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11296765 No.11296765 [Reply] [Original]

I think I've lost it. I just can't stand neither being behind a book looking at letters or going outside having either completely boring conversations or pseudophilosophical ones.
I'm majoring in philosophy and I think I have totally lost hope or appreciation for it or any intellectual effort. They are just simulations, I need the body experience.
This reallity just isnt enough. After experiencing consciousness on LSD this normal state seems so plane that it is almost like being crippled.
What path is there for me now? I can't go around on acid everyday but I also can't unsee this now. Being a human being is not enough.
Has anyone experienced something like this? Were you able to go back? I feel the need to explode but I don't know how.
I want to drop everything and go find something beyond.
Is this somehow related to suicide?

>> No.11296777

Drugs and prostitutes generally work for this ennui.

>> No.11296780

Read Zhuangzi and find yourself reflected in nature.

>> No.11296786

It'll get to the stage where you end up expecting nothing good from the world. It's not as bad as it sounds. Try Santayana.

>> No.11296804
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This right here is everything you just asked for.


>> No.11296815

I don't feel ennui.
I have already done most types of drugs. I don't care about any of them. Marijuana, alcohol, opiates, stimulants, they are all worthless.
I'm not interested in casual sex neither, I would rather spend that money on LSD but I don't want to fry my brain.

>> No.11296817

Sounds like mental illness. Lay off the drugs... Unless you want to break through. You won't find any enlightenment, however. Such does not exist. Especially ignore people who tell you to live as a monk or hermit or recluse or ascetic. Just try and find a girl that you enjoy physically and intellectually and a fulfilling job and enjoy the ride. Or kill yourself. Only reasonable options.

>> No.11296819

I am testing my sense perception and pattern recognition, so being pure, no offense or meaning meant, but are you jewish? I think I have discovered certain typing patterns and ques and mannerisms, please answer honestly as I will be reporting this in my personal study.

>> No.11296822

I have not expected anything good from the world since I was 12.

>> No.11296902

I have bipolar depression but this that I'm feeling now doesnt feel like any of the symptoms I'm used to. I'm not feeling neither depressed or manic.
My trip from a few days ago was a really small dose. I dropped bigger doses before and I think I can see the difference between drug induced delusions and just obvious conclussions. I know this sounds delusional but whatever. I guess I should had not said I'm actually mentally ill but who cares.
The thing is that after this last experience it became so clear to me that whatever I was searching for in stuff like phenomenology or literature just isnt there, neither is it in music or anything else.
This became so clear to me after the other day some guy started trying to have the last word in every argument and thought everyone else except from him was stupid because they were not materialists, he said that after I told him I was interested in Heidegger.
After that, I just can't understand any kind of discussion. I'm sick of all postures.
This existence is shallow.
Now I'm not jewish. What patterns made you think that?

>> No.11296948

Quick rundown?

>> No.11296951

very interesting, in a discussion there should not necessarily be such thing as the last word until it is mutually understood to be warranted. In a philosophical discussion or debate, him needing to have another word, should not bother you, unless you could not discuss his points and show him yours, unless his last word was undebatable, and you are upset that your stance may have been proven wrong.

What you say is interesting though, certainly. And appears to even contain his materialist point. In the world one needs things to anchor to, real things, that make living.

>> No.11296972
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>> No.11296982

So your life-changing acid trip was only a few days ago? Give yourself a month to mull it over before you start acting all melodramatic

>> No.11296995

I was not the one having the discussion. After he told me I could not possibly have any arguments against him I just walked away, I didnt have the space to even develop an stance. Then he called someone stupid at the begining of their conversation. He was just an ass. I don't really give a damn about if materialism is right or wrong, it was his attitude that pissed me off.
I don't see how the second part of your post is related to what I posted. Maybe you could elaborate more if you want but my objective was not to start a discussion about materialism, but you may make some interesting dots connection.

>> No.11297024

My actual life changing acid trip was like 4 years ago. This one just made me lose any interest in intellectualism. It looks like a bridge to somewhere but it really isnt.
This has been developing for a while tho. I have devoted quite some time and effort and now I just have to drop it.
The problem is that it is all language, pure text, and this doesnt seem to stimulate the mind, or at least mine, in a meaningful way.
I don't want to become some kind of hippie or a mystic, I don't buy it, so I'm trying to see if there is an inbetween.

>> No.11297028

just read poetry bro

>> No.11297057

I'm sick of it

>> No.11297089

>After he told me I could not possibly have any arguments against him I just walked away
did you hear him say something which you had an argument against?
>Then he called someone stupid at the begining of their conversation.
that doesnt matter, as long as ad hominems are attached to points they are understandable instinctual ticks from the rabid dog barking that is the impassioned soul. Someone should be offended to be called stupid if something they said provoked their interlocutor to say it, merely it is needed to be seen if what was said was in fact stupid, it could have been, and if the person charged could then show the charger how they were incorrect, that diss would fall on the original disser

>> No.11297100

>Someone should be offended

>> No.11297112

Could be a mixed state? Or disassociation? Either way, lay off the drugs. You are going down a bad path. Continue your studies, be productive, see a therapist, do not drop out of life with a bong in hand because everything is like just words or whatever. Heidegger is good. Watch Enter the Dragon. Read Zhuangzi and Lao tzu.

>> No.11297114

The guy was drunk saying barely articulated sentences with big words here and there.

>> No.11297142

so one drunk person barely articulating sentences made you think creative/philosophical thought and writing are worthless? I know you made all this up, but still

Yes, words and language are boring and dull, this is why people play soccer and tv is more popular than books, the world doesnt need many philosophers (they do need everyone familiar with the best gists) if you dont need to be one you certainly shouldnt. If youre not an artist youre not an artist either.

>> No.11297161

>Could be a mixed state?
No, I'm stable, if I was in a mixed state I would be tearing up my hair while not knowing if to laugh or to cry
I'm just disappointed. I don't know if it is because I lack some sort of capacity, but I just can't get inside the ideas and concepts I'm supposed to see value and life in.
Therapists are a waste.

>> No.11297167

>so one drunk person barely articulating sentences made you think creative/philosophical thought and writing are worthless?
No, the situation was more of a trigger, but all these things have been inside me for a while. I don't think I'm being able to explain my points to you, sorry.

>> No.11297211

no, I do understand your points, only a small percentage of people can stand to be uberly obsessed with language and ideas, and most people live their lives in the material world, and you thought and wanted to be and may partially be the former but have discovered you might prefer the latter

>> No.11297236
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Read Master Game by DeRopp (student of Ouspensky and Gurdjieff) an then some General Semantics as in pic related

>> No.11297244
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>After experiencing consciousness on LSD

>> No.11297250

I know...

>> No.11297281

What do you mean by the material world? Because if the meaning that you are giving to it is the same I am, then I can tell you I don't prefer the material world. I'm just angry at how the mind works by default, or at least mine.

>> No.11297338

Thats a long book

>> No.11297348

you are studying philosophy in school? You were excited by language and ideas, complexity, problems, mystery, solutions, but now you think you see emptyness.. you said you seek more than words. The words and ideas are not enough. But if you study that stuff and whatever you do, you can always go hiking on the weekend and fishing, and experience more.

What is the more you have in mind?

What did you originally want out of philosophy? Why did you major in it?

What is the body experience you need?

>> No.11297354

All of my unironic concurrence

>> No.11297403

>What did you originally want out of philosophy? Why did you major in it?
I really have no idea right now

>> No.11297420

How long ago did you take acid? This feeling subsided about a week after I came down.

>> No.11297449

3 days ago. But it really was not a big trip, but it was clear to me that my mind and understanding will never be as it should be to language actually have any worth. I feel so limited, I don't see the point in trying to expand my understanding with intellectual activities anymore, it all stays in the text, it never gets into me, my point of reference is always the same two dimensional scope.

>> No.11297463

>3 days ago

Give it another few days, champ, you'll work your way out of it.

>> No.11297491

I know I will probably "get over it" but it will be simply because life does not stop. I will have focus on my responsabilities, not because I care or belive in them, is just because thats how it is.
I really hate the day I was born. I have tried to follow life affirmation but it does not cut it.

>> No.11297570

Master Game however is not, my brainlet friendo

>> No.11297639
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How can you experience consciousness? You are consciousness.

Try mysticism, they usually emphasis immediate experience, past language and symbols.

For myself after a major experience on LSD (years ago) I found The Perennial Philosophy helpful. Most of it was like reading what I already knew.

>> No.11297709

So what isn't a dead end? If everything is, then what does it matter how you choose to waste your time?

>> No.11297737

Become an esotericist/occultist.

It's what you want, except you don't need drugs to achieve it.

>> No.11297826

I agree with this anon OP

>> No.11297882

Sounds like you are not prepared to die. Shrooms and lsd are for you - but childhood is the drug of God.

>> No.11297938

Psychedelia is useful but the sense of absolute revolution you get when you first have meaningful trips doesn't last forever and eventually you start valuing the real world again.

Every time somebody trips for the first time or a new subculture encounters hallucinogens they think it's some radical change to everything, but it's not, it's only a radical change to you. People have been taking these drugs longer than recorded history. You'll adjust to the idea eventually.

Also I bought that fucking Tao Lin book on hallucinogens the other day because I got in an argument on /lit/ about it about a month ago. I haven't started reading it yet (I think it's appropriate to finish McKenna's True Hallucinations first) but I remain doubtful that there is anything new or worthwhile for Tao Lin to say about hallucinogens that hasn't already been said by Shulgin Leary McKenna James Wilson Watson Hofmann Huxley etc.

>> No.11298978

>t. Coping high functioning brainlet
Pull yourself together, you chose a path, see it out till the end. "I want more" no you don't, you're just making excuses for the lack of tangible progress youve made, and before you reply "hur durr I've done so and so" you're probably on a bipolar low, which you should recognize and just opt out of for the duration, go get your hands on some dartura instead of LSD and you won't come back feeling oppressed duee to a lack of ecstasy in your day to day life

>> No.11299025

Tao it up chief

>> No.11299080

Maybe microdosing?

>> No.11299131
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As much as I dislike the tone, this guy is right.
You should enter the world of Deliriants at this point.
Drugs like LSD were used in mkultra and pushed by guys like Leary because they are drugs of abstraction that are useful for controlling social movements by way of ideological disruption: the effect you go for as an intellectual is the same as the effect that destroys coherent social organization-- abstraction and overanalysis.

At any rate Datura or even an antihistamine overdose will do you a world of good: come down from your abstracted nonverbal ivory tower down into the deepest reeking Congo Jungle Terror of the Mind.

If Heaven is the disease, Hell is the cure.

>> No.11299134


>> No.11299733

I'm really low functional
Isnt datura toxic and almost always a bad trip?
Doesnt really sound like a smart move

>> No.11299746

grab a liftable copy of the OED and start reading it, continue daily, it might renew you

>> No.11299777

you need to consult your therapist, not this board, you are probably deregulated by the drug experiments. You know what to do call him tommorow and arrange apointment and tell him this

>> No.11299796

holy shit youre stupid

>> No.11299849

For me language and all meaning is absurd without a biocentric semiotic view of it.
>This reallity just isnt enough. After experiencing consciousness on LSD this normal state seems so plane that it is almost like being crippled.
How unfortunate, for me psycedelic experiences are not transient, after they have been experienced a historical precedent is set expanding the limits of possible experience in everyday living. Maybe this has something to do with your brain missing all the serotongenics but it's probably a philosophical issue, you seem to be kind of nhilistic, understanding the modality of meaning making and the crucial role history has in the realm of adjectent possiblity.

>> No.11299876

if youre in phil, how are you low functioning lol

the datura point >>11299131 and I are making is about the fact that youre placing so much value to your positive lsd experiences which are moot if only you had a datura trip to contrast it with, which yes are "bad trips" but not bad trips in terms of the different experience range lsd trips can have. We're not literally saying go smoke datura (and dont)
like >>11296817 said let go of this idea of enlightenment or transcended state of being

>> No.11299902

Get /fit/ try to achieve the inherent animalistic human imperatives

>> No.11299908

Yeah so she tries to put me on risperidal again, no thanks. I could sit there and try to explain this to her but she would be only thinking "why cant this dumb lunatic understand no one cares about his rambling and stop doing drugs", and I would agree on that
How could my brain miss ALL the "serotongenics"?
I don't really get the last point

>> No.11299931

>enlightenment or transcended state of being
That is not what I'm trying to say, my point is the mind being too limited to carry all the insights I put effort into understanding.
>how are you low functional
I'm the archetypal smart but lazy

>> No.11299944

I should say smart but life-long clinically depressed to be fair with myself but I guess its the same thing when it comes to practical judgment, specially here on 4chan where lots of people claim mental illness isnt real and some kind of jewish conspiracy*

>> No.11300024

What is OED

>> No.11300179

Fall in love

>> No.11300278

>How coukd my brain
Well it's more you missing the lack of serotongenics in your brain that can be used to produce the unquie relationships that can be made with them and resulting mental experience.
You still have experienced that, it's still there the connections have been made and can now be explored without that act of making them(trip)
The last part of my post was supposed to include that you would benifit from understanding that predicate, basically I meant to tell you to study and think about semiotics.

>> No.11300294

Where to start with semiotics
I would love to, but years of loneliness have changed me in a way that makes me think relationships just arent for me

>> No.11300309

> but years of loneliness have changed me
have you tried changing some more?

>> No.11300356

If you want a truly intellectual life, leave the navel gazing behind, learn mathematics and start to use your brains for once. Aim to understand physics and the modern scientific achievements of mankind. A life spent without knowing about the greatest output of human genius is a life wasted.

>> No.11300512

Yes, I'm much more outgoing now than I was a few years ago, and I'm not afraid of talking to women, and I try to flirt a lot more and it seems like I don't totally suck at it. But there is still a weird difference between me and others that I notice. Its pretty clear that mental problems express themselves in me and I can't prevent it most times. I know I come off as some sort of psycho.
I don't really have a plan of change, I just try to expose myself to new things and react to them and see what I learn.
I have tried to force interest in STEM related stuff but it just doesnt do anything to me. The only one is anything related to how the brain works, but I usually find myself losing myself into psychology instead of the hard science aspects. I guess I will be a pseud for over by your standards.

>> No.11300520

Try meditation, lay off the drugs for a while.

>> No.11300524

>just be a regular human and fuck your way out of misery
the absolute state of samsara posters

>> No.11300531

For ever*
Also, I don't care about "true intellectualism". I will never have all the knowledge in the world and thats fine. My problem is that my non-theoretical perception will probably never go beyond something really basic, unless I start losing myself in theories, and that would lead me beyond perception, to the eternal text and because of limited working memory will never be really present at the same time experience is present.

>> No.11300536
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Basically I'm sad because I will never be pic related.

>> No.11300609

if you're a philosophy major you should be privy to the fact that the LSD experience inflecting a distaste for the physical world is just an immature Platonism. Look into the Neo-Platonics, where progress was made to understand that what light is discovered in the realm of forms is meant to then be brought back down into the cave by those who may carry it.
Also, if you seriously posted the pic in OP without having read this already, you best seriously reconsider your dedication to a philosophy major

>> No.11300633

>I don't see the point in trying to expand my understanding with intellectual activities anymore, it all stays in the text, it never gets into me, my point of reference is always the same two dimensional scope.
It sounds like you've realized that Daath is the false Sephiroth. You're right to acknowledge that even knowledge is illusion, but that realization doesn't prevent humans from forging a meaningful experience from this illusory apparatus.

>> No.11300818

Its a meme you dip

>> No.11300823

What would a meaningful experience be exactly?

>> No.11300911

Jesus Christ you fucking faggot, General Semantics was already brought up and a book rec'd.
Your reply was "it's too long"
At this point its clear you'll just leave any work on semiotics sitting in a corner gathering dust due to your pathetic laziness anyway

>> No.11300926


Just listen to the first minute or two

How you feel on LSD is how men are supposed to feel all the time, if their consciousness were to be unlocked properly

>> No.11300928


You just like the ennui because it makes you feel deep while being an excuse not to progress or do actual minimal effort work.

You disgust me.

>> No.11300953

That's fucking ignorant.
It's like using a shotgun to kill a housefly and telling people that this is what nature intended.

You aren't supposed to live full time in an abstracted depersonalized state.
Those states are for assessing situational strategy and personal social behavior.
You then come down from that state and work with concrete according to that perspective change.
Living in it would be like staying in an airplane midair permanently. Even if you could afford it, it'd be retarded

>> No.11300960

get this alan watts wanna be shit out here

>> No.11301189

I'm fucking reading it ffs, I have not finished it yet, calm down

>> No.11302198

that's for you to forge. I can't do that work for you
if you only let memes be memes and don't look for the underlying current of thought that informs our current predicament of culture, you're as lost as you lament to be by your own fucking laziness

>> No.11302256

find god

>> No.11302285

so many moralfags itt

>> No.11303213

>I'm majoring in philosophy
Why do people do this?

>> No.11304956

personally, (not OP) every other discipline feels unrewarding. Although I've been enjoying classics, but it mostly feels supplementary to a phil major

>> No.11304975

Start with Peirce if you are already accustomed to phenomenology.

>> No.11305008

I hate it, but I know I would feel guilty of not doing it if I wasn't. I don't know why, and I can't imagine how could anyone possibly enjoy reading philosophy.

>> No.11305009
