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/lit/ - Literature

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11296015 No.11296015 [Reply] [Original]

>You guys NEED TO READ The Culture of Critique!

>> No.11296023

You'll upset the neo-Nazis

>> No.11296040

are you the one getting btfod in the other thread

>> No.11296041

not an argument

>> No.11297395


>> No.11297593

Whiter than you Mohammad

>> No.11297599

For real though, the fuck is this creature?

>> No.11297609

He is the bridge keeper

>> No.11297612

Obviously a basedfreak who has never read the culture of critique.

>> No.11297691

A true hero of the white race, don't you fucking dare make fun of him

>> No.11297707

Your average /pol/tard

>> No.11297708

the final literature boss

>> No.11297730

The hero of kvatch...

>> No.11297735
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el creatura americano

>> No.11297768


>> No.11297776

This is like differential calculus for a fascist

>> No.11297794

personally i want to fuck the El Ogro de las Americas

>> No.11298751

Wow, propaganda has really come a long way.

>> No.11298787

This just cements the notion that whatever position you are in there is always someone that is worse. It's a somewhat comforting idea

>> No.11298791

What if you are him?

>> No.11298793

I'm sure there is someone worse position than him.

>> No.11298825

look up raymond robinson

>> No.11298836

He looks like the 5 nights at freddy bear

>> No.11298851
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>> No.11298870
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>Star Wars hoodie

>> No.11298919


>> No.11298969
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The battle between /pol/ and /leftypol/ libraries was won long ago

>> No.11298977

>You shouldn't read the culture of critique because I like the people in charge this time around, and the weak and downtrodden don't deserve anything better
Sasuga bourgeois leftism.

>> No.11298986

>likes the people in charge
do you just post because you can? do you ever put any thought into what you say?

>> No.11299007

>picking cherries this hard
You'd be better served out in the field pickin cotton, nigger.

Y'all put people in charge.

For some reason, I expected more from my first time on /lit/.

>> No.11299014

Even if he wanted to he wouldn't admit to reading CoC. Doing so would alienate him from his liberal ugly-is-beautiful feelgood parade which he needs to continue living.

>> No.11299066
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That's funny. Whenever I argue for race realism on this board, it's always me, Mr. Reactionary, providing numerous citations of studies, statistics, books, etc., on the subject. On the opposing side, it's the leftists who usually argue with anecdotal evidence, ad hominem, and maybe a blog post or an article from a rag of a newspaper. Very rarely do I encounter people willing to have a fair debate with clear objectives, useful framing, and a willingness to stick to the topic and examine the evidence and let the chips fall as they may. Probably because they know that 1) their entire egalitarian ideology is at stake; 2) they know that even giving an inch of ground to the hereditarians means that they lose; and 3) they know that they will lose for certain if they engage in good faith.

I used to be left-leaning myself, and I still have a lot of sympathy for leftists in my heart, but the persistent refusal to acknowledge race realism and devise solutions to social problems influenced by human biodiversity has permanently inoculated me from supporting any left-wing movement. Chomsky and Adorno are still comfy reads though.

>> No.11299096
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>shitting on the WWE games
I've heard of being a nigger but you're the king of niggers

>> No.11299109

this board has got to shit

>> No.11299115
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can I just say how proud I am to have become a minor meme?
pick related newest version
got something better?
there is no race realism and no studies or statistics
its tortured logic to deny what society has done to minorities

>> No.11299123

Have you actually actually read all of the books on that shelf? I have to make a conscious effort to keep a separate bookshelf for books I have only started or skimmed so that I don't fool myself into thinking I'm more widely read than I actually am..

>> No.11299142


>> No.11299164

Why are people pretending this is impressive?

>> No.11299170

would you care to recommend a work or author I should add?

>> No.11299180


>> No.11299202


I would sometimes go to /leftypol/ before i realised they were 99% tankies and 1% neoliberal shits.

I miss /lit/ being a decent lefty board. I know it was never full left or anything like that but it seems to have taken a nosedive into retardation since 2016. Probably before that but I do blame the American election.

>> No.11299216


>> No.11299217

in English?
kill tankies

>> No.11299232

>in English?

>> No.11299337

who is this mutt though?

>> No.11299338
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>there is no race realism and no studies or statistics


>> No.11299401
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>> No.11299417

honestly though, people are reading culture of critique

>> No.11299418

>noam chomsky

>> No.11299425

"It is, incidentally, surprising to me that so many commentators should find it disturbing that IQ might be heritable, perhaps largely so. An advertisement in the Harvard Crimson signed by many faculty members, refers to the 'disturbing conclusion that intelligence is largely genetic....' Why this should seem disturbing remains obscure. Would it also be disturbing to discover that relative height, or musical talent, or rank in running the 100 yard dash, is in part genetically determined?"

--Noam Chomsky "IQ Tests: Building Blocks for a New Class System" (1971).

>> No.11299497

why do you hate yourself so much?

>> No.11299500
File: 161 KB, 600x900, 82DE3D80-B829-4622-B764-5228ECC4AE5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you hate yourself so much? what is it with leftists and a massive inferiority complex when it comes to minorities?

>> No.11299576

why does leftypol always picks on poor disfigured freaks who probably agree with them in the first place?

>> No.11299629

lefty's bottom row is far more cringeworthy than anything on the /pol/luter's shelf tho

>> No.11299654

fun WWE gamer bro vs. boring asshole who spends his time unironically reading "The Politics Of Heroin"

Jeez I wonder who sounds more sane

>> No.11299667

leftypol claims to care about the disadvantaged when in reality, they just want gibs for themselves.

>> No.11299671
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>what is it with leftists and a massive inferiority complex when it comes to minorities?

>> No.11299673

>who spends his time unironically reading "The Politics Of Heroin"
is there a problem?

>> No.11299680

>if you point out the inherent political bias in the bell curve myth this must mean you hate yourself and have "an inferiority complex when it comes to minorities"
what did he mean by this

>> No.11299684

what is the ideal system in your opinion? i believe that meritocracy is the best way, however, we should educate people so that they will understand why minorities will be usually underrepresented or overrepresented. hopefully, as the capitalistic machine expands, there will be more and more niches so that diverse people can find their own niches to prosper in.

>> No.11299693

Both are faggots.

>> No.11299703

I don't understand how it even makes you a leftist.

I mean, a simple reading of Pareto's Manual of Political Economy will show you that the theories espoused in The Bell Curve are just wrong.

>> No.11299723


I can't wait to have a conversation with you where you just parrot youtube videos of Noem Chomsky. Boring fucking freak

>> No.11299726
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>the bell curve myth

>> No.11299735

Wow, thanks professor (((Gould)))! It turns out the white race was the problem all along

>> No.11299743

>there is no race realism and no studies or statistics
I didn't want to believe /v/ about the reddit thing. It's happening everywhere. You dare say people are different in social media and you're called a Nazi, you do it here and you get sent to /pol/. It's all a dichotomy, there can never be nuance or gray areas anymore. Fuck this, I'll just watch paint dry as entertainment, at least it won't tell me I'm a racist.

>> No.11299752

Tankies are the only good leftists you little weasel

>> No.11299753
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>ur dumb and ugly

>> No.11299755

both are revolting but leftypol is worse

>> No.11299823

The solution is to care about facts and not give a shit if someone calls you a racist

>> No.11299830

you sure this isn't a picture of a corpse?

>> No.11299856

Its actually a shaved Bufallo

>> No.11299965

I hope this is just a pathetic attempt to change the message of anon's posts and that you're not actually this far gone. He said nothing of the sort.

>> No.11300143

I would place my bets that someone who willingly puts themselves through that book is not fun to be around anyone.

>> No.11300538

>when the leftist thinks ad hominem is an argument

>> No.11300548

>when u somehow need a threeway to breed only one americano
really made me think

>> No.11300559

>well researched and investigated
>conclusion: the one system which always failed

>> No.11300589
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That sweet sweet projection

>> No.11300594

>thinking meritocracy can exists in capitalism
Bitch read Micheal Young

>> No.11300599

I shudder to think what you'd say about anyone who had actually read any real political philosophy (or anything worthwhile at all, not that that guy's bookshelf was very exemplary of what is "worthwhile")

>> No.11300606

The answer is a strict caste system that places you at birth to a caste that matches your potential determined by your genetics.
The castes are not hierarchical and they all have their merit to society. People are simply raised, trained and educated in a way that fits their potential.
The society is itself ruled by a king genetically engineered to be a perfect, charismatic intelligent leader,

>> No.11300613
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stuff like this post makes me think Adorno was right

>> No.11300622

bet you believe you would be an aristocrat, when you would probably end up as cotton picker

>> No.11300624

Strawmen aren't arguments

>> No.11300630

I don't think you understand. I literally crave having purpose just handed to me like that. I don't care if I got assigned as a turd wrestler.

>> No.11300697

There must be a middleground between denying the existence of IQ and outright racism... I find ideas like >>11300606 extremely unhelpul, society is fractured enough to go spreading segregation

>> No.11300701

>There must be a middleground between denying the existence of IQ and outright racism
Kill everyone under a certain threshold of IQ, regardless of race. Race realists satisfied, egalitarianism saved, /pol/tards can't complain about nigger being inferior anymore, everyone is happy. Easy

>> No.11300703

well, consider yourself assigned to become a turd wrestler by me

>> No.11300711

Eventually, we'll be able to genetically engineer the necessary aggression and stupidity from people. We just need stopgap measures until then.

>> No.11300732

An innocent man with a facial deformity who is being cynically used to make fun of race realists with whom he has no association

>> No.11300771

yeah u suck CoC amirite m8? xDD

>> No.11300775

Fucking based chomsky

>> No.11300781

>only good leftists
They're not dead :^)

>> No.11300785

Well it will only happen naturally best to just kick it up a notch now before it gets uglier.

>> No.11300811
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What do you expect from jews?

>> No.11300836

>Did the tests address this question over a long period of time? 4 years sounds like a lot at first glance, but it's only 1/3rd of the time devoted to primary education so we can reasonably expect intelligence to continue developing over that period of time even in adults.
That literally proves the fact that such "innate" ability fails at being described by g factor.
>we do not see that at all, we see that devoting a lot of time to one acitivity makes you better at it. Where is the study turning people with 80iq into 120iq? It doesnt exist you faggot
Wew you just denied a research because you don't like its results.
>Did spatial IQ change or no? And how do the results of your experiment show anything different from just building crystallized intelligence?
The results of "my" experiment differ from g factor description of the claimed intelligence. Which makes g factor fail, "my" pseudoscience lover.

iq is not science, sorry. iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.11300990

what will happen?

>> No.11300999

eurangutans will chimp out and get replaced

>> No.11301017

Quit monkeying around and get to the argument, you ape

>> No.11301026

Thats the point though, go big or go home
Read Kant or read fiction, these types of middle brow propaganda disguised as non-fiction is despicable

>> No.11301057

>99% tankies and 1% neoliberal shits.
That is not true. If it was there is always /leftpol/

>> No.11301084

get repaced, subhuman

>> No.11301095

>exact same reply but one with the ebin tofu face
they literally can't think on their own

>> No.11301194

What is the end goal here OP? everyone knows that left wing/antifa types are pasty little scrotes, trannies, women, ethnic minorities and more likely to be disabled and unemployed than any other political position

>> No.11301430

I read the book and didn't think much of it. It's how high IQ immigrants act in their host nation. You'd see it in Chinese and Koreans in SEA.

That being said, I'm a nationalist who believes in borders. The rest of the stuff, racemixing, gays, whatever, doesn't bother me. However, globalism and open borders is not all about da joos and the solution is a moral standard that a minimal immigrants allowed in must follow.

>> No.11301435



no /leftpol/ babboons allowed in here

>> No.11301436

>I miss /lit/ being a decent lefty board.

Lefty? As in a centralized economy, or open borders? Both don't work objectively, period. Hate to break it to ya fren.