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/lit/ - Literature

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11294194 No.11294194 [Reply] [Original]

The mod deleted my last post before my question was answered... what is the Non-Jewish Western Canon?

>> No.11294199

Start with the Greeks

>> No.11294200

The Bibble

>> No.11294203
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Ayn Rand, Charles Bukowski, Stephen King, Rupi Kaur and the Harry Potter series

>> No.11294205


>> No.11294214

Anything by Jesus H. Christ

>> No.11294218

The current canon without the Jews I guess? Who gives a shit?

>> No.11294219

Oh, believe me, I have. I just don't think the Peterson fans have.

>> No.11294225

The "defenders of the West," apparently.

>> No.11294226

Who gives a fuck about Peterson fans

>> No.11294233

This board, I think...

>> No.11294238

Not really, no. You asked everybody in that thread about their non-Jewish canon, and nobody else really seemed to care.

>> No.11294242

No, I think they care... they just can't come up with their own canon.

>> No.11294250

You should stop thinking, then.

>> No.11294262

>image from 1996
>not black and white

>> No.11294290

So... there's no Non-Jewish Canon, then?

>> No.11294341

I'm still waiting...

>> No.11295673

I can't believe mods would delete such a sincere thread as yours while keeping up tripfag butterfly's gossip thread.

>> No.11295706

Less books.

Nothing else to say.

>> No.11296854

Good, if you have nothing else to say go away from this board again tripfag.

>> No.11296887

Bro, are you retarded? You dismissed the Greeks just because "I just don't think the Peterson fans have". Fuck you and your selective deafness.

>> No.11296893

By the way, do you consider Christian as Jewish people?

>> No.11296897

it's just the western canon... no jew has made any significant contributions to western thought, simple as that. there have been plenty of jewish psyop campaigns to make you think otherwise, however.

>> No.11296946

man dem zionist wanna bun us by fiyah

read hitlah, read protokoles of eldors scrolls, ride da bloodcrat tyger

>> No.11296965

>Leave us to discuss the same non-literature related content over and over again.
>This, our anonymous board culture, where we find fault in those that have more success at life, but ultimately turn on each other with extreme vitriol

>For the world is slipping into a shit-hole of conformity, cultural Marxism and Post Modernism
>Hail traditionalism, and free market capitalism somehow (Though exclude any Jews or darkies. they can't be trusted with money. Their culture is inferior... except my animu)

>> No.11297001

I guarantee you that nobody understand this gibberish, I certainly don't. You're kind of annoying so from now on I'm going to tripfag on this board with your name in the hope that people mistake us, diminishing your brand and skewing it towards whatever ridiculous nonsense I decide to write.

>> No.11297004
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>> No.11297039


>> No.11297050

Why even trip? I've never seen your trip post in a situation where it actually adds anything to the conversation. You're hardly the worst poster on here, but there are better posters than you on here who don't feel the need to narcissistically construct some kind of profile to be followed. Do you really think you're that important?

>> No.11297106

Why do you care about me so much? Get off my tits and leave me alone, scum.

>> No.11297107
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>it actually adds anything to the conversation.
I've never seen you ad anything of value either.
>You're hardly the worst poster on here, but there are better posters
Ah wow. Big deal. I admit as much
Just stop

>> No.11297117

>I've never seen you ad anything of value either.
Maybe you should lurk more? I've been posting here for 3 years.

>> No.11297140

>I've never seen you ad anything of value either. You wouldn't know because I don't tripfag like an arrogant little nigger. Regardless, I think you misunderstood me. I meant the fact that you have a trip never adds to the conversation. Every instance I've seen you post, the validity and relevance of your post is entirely unaffected by the presence of your trip. It's not like someone like girardfag, who's a known authority on the subject and has earned the right to namefag (although desu his writing style is so distinctive he really doesn't have to).

>Ah wow. Big deal. I admit as much
Than why are you namefagging? If you recognize that you're a pretty average poster on here than what do you justifies your tripfagging?

>Just stop
Stop what? Pointing out that people who knowingly tripfag for no reason are attention-seeking narcissists? Is it not narcissistic to try to stand out on an anonymous image board when you have no reason to justify standing out?

>> No.11297237

>it's a newfriends don't realize butterfly is an open trip episode

>> No.11297279

I don't have to justify anything to you.

Your opinions are faulty too.

>> No.11297332

And that makes your opinions any less subject to criticism how exactly?

>> No.11297352

We're both faulty humans, that's a stupid line to take. The difference is that I'm not egotistical enough to pretend to think that I'm somehow above the anonymous mass.

>> No.11297369
File: 42 KB, 540x540, Sheedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such butthurt of anons to assume all this nonsense. You really really ought to look in anarchism, and starting with Stirner

>> No.11297376

shut up butterfly

>> No.11297378

t. actual butterfly false flagging us.

>> No.11297384

I'm not assuming anything, I'm telling you what you're doing because you seem to lack the self-awareness to figure it out yourself.

>> No.11298464

Commenting here for another night of the butterflies on /lit/.

>> No.11298479

Jews are good Cynthia Ozick is a better writer than anyone in this thread and their moms

>> No.11298564


And you should end with them, too.