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11301599 No.11301599 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure there are some of you here who view this movie as such a classic, that it is no longer worthy of discussion, but, I just watched it for the first time and my head is in a frenzy of excitement, disgust, and moral ambiguity: And the last point seems to be the point.
This movie is obviously heavily influenced by Nietzsche and really displays the "master"- "slave" morality dichotomy accurately. In a future world, as Nietzsche argues we are headed towards, where "God is dead", theirin will be no absolute morality, as the world of "Clockwork Orange" shows. Instead of trying to convince him of God, which the pastor wasn't even close to doing, they just want his behaviour to change.

Alex's droogies perfectly encapsulate "ressentement" as do the others whom extract revenge on him.

Also, there is a degradation of art, except for Alex, throughout the whole movie. From the first scene, the guy singing his old songs is beat by Alex because, among other reasons attributeable to his nature, the man is seeing songs from yore and this Alex sees is lame and contemptible because the man is longing for them, rather than embracing now; however, Alexs singing songs from the past Beethovens 9th is the best of mankind, not just some nostalgic song.
Overall, the movie is obviously monumental, but I have a couple questions, and a point to of two of discussion.

1. Alex is seductive and charming, musical, fun and full-of-life, a loveable Immoralist, women in the audience adore him, normie men--not named Chad--resent him: he is the proto-Ubermensch: Dionysian! How many of you found yourselves cheering for Alex? And feeling bad for him?

2. A Clockwork Orange would be the world if BNW doesn't happen, though it is: which do you prefer? Especially the women?

3. The role of art and music in this movie. Since every time they were doing "bad" things, the music was fun and game-like.

4. The role of sex and lascivious expression

>> No.11301618

I can't believe we've reached the point where a 'redpilled' moron wants others to take his analysis of something seriously when it's ridden with terms like 'Chad', 'normie', etc.

>> No.11301626
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Everything about this post is terrible.

>> No.11301628

There's no helping it, the only way they can understand the world is by filtering their experience of it through 4chan memes.

>> No.11301637

Why don't we just move on, so we can discuss the meat of both my post and the movie please, gents.

>> No.11301664

You can't think.

>> No.11301678
File: 26 KB, 735x541, received_1626067504106618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this stuck in might as well be pic related. Same sentiment

Pure pedantry. This is why you aren't as smart as you think you are m8. Learn from DFW

>> No.11301685

In *what

You guys are depriving yourselves of a potentially greal discussion: wow, so smart and cool

>> No.11301731

Back to /r9k/, kid

>> No.11301753
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1517937136465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. A Clockwork Orange would be the world if BNW doesn't happen, though it is: which do you prefer? Especially the women?

>> No.11301780

Ok, I concede that could have been worded better.
*2. BNW is the direction we are headed as a society, A Clockwork Orange is the only other reasonable alternative: which do you prefer? I would especially like to hear from women?

>> No.11301788

Kubrick was a hack, watch real cinema

>> No.11301791

2001 was kinography of the highest order

>> No.11301793

>BNW is the direction we are headed as a society
no we aren't

>> No.11301854

Lmaoing @ life lewdies

>> No.11301855
File: 8 KB, 250x228, 1528157334779s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have taken more time on the op. Phone posting has ruined a potentially interesting discussion: Damn.

>> No.11301882

Oh shock horror, it's a frogposting retard

>> No.11301916
File: 2 KB, 125x84, 1528587415100s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been played. LELELELELELELELEL
Checkmate faggot

>> No.11302197

dumb contrarian opinion. none of the directors you like agree with you.

>> No.11302240

I stopped reading at Nietzsche. I hope this is pasta because if it isn’t you’re an idiot who can’t even analyze basic theme

>> No.11302332
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1525967876790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inserting Nietzsche this hard
>even thinking for a second that Nietzschean philosophy should be used to justify hedonism
>idolizing Alex
>unironically 'chad'
Wew. The blu ray case specifically mentioned no one under 17 should watch this movie

>> No.11302391
File: 136 KB, 466x486, 1500510086646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, your juvenile understanding of the work did that

>> No.11302397

Except directors i like have directly called Kubrick out on his bullshit

>> No.11302402

this, everytime a pleb edgelord calls kubrick bad or nor vanguardist, i get the 2001 card

>> No.11302553

You guys are serious?

>> No.11302570

Name 7 (three) of these directors or fuck right off, cunt.

>> No.11302789
File: 86 KB, 720x996, 1528303927243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you'll need someone to hold your hand next time you read Neet chee

>> No.11302822

You are part of the reason this board sucks. At least you can say you are good at something

>> No.11302838

Retard, the book and movie have literally no influence from Nietzsche or nihilism. His main influence was behaviorism.

>> No.11302844


>> No.11302850

not going to spoonfeed

>> No.11302865

>no one will see right through this superior post

>> No.11302866

is the movie even worth watching? It just looks like american psycho mixed in with willy wonka

>> No.11302875

SLC Punk is better.

>> No.11302878

You clearly haven't bothered to even watch a trailer, have you?

>> No.11302925
