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11300215 No.11300215 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to boycott this company.

>> No.11300218


>> No.11300221

Penguins are cute

>> No.11300227

I'm trying but they've published all the books

>> No.11300230

They're not that bad for simple works of literature originally written in English. If you want a critical edition, or a work translated from another language, you'd be better off with Oxford University Press or Norton Critical Editions.

>> No.11300232

boycotting is illegal in france, sorry. It became a law 10years ago when there was a movement to boycott israeli products. So they had to pass a law to make it impossible.. mmh

>> No.11300254

I'm boycotting French products now

>> No.11300310

That doesn't seem like a reason to boycott them

>> No.11300322

Is this Pol bs or real?

>> No.11300331

En fait, call for boycott is illegal. You can boycott, you can explain why you boycott, but you can't incitate to boycott.
This is widely regarded as an unfair law.
À bientôt

>> No.11300376

My Russian GF told me to buy at Pinguin for Russian lit. (Dostoyevsky). So I am interested as to how you came to this conclusion.

>> No.11300404

I always hear about this but what exactly is the issue? I've got some editions of their translated works and the commentary and text is fine.

>> No.11300416

Refusing to buy products because they are of inferior quality isn't a boycott, it's just normal behavior.

>> No.11300420

That's literally suppression of free speech.
What the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.11300424

meh, they have some good translations,even if there are others that are some of the worse published. but why boycott tho?

pas lui, mais j'savais pas ça. bon à savoir, car interdire le boycott lui même n'aurait aucun sens.

>> No.11300877


>> No.11300905

Free speech isn't a guarantee everywhere in everyway.

>> No.11300912

Their classics with the rough cut paper are really nice though

>> No.11300917

France also made it illegal for men to get paternity tests lmao. They said it would disrupt society or something, and you can pay a huge fine and go to jail if you get one.

>> No.11300919

u mad bro? lol

>> No.11300925

neither is freedom from getting raped

>> No.11300941
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not him but ye I am ;(

>> No.11301185

Looks like I have another country to boycott. It’s a shame, really. I’ll miss Bic and Gallimard but oh well.

>> No.11301200

This. Women are entitled to not getting raped in the same way humanity is entitled to not get hit by an asteroid. Or country to not get invaded by another country.

>> No.11301215

How does this even work? Do women get to randomly say who the father is and people just belive them?

>> No.11301217
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>> No.11301299

how does one even stop the people from boycotting lmao

>> No.11301309

They can't make you buy things you cuck

>> No.11301319

idk how it works exactly, but i find it hilarious that the French have state enforced cuckoldry

>> No.11301322

Penguin only has one book worth getting.

>> No.11301403

McDuff is a great translator though. Very good with Dostoevsky.

>> No.11301421

Agreed. Too bad he didn’t translate Demons.

>> No.11301423

The P+V translation of Demons is great

>> No.11301462

Some town in Texas forced people to sign a pledge that they wouldn't boycott Israeli products in order to recieve aid following Hurricane Irma


>> No.11301479

I don’t know. Their “Idiot” left a sour taste in my mouth. I then read McDuff’s and it was brilliant.

>> No.11301484

I read their Idiot and it was definitely a slog

>> No.11301486


>> No.11301497

This. At they’re not even the most accurate, which is what their defenders always say to explain them being a slog and not fluid.

>> No.11301512

Holy fuck how can one nation be so cucked. It's evident even in your World Cup squad

>> No.11301531

I hate Penguin for spreading out works in multiple books that can easily fit in one. For example, giving dialogues by Plato their own books and charging $13 for 80 pages and not even any essays or commentaries. Just stop being so fucking Jewish and publish a 400 or 500 page book called "Classic Dialogues of Plato." People will still give you shekels. Fuck.

>> No.11301580

America is the only place that has free speech. Most Europeans love obeying the authoritarian state.

>> No.11301587


>> No.11301604

What? They separate works by interest, you can buy full multi-volume works for serious academic use elsewhere. Their Histories is like 900 pages before notes, maps, bibliography etc.

>> No.11301635


Whatever you say, goy.

>> No.11301636


is literally any of this true?

holy shit

>> No.11301641


>> No.11301645

you cannot have one without a gnu

>> No.11301674

The state enforced cuckoldry is actually here to prevent PRIVATE ENTITiES to have a copy of your DNA. And as much as I hate institutions, I'll gladly take these laws.

The france/US dichotomy is the most interesting in the western world. Two completely different ideologies who ended up almost the same way. A good argument in favor of technological development as the only discernible materialist trend.

France's dream to be a reasonnable state who protects its citizens has failed miserably because of the intensive bureaucracy required for such an utopic state to function.

The US' dream to be the paragon of freedom has failed even more so. American institutions are the most violent in the world, and minimum state enforced laws means private entities will crop up and make their own laws.

There is no stopping capital/technology. It gets to decide how things run. Ideologies and cultures will be the first obstacles to go.

>> No.11301677


>> No.11301679

Yes it's true and the last message you quoted is the perfect example of what I was getting at here >>11301674 Laws or no laws.. Techne, huh.. finds a way

>> No.11301688

>France's dream to be a reasonnable state who protects its citizens has failed miserably

>> No.11301693

the ban on paternity tests is specifically because France considers paternity to be a social construct

I wonder how these people would feel about women having their babies swapped in hospitals if they really think ancestry doesnt matter

>> No.11301704

what happened in France that they already have a law against private entities having your dna?

>> No.11301707

>the ban on paternity tests is specifically because France considers paternity to be a social construct
>t. john McPoltard who never left the comfort of his hometown Jackson, MS
lmaoooo stop posting please.

>> No.11301708

>the ban on paternity tests is specifically because France considers paternity to be a social construct

>> No.11301740

From what I can understand from plebbit, outside of court the person who's dna is being analysed needs to consent for it's use. This means that both mother and father need to consent for the test. If they are contesting and one parent does not consent, then it has to be taken to court to determine filation. It also means that you have to acknowledge a child to it be yours, unless it is contested in court

> In civil matters, this identification may be sought only in execution of a measure of inquiry ordered by the judge seized of an action tending either to the establishment or the contestation of a filiation relationship, or to the obtaining or removing subsidies.

>> No.11301758

>American institutions are the most violent in the world
Not really, that's just the niggers. White Americans do better than any other community of whites in the world.

>> No.11301768

You mean Jews

>> No.11301779

I have lived in France
The argument is that the person who raises the kid is the father regardless of genetics.

>> No.11301794

It depends on the translator they use.

>> No.11302103

Come on. I'm dying to know.

>> No.11303215

>Israel was originally a client state of France

>> No.11303732

Napoleon once declared France official homeland of the Juden.

>> No.11303984

Can I just deny that the child is mine if I feel suspicious?

>> No.11304130
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>> No.11304189

>that pic
What IS that?!