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File: 24 KB, 384x384, IMG_20180611_150427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11306290 No.11306290 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bronze Age Mindset the next Great American Novel?

>> No.11306296

>he shilled it again
sage goes in the Options field

>> No.11306297
File: 670 KB, 972x785, SmartSelectImage_2018-06-10-15-05-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11306326

Are you intimidated by his overwhelming masculine spirit?

>> No.11306327

BAP is a 35 year old Brazilian trust fund baby

>> No.11306339

*smelts your copper*

>> No.11306351

>implying there's not an obvious death to america stance

>> No.11306355

What the hell is this book that's getting shilled. It's even started showing up in my kindle recommendations

>> No.11306357


>> No.11306372

idk if you actually know this or if it sjust fabrication but this is exactly the sort of person i imagine him to be; classic example of rich person ennui and dissatisfaction. his stuff is funny but awfully myopic and immature. personally i prefer based roman bureaucratic civilisation over dumb cult of youth where we act like nogs

>> No.11306379

very low T comment

>> No.11306385
File: 6 KB, 214x236, Grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look Bronze Age Pervert I shilled it again! Now when do I get my monies?

>> No.11306396

if you use the concept of 'owned space' as an excuse for being shit at sports when young and wanting to suck cock , you are definitely low T

>> No.11306400

Even Notch bought it


>> No.11306419

The Holy Ghost isn’t satisfied to write like a man — But as less than one — As a foolish raving madman — But he poses this way only in the eyes of God’s enemies

>> No.11306443

I thought BAP was a descendant of the German ethnostate that Nietzsche's brother-in-law founded in Paraguay?

>> No.11306449

Seems to be some kind of anti-civilization manifesto. Based at a first glance, but I'm interested to hear from anyone who knows more.

>> No.11306457
File: 493 KB, 2016x798, 1528588764141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick rundown

>> No.11306458
File: 1.62 MB, 3672x3024, 1526876390993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does it fit in here?

>> No.11306464

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi? Curious choice Tbh

>> No.11306467

BAP is not Brazilian, idiots, he's Russian. The trust fund baby part is likely though.

>> No.11306473

Nowhere, he's neither american nor have american sensibilities.

>> No.11306484
File: 333 KB, 569x525, deepfried_1528556379589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading it makes me want to make a wind waker oldscrolls mix game. His twitter is far more kino, you can tell he isn't used to long writing, but it is still some damn good inspo

>> No.11306495

Memes aside, is this something worth looking into?

>> No.11306500

His forum posts are far better than his twitter.

>> No.11306502

chapter 79 (i think?) talks about the tropical futurist stuff

>> No.11306508

eh i read them all and they seem like any other forum posts. Just good at knowing how to control an audience

>> No.11306519

I need to know if this contains an exposition on marble countertops and/or dining aggression before bothering to pirate it

>> No.11306525

I am sorry, granite countertops*

>> No.11306531

That's basically it, it veers off at points though

>> No.11306534

What the hell is Tropical Futurism?

Is being a Neo-Luddite going to be the hip thing to do now?

>> No.11306543

Yeah, if you don't get anything out of it you'll be be at least entertained

>> No.11306739

reminder that if you like bronze age pervert and want to live in accordance with his teachings, you will not pay for this book but rather download it for free- piratical living, gabish?

>> No.11306798
File: 284 KB, 517x493, It's gonna get better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tropical Futurism
He says that during or after the troubles (collapse of the west/ downfall of the occident) that the superior specimens will leave society and head towards the tropics.
not futurism in the technological sense but the societal sense

>> No.11306811
File: 461 KB, 1597x1600, colville2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11306846

Gross, no, it's a European novel and belongs in the European trash with all of the other "Americans" and "American novels" trying too hard to be European. Big words = big novel lmao

>> No.11306858

>The friends you mare are more important, far more important, than the girfriends or wives you'll have. And actually your girl will admire you for this - not that you should do it for that reason, but it's an added benefit: women admire men with great personal projects, and who are not beholden to them.

>> No.11306877

That would explain it. Fucking jerks trying to piggyback on daddy warbucks and making us look like globalists. Do not be fooled by contemporary happenings, slavohispanics will never belong on the shelves of a respectable /lit/ reader.

>> No.11306900
File: 421 KB, 599x545, bap theory 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro he's a french Caribbeaner

>> No.11306922

that's not BAP

>> No.11306930

everybody that hates the book or BAP is an obsessed loser

look at @morphine96_, who wakes up every day to log on and continue his perpetual meltdown over NRx. his brain is poisoned from too much internet

@tonaplexus is a weird communist. mark fisher is fucking dead lmao

the green avi guy got owned by teevee kwa for insulting BAP (pbuh) and his writing, and yet having a hilariously bad creative writing project himself


>> No.11306938

>Twitter drama on my 4chan
No thank you; Use a tripcode so I can filter you, please.

>> No.11306944

I am most definitely sure it is, if you have a different pic then post it.
And his huge french reblogging over any other language definitely makes him prime candidate for that over "slavohispanic"

>> No.11306993

someone post a pdf already?

>> No.11307006

How do you even make a pdf from an amazon kindle file?

>> No.11307013

Can someone give me a rundown of BAP? I haven't seen it memed anywhere but here.

>> No.11307015

Just type it out you low agency nitwit.

>> No.11307016

EPUB pls. For poor frogs.

>> No.11307024

pdf or whatever i can read on pc without giving e-celeb cancer my money. maybe if someone scanned the book?

>> No.11307031

a pdf is just an image isn't it? someone not retarded about everything please correct my woeful technical illiteracy

>> No.11307041

you can't copy and paste from kindle

>> No.11307064
File: 20 KB, 307x462, 1528247725664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11307068

Yeah you literally can't, click copy on it and they say "can't do that, or pay money to do that"
I ain't typing the whole thing out if that's what you're saying, his grammar is so fucked autocorrect would change the whole book

>> No.11307253

you people are idiots if you think this shit is deep or insightful and not already better said by theorists 100s of years old

>> No.11307261

fuck off dweeb

>> No.11307268

And they're all dead niggers. BAP is the voice of this millenia

>> No.11307281

That's why he's shilling his shit book on a board with a footfall of less than a hundred people at peak hours, and most of then high schoolers? You're a laughingstock dude lmao. Sage btw.

>> No.11307301

hi tabe, which account that i mentioned are you?

>> No.11307303

this guys definitely not mad holy shit h

>> No.11307306
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>> No.11307322

you're a fag lol

>> No.11307331
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, DfUQdM4UYAInVQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly believe this book is changing the world

>> No.11307333

hey tabe why did u take off your name to continue your spergy meltdown

>> No.11307343

got him

>> No.11307367


>> No.11307412

Nietzche only blew up after his death, BAP is already ahead of the curve and will shortly surpass him

>> No.11307452

In case you're being serious, why? Do you think people like your pic related will take the message to heart and rail against civilization even if it means losing its associated comforts?

>> No.11307459

lmao that ho didn't read it

>> No.11307463


Seeds of transformation are being planted.

>> No.11307575

We live in interesting times.

>> No.11307690

Is there another distributor? I don't want Amazog to know I'm buying a tropical fascist's book.

>> No.11307710

Why wouldn't I just read industrial society instead?

>> No.11307730

I reckon, if you have to choose, pick Ted. His work is shorter, to the point, and doesn't smell like it's going to be dropped as soon as the mainstream get bored of being Luddites.

>> No.11307742

What a concise and well thought out answer. You don't belong here, run far away while you still have hope anon

>> No.11307778

im waiting for an opportunity to steal it
that’s not BAP idiot, he doesn’t have that physiognomy or hair color nor is he that young
they don’t do anything other than put you on a list, im already on much worse lists for talking about 9/11 and pedo blackmail networks don’t worry about it too much.

i would strongly advise stealing the book tho as a matter of principle

>> No.11307847

>they don’t do anything other than put you on a list, im already on much worse lists for talking about 9/11 and pedo blackmail networks don’t worry about it too much.

>i would strongly advise stealing the book tho as a matter of principle

Ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.11307869

We live in a

>> No.11307882

I think BAP is a very intelligent and well-spoken person, but this book is going to raise a generation of Twitter pseuds.

>> No.11308016

BAP's book a good reminder why you need to START WITH THE GREEKS

you're a pussy

that's putting it a bit strong but BAP IS a strong interpreter of Nietzsche

right wing nutcase obsessed with bodybuilding and esoterica, twitter personality, probably a trust fund baby

but he can write - in fact he shows you in a couple hundred pages how much the literary establishment and our public intellectuals have become a bunch of charlatans, that this goofy memer from the asshole of twitter can run laps around them

>> No.11308048

>in fact he shows you in a couple hundred pages how much the literary establishment and our public intellectuals have become a bunch of charlatans, that this goofy memer from the asshole of twitter can run laps around them

You need to read more and not just what's recommended in the shithole online circles you hang out in.

>> No.11308100

recommendations? What are the most important things you've read?

>> No.11308111

i browsed his twitter once and it was pretty gay...like actually homosexual

body building is also a massive meme...the greeks would have trained the snatch and clean and jerk and probably bulgarian style

>> No.11308275

>What are the most important things you've read?
He'd give himself away if he explained which contemporary writers he thinks are good. Much easier and less risky to take potshots without exposing yourself.

>> No.11308378

For anyone who has read this book, what reasons does he give for us needing to revert to a pre-civilizational state?

>> No.11308447

what do you think the word *mindset* means?

>> No.11308451

onions boy beta male numale low t effeminate cuck, what do you think

>> No.11308469

lol you're angry about a book that you haven't read

>> No.11308519
File: 230 KB, 446x500, DFD1340D-9182-416B-B2ED-74E34F8C461F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this book glorify the archetypes of -like- traditional female roles?

>> No.11308526

I wanted to see how it compared to Ted's thingy, apparently not favorably.

So he's not advocating for an actual change, just a mental one?

>> No.11309395


>> No.11309523
File: 47 KB, 500x341, B8B11616-2A36-4CF9-94CA-40F3B1E896DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always sunny in Philadelphia said this shit before him

>> No.11309534

Anyone have an epub for this? Too poor to buy it as I live in the tropical third world.

>> No.11310141

I too like to jerk my snatch clean bulgarian style.

>> No.11310168

Post the whole cap of the thread then, last time i saw it he commented that he felt old after that.

SA or SEA? Either way not worth your money, read Schopenhauer, Nietzsche(GoM, BGE, Will to Power), Hamilton's mythology etc. since you could gain more out of those texts than this book.

>> No.11310183

>BAP's book a good reminder why you need to START WITH THE GREEKS
But reading the greeks will make the prospect of reading BAP obsolete.

>> No.11310197

I find this idea interesting more than anything else, what's his reasoning behind this? I mean I live in the tropics and am European but isn't northern man I'll equipped to survive there in the long term without some degree of civilization?
Maybe adaptions could be made, and I'm sure southern/central continental Europeans could do alright since they often tan well, but I'd imagine after a few generations people would look more like swarthy Italians than pale aryans

>> No.11310208

>he felt old

No worries.
This book will revitalize him.

>> No.11310228

>This book will revitalize him.
Well i do agree on that aspect of the book. The first part about his travels was actually fun to read.

>> No.11310257

Fucking love this show.

>> No.11310260

absolutely DISGUSTING

>> No.11310289


Pick one

>> No.11311929

>Aspiring nudist

>> No.11312142

I'm a neckbeard who posts on /g/ and /lit/ but sometimes I'm amazed by the lack of life some folk have. Twitter is included.
A bunch of people circlejerking one another continously, each retweet -or favorite or whatever you call it- just releases more endorphine. I really doubt he is in it for the money he just likes his ego to be stroked.
That, plus being anonymous tends to discredit his work, I must admit I have my pre concieved notions that it is not a well written book.

>> No.11312225
File: 763 KB, 607x579, 1528657258379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if bronze age mindset is a meme or an actual book. Don't want to waste my money on a 4chan meme.

>> No.11312230
File: 77 KB, 600x536, laughing women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Dad, why do we live in such a bad neighborhood? Why can't we afford a car? Why do you work weird shift jobs instead of having an actual job? Why do all my friend's parents think that you're so weird? Why doesn't mom talk to you anymore?"
>"Well, son, I thought it would be a good idea to spend my twenties bodybuilding and swinging a sword nude in my parents' backyard because some guy on the internet told me to"

>> No.11312270

"Huehuehue the Greeks would have trained oly lifts"

>> No.11312323
File: 380 KB, 1600x1329, 1509409133293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i just buy this and put it on soulseek for you homos?

>> No.11312331


>> No.11312452


>> No.11312798

a review is out— https://jacobitemag.com/2018/06/12/beach-nietzsche-a-review-of-bronze-age-mindset/

this “mike crumplar” dude keeps topping himself in poop trash articles lmbo jacobite sucks ass and this dweeb deserves to have his teeth punched off
what a fucking dork

>> No.11312863


>> No.11312869

epic win memery dude!

>> No.11312874

Do it

And thanks senpai

>> No.11312900

>“Having to be in passenger seat while moron is driving, I couldn’t even stand this friend and asked him if he wouldn’t mind if I jacked off while we drove between two cities. “Yeah man, sure, go ahead no big deal…” he agree, so I know there as nothing left in him. It’s for this reason that I go in the dirtiest of red light districts or enter porn cinemas: I like to see trap injecting industrial-grade silicon in chest, I like to hear whores trade stories how the word “homosexual” comes from “a sexual man,” and that homos are just hypersexualized whore-males. I believe this is true.”

>> No.11312911

You are worse than ecelebs. You're and untereceleb.

>> No.11312918

>but he can write

Not based on what has been posted on the threads his lackeys are posting here.

>> No.11312927


>Stupid science bitch: 0
>God: 1


>> No.11312954
File: 716 KB, 640x757, Screenshot-2018-6-12 sol on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting your nudist hike to social media is what qualifies as liberation these days?

>> No.11312985

Sheer narcissism.

>> No.11312986

Okay I've got it i just need to find where amazon downloaded it to.

>> No.11313035

okay its on there you should be able to search for it or otherwise my username is losslieder

>> No.11313094

does anyone have PDF?

>> No.11313155

yep just mental, same with what evola was saying with spiritual.
Of course the people won't take it to heart and will instead say "Get in the Mindset" or some other phrase soon then jerk off all day. I know cause i used to do that same thing with evola, until I read BAPs twitter. Much more inspo than the book, feels like the glory days of fit and mixed with nietzsche thought.

>> No.11313165

put it on libgen friend :)

>> No.11313188

In order to read BAM you need to have a spiritual mindset along with which to temper the way he sets forth. It is left hand path in evolan AND theosophic terms, it is literally a Bronze Age (dwapara yuga) Mindset, not a Golden Age Mindset.
Nudity in the ancient greek rituals could be seen as a way of initiation, but the thing with initiation is that it boosts whatever you have with you mentally and spiritually. Say your cocky, then go through initiation and you think yourself a god. But if you are humble, go through initiation and you will be heroic humble.
It's simple neoplatonic stuff. Check out the Enneads if you want, goes well with this.

>> No.11313202

so youre telling me i have to larp

>> No.11313222


>> No.11313235

>spiritual mindset
kys nigger

>> No.11313237

this is just metadata (page numbers,notes.highlights)
upload the .azw file

>> No.11313261

Nah his book is larp, I'm just saying know your metaphysics. Neoplatonism is really the simplest way
atheist begone

>> No.11313277

yeah sorry it seems i only have the kfx and the mobi proper has yet to download. hopefully this will clear up soon. unless you know of a way to download the mobi directly to my computer?

>> No.11313284

could you put it into sendspace or mega or something like that? I'm not well versed in the soulseeker meme

from what I heard calibre is a program that can do a lot of conversion magic, do check it out.

>> No.11313292

"spiritual" is a non-word.

>> No.11313295

i am familiar with calibre. the problem is that when you buy a book from amazon they immediately send you a kfx file which is an encrypted heap of files that can't be converted. then later you get the actual mobi, which is the format other people can read or convert

this is per this page: https://www.ereader-palace.com/convert-kindle-kfx-books/

i don't know what i can do to force the mobi to download

>> No.11313318
File: 18 KB, 762x120, 38472834792384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple senpai. You can download the azw directly from your amazon account and then upload it to soulseek again.
Login to amazon.com
Put mouse over accounts and lists menu
click "your content and devices"
Click check box next to the BAP book.
click actions
click "download and transfer usb"
That will download the actual file of the book.

No funny program to download. This is the simplest way.

>> No.11313338

Learn the three planes of existence, desert nigger.

>> No.11313340

Thank you for purchasing. I didn't want to pay money for shitposting but I am eager to read it when you get the .azw or .mobi file.

>> No.11313350

okay the azw is there now. thanks!

>> No.11313365

what is this reddit shit?

>> No.11313366

Learn the three planes of my asshole, loony

>> No.11313375

okay desert and nigger, but what's the third?

>> No.11313382

thanks. I got it. god bless.

>> No.11313384

> next Great American Novel
idk pal to me bap seems as anti american as one can be. europhile to a fault.

>> No.11313386

Thanks my man. You're a true warrior.

>> No.11313393

what is Soulseek? can someone post it somewhere else? like mega?

>> No.11313395

that review is p good tho

>> No.11313398

I wrote about incels, the social production of desire, the hermeneutics of the Elliot Rodger manifesto, primitive accumulation, the erotic landscape of SoCal, celebrity breakdowns, and fascist terror in @jacobitemag

>> No.11313405


>> No.11313406
File: 379 KB, 635x705, ic-6089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you write about incels, the social production of desire, the hermeneutics of the Elliot Rodger manifesto, primitive accumulation, the erotic landscape of SoCal, celebrity breakdowns, and fascist terror in @jacobitemag

>> No.11313408


>> No.11313409

If you're legit and not shitposting, I love Jacobite mag and read it regularly. The IKEA People and Nick Land articles were the best, though.

>> No.11313411

thank you!

>> No.11313437 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 980x404, ic-9480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK /lit/
mike crumplar, a reoccurring “writer” for jacobite “mag”, and the probable source of most of its recent traffic, just retweeted one of his faggot nerd frieds... denigrating the magazine itself, in support
this is the absolute state of right wing attempts at highbrow journalism lmao, rob is literally being cucked
THIS is the future you chose

>> No.11313440 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 980x404, ic-9480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11312798 (You) #
holy FUCK /lit/
mike crumplar, a reoccurring “writer” for jacobite “mag”, and the probable source of most of its recent traffic, just retweeted one of his faggot nerd friends insulting the magazine itself, in the context of supporting mike's latest article
this is the absolute state of right wing attempts at highbrow journalism lmao, rob is literally being cucked
THIS is the future you chose

>> No.11313448
File: 84 KB, 980x404, ic-9480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK /lit/
the author of that, mike crumplar, a reoccurring “writer” for jacobite “mag”, and the probable source of most of its recent traffic, just retweeted one of his faggot nerd friends insulting the magazine itself, in the context of supporting mike's latest article
this is the absolute state of right wing attempts at highbrow journalism lmao, rob is literally being cucked
THIS is the future you chose

>> No.11313454

jesus christ. there is such a thing as having too much knowledge and this is what it looks like. everyone involved at this level of discourse needs to hang themselves

>> No.11313479

hey Mike, you know youre a huge embarrassing loser right

>> No.11313489

To be fair, Jacobite Mag has a mix of left-wing situationists, accelerationist guys, NRx etc. Not 100% right-wing.

>> No.11313521

i meant everyone, including mike. at least here people dont delude themselves into believing they are on the revolutionary front of thinking

>> No.11313631

stfu faggot, the review wasn't even that negative toward the book. i really like BAP but his fanboys are being insufferable in the wake of his book release.
also if this is the guy i think posted this (logo)...you are like the opposite of bap ideal,all you do is make snide comments on twitter, you are a BITCH

>> No.11313634

>Twitter drama on my 4chan

>> No.11313659

im merely responding to twitter drama that was posted here and trying to squash it...i actually would like to discuss the book, i wasn't the one who started attacking a guy out of the blue merely for having the audacity to...er...review the work in an honest way? wow, what a fag!
these guys are the right wing equivalent of progressives who have to spend half their articles won the alt right justifying the writing in a meta way ("i write this not to endorse their views" and such similar shit except here you have to genuflect before e-celeb manifesto sufficiently or they will shout hurrrr durrr basedboy at you ad nauseam )

>> No.11313686

i don't understand why you're worked up about this actually fairly generous review, made me want to actually pirate it and have a look.

>> No.11313697

why are you so invested in 'right wing attempts at highbrow journalism' lmao. where else would the piece get published. it's also a fair interpretation of the text

>> No.11313725

YOURE a fair interpretation of the text [i lob a nasty punch at ur nose]

>> No.11313827

i like ur recurring econ pun twatter handles

>> No.11313841

So Sean Goonan under a different pseudonym?

>> No.11313861

>implying there is such a thing as unfair interpretations

>> No.11313864

if i was @road2serfdumb, and was trying to pretend i wasnt, y would someone do that

>> No.11313872

Makes sense that /lit/ would be triggered by people lifting weights and spending time in the sun.

>> No.11313881

beats me! i would've gone with physiokratom

>> No.11313886

That's Patrick Leblanc. A 19 year old instagram bodybuilder. I know this because I jerk off to him on occasion.

>> No.11313916

whatever bro check my tl but its my fetish if someone mistakes me for a girl so its cool

>> No.11313948

logo_daedalus and mcrumps should just fuck already

why is online sexual roleplay getting so fucking weird lately

>> No.11314054

yet he's published a book and you haven't how does this make you feel

>> No.11314134

First there was Gorilla Mindset, now Bronze Age Mindset. Aren't they skipping few stages between those two?

>> No.11314162
File: 121 KB, 960x960, 1528294113432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats essential bronze age mindset reading? im about halfway through The Birth of Tragedy right now and id say, naturally, resonates very heavily with the bronze age mindset. It was Euripides and Socrates indeed that destroyed the tragic age and ushered in logic. This is when man begins to err, he becomes a slave to his machines and his logic, not the other way around.

>> No.11314206

>yet he's published a book
It says the publisher is "independently published."

I assume that's what it says when something is self-published?

>> No.11314259
File: 29 KB, 543x261, DcOILg4XcAArYcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad someone posted this; was gonna

>> No.11314275

man swallowed logic with the apple, anon.

>> No.11314301

True tho

>> No.11314344

Actually no. What you refer to is basically just retards whining in their irrelevancy and spiteful of the new. Superstitiousness transferring to pop-sci is a young phenomena, as pop-sci is young. Popularisers of science as celebrities and personalities is a fairly new thing, too. Particularly: the quality of the individuals continuously lessening. There is no longer any individual both scientist and populariser of science. Few make the distinction between science and popular science, and between popularisers of science and scientists. These things are only just barely related, in most cases. It's easy to conflate the two if you're ignorant and soft-minded. And the 'modern peasant' readily does so. Believing his highly incomplete and superstitious thinking to be held within the apparent divinity of 'science'. Despite being essentially unrelated.

>> No.11314367

In regards to Evola, you're saying he lacks worth because to "Ride the Tiger" is simply a personal readjustment as opposed to a societal readjustment?

>> No.11314388

red herring

>> No.11314392

>people thinking clear satire is a relevant position to take

jesus fucking christ how many summerfags are here rn

>> No.11315125

If those roles include being carried off on horseback, yes.

>> No.11315137

>504 Gateway Timeout
it's too powerful for libgen

>> No.11315253

He was riffing on Cernovich purposely.

>> No.11315277
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>> No.11315994
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>on a board with a footfall of less than a hundred people at peak hours
Ummm... excuse me, sweetie??

>> No.11315997
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, DflARFtWAAEWPTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP book just hit the Parisian fashion scene.
This thing is out of control.

>> No.11316166


In case anyone hasn't downloaded it yet.

>> No.11316183

Meh not paying $15 for an unproven author’s shit. Give me a pirated copy or drop price to match a proper self published price and then I’ll check it out

>> No.11316190

More like

>> No.11316193

Put it in caliber and unlock it
Then save a copy in epub mobi and pdf. Pdf will look the shittiest but you can always edit it later.

>> No.11316199
File: 258 KB, 460x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being this new
Open it in caliber fag

>> No.11316214


>> No.11316293

ctrl+f /libgen.io

>> No.11316359

Doesn't works that way retard,otherwise the entirety of Australia would have morphed into Mediterraneans by now

>> No.11316480

I wanted to give this a try, but I don't want to fall for another meme middlebrow Twitter celebrity like that fucking arab cunt (Taleb).

>> No.11316510

Uh, excuse me, but Lebanese are not arabic. They are mediterranean phoenicians greeks who inherited the tradition of the Roman Empire and took up the mantle of Christianity and Western Civilizat-

>> No.11316525

no. the "great American novel" as an idea died out a long time ago

>> No.11316559

This statement couldn't be further from truth

>> No.11316627
File: 42 KB, 672x505, Boris_Badenov-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit reads like it was written by Boris Badenov

"I tell you other story. In Stone Age man appears, very strong shoulders, with club in hand. He is believed by the people to be a son of some god…of a mortal woman who cucked her husband with a god. As child he already displays superhuman strength. When he grows he goes into the deepest wild to fight great cave lion. He emerges from cave with skin of lion on his back. Lion had been eating and working terror in the people, but now he wears this terror on his shoulders. He carries lion mane on head, lion pelt on back and a great club in the hand."

>> No.11316655

4chan memes spread to all corners of the internet eventually

>> No.11316662

Someone please post Land's comment about it.

>> No.11316688
File: 148 KB, 736x1002, 3af1680c197d159eef46e7d47b571485[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many authors tried to write the "great american novel" and failed. The whole notion of the "great american novel" has become beyond ludicrous. I don't think anyone has taken it seriously as a concept since the mid 70's

>here's jack kerouac trying to write one of your "great american novels". He failed like all writers do who adopt this Promethean endeavour

go fuck yourself btw

>> No.11316690


He's made a number of comments.

>> No.11316807





>> No.11316905

Is NNT just Jordan Peterson for 30-year-olds?

>> No.11316999

The Bronze Age actually is interesting, shame it's gonna be ruined by some chimp.

>> No.11317249

The Landian accelerationists are already flinging shit at BAP crowd.

>> No.11317267

book is terrible and not to be taken seriously

>> No.11317431
File: 16 KB, 128x98, warp pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endless circle jerking and mutual auto-self-flagelatting fellation over ANONYMOUS twitter ecelebs, perpetually vacillating between the syphilitic, deleteriously sarcotic circles of frog twitter, weird catholic twitter, ironybro twitter, nazbol twitter, nrx twitter, r-accelerationist twitter, l-accelerationist twitter, the cyrrhotic remains of alt-right twitter
The fact that this style of discourse is taken seriously by the likes of billionaire video game creatives; corporate wonk poli-sci fo-po saracen-stanners from the WaPo JournoList; Trad-Cath film crit former-liberalist NRO writers who had their Road to Damascus moment sometime between November 8, 2016 and January 21, 2017; and meme-ing grad students with friends at the Harvard Divinity School alike take this seriously is extremely worrying.

>> No.11317447

thank u for this post
this inspired me to deactivate my twitter account that i made like yesterday in some delusional hope to finally ‘get in on the action’

>> No.11317508

The discourse has always been between syphilitic anons, catholic monarchists, and weird reclusive millionaires, the modern environment where they're all tenured professors in antiseptic universities is what shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.11317518

>The discourse has always been between syphilitic anons, catholic monarchists, and weird reclusive millionaires,
And that's a bad thing!

>> No.11317530

why do you hate all Western thought before 1950?

>> No.11317531

He is JBP for 30 year olds who read zero hedge daily

>> No.11317536

The action is long over.

>> No.11317546

ahistorical orientalist anglo-solipsism: the post

take your strawmen to >>>/t/witter

>> No.11317556

And death to its diabolical neoliberal imperialism, as well.

>> No.11317568

discourse is ghey

>> No.11317590

death to esotericism
death to memes

>> No.11317668

BAP is Bulgarian

>> No.11317670


>> No.11317681

you have been miseducated. the greeks laughed at the persians for being pale like women instead of bronzed under the sun. the blonde scandinavian nordic does not burn like the drywall-colored irishman but becomes golden. deep significance to this

>> No.11318186

that's just the boards activity % at that time, relative to it's usual peak during a week.
Says nothing about how many people are posting on a board.

>> No.11318269

>>endless circle jerking and mutual auto-self-flagelatting fellation over ANONYMOUS twitter ecelebs, perpetually vacillating between the syphilitic, deleteriously sarcotic circles of frog twitter, weird catholic twitter, ironybro twitter, nazbol twitter, nrx twitter, r-accelerationist twitter, l-accelerationist twitter, the cyrrhotic remains of alt-right twitter

well you're clearly knee deep in this shit yourself since you gave such an eloquent summary of the scene

>> No.11318365

Probably his job to monitor it from tel aviv, or just one of the many jews that does it for free out of inbred tribalist programming.

>> No.11318366

This is my personal fav weird Twitter

>> No.11318379

So who's the publisher? Has anyone actually read it and is it good?

>> No.11318395

Also this

>> No.11318431


>> No.11318451

And I wouldn't wish this curse upon anyone else

>> No.11318468


>> No.11318503

Is that a company name or does it mean self published

>> No.11318545

>being anonymous tends to discredit his work
>posted anonymously on 4chan, a platform for ideas taken on their merits alone

>> No.11318581

>corporate wonk poli-sci fo-po saracen-stanners from the WaPo JournoList
is this supposed to be bruenig?

>> No.11318602

>being anonymous tends to discredit his work
brainlet some of the most important works are written under pen names

>> No.11318657

I feel guilty, this is just too easy.

>> No.11318675

dont. youre a forerunner of the new age of tropical white piracy

>> No.11318680


>> No.11318713

This chart is comedy gold honestly.

>> No.11318719

>dont. youre a forerunner of the new age of tropical white piracy
This. It's what BAP would have wanted.

>> No.11318731

it's nicely memetic but almost entirely worthless as real descriptors; the first three blocks describe her husband (who I've never seen involved) and I don't think she advocates or admires violence. I'd barely recognize her if not for the wapo copout

>> No.11318791
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>> No.11318828

so salty

>> No.11318831


>> No.11318863

comprehensionlet. he says bronze age pervert is great, his ardent followers are a different story

>> No.11318867


>> No.11318869

>muh authenticity
The 20th century just called, anon

>> No.11318874
File: 93 KB, 1000x588, bap quote wine bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from his original twatter acct (@bronzeagepervert) before it was banned. this is a brief summary of his views. if you disagree with this statement, if you prefer to sit in an airconditioned room to prove your worth based on how much money you can make at your wagecuck job, then this is not the book for you. but if you do all those things and feel that something is wrong, you can check it out.

>> No.11318904

isnt there a thin layer of irony everything in all he writes? "enjoy tasteful banter" is basically the sum of his career, on social media no less

>> No.11318905

the basic idea is that postmodern "men" are weak and effeminate, because they are disconnected from behaviors that ancient men engaged in: fighting wars, pillaging, building strong networks of friendship, raping 1000's of girls, getting lots of sunlight, etc. etc.

instead of eating natural foods and herbs that give strength, most people in the "first world" eat processed corporate food that makes them sick, fat, slovenly, then rely on medicine to make them feel whole again, or drink coffee/smoke for the stimulant boost.

instead of conquering, we get conquered (our own traitorous politicians bomb 3rd world countries, get rich from those campaigns, then invite millions of refugees into our countries).

we are the bugmen and if you don't see it you're head is in the sand. i don't think BAP's "followers" are all 100% aryan surfer ubermensch, but at the very least they are open to the idea that he's right on many points, and that we are seriously a long way from past behaviors of strength.

>inb4 just lift weights and use PUA to get girls

having muscles without fighting ability is useless. banging a bunch of club sluts is not going to be the answer, either. there's something...more..out there. you have to seek it to find out. i'm not even telling you to read his book. it's up to you.

>> No.11318938
File: 772 KB, 1301x1597, cosmetics industry and globalist agenda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i think you're being a little too jewish in your analysis. by dissecting it that way, and just focusing on the tasteful banter line, you don't appreciate the full message. he's talking about men who live in cities, who dress in fine clothing, who have to keep taking their gf out to "movie night" and "date night" at fancy restaurants and wine bars, to keep her entertained with tasteful banter over $12 single glasses of fancy wine...that's the full image. there's nothing ironic about it. he's mocking the entire image.

>social media
it's just a tool to get the message out. twatter is and continues to be the quickest way to interact online. his old acct was mainly his way of mocking journalists and politicians. that's what twatter is useful for. to my knowledge, he doesn't use any other social media. he's not some attention-whore eceleb with tons of youtube videos. there's only 1-2 photos of BAP, his thoughts are all disconnected in different forum posts and tweets that got lost when his account was shutdown.

pic unrelated to BAP but related to analysis of contemporary women (which is important because most men do things to appeal to women)

>> No.11318951

No shit it's not new, that doesn't make it wrong though. If you abandon everything that makes it into common consciousness you'll never get fucking anywhere. Stop being a goddamn compulsive contrarian for a second.

>> No.11318961

anyone who dislikes these threads needs to fuck off to /litpat/

leftypol cucks get out

>> No.11318962

bruenig is a peripheral; the descriptors apply in toto to the entirety of the nu-JournoList.
They all circle these circles.

>> No.11318963
File: 277 KB, 1314x621, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant to say he's mocking the entire lifestyle, and that image is just one out of many vignette examples. if you've ever been in an ltr with a materialistic girl, while living in a major city, you will know that this is true.

i can't speak for men who live in the countryside, with a chill girl who just likes to go camping/fishing/hunting or hang out on the pickup truck bed and gaze at the stars. obviously i'm not against interaction with ALL women, just the fucked up ones who expect to be treated like "princesses" because they've been brainwashed by hollywood tv/movies to believe they must live the sex&thecity consumer lifestyle.

>> No.11318973

>implying 90% of brap's fans aren't left-wing

>> No.11318975

also to be clear, BAP isn't "mgtow" or "incel".
he only describes himself as "volcel" and not gay, even though he says shit that could be interpreted as borderline-gay if you're the typical fag who thinks constant pussy-worship makes you heterosexual.

BAP's appreciation of male strength is for both practical and aesthetic purposes, but not sexual. if you become extremely strong and effective in combat yourself, you would feel first hand what it means to live this "pirate" life where you don't ever have to take shit from anyone.

>> No.11318978

>not some attention-whore eceleb
>last 400 tweets are retweets of people taking pictures of his book

your 'movement' is a cia psyop. what better way to direct a potentially organized, violent threat to the state than funnel them into the gym? grad school is the same thing to the anti state left. this meme writes itself

>> No.11318988

lol land hates bap

>> No.11319007

>they are disconnected from behaviors that ancient men engaged in: fighting wars, pillaging, building strong networks of friendship, raping 1000's of girls, getting lots of sunlight, etc. etc.
Why would we want to go back to this. Stop denying women their agency.

>instead of conquering, we get conquered
Your white chauvinism is showing.

>> No.11319009
File: 28 KB, 582x209, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just some of the fans he doesn't like.

>> No.11319018

Oh please, he's gay as fuck.
But only as defined through out modern lens. The Greeks didn't call dominating other mens' boipuccis "gay" ;)

>> No.11319022
File: 137 KB, 1325x278, small souled bugmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small-souled bugmen will never get it.
again, i'm not here to shill his book, if anything, i'm just summarizing what i think is the gist of it. i'm also not buying it, just got the free epub and skimming.

stated differently elsewhere:

>than funnel them into the gym
strawman. what makes you think that's all he's about? the idea that you should "just go the gym" is a /fit/ thing. BAP goes way beyond that. you can get exercise anywhere, outdoors is best, and whether you want to organize and be a threat to the state, well, that's up to you. legally he can't call for violence against the state and still have clean access to the internet. you're assuming he claims to be some revolutionary, and when you see that he isn't, you state this as evidence he's just a eceleb trying to sell books. i don't know anything about BAP i just like some of his remarks. that's all. the fucking summary on his book's amazon page is ridiculous and incoherent.

>> No.11319023

The last place a cia psyop would direct angry white men is to the gym. But having followed this bap guy and the frog Twitter jews a couple years ago before getting IP banned, there is an apolitical irony that ignores the JQ and seems a bit ... odd. Preferring the more intellectual stuff though I don't pay any attention to these characters anymore.

>> No.11319027

>implying women have agency even when offered it

>> No.11319033
File: 136 KB, 752x1200, DfcrNKhUYAARm6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11319035

if an inferior man challenges you, and you utterly destroy him physically, it's not gay if you also fuck his asshole with your dick to also destroy him psychologically. this is common practice in prisons.

pls read Dominated by Doug before you claim that BAP is "gay".

>> No.11319043

Land's rant yesterday merely proved BAP's fallibility and sewed the seeds of his downfall.

>> No.11319051

Twitter rant? What was the gist?

>> No.11319053

The women you force to love you will inevitably despise you

>> No.11319058

>i just like some of his remarks. that's all.
youre writing a novel on his behalf defending his honor on an anonymous pedophile cartoon forum

>calls others small souled
>voluntarily performs duties of an intellectual hired goon
begone propagandist. cia spook

>> No.11319059

But that's gay, bro.

>> No.11319061

Are you accepting the proposition that women can be forced to love?

>> No.11319063

You just posted a screencap from it.

Fucking Americans.

>> No.11319067

You can try, but you will never succeed.

>> No.11319076

This is actually 20th century dogma and was considered quite fanciful before. Have you never heard of Stockholm Syndrome? Have you never met a battered wife? Women are more than often head over heels for their abusers.

>> No.11319081

>Why would we want to go back to this. Stop denying women their agency.
What do you think is more likely, that cultures all over the world denied women agency because they were patriarchal pricks or that denying women agency is an effective social technology and cultures that do it have a selective advantage against cultures that don't.

>> No.11319088
File: 2.22 MB, 330x166, b56386ce67b132c4358d43f4450b4011db3ff1bab2560dad46e5a4225222bd82.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctrl+f'd this book for a while. Conclusion: philosemitic trash, no idea why this guy is associated with the right. More of a distraction from real problems than the offering of any kind of solution or even acknowledgement of them.

>> No.11319089

Hardly a rant.

>> No.11319092

You're wrong, all those women that got entranced by cult leaders actually secretly despised them and only gave their lives for them ironically.

>> No.11319108

this but unironically

>> No.11319113

Don't the kids these days call 20 tweets on the same topic fired off within the span of a half-hour a rant?
Oh well

>> No.11319119
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, ride the tiger brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone has agency in the Kali Yuga

>> No.11319120

>no idea why this guy is associated with the right
He isn't, unless you consider the ironybros and frog twitter as still being part of the "right"

>> No.11319125

and now we are at the historical stage where creating a global mono-culture is necessary, and eliminating gender, race, and religion are essential steps we must take.

>> No.11319129

It can't be a rant if you're a Nick Land fan, he's too smart and smug for a rant so if he fires off 20 tweets in a half-hour all about how BAP fans are gay haha he's actually a discerning meme connoisseur and not mad at all.

>> No.11319134

Where is this written? What prophet brought this doctrine among you? I can not believe it. It is madness. Away with this lunatic's cackle.

>> No.11319136

Which is a little surprising. One of the few things I remember about BAP was him pointing out jewish journalists who were being paid by jewish oligarch Khodorovski to shill for war against Putin, which implied to me that he was fairly observant regarding the JQ, so I don't think he's a jewish shill. But I don't pay attention. Are there any interesting theories going around about who this guy is?

>> No.11319141


>> No.11319142

>Where is this written?
The Emerald Tablets.

>> No.11319147


>> No.11319149

>The Emerald Tablets
Oh, you mean the Georgia Guidestones?

>> No.11319154

Voice is very camp and onions, hard to listen to

>> No.11319163

no, the guidestones are a distraction

>> No.11319189

I have no idea whether or not that was serious or not. Russian connection unironically makes sense though, would otherwise be strange of him to know about the connections of a jew like Khodorovski.

>> No.11319212

I am on the fence as well after watching all three of his videos.
BAP seems strange and sinister to me though. I could see it being a psyop.

>> No.11319224

Is there any reason to believe that women have agency or that other races are relevant?

>> No.11319226

lmaoing my ass off at you thinking sitting in an air conditioned room and having a job is contemptible. BAP fanboys are fucking losers who played too much elder scrolls when they were young (if they aren't mostly all young still). i like him though!

>> No.11319232

dam those hands r tiny, lil manlet needs totally-not-self-help-philosophy book to feel like big man?? maybe if u had big cock u wouldnt feel this way??

>> No.11319246

After reading his oddly neutral to positive rhetoric about jews in this book I'm inclined to agree. I already knew the frog twitter guys were made up of a lot of jews and this dude was there bff so I guess there's nothing really surprising here.

>> No.11319249

Nick Land will poast physique within the week

>> No.11319259

Real talk:
What makes this different from 12 Rules For Life?

At the end of the day, aren't they both just vacuous self-help books for directionless, underemployed western white men?

>> No.11319278

Really, what's the difference between any two books?

>> No.11319313

>all prose produced in 2016+2 is pablum for directionless, underemployed western white men
this but unironically

>> No.11319358


>> No.11319362


>> No.11319366


>> No.11319371


>> No.11319408

heard /lit/ was filled with pseuds
this thread proves it

>> No.11319413

not going to happen
90% of /lit/ are skinnyfat, weak-jawed faggots who will automatically ask "what did nick land think of___" instead of forming there own thoughts and opinions on a controversial subject.

>> No.11319421

ironic how this post in itself might as well be copypasta

>> No.11319427

This thread seems pretty evenly divided

>> No.11319447

Is this guy serious or just another memeing faggot hiding behind 99 layers of irony?

>> No.11319465

>Suppose Nietzsche was a “Chad” — what then? Suppose instead of being the sickly incel who alienated the few friends he had, was thrice rejected by the one woman he proposed marriage to, and sold hardly any copies of his self-published books — suppose that he was a Bro. Or rather, imagine the dead Nietzsche not as a syphilitic corpse but as a fallen Greek hero, a radiant paragon of strength, power, and beauty — a half-god, eulogized by the Dionysian cult of his fellow warriors. And imagine that those warriors are Abercrombie and Fitch models, hunky nudist surfers, eminently buff and handsome men. Now imagine that these Abercrombie and Fitch models are the Nazi Sturmabteilung.

>> No.11319529

Can someone give a rundown on the Liz Bruenig/BAP storyline?

Is he really subconsciously convincing her to leave her husband?

>> No.11319536

>Great American Novel
is it even a novel
is he even "american"
don't know
would have to read it
will think about it after i crack into it

to those in this thread who like bap, and have already read his book, and want something in that vein, check out the human zoo by desmond morris.

>> No.11319550
File: 3.70 MB, 480x267, varg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subconsciously convincing
most likely what's going on is that through gradual exposure to bap's shitpoasts, she realizes how weak and boring her husband is, how absolutely mundane her life is, and how deep down she wants a more exciting life with a man who is strong both physically, mentally and "spiritually". think about it. bap is constantly posting pics of tanned muscular young men in exotic locations. any journalist, whether she's a "christian" or a turboslut, will be impacted by seeing those images. then if she sees the stuff retweeted by bap, like dr. stud, it's over. no woman can be satisfied with the boring, trite, faggotized cosmopolitan life after that.

if her husband isn't pumping her full of his cum constantly, and making her pop out more kids to take care of, whilst he protects and provides for their off-the-grid homestead, she's going to start thinking about other ways of living a more exciting life. pic related.

>> No.11319600
File: 135 KB, 1080x1167, bruenig regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but in our society aren't women bombarded with those images everywhere?
She lives in a city, she sees that shit on billboards every day.

Maybe all women, sluts and tradcaths alike, are just roastie degenerate hedonists after all...

>> No.11319605

>Liz Bruenig
she doesn't even have enough self worth to capitalise "I"

>> No.11319616
File: 54 KB, 475x560, bruenig pride parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also a fake Catholic.
Some have postulated Bezos is using her to serve as a therapist for Catholics in the process of leaving the Church and embracing secularism.

>> No.11319668

who's dr. stud?

>> No.11319687
File: 6 KB, 258x195, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this
This is typical niggerish (not spesific to black race) behavior. I think he romanticizes "setting things on fire" one should watch the great ww2 movie Come and See, there is nothing glorious about those actions. Only if you count a rare rape and a much rare looting opportunity as glory (nevermind the fact both are very low relatively, due to genova conventions) Pic related.

I will make a counter argument. I don't know the trustfund baby rumors are true but even if they are not I think he is heavily spoiled by civilization, living comfortably, knowing the there is a rule of law, there is a relative degree of protection by police by military etc. The bronze age he speaks of is full of plague, famine, destruction. I come from a third world shithole and beleive me I can relate. There is neither fun nor glory in a fight, where you can get maimed or killed just for your pocket change. I really hate "check yer privledge" faggotry but sometimes I really really really really believe that 1st worlders (I assume he is 1st worlder, or if from 3rd world is very well off) are spoiled by the amount of freedom, amount of safety and amount of wealth they have. Thats why they can argue for fascism, freedom restrictions and violence with ease. They don't have it and it seems attractive.

While I do agree the modern world has its absurdities I don't feel the need to repeat the Tyler Durden style talk of "your are not your bank account" nor I believe glorfying ye olde days is the solution.

>> No.11319688

anabolics enthusiast and twitter shitposter

>> No.11319698

Well, a first worlder could say the same about wide eyed third worlders. The grass is greener on the other side, right? Modern technology isn't all great. I would much rather live in Greece or Rome than America or Australia

>> No.11319724

Sorry but I disagree
No its not, grass is deffinetly greener in one side. Hence you see a massive migration from 3rd world to 1st world and not the other way around (besides the occasional expat job and (sex)tourism).. I rather be an eternal grad student here than to make 10k (in dollars) in my homecountry and I think masses agree with me I don't see germans migrating to pakistan in droves

As I said in my post I do agree modernity has its faults. But I believe you heavily underestimate how shitty life in ancient world was. Reading lost works might be fun but the disease the slavery, the ever possiblity of an invasion (imagine the Romans in Carthage 400 AD, who never seen war since punic war and in few years they would be raided by germans) being executed on someones whim (Domitian etc). Lets agree to disagree, but I believe that that 1st world far-alt-""trendy"" right (not damn spics took muh job type right) is heavily spoiled by liberal free(ish) markets, liberal laws, liberal concepts of freedom and liberalism in general.

>> No.11319734

I'm saying modern life isn't fulfilling. Rich people off themselves all the time because their lives are worthless. Most men would be far better off dying at 50 as a farmer with many children and a housewife

>> No.11319743


>> No.11319747

suspended from tw*tter

>> No.11319755
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>Post the whole cap of the thread then, last time i saw it he commented that he felt old after that.
He's actually going to read it. He might actually like it.

>> No.11319757

But why valorize blood and steel and war, death and destruction?
It's Satanic.

>> No.11319760

>all those works written by academics
>this one trust fund faggot's book is going top to the charts due to 14-15 year old fans memeing him

>> No.11319764


>> No.11319768

>Most men would be far better off dying at 50 as a farmer with many children and a housewife
How is this possible or even sustainable in a world with 8 billion people?

>> No.11319771
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ikr smdh

>> No.11319832

Try a country of 30 million. We're not global citizens. 8 billion is too many, it's the population which is unsustainable, not the life.

>> No.11319841

It's natural. Modern hellworld is in violation of natural law and must be corrected. God will smite man for his arrogance and we will return to natural, vital ways

>> No.11319848

>reducing 8 billion to 30 million

>> No.11319850

We could stop feeding Africans, for one.

>> No.11319851

Those who valorize death and destruction are the one's going against God's Plan, not the other way around.

>> No.11319852

these are the type of faggots who advocate for mass genocide and have the delusion to think they will be the surviving warlords in the brave new world

>> No.11319853

Serious answers only please

>> No.11319854

I said COUNTRY. We've got no obligation to anyone but our own peoples.

>> No.11319857

This isn't 300 BC. The world is globalized and there is NO going back.

>> No.11319858

Removing foreign aid is genocide?
Maybe it was foolish to make billions of people reliant on outside support

>> No.11319863

Africa has only 1 billion people.

Now account for the other 7. China isn't getting any foreign aid.

>> No.11319865

>says mulatto who wants to suck the pure into his miserable hole of lost identity

>> No.11319867

Your time will come, you literal globalist parasite. The only reason the peoples of the world are not self sufficient is because that would mean the elite could not suck wealth from endless expansion and transaction like ticks

>> No.11319873
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The Chinese are at least functional, Africa is the biggest future problem.

>> No.11319878

t. 56%

How is a system where all men have 10 babies and live on farms sustainable in a world with modern medicine?
You'll run out of land in a couple generations.

>> No.11319881

jokes on you bucko, I'm Australian

>> No.11319894

>w-what do you mean i have to move back to britain because i'm living on occupied aboriginese land?

>> No.11319898

nice bait

>> No.11319900



> BAP is basically a greek throwback
> Be BAP
> Be shitposting on twitter about Greek Mindset
> Greeks believe the universe is energy and life is an expression of it
> Be nudist bodybuilder because it's the Greek ideal
> Be masculine man. Fuck today's culture broken by scale, feminism and capitalism
> Fuck Nerds, Bugmen, Feminsts, the Government, Morons, SJW's
> Be powerful warrior male because it's the Greek ideal
> Be smart, shitpost, build shit IRL
> Be smart enough to couch all of those basic ideas through philosophy, historical, social, personal references and shitposts
> Saved you a purchase

>> No.11319903

not bait
why don't the abbos get to have an ethnostate?

>> No.11319918

Case in point, look at what's happening with the Amish right now.

There are about 250,000 Amish right now in the US.
That number's going to reach 7 million by 2100 because they don't practice family planning and half the babies don't die in infancy anymore.
Now imagine everyone living like the Amish, which is probably the closest analogue for what BAPfags wants in modern-day America, minus the Christian aspect.
Not sustainable.

>> No.11319925

Those projections are totally meaningless

>> No.11319931
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>> No.11319941

>there are going to be 600000000000 africans by 2100
birthrates change, you are retarded and are completely misrepresenting whatever BAP wants. He'd be more likely to support Spartan physiognomic eugenics

>> No.11319943

Most of the Amish continue to have 6–7 children while benefitting from the major decrease in infant and maternal mortality in the 20th century. Between 1992 and 2017, the Amish population increased by 149%,[8] while the U.S. population increased by 23%.[9]

And I didn't say what BAP wants, I said what his followers want. I'm just responding to what one of his acolytes said in this thread.

>> No.11319952

You can't predict such a thing because we are going to see vast changes in environment for technological, ecological, political and warfare reasons. It's going to crash HARD, the matter is when. This doesn't even have anything to do with BAP desu

>> No.11319969

That's all well and good, but a world based on
>dying at 50 as a farmer with many children and a housewife
is retarded

>> No.11319972

no it's not, you just hate family, nation and tradition

>> No.11319983

but it's not sustainable for everyone to do that
>but we need to kill 7 billion people to make it work!
and we're back at the beginning. thanks for playing

>family, nation, tradition
spooks (at least as you understand them) that will disappear for good as soon we start colonizing another celestial body.

>> No.11319993
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oh, you're a space communist
that explains everything

>> No.11320005

no, i'm an accelerationist space capitalist
nations and traditions are socially constructed and only serve to divide the proletariat.
for fuck's sake, moldova has one of the strongest strains of nationalism in europe and moldova as a concept is literally only a century old.

>> No.11320159

It's like

Going to the carribean on holidays

But with nazis

>> No.11320164

Iirc he's a liftwaffe guy, so basically
>Chad Nationalist
>likes gym
>likes huhwites
>posts memes on twitter

It's a fun club desu

>> No.11320175

>have sock twitter account for all my /pol/ shit for ages
>get involved in liftwaffe and all that
>follow this guy
>delete twitter later
>he's released a book now

U wot

Tyr is the only guy I want to read a book from

There should be a Mindset series

>Bronze Age Mindset by BAP

>> No.11320177

Tyr is a fag but he's OK for a fag

>> No.11320182

Accurate summary

>> No.11320198

So it's basically Ted Kaczynski + gym, then

>> No.11320251

>its a kunspeeracy

>> No.11320256
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We are so fucked. Who is gonna teach java to all these Africans?

>> No.11320263

>Your time will come
You've been saying this for years, but nothing ever happens

>> No.11320337

>think they will be the surviving warlords
read BAM

>> No.11320342

Because we took it from them.

>> No.11320699


>> No.11320715

You just don't have a lot of imagination. :^)

>> No.11321057

>ancestors work hard to survive and reproduce
>create society and work together so their descendants don’t have to spend their lives at the mercy of nature, toiling under the sun for sustenance
>hurrr we have it too good now we need to go back
quit talking about tradition while spitting in the face of our ancestors faggot