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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 355x362, special limptix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1129800 No.1129800 [Reply] [Original]

TyBrix is a fucking retarded idiot.

Who agrees with me? You all do - great.

Can we please drive him back to the Gaiaonline that spawned him?

>> No.1129836

What's your problem with tripcoders?

>> No.1129847

is this the same guy that keeps doing this?

i'm genuinely sorry if I said something mean, I'm even willing to go through whatever it was again & admit if i acted badly.

Also fake Quentin above.

>> No.1129861

Ayn Rand is beautiful. I would have sex with a man who adopted a deformed son who touched Ayn Rands pubes.

>> No.1129919

There's also that one other tripfag, Chuck_Bass or something like that. He's not usually so bad, but he doesn't understand how opinions work. Everytime someone posts their opinion in a thread where he already stated his opinion, he HAS to prove them wrong. I've seen him do it like 3 times in the past 2 weeks.

>> No.1129928


I haven't even been here that long.
And I'm sorry if you find me too pushy with my opinions.

I just like to facilitate rational discussion.

>> No.1129940




>> No.1129954

No, I have made a couple anti-tripfaggot threads in the last couple days, but have also seen a bunch from others too. You are ruining our board and no one likes you. Get a life.

>> No.1130013

Yeah, I don't know how long you've been here, you're not as bad as other trips but you do seem to love forcing your opinions on others.

>> No.1130014

feeding trolls is never a good idea

>> No.1130019

I appreciate your input.
I'll try to be more careful about that.

>> No.1130026

Yeah Chuckbass we should strive to tolerate everyone's opinions in a welcoming democratic, degenerate manner no matter how stupid, uninformed, misleading and useless they are shame on you :L

>> No.1130022
File: 16 KB, 454x366, 1284249155365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is not me. I started the original hate thread yesterday.
I think I did a much better job of detailing why I disliked you than OP.
I also didn't just fling out insults at random without backing them up.
I guess you did think Quentin was gay raped with household utensils, though, so your mistake is understandable.
Also: I think all the venomous posts are created by different people. Quite a few are pissed off, you know.

>> No.1130032

I'm detecting sarcasm...

>> No.1130045

LOL just try this formula: I disagree with you because <insert argument>.
Avoid: Hurr Durr you are a faggot that I hate because you are so stupid and I hate you.
Also avoid images that are insulting unless you are a troll and want people to hate you. See OP for example.

P.S. OP is OK since they are not tripfagging.

>> No.1130055
File: 124 KB, 288x467, 1284344086210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when your pretentious hipster ass gets mad at someone using a dictionary definition of a word

>> No.1130059

>Quite a few are pissed off, you know

>> No.1130065

lol because only pretentious hipsters care about denotative meaning.

>> No.1130078

Bro that's all good but I prefer this formula:
>Hurr Durr you are a faggot that I hate because you are so stupid and I hate you, also here's why you are wrong <insert argument>

>> No.1130084

lol tripfags r bad and make bad posts, i r only make good posts, like this one complaining about tripfags.

>> No.1130115

Nope, but ALL pretentious hipsters do. But I'm not strawmanning, because just check out his other post in this very thread:
>Yeah Chuckbass we should strive to tolerate everyone's opinions in a welcoming democratic, degenerate manner no matter how stupid, uninformed, misleading and useless they are shame on you :L

Or his name for prentiousness' sake.

>> No.1130128

Wait, what do you guys mean by hipster?

>> No.1130131
File: 43 KB, 610x310, 610_ag_red-fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You couldn't formulate a strawman if you tried, you retarded asshole.

>> No.1130138

Where`s Mogwai when you need him.

>> No.1130144

send moot an email

after the whole "Jim Profit" fiasco moot told us to inform him when tripfags are being insufferable assholes. I sent moot an email a week ago back when he was spamming /lit/ nonstop. I bet if moot receives enough complaints against TyBrix he'll perma-ban him. It worked against Jim Profit.

And/or you can block him with that anti-tripfag software.

>> No.1130154

What does this have to do with literature?

Anon is the cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.1130156
File: 76 KB, 400x300, niggars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot told us to inform him when tripfags are being insufferable assholes.

moot must get a lot of emails!

>> No.1130159
File: 22 KB, 500x333, ilold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1130176

...Jim Profit is back?

Holy fuck I need to go warn /tg/

>> No.1130204


I wonder what /lit/ would be like if all the anons left and the only traffic was the same five tripfags that never stfu...

My guess is this:

>> No.1130208

why do you keep bumping this?

>> No.1130219

no, Jim Profit isn't back. When I said"he was spamming /lit/ nonstop" I was referring to TyBrix.

>> No.1130239

No good friend, he has returned. I saw him in /v/ this very day.

All is lost...

>> No.1132024



>> No.1132049


>> No.1132068

It has been said time and time again not to feed the trolls, sage does not work, if you sage and still reply you'll get bumps from tripfags replying to your sage.
IGNORE all tripfag activity, I repeat IGNORE all tripfag activity, if a tripfag is bothering you, do not reply to him, the tripfag may samefag his ass into a conversation, or he may lose the trip to get his opinions heard, total tripfag quarentine is the ONLY way, the ONLY way, please consider this warning and repost it when necessary.

Tripfags want to turn this into a social website, they want to create this cool internet persona, to give their posts more worth than it's content. FIGHT them my brothers, so we an have our good old anonymous imageboard back.

>> No.1132083
File: 29 KB, 500x377, u mad dog in a hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying moot still vists this site.

you obviously didn't read an interview with him recently where he said he barely visits this site any more and is focusing on another project

anon is the cancer that is killing /lit/ we trippers actual generate healthy discussion.

>> No.1132195


>> No.1132224


>> No.1132236

>anon is the cancer that is killing /lit/ we trippers actual generate healthy discussion.


>> No.1132240


naw the totem kept spinning.