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1130436 No.1130436 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books every else seems to like, but you hate.

>> No.1130438

the hungry caterpillar

>> No.1130444

inb4 catcher in the rye the guy is just a stuck-up whining tennager

>> No.1130446

inb4 a shitload of flaming

Anyway, here's mine: A Confederacy of Dunces. The characters are completely unbelievable and I don't think fart jokes are funny. The writing was entirely unremarkable in every possible way.

>> No.1130445

Anything by Stephen King!

>> No.1130450

slaughterhouse 5

>> No.1130451


I hate this so much.

The book is a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.1130455

every fucking book by Cormac McCarthy. shit lit for bros, sold at college bookstores and praised by harold bloom so they think it's good. (p.s. guys harold bloom was a shit writer so why do you trust his tastes anyway?) also, the implications of violence are only very fascinating to people who have suffered very little pain or violence in their actual lives.

>> No.1130456


>> No.1130468


meh, you sound like a tard

>> No.1130471


>> No.1130475


I agree with this. Every person I've met who like McCarthy novels is either a fucking Neanderthal, or some pathetic, skinny ass virgin.

>> No.1130480

what's wrong with being a virgin? fucking liberal atheist scum with no morals criticizing people ha

>> No.1130481

Dune. Just never struck me as as profound or ground-breaking as it's talked about. Good guys pure good, bad guys pure evil.

>> No.1130482
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned this.

>> No.1130484


>> No.1130483

you sound like a cormac mccarthy fan. seriously isn't violence so fascinating?!? zomg especially when you're privileged and living in the most controlled and safest country in the universe!!!!!

>> No.1130493



>> No.1130501

fucking thank you
the road sucked so much ass

>> No.1130504


i have no idea why you are so mad. are you andy mcnab? did cormac mccarthy steal your parking space?

also, how do you know what country i live in?

>> No.1130520
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Anything from Tom fucking Clancy.

Goddamn, I hate that shit so much.

Pic related. It's what I think of Tom Clancy novels.

>> No.1130524

eh, i was guessing either the US or UK, either way it's true. And, if not I am certain you live somewhere that generally fits my vague descriptions. Here is the thing, The Road sucked. I read it and was totally bored and could not believe he had taken such a premise, and really such a concept of narrating his premise (both had promise) and managed to make it such a bore. His ''experimentation'' is witless. Blood Meridian was another book of his that I tried to read, and it was clearly nothing like the fans depict it. I don't think violence is very fascinating, not in the way that this writer seems to, and for fuck sake really his fans overemphasize this aspect to the point that I am certain they have never really been involved (either victim or perpetrator) in any kind of violence. The whole ethos surrounding McCarthy is ridiculous and his fans are the bro version of Twilight fans. Rabid, irrational and generally stupid. Harold bloom is a bloated crab-louse too, while I'm at it.

>> No.1130531

>criticizing a book because of the people who supposedly read it

never change, /lit/.

>> No.1130545

>only paying attention to the parts that support your thinking

>> No.1130548

well it's not really a valid criticism of something. if your favorite book was read widely by vacuous morons, would you hate it then as well?

you mad

>> No.1130554

catch 22
anything by borges

>> No.1130555

I've never gotten Joyce.

>> No.1130557

I'm not saying that it is, but I did enumerate my feelings about the actual books he wrote. As for the fans, I think it's worth saying how I feel about them. Luckily noone except me seems to read my favorite books so I don't have to deal with that issue. Actually, when other people on /lit/ mention the books that I like very much, they are usually fairly intelligent and sexy.

>> No.1130567

anything by GK chesterton. what a bloated crab louse

>> No.1130568

Thomas Hardy

Marcel Proust

fucking Tim O Brian

>> No.1130572
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The thing I always wonder about "The Road' is whether McCarthy really wrote very little detail for effect or because he was being a lazy-ass writer.

The novel never really clicked for me, it felt like 300 pages of pure futility. I guess I might've enjoyed it more if I'd never read any Beckett but who knows.
In all honesty, I prefer "Oryx and Crake" to "The Road"; it's a far more entertaining take on a similar idea.

As for the OP's question:
If you'll accept non-fiction, it's got to be "Of Grammatology" by Derrida. A lot of serious academics stroke their beards thoughtfully as they ponder Derrida's work, but I'm with the opposing school of thought, which interprets his words as 'WTF IS THIS GUY SMOKING?!'

>> No.1130580

>Thomas Hardy
>Marcel Proust

You must be autistic.

>> No.1130594


No but after you said that I thought I might of actually written.

Why am I autistic?

Thomas Proust

Marcel Hardy

>> No.1130595

Accelerando by Charles Stoss
I hated that it was all disjointed, only short stories. It felt like the author thought he would actually get laid if he came up with a cool enough idea, so he just piles them on whether they are good or bad. He doe all this with the bluster of a man feigning confidence.
No one seems to agree with me though, so maybe I'll have to give it another try. Maybe.

>> No.1130600
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>mfw Derrida

>> No.1130616

a brief history of nearly everything by bryson.

>> No.1130623
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Go pray to your imaginary friend some more you pathetic little virgin.

>> No.1130631

I guess he called you autistic because you dislike authors that he likes, but I'm just going out on a limb here, just firing in the dark or some shit

>> No.1131686

da vinci code. fffff

>> No.1131693


>> No.1131701

Veteran, here.

Catch 22, in addition to the awesome story and characters, is the most on-point satire of the military I've seen in any form of media.

I have no idea how anyone could dislike it.

>> No.1131704

It wasn't very satisfying for me, but I suppose it achieved what it set out to do.

It just seemed like example after example of irony and incompetence and I wasn't really connected with any of the characters.

I just think its overrated is all. It's not horrible. (It doesn't help that a lot of the plebes at my school think they're all cool for liking it.)

>> No.1131710

and this is coming from.. oh wait, you guessed it: lazy but smart white middle class male?

maybe if you tried doing anything remotely related to what heller actually experienced you would understand

>> No.1131716

dude shut the fuck up. catch 22 sucks and the kid is correct.

>> No.1131725

Animal Farm. What a piece of shit.

>> No.1131730

Snow Crash yo

>> No.1131732

I agree with the McCarthy haters and the guy who said he never said he got Joyce. People are always rambling about how shocking and amazing the Road was, and all I can think is what a wasted concept it was.

>> No.1131754

Harry Potter

seriously, grow the fuck up. I read the Cat in the Hat when I was a kid, but you don't see me parading that title around like it's fucking amazing. It's just a god damn children's book.

>> No.1131756

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.1131760


>Snow Crash yo

Perhaps I'm spoiled by The Diamond Age, Cryptonomicon, and Anathem, but Snow Crash seems fairly bad. Like, I can't believe the same guy wrote them all.

Of course, people still like it, and I subjected myself to it willingly. For completion.

>> No.1131764

Atlas Shrugged, of course.

>> No.1131774

Everything by Dan Brown, especially the Da Vinci Code.

>> No.1131781

brave new world

>> No.1131792


get the fuck out

I'm not kidding, get the fuck out of here

>> No.1131847

Fucking yeah.

Hate Snow Crash

>> No.1131860

I wouldn't in any case say hate, but I was never overly hot about Lord Of The Rings. I adore The Hobbit, but only about 40% of LotR. The rest is tedious filler.

>> No.1131866

fear and loathing in las vegas. i don't hate it, but don't get the major kudos it gets. i've had a lot of lsd when i was a a teenager and in my 20's so it's not a lack of context, i just thought it was a filler book till i read something better

>> No.1131868
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Most of the current sci-fi and fantasy out there that people seem to just love. To me, most of it is just experimental shit that fails hard.

>> No.1131872

I meant relatively more recent, not just current.

>> No.1131881

It's not often I find a movie to be better than the source material after reading it first, but that was 1 of the cases where I did. It would probably blow some peoples' minds to hear that the book stuck with Frodo during Gandolf's research and meeting with Sarauman near the beginning and that just as little happened with Frodo during that point as it did during the movie.

>> No.1131895


I don't look like a Neanderthal, and while I am a skinny ass person, I am not a virgin, and I actually liked NCFOLM. Yes, his style is weird, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.1131910
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>It's not often I find a movie to be better than the source material
>No Tom Bombadil in the movies

>> No.1131940

Lolita. You know what I expected.

>> No.1131956


Yes, you are right.
Man, I was psyched about that thing, and then it turned out to be the most mediocre thing in a decade

>> No.1131981
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>> No.1132062

anything by Terry Pratchett

dumb books for dumb people

>> No.1132072
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i still cant believe someone could actually be able to read the whole thing

>> No.1132076

Ah, beat me to it. i hated that book. Everyone'ssays it's so funny, but it really is not.

>> No.1132108

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Neuromancer either. I just don't think it's particularly well written.

Dracula is another one. I just didn't think that the newspaper articles or journal entries made for a good narrative.

>> No.1132110

Seconding Harry Potter.

Man, when I was...however old I was when they first became popular, -everyone- assumed I liked them because I was a nerdy kid who liked to read, therefore I must like to read Harry Potter because "that's what all the kids are reading these days."

Even my fucking mother bought me the third or fourth (forget which) book in the series. Without bothering to see if I liked the series or read the first books in the series.


>> No.1132141

>doesn't like the series
>hasn't even read the first book

>> No.1132160

>Naked Lunch.

>> No.1132178
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Also, Life of Pi.

>> No.1132191

Slaughterhouse 5, and Kurt Vonnegut in general. Plain boring.

Dune. Most books that other people like, but I don't, I can at least see what it is that they like about it. Not Dune. I mean, it's not awful, but it's just.. bland and stale, and I don't at all see what so special about it.

>> No.1132208

Yeah, I also despise Life of Pi.

My mother loves that book and thinks she's a literary buff...

>> No.1132226

I hate Life of Pi. It's just not worth the read.

>> No.1132234

Maybe I don't have direct experience to relate to Catch-22, but I shouldn't have to for it to be good literature to me...