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11300869 No.11300869 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is fucking shit?

>> No.11300875

shit confirmed

>> No.11300876


>> No.11301046

I finished it today and I'm excited to start reading it again.

>> No.11301052

It is the greatest work of art in human history.

>> No.11301077

Reading it now and listening along to Frank Delaney's podcast spoonfeeding me. He only made it to chapter 10 so where do I go after that?

>> No.11301086

t. dubliner cuck

>> No.11301134

Unreadable. Meaningless. The ultimate pretentious signalling prop

>> No.11301139

>unironically thinking Ulysses is a greater work of art than Michaelangelo's David
do you honestly believe that?

>> No.11301150

I started reading classics to impress this girl at work I have a thing for. She came to visit my desk for something and saw that I was reading Ulysses. she about wet her pants. It’s a great book

>> No.11301152

entry level pseud, try harder

>> No.11301159

I am so much smarter and better read than you that it would just be unfair to even debate you, but please explain to me how Ulysses compares to the David

>> No.11301177

4chan babies love to believe retarded things, it's their pose

>> No.11301181
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>this thread

>> No.11301187

Haha yeah it's shit lol haha fucking mental

>> No.11301188
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>> No.11301192
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>he unironically uses the word “pretentious”

>> No.11301209

>unironically thinking that ladders are better than fish
do you honestly believe that?

>> No.11301213

a fish is obviously superior to a ladder, come on

>> No.11301214

No, fuck off.

>> No.11301224

not even his best statue you fucking retard

>> No.11301238

Yeah, like Joyce's grocery list is better than his novels, same concept

>> No.11301246

yes it is you complete faggot, it is his masterpiece
hurr durr le contrarian opinion
just fucking kill yourself

>> No.11301253

A more apt comparison would be the Sistine Chapel

>> No.11301260

no pietà is miles better you fucking retard everybody knows this
go back to r*ddit you fucking subhuman

>> No.11301262

Comparing the Sistine Chapel to Joyce is like spitting on its paintings

>> No.11301266

Wow, rude.

>> No.11301275

And what dust exactly, in this ham-fisted attempt at figurative language, was unsettled in the first place? Ulysses stands up after this much time.

>> No.11301279

The pieta is not miles better you fucking pleb, it isn't even close to his David, there are no comparable sculptures from the entire Renaissance, it is probably the most exceptional sculpture ever made

>> No.11301296

t. brainlet

>> No.11301301

Nobody with half a brain ever liked Ulysses, except pretentious douchebags (4chan for example loves it: no coincidence). Go read famous writers opinions on it.

>> No.11301334

>One of the most beloved classics
>Universally considered a masterpiece
>No one with half a brain actually liked it
midwit cope

>> No.11301344

I would argue that ladders are actually better. Like, what if we suddenly don't have fish? We lose some good cuisine, that's pretty disappointing. We also lose a lot of ocean life and maybe some grizzly bears as a result. But there will still be crustaceans and the ocean mammals that feed off them, plus Coral reefs will potentially survive. An ocean ecosystem that adapts toa world without fish could end up being really interesting and beautiful in a few thousand years. Ladders though, I mean wow. Without ladders so much stuff would instantly be out of reach. Also think about how sometimes in the background of a painting some sneaky fucker is climbing up a ladder to do some spook. We can't lose that. Ladders, I rest my case.

>> No.11301345

I think it's among the greatest prose works of the 20th century, but then again I never read it.

>> No.11301357
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t. joyce reader

>> No.11301364

that is a very biased evaluation though, a fish is a wonder of reality, unimaginably complex, evolved over billions of years of culling inferior organisms

a ladder is several sticks nailed together

>> No.11301379

Wrong, everything wrong. A ladder can be replaced with an elevator, fish is unquestionably unique.

>> No.11301395

The only useful parts are the first and the last chapter. The rest is garbage.

>> No.11301400


>> No.11301425

>funny meme

>> No.11301431

I unrionically love it. And it makes me sad when people think I only like it because it makes me look smart.

Yeah it gets pompous and overblown at times, but it's such a breath air compared to all the other mediocre trash out there. There is more brilliance in the 12 page Proteus chapter than other writers can even dream of accomplishing if they lived to be 200.

>> No.11301506

How can you love a book that never goes straight to the essential? Every page is brimming with redudant, unnecessary stuff.

>> No.11301585

There is more of substance on 1 page of Ulysses than everything your favorite meme writer ever wrote. Entire essays have been written debating single sentences. He was a genius that brainlets like you will never understand and he's one that comes around maybe once every 300 years.

>> No.11301592

>babbies first greentext

>> No.11301616

Unironically the greatest book ever written

>> No.11302496

Novel, maybe.