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11298372 No.11298372 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11298376

Crying of Lot 49

>> No.11298380

Most Pynchon, for that matter.

>> No.11298383


>> No.11299269

Inherent Vice

>> No.11299272

Foucalt's Pendulum

>> No.11299294
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There's a lot of paranoia in William Burroughs boosk, especially Queer, Yage Letters and Naked Lunch

>> No.11299465

pkd's whole oeuvre

>> No.11299466


>> No.11299475

Harlot’s Ghost

>> No.11299477
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really really quite good.

the author is also just a pseud enough to throw in stuff about historical conspiracies like the Pazzi and stuff.

>> No.11299479

The Feast of the Goat

>> No.11299487

Foucaults Pendulum

Alan Moores graphic novel Shadowplay

>> No.11299494
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>> No.11299572

Everything Foucault. Conspiracies don't exist. The concept itself was propagated by the CIA. There are two types of conspirationists; complete morons who lump reptilians and the debt system into the same case. And actual intellectuals who know how power operates in a liberal society.

>> No.11299719


>> No.11299727

Second this
Should also read his book on sucking cock and dying of aids it's a good read

>> No.11299745



>> No.11299817
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This one

>> No.11299913

fuck off shill. another nwo hatchet man nigger trying to spread his pozzed disinfo

>> No.11299915

it's time for another reign of terror.

>> No.11299970

Crime and Punishment

>> No.11299979


>> No.11300028


>> No.11300086


>> No.11300103

This is the one you are looking for, Anon.


>> No.11300167

Crazy how brainwashed americans are. The very notion of conspiracy doesn't exist. I'm french and half of what passes for 'conspiracies' in the US has been known and regarded as tools of oppression for 300 years over here l fucking m a o.

There are thousands upon thousands of documents from various american institutions that prove that there are private entities acting on their own benefit, that goes against the life of millions of americans. The US was BUILT by private entities competing against themselves. The federal reserve is jewish. CIA was italian for the longest time. Republican party was WASP through and through.

And before y'all morons hit me with some nonsensical replies; I lived in the US. I lived in a very big city in the US. The synagogues events were forbidden for non jews, the golf club events were forbidden for jews and non-whites. You would never see a non-black person in the city center after 11pm. The ideological and racial segregationism is still very real.

It's like people saying the debt system is completely normal and not some kind of perverse method for mass enslavement. The two biggest religions in the world are fundamentally against usury. But apparently no, it's normal and definitely not a calculated move by a certain group of people. In northern african muslim countries, they have islamic economy classes in high school. Muslims want to wipe jews off the face of this earth, the reverse is also true, but it's definietely not ideology based. They just don't like each other, is all. I mean everything is transparent right? This is just a random exemple to highlight what I mean. Americans aren't capable of geopolitical awareness because of their pathological ethnocentrism.

I'm really starting to think there is some kind of pharmacological method, or whatever, of domestication put in place in the US. I'm saying this because I was completely high off the american drug while living in the US. It took the longest time to deconstruct the extremely potent and insidious ideological re-engineering that is bound to happen to everyone living there.

Before you guys hit me with some moronic replies. I got published twice and have a genius IQ. This is probably enough to deter the materialists who only seem to think in terms of these two parameters. Which comprises 80% of this board.

Crazy how people can't even bring themselves to ENTERTAIN the notion that there are possibly groups of people out there acting out on their own interests. That's some hardcore level of submission.

>> No.11300201

>Americans aren't capable of geopolitical awareness because of their pathological ethnocentrism.
Wouldn't ethnocentrism have the exact opposite effect?

>> No.11300208

ur gay

>> No.11300224


>> No.11300240

Good post, man. Even when so-called "conspiracies" are proven to be true, like Facebook gathering user data, the government turns a blind eye and nothing happens.

>> No.11300249

is this a pasta ?

>> No.11300317

actually it has more to do with not leaving us with any 'comfortable' solutions.
american know about all this . but feel they can do nothibg to stop it. thats why they depricate themselves or make ironic america fuck yeah posts.

conspiracy theorists are just fringe op-ed columnists. becuase they never bother to follow through with a solution or talk about historical examples of defeating these "tools of oppression " . or they can only talk about how bad shit is and not talk about ways we can insulate ourselves against such tools.

essetially just leaves us with a expansive narrative that we feel we are all apart of but leaves us waiting for the story to end, instead of ending it ourselves.

>> No.11300323

>The concept itself was propagated by the CIA.
wouldn't that be a conspiracy on itself?

>> No.11300944


>> No.11301489

>he doesn't lump reptilians and the debt system into the same case

>> No.11301705
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>Americans aren't capable of geopolitical awareness because of their pathological ethnocentrism.
Are you retarded? The US is far less ethnocentric than any European nation. There isn't an "American" ethnicity you mouthbreathing retard with delusions of grandeur. Almost since the very beginning, American diversity forced us to embrace civic nationalism. European countries have had the benefit, for the most part, of ethnic homogeneity after the turmoil of nationalism ended, and they STILL manage to fuck it up with suicide progressivism cults.

Fucking Eurofags, honestly. They're all pretentious without any real merit. But why should I be surprised? All of your brave and enterprising lineages migrated to the USA 100 years ago. The remaining folks of good stock were eliminated in the various wars and purges. The only people left in Europe are fart-sniffing, passive-aggressive retards who enjoy authoritarian bureaucratic states. Because of this unfounded sense of self-worth and persistence on resting on the laurels of their ancestors, the descendants of today's Europeans will be indolent Muslims who will wipe out any trace of the past glorious culture.

For what it's worth, the only countries with any significant push-back against corporate globalism are the United States, and to a far lesser extent, Britain. Where do you think most anti-authoritarian, "conspiracy theorists" originate from? The country that was born by giving tyrants the middle finger. The rest of Europe is permanently stuck in serfdom mentality by Darwinian action. Your beliefs of innate superiority, despite relying on our protection and good will for sovereignty, are extremely unfounded. The future of Western civilization, if there is any at all, rests with the United States and Russia. The rest of Europe is doomed by pathology.

>> No.11301750

And before your smug Frankish ass even thinks about a witty reply, please be aware that I do not give a damn what some ingrate Frenchmen thinks about me or my country. You are all a bunch of pacified cuckolds for even being capable of stomaching the status quo of your country's laws.
Fucking pathetic. Nothing you say or do could ever make up for the fact that you metaphorically have to wear chastity belts in public by law.

>> No.11301769
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>that picture

>> No.11301785
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>> No.11301852

they have a problem with black people existing elsewhere and other countries not understanding the origins of slavery and thinking it had something to do with slavs.

it's sort of the like the georgian problem where they say they can't be throwing gays off roofs because there are no gays. any experience of racism between players outside their sphere of reference just makes them REEE

if you want proof, look at americans trying to skirt the problem of english racism against irish people and irish racism against english people. some pro-black rights (in the US) groups even pointedly refuse to discuss what color the irish and anything about them, including if they're a race.
weirdly, lots of americans now want to claim to be irish descendants, which leads to irish nationalists calling them cunts, but the idea of what it means to be irish in boston and in ireland are two very different beasts, and boston wouldn't accept ireland's definition since it's not the US ethnocentric definition of the ethnicity.

>> No.11301856

>Conspiracies don't exist
>MK-Ultra didn't exist
>Watergate didn't exist
>Operation Northwoods didn't exist
>The Iran-Contra Affair didn't exist
>The Dreyfus Affair didn't exist

Don't talk about shit you don't know jackshit about and pretend you know shit about shit, fucking shithead.

>> No.11301867

You misread him, brainlet. He was pointing out that the term conspiracy is meant to conflate things that you pointed out with absolute retarded garbage like chemtrails, flat earth, and lizardmen theories.

>> No.11301873

Damn, guess I am a brainlet. He should have explained himself better, though.

>> No.11301884

not him but the guy he's responding to>>11299572
says that it's how power works in a liberal society, and that seems open to attack. rome's hardly liberal and julius caesar got done by a conspiracy. there'd also be no conspiracy in any other oppressive society, like no conspiracies in russia, no conspiracies in germany, especially never in prussia, no conspiracies in monarchies, and, well, you get the picture. it seems more reactionary to david icke than it seems an overview of conspiracy.

>> No.11301887

He explained himself perfectly well for anybody who doesn't have a double digit IQ. Next time, wait until you read the last sentence of a 30 word response before replying.

>> No.11302099

>Conspiracies don't exist. The concept itself was propagated by the CIA.

That would literally be a conspiracy. Check a dictionary, retard.

>> No.11302183

On the contrary, fuckwit, claiming “there are no conspiracies”, just ways that power operates corruptly is contradictory and retarded because that’s essentially the definition of a conspiracy. “There are no conspiracies, there’s just conspiracies”. He basically is saying he doesn’t like the word conspiracy because it’s attributed to the theories of David Icke, when it’s a perfectly valid term with a valid definition which has been used throughout history sanely. How about you stop being a pretentious fuckwit and admit the guy’s post was idiotically worded.

>> No.11302195
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>Conspiracies don't exist

>> No.11302196
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I'm writing something about a paranoiac right now and I'm struggling because if the novel follows it's logical path they'll become a raging antisemite

>> No.11302212

holy fuck, Europoors BTFO

>> No.11302258

there's a difference between government surveillance and programs, and what most conspiracy theories actually are: a belief in a small, stable, omnipotent, and omniscient group of individuals that plan every event in world history since the beginning of mankind to an indefinite future

>> No.11302277
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To be clear, I am not from /pol/ and they are probably are establishment's cocksuckers.

>> No.11302286

>small, stable, omnipotent, and omniscient group of individuals that plan every event
>he doesn't think that this isn't the case

>> No.11302314

Do none of you ever use the archive?

It would be nice if we didn't have to start from square one every time we had an interesting thread.

>> No.11302318

guys check out this video

by far the funniest conspiracy theory i have found

>> No.11302328
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And when I mean /pol/ is probably playing with the bad guys, I mean obvious shit like dumbing down the conversation with stupid shit like >>11302318

They obviously try to divert attention from genuine conversation. I call these fuckers the thought police.

>> No.11302334

im not trying to dumb down anything, im positive that there are groups of powerful people doing terrible shit, i mean why wouldnt there be

but that video is honestly hilarious

>> No.11302343

>plan every event
>plan to stop Trump

>> No.11302350

>if you make a plan, that means that you will achieve your goals
Do you live in the real world, anon?

>> No.11302362
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>> No.11302370

I'm shocked no one could see the sarcasm of this post. Here's your (You) sweety

>> No.11302378
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>Samefagging this hard

>> No.11302388

>there is a single group of people that controls the world
>except when they don't, lol

>> No.11302698

>controlling the levers of power means that everything goes your way all the time
t. brainlet

>> No.11303200

A Scanner Darkly

>> No.11303895

if it's not an act of god, it's a conspiracy