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11295445 No.11295445 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really the best board on this site? This is the best 4chan has to offer?

>> No.11295452

What are you, retarded?

>> No.11295456

Can't handle redpilled beliefs? Maybe reedit is more your speed with other womemes, fags, and nonwhites

>> No.11295464

It's for people who has developed character for reading and gaining knowledge but at the same time are average or just a bit above so instead they shitpost like me.

>> No.11295475

The best board is /gif/.
It's not even close.

>> No.11295477

NO, it's not true, I'm far above average. I must be, it's the only thing that comforts me when I try desperately to sleep at night.

>> No.11295483

This board by any standard is an embarrassment to humanity. Just look at the catalog at any time and tell me how to avoid feeling absolutely humiliated for being anywhere near this place.

>> No.11295504

If you stay at home all day and wank to nigs and traps till you can no loger feel your dick, yeah...

>> No.11295505

It's just identity politics bait threads by losers who need to feel validated by having strangers pat them on their back for their edgy 'redpilled' beliefs. Why are you so against having a place for incels and losers to vent and share a bit of banter?

>> No.11295541

This. I've only just realised all those quiet kids you notice scoffing at anyone remotely liberal-minded in class to never be seen again (presumably dropping out of uni because it's so jewed or something) just have confidence and reasoning problems. I have no qualms with them venting here, and find it kind of sad none of those losers tried to discuss shit at uni.

>> No.11295562

No, /po/ is superior

>> No.11295587

yes >>11285117 this thread is the best thread on 4chan and it's currently alive on this board, so, yeah...