secrets because they're broken to the point where they start to fetishize this condition and the attention they get out of victimization.

When it hits you that their entire existence is revolved around validation, and that their only single value is their attractiveness, it's quite sad. All of these girls are 20-somethings, but do you think they're attractive forever? Women peak during a 10-year span and then fall off a cliff. For 85% of their lives they're worthless, and for 15% of their lives they get to enjoy mindless hedonism and adoration hand-to-hand with a damaged psyche.

I don't think you should envy them, but rather pity them.

>> No.11315299

I think half the board already has planned that one out

>> No.11315672

I’ve been wanting to write a book about intelligent raccoons. Roughly twenty years after Toronto issues a “raccoon proof” garbage lock that basically eliminates them from the city, a new species appears a “proto opposable” thumb and a significantly increased brain capacity that can defeat the lock. A group of scientists then studies the species and the impact it has on society as people have to recognize their impact in “elevating” a species.

>> No.11315693

Don't they already have proto-opposable thumbs?

>> No.11315704

No. They’re very capable with their hands, though.

>> No.11315946 [DELETED] 

>Having a discussion with strangers
>Broadcasting booty pics

>> No.11315969

I was incredibly surprised that raccoons have such a short lifespan. Makes them prime material for works on generational development. Plus, they're cute as fuck. Was also surprised you can have them as pets in some places.

>> No.11315970

If you know what I mean ;)

>> No.11315974

I'd rather share a thought with the anonymous void, than show them how big my rock hard dick is.

>> No.11315992

what do you call those mythical creatures that are like demons that seduce men by appearing as hot girls

>> No.11316011


>> No.11316023


You're thinking of it from the perspective of a man.

>> No.11316231

The priest of a small rural town receive the confession of someone who announces him that he will kill a young girl in five days. Helpless and without any more clue, the priest decide to investigate and stop the killer by himself

>> No.11316239

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.11316255

This but unironically

>> No.11316390

>Simply being hot doesn't guarantee you anything
Nigga you got it completely backwards. It's possible to make it even if you're completely average, so long as you try a little. If you were actually good-looking, you wouldn't need anything else.

>> No.11316600

>Priest gets excommunicated after he is found to be performing sham exorcisms while on excursions to Africa for money
>Remembers all of the things people in his town have told him during their confessions
>Blackmails the worst offenders, claiming to have acquired proof of their misdeeds after revealing them, a lie
>Eventually each victims situation becomes more dire as they are bled for increasing amounts of money and favours
>The priests son is suspicious of his continued wealth and interrogates his father with limited success
>The extorted individually seek to free themselves from their bondage by making amends for their wrongs to those they maligned, and are successful
>Priests son discovers what has been happening and argues with his father
>Disowns him

It's a work in progress

>> No.11317599

It depends on the culture, Succubus, Kitsune, and so on...

>> No.11317627

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.11317630

It’s about a Parisian ballet school at the turn of the 20th century

>> No.11318668
File: 222 KB, 1366x768, 1836752_10201566893968380_4486568668490318786_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to write something about a nascent "troll factory"/cambridge analytica type organization that writes fake product reviews, fake news comments, fake sensationalist political stuff.

It'll be run by two guys, one is basically hedonist/psuedo-accelerationist and the other is very sensitive, psuedo-sjw, has moral qualms about manipulating dumb poor non-english into buying dick growing pills.

Thinking about doing it as a TV pilot script, I don't think I got the talent for prose and dialogue is my natural strength.

>> No.11319155

>A young man with no desire, or ability, to go to college tries to earn full time employment with a technological company through their delivery service.
>After accepting a strange job from their head of security he finds himself hunted by two hired killers.
>Entire novel would be the preceding days and the five hour span over which he kills the two of them and loses his shit.

>> No.11319575
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let this one blow your mind: Canadian model and her BF

>> No.11319583
File: 565 KB, 831x474, tay3.png.b35e71f411ce959b782d502004cae0bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she went full weeb for a few years and had a mystery bf that could afford to fly her across the world first class and owned a three story house in Japan, they just moved back to HK

>> No.11319596
File: 58 KB, 720x960, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I just love his personality : 3" btw he is heavily accented and she can hardly understand him

>> No.11319667

her youtube channel has nearly 900k subs but she barely gets 100-150k views on her newer videos

she's already losing it

>> No.11319697

she reads the threads about her on PULL/lolcow which makes it even better, makes sense considered she's besties with sharla-chan

>> No.11320602

Based Jezebel Poster

>> No.11321473


>> No.11321544


>> No.11321613

Based Kierkegaard poster.