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11297410 No.11297410 [Reply] [Original]

Refute Mere Christianity for me.
(for the brainlets following along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_VYCqCexow))

>> No.11298449

Easy, Christianity is wrong.

>> No.11298452


>> No.11298625

that's not the whole book

>> No.11298640

>actually believing this

>> No.11298668

My IQ dropped to half a point from watching this. Every single argument is shit

>> No.11298720

For the sake of making an interesting thread, could you detail some of the reasons you think the points are shit?

>> No.11298726

>Refute Mere Christianity for me.
He was a Protestant.

>> No.11298761

this isn't promoting christianity. this is criticizing instinct and social custom as the seat of moral law. even if I accept everything in this video, I wouldn't walk away a christian

>> No.11298771
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Arguing for morality from God is easier than arguing for God from morality. Sadly the first section of Lewis' book is devoted to rhetorical trickery and moral badgering ("u dont want 2 believ in no morals,. do u..."). Its homely exegesis of Christianity is nice enough on its own though, I think it's a good intro for someone looking to understand the religion (from within or without) but not some sort of pamphlet for conversion.

>> No.11298775

It makes xer feel bad.

>> No.11298779

>I wouldn't walk away a christian
Surely, but you would not be wholly separated from it either. You would be like those people who don't *believe* in the Bible but are still *moved* by it. That's a better result than leaving you a believer who is *not* moved by the story value.

>> No.11298786

Yes, but you'd move towards a more Christian perspective. Belief itself is more about attitude, hope and relationship with God, and what follows.

>> No.11298789
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what the hell

>> No.11298790

More like mere cretinity

>> No.11298803

>If I agree with all arguments Christians make about everything, I still won't necessarily be a Christian
This is true from a Christian perspective, and mine. Likely God's perspective as well. Thing is, I've seen the hell I'm building and I can refute it easily. Every single wish I have of hell, will be fulfilled with and without my "investment", so I should focus on not doing what I'm doing. But here I am.

>> No.11298816

What do you find hard to understand?

>> No.11298822
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To add on, C.S. Lewis paints clever analogical pictures but is not very rigorous or . He presents vague notions of "herd instinct" or "social custom" as explaining "moral law" without really engaging with any structured, argued apposite explanations for the phenomena called "moral law". Which is, perhaps, only fair for a series of lectures broadcast on the BBC during wartime, but rather wispy and useless for anything more than prompting certain questions in the mind of an average person with unrigorous intellectual assumptions. One wants to reach in and throttle C.S. Lewis and tell him he's getting off track and being a stupid sophist, spending so much time sniffing his farts (with nice little prompts) instead of presenting any real objections to his own ideas and contradicting them - consider how different Lewis and Aquinas are in method.

This is why Lewis got blown the fuck out by Anscombe.

I think this sort of writing should be reserved for your diary and for your prayers (and maybe the "write what's on your mind" threads), here it seems sentimental and schizophrenic since the only person with any context to your own spiritual situation is you. Non-sequitur. I'm still not sure what that has to do with what the anon said about the videos' arguments.

>> No.11298831

>here it seems sentimental
It is, but it's the only way to speak with people about these things. Cold hard facts will never make people believe in God, nor move them away from God.
> and schizophrenic
My problem is repression and catatonic depression, but stuff leaks out every now and then.

>> No.11298841

I think it seems out of place in a thread like this. People are more likely to respond positively if you engage with their intelligence, rather than assume that they're in a "soul-searching" mood (nauseating phrase, but I can't think of anything better). If someone opened themselves up to you, and you to them, it would not be out of place. But often it seems like you are insulting the other persons intelligence by trying to avoid all disinterested discussion and instead penetrate their soul to bruteforce them into emotional submission to Christianity.

>> No.11298843

>respond positively
You know, this isn't what I want. I want to be killed by those I hate, not praised.

>> No.11298847

To name one, he says that since almost all civilizations across human history hold very similar morals, despite not influencing eachother, it means that morals are intrinsically true, and not just a social construct or biological function. It's wrong because you could also say that because all humans breathe air, there is something 'good' or 'true' about breathing air. There isn't anything 'true' about morals or being a vertebrate, it's just that evolutationarily, those traits were better to have than to not. Not killing members of the same species, for example, is obvious why it would be a good thing for preserving the species.
Humans are all part of the same species and a trait of that species is that they have an idea that certain things are good.

>> No.11298849

Respond positively to Christian ideas, not just to you personally. You desire the goodwill and conversion of other people, yes, not simply your own martyrdom? Preferably, someone would, after interacting with you, become more open to Christian influence, not harden their heart against it?

>> No.11298854


>> No.11298857

>Cold hard facts will never make people believe in God, nor move them away from God.

cold hard facts moved me away from God

>> No.11298858

Was CS Lewis the Jordan Peterson of his time?

>> No.11298863

He also makes a big leap by assuming that cases of
>making value judgements about morality according to *a* standard
actually represents
>judging them according to their resemblance to a real and existent true morality.
It's like suddenly proposing Plato's theory of forms after a mild appeal to common sense. Many of his analogies depend on utter brainletness, his imaginary audience have to take everything for granted like good little English schoolboys.

>> No.11298865

>You desire the goodwill and conversion of other people, yes, not simply your own martyrdom?
You know, "goodwill" goes through the 'what's the hook?' process first and then to the 'oh, it's just the efficiency protocol kicking in'. I don't want martyrdom, I want honesty. Stab in the gut is preferable to stab in the back kind of deal.

Because I want to drag you all to hell for what you've stolen from me.

>> No.11298871

Which ones? Some hard facts that had an emotional impact that did it? Come on - porn is more influential than any argument.

>> No.11298875

Tell me when you're going to shoot up a school so I can spare my younger brother a tragic death

>> No.11298882

Don't worry. I'm more likely to ruin some old boy's dream of being a train driver. I don't need to do shit over here, I can just go to hell with a shovel.

>> No.11298891

>so I can spare my younger brother a tragic death
>not wanting him to fall victim to a devil-possessed madman and reach Heaven as an innocent martyr

>> No.11298900

>>not wanting him to fall victim to a devil-possessed madman and reach Heaven as an innocent martyr
Yes, but killed by a 4channer? C'mon

>> No.11298902


>> No.11298903

what is 'cold science'?

>> No.11298907

Arbitrary, without context or narrative.

>> No.11298923

the earth is not 10,000 years old.
there wasn't a world wide flood.
evolution is accurate.

>> No.11298933

>Xtianity is wrong because dinosaurs!
third grader?

>> No.11298934

If you mean science that is arbitrary, then I don't really think that evolution would fit that definition very well

>> No.11298952

How come any of those move you away from God?
>Humans are to garden the world
>A tree is known for its fruit
>You are shepherds of people
It's all about evolving and shaping up the world with work into something closer to the divine. Thinking that the world is just a rotting carcass we are to -at best- preserve is against the orders of God.

What you worshiped was hubris; an algorithm of exact things.

>> No.11298975

no idea what you're talking about

Because I believed that the Bible is the word of God. The Bible was the foundation of my belief. The Bible is wrong.

>> No.11299006

>Because I believed that the Bible is the word of God. The Bible was the foundation of my belief. The Bible is wrong.
This is literally 'Two if you counted God...' tier of fedora.

>> No.11299098

Yeah, but I was hoping someone here would’ve actually read it, instead it’s /pol/tards arguing against the videos because they refuse to accept intrinsic morality.

>> No.11299124

I grew up fundamentalist christian m8. what's your point.

>> No.11299125

This worse than reading Richard Dawnikins' rants on continental philosophy on worse. The entire thing is basically some very specious moral intuitionism, the rejection of social constructivism is a bad strawman, the separation of "instincts" and "non instincts" is just semantic sophistry. If you made the same argument he's making in ancient times you could use it to justify slavery.
Do christians really think this garbage is worthwhile? Just read Aquinas if you want to pretend to be an intellectual guys.

>> No.11299128

on Twitter*

>> No.11299150

>just abandon logic, evolution as individuals, critical thinking and take a leap of faith lol .

>> No.11299157

Isn’t e3 on? Why are you here?

>> No.11299165

Can you give us one of its arguments that you find particularly convincing? Can you tell us why you think its a good argument

>> No.11299167

There's plenty of cannibal species. And not killing doesn't preserve the species, reproducing does. A 90-year-old isn't going to provide much to reproduction, so killing the 90-year-old would probably be ok for the species.

>> No.11299176

Protestantism is reductionistic. Won't help with Creator, nor in being in His image.

>> No.11299182

english motherfucka, do you speak it?

>> No.11299185

deity threats are fascinating, simple arguments just don't work, logic is abandoned , nobody learns anything and its impossible to change your point of view, so why bother making any coherent post , just shitpost

>> No.11299186

well said

>> No.11299194

Not that anon but
> killing the 90-year-old would probably be ok for the species.
Killing the elderly removes their ability to preserve and spread knowledge. So even if they can no longer reproduce societies which look after them have an advantage over societies which do not.

>> No.11299226

wtf I believe in objective morality now

>> No.11299235

Sorry /r/atheism is dying. Do you need a hug?

>> No.11299239

You can't believe in objective morality. It's impossible for you to do so. The fact that you've believed in subjective morality means that you have a reduced number of moral principles. Sociopaths have 0 moral principles, the conservative kind has 5, and you have 2 and directly oppose one.

>> No.11299277

The vast majority of Christendom rejects Biblical literalism. Rejecting Christianity because your dumbass YEC Pastor was wrong is as dumb as rejecting Christianity because you were a Mormon and you found out Joseph Smith didn't really find some golden discs that told him Jesus was an alien. All it means is that you were part of a denomination that has poor theology

>> No.11299312

Even if the basis of objective morality is just 'a trait of our species' it doesn't mean it's not objective morality nor does it mean it's not true (quite the opposite -- it's even more quantifiable than an argument from faith).

>> No.11299319

C.S. Lewis is a good starter author but honestly he’s not the most sound. If you want pure weaponized autism read The Summa. Aquinas was a flawless thinker.

>> No.11299322

>it doesn't mean it's not objective morality
It does because you can't make an argument that innate human morality is superior to innate chimpanzee morality without an objective standard of what makes morality better or worse between species. You're just taking the problem and moving it one step back from different human societies to different species.

>> No.11299324

I don't reject all forms of Christianity. I reject the Christianity in which I was raised. And I'm doing fine without believing in Christianity as well.

>> No.11299328

C.S Lewis is really good at distilling the core arguments down to their most understandable forms and 99% of people will never need an understanding more developed than the one he presents. Most people don't go through their lives getting into apologetics arguments on the internet and the idea that if we think of things as being objectively better or worse than other things it means there must be a standard we're comparing them against is more than enough to understand why faith in God isn't irrational but in fact completely logical.

>> No.11299359

He makes an alright argument for the necessity of a transcendental other in a sensible ethic, but when he makes the leap from that to 'Christianity is the true religion and God is a literal skydaddy who sent his son to this planet to die for our sins' the fact that he's just clinging to a particular religious myth because he has tied his life's meaning to it becomes painfully apparent. I really enjoyed the section in which he attempts to refute dualistic monism and ends up admitting that he just prefers the Christian good vs evil narrative for no real reason.

Also, I recommend you read out of the silent planet and pay close attention to the way he makes an argument for submission into the natural cosmic order and against self-overcoming.
It's unapologetically ""Give us this last man, O Zarathustra,"—they called out- -"make us into these last men!"" - the book

>> No.11299392

Can your thinking be flawless if you're wrong about fucking everything though?

>> No.11299412

Whats was Aquinas wrong about?

>> No.11299420

It is better because we are not chimps

>> No.11299430

Morality requires the ability to ponder it if it is to be morality. Other species cannot do that.

>> No.11299452

>Morality requires the ability to ponder it if it is to be morality
does it?

>> No.11299470

So are you saying chimps can't ponder and get confused?

>> No.11299552

That God exists for starters.

>> No.11299619
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what do you mean by god

>> No.11299646


>> No.11299885

But God does exist.

>> No.11299897

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.11299912
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>da universe just came from nowhere because Dawkins told me so!
You gullible idiot

>> No.11299929

>da universe was make by big sky daddy because an old book told me so!
shit, look at this Socrates of the 21st century

>> No.11299948

It's a historical fact that Jesus rose from the dead. Sorry that triggers you my fat fedora wearing friend

>> No.11299968

>history and fact in the same sentence
look at this brainlet.

>> No.11300004
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In many ways, this anon has a point in.

>> No.11300396

killing will stop people from reproducing. The fact that we don't want to kill 90 year olds is because our morality is as good as it needs to be from a evolutionary standpoint. No other animal is getting more rewarding morality in a way that affects us so we don't have to evolve something where we actively kill old people

>> No.11300414

human morality could be true, just like breathing air could be moral and Santa could be real. There is nothing to prove it right or wrong. It's best to assume things with 0 evidence are not true, or at least that's what I would think.

>> No.11300439

it's like I'm really in a 2006 amazing atheist youtube comments section

>> No.11300923

>But feeling a desire to help is quite different from feeling that you ought to help whether you want to or not.

Desire is a consequence of character which is a consequence of fate. The only law desire is bound to is the law of time, not a moral law. The video falls apart once you realize this.

Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols:

>When the English actually believe that they know "intuitively" what is good and evil, when they therefore suppose that they no longer require Christianity as the guarantee of morality, we merely witness the effects of the dominion of the Christian value judgment and an expression of the strength and depth of this dominion: such that the origin of English morality has been forgotten, such that the very conditional character of its right to existence is no longer felt. For the English, morality is not yet a problem.

Anglos: 0
Continentals: 1

>> No.11301492

his whole argument hinges on the "we feel guilty about some actions, so there must be something external to us that makes us feel guilty" which was too weak for me
if you accept his premise though it does lead to interesting outcomes, I had more of an appreciation for Christianity after reading it