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/lit/ - Literature

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11311172 No.11311172 [Reply] [Original]

if you haven't read the most sublime piece of writing mankind has ever produced then please kindly gtfo of this literature board

>> No.11311182

I've just studies all the paralogisms and his critique on metaphysics. Quite an awesome work

>> No.11311183

you kids are never going to come across ideas like the "synthetic unity of apperception" in those coloring books you read (probably color by number desu) so why don't you take your illiteracy to reddit please

>> No.11311187

I read this as "Cringe of Pure Reason"

>> No.11311188

are you absolutely a nervous wreck on account of the fact that daily hours pass and you still haven't read the first critique? what are you doing man how do you sleep at night.

>> No.11311192

gtfo out this literature board you utter philistine don't you have menial labor to attend to?

>> No.11311209

He's talking about the quality of the thumbnail. Three deep breaths, anon.

>> No.11311210

Actually reading this exact edition now. The first edition is interspersed with the second edition. Should I read them both at the same time, or just focus on one for my first read through?

>> No.11311212

when I read the critique i cant help but feel that he's just doing a kind of really primitive psychology incoherently mixed with a bizarre reductive metaphysics

it is modern as fuck i suppose, but it's just gay

>> No.11311215
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>> No.11311216

pic unrelated

>> No.11311229

if you're not a living vat of refuse you will be reading the work multiple times so pick one and go with it.

dear lord. i think i can be of some use to you please follow this link >>>reddit

you are complete slime. you degrade humanity just by existing.

>> No.11311270

here I'll summarize:
>I'm a massive faggot (in a cognitive sense, because physically I'm a manlet cuckgoblin) who can't get laid
>better try and obfuscate things into an insensible mess of conjectural non-opinions while aping that I know jackshit about mathematics or philosophic reasoning so that I can cope with the reality that my dicc is 3.5cm
>also, be kind to the jews, goy, they're g-d's chosen after all
>there, now that I've pissed into the punchbowl of life chad and stacy can't enjoy it either
>what's that?? chad and stacy don't give a fuck about my autistic ramblings and the few chads who took the time to peruse them have completely dismantled them??

Honestly, you should listen to what incels have to say about anything. Also avoid the shabbos goys who shill their degenerative dogma whose only goal is to weaken Nationalism.

I would recommend instead far more seminal works of philosophy such as Culture of Critique or Siege. These works are well worth a diligent study.

>> No.11311273
File: 19 KB, 220x344, 220px-Kant-KdrV-1781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shudder to think that there are people out there who call themselves well read and they have never even glanced at the transcendental aesthetic

>> No.11311275

shouldn't listen* goddamn kike autocorrect

>> No.11311276

i read Nick Land bruh i don't need to read Kant muh dude

>> No.11311280
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>> No.11311286

i knew there other men of my calibre on this website. it should be pointed out though that Kant was kind of wary of the frugal folk, and thought of them as a parasitic merchant people.

>> No.11311288

this *snap* shit has really, really gotten out of hand

>> No.11311295

based /pol/ saves the day again.

>> No.11311300

i sincerely hope that you are just pulling my tit with this sheer nonsense. you may rest assured that i have had a good laugh with you, assuming that you are only jesting, otherwise i feel genuinely sorrowful that you have humiliated yourselves for all time, irrevocably and appearing unlikely to recover. i should have offered you help if i thought the endeavor was not utterly in vain.

>> No.11311305
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>> No.11311311
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>> No.11311318

you are like a gnat. you are a pestilent mosquito. i bet you piss yourself while at your computer and let it soak until the smell has become unbearable.

>> No.11311319
File: 44 KB, 499x666, JayC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the Bible every morning and evening, for your knowing.

>> No.11311329
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>Kant originated the technique required to sell irrational notions to the men of a skeptical, cynical age who have formally rejected mysticism without grasping the rudiments of rationality. The technique is as follows: if you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea (based on traditionally accepted doctrines), your conclusion must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible. Your proof must be so tangled a mess that it will paralyze a reader’s critical faculty—a mess of evasions, equivocations, obfuscations, circumlocutions, non sequiturs, endless sentences leading nowhere, irrelevant side issues, clauses, sub-clauses and sub-sub-clauses, a meticulously lengthy proving of the obvious, and big chunks of the arbitrary thrown in as self-evident, erudite references to sciences, to pseudo-sciences, to the never-to-be-sciences, to the untraceable and the unprovable—all of it resting on a zero: the absence of definitions. I offer in evidence the Critique of Pure Reason.
Kant BTFO. Now read some real philosophy

>> No.11311385

How did this brainlet become so famous? Whose dick did she suck to secure her place in the canon?

>> No.11311392

people genuinely like her books a lot

>> No.11311422

currently trying to Read Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. Took me almost a week to finish and understand the first section, the shortest part

>> No.11311423

Do you honestly believe people on this board have read the transcendental deduction of the categories?

Nobody on this site have the brains to do so (except me of course). At the most they have read his moral philosophy, and not even the second critique, just the Groundwork.

>> No.11311428

>thinking it's some sort of herculean feat to read Kant
120IQ midwit detected

>> No.11311453

A child could read him, but understanding his system is definetely one of the harder things a philosopher has to do.

>> No.11312334

>They actually fell for the platonism meme

>> No.11312575

Philosophy isn’t about ”systems”, you STEM-autist

>> No.11312596

It's definitely not sublime, but it was necessary. I'll settle with you on "beautiful."

>> No.11312605
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>if you haven't read the most sublime piece of writing mankind has ever produced then please kindly gtfo of this literature board
Seems like you've posted the wrong picture, friend

>> No.11312861
File: 42 KB, 609x699, The_Elephant_Celebes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLDR: you can't know the truth because your knowledge is based on prior subjective experiences.
Saved you the read and a hell of a lot of bullshit definitions

>> No.11312867

>talks about Kant
>says writing is sublime
Now go read the third critique and you'll learn not to misuse his terms. Sublime is for the feeling you get of the sheer magnitude of nature, it is fear-inducing but then pleasurable.

>> No.11312868

Not even close. You sound like a Randian.

>> No.11312877

Yes it is and it doesn’t matter what Nietzsche may have said

>> No.11312885

so you didn't even read the first three pages, gotcha.

>> No.11312886
File: 779 KB, 647x656, hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mannnnnn, philsophy is about kicking backkkk anddd readdinnnggg something profound woah

>> No.11312966


>> No.11312971


>> No.11312976


>> No.11313014

>i am too dumb to understand kant, thus he's evil
kant utterly btfo

>> No.11313141

How do we know noumena exist if existence is a category and categories can only be applied to phenomenal objects?

>> No.11313160
File: 660 KB, 2024x665, Kant_BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11313905

Schuon is just making the same baseless claims that led to the necessity of the critical philosophy in the first place. He's throwing around the terms "Absolute" and "Intellect" without really questioning where these terms are coming from. It's the whole, "if there's something limited there must be something unlimited, and now let me string together a series of unrelated claims and call the whole mess God".

>> No.11314228

It is unbelieveable that schooner thinks he is making arguments the moderns would not have been well aware of seeing as how they were all scooped in the very system he describes

>> No.11314244

Pretentious garbage

>> No.11314316

blame jidf

>> No.11314343

>120IQ midwit detected

>> No.11314355

>singlehandedly affect the course of philosophy as well as every science
>some anon on 4chan thinks its garbage
Unbelievably pseud

>> No.11314465

Is the Meiklejohn translation readable or do I have to get the expensive one?

>> No.11315801


>singlehandedly affect the course of philosophy as well as every science

lmao no