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/lit/ - Literature

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11293981 No.11293981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay... I don't understand what the /pol/tards are trying to do... drive away everyone who actually reads books?

What's the endgame? Saying, "See, no one read books anymore! That proves that western culture had become decadent!"

No, we still read books. We're just sick of your Peterson shit.

We still make posts about books. Your inflammatory bullshit may kick it off the first page, and drive a number of actual /lit/ people away, but that doesn't make you right. It just means that you're obnoxious and dumb.

>> No.11293987

>We're just sick of your Peterson shit.
You know that /pol/ HATES Peterson, right?

>Saying, "See, no one read books anymore! That proves that western culture had become decadent!"
Are you retarded?

>> No.11293989

We've already turned most of this site into redpilled beliefs, you can see how there's rampant awareness of the Jewish question on every board. What I really enjoyed yesterday was seeing how in all the Anthony Bourdain tribute threads, on /pol/, /tv/, /ck/, /lit/, etc., the replies were mostly revolving around his anti-whiteness agenda and how he - as a Jew - has a stake in white genocide.
Does it matter to us that there are more identity politics bait threads on /lit/ than "genuine" literary discussion? Not really. What is most important for us is redpilling normies, and recruiting them to our cause.

>> No.11293990

what is this even in reference to?

>> No.11294003

Posting actual /lit/ stuff and then coming back a couple of hours later and seeing it wiped off the front page in favor of idiots asking dumb, leading questions.

>> No.11294006

You know that the "Western Canon" was created and defended mostly by Jews, right?

>> No.11294009


>> No.11294015

The Western canon also includes a lot of women, blacks, Jews, and gays. They are trying to normalize equality

>> No.11294020


>> No.11294023

Who is "they"? And which women, blacks, Jews, and gays are you referring to?

>> No.11294033

>Who is "they"?
The Jews
>And which women, blacks, Jews, and gays are you referring to?
Woolf, Proust, O'Connor, Kafka, Wilde, Morrison, Dickinson, Ellison, the list goes on and on
Also encourage the queerfaggotry of the likes of Whitman, Rimbaud, etc.

>> No.11294040

Okay... so what's your canon, purged of those people?

>> No.11294049


Jesus dude shut the fuck up this is so cringy

>> No.11294051

>when Rimbaud makes you his bitch still after a century
beta af

>> No.11294057

I see the shills are out in force

>> No.11294072


Do you actually even read? Why do you come to this board? To shill your redpill conspiracy shit and gossip about which countries you don't like? I don't get why you don't just stay on pol. You literally have a board specifically tailored to your neurosis yet you want to come here and fuck other boards up for "recruitment"? What are you delusional? You think white nationalism will ever actually flourish in these times? Against a rising liberal hegemony? And not even just them, even other republicans think you people are crazy because you talk and act with conviction on so much nonsense shit that no one actually cares about. I mean, sure there's plenty of like minded people but it's so blatantly obvious that the majority of people backing your shit are fat or gangly white boys or self hating hispanics and it's damn useless. I'm only so upset now because it just irritates me to see blatantly autistic delusional fuckwits talk about things assertively when they're going nowhere. Fuck off back to your containment board or discuss a book without trying to push your spooked ass political agenda.

>> No.11294074

No, I want him to keep talking. Mortimer Adler (a Jew) basically created the Canon, Harold Bloom (also a Jew) is its current prime defender... I want to know what a non-Jewish Western Canon is.

>> No.11294078

Why do you care so much about having a 'canon'? Children can learn more from reading Culture of Critique, Sex and Character, and Schopenhauer's 'On Women' than they ever could reading the majority of the degenerates in the (((Canon))).
See >>11293989

>> No.11294079

No, no, let the guy talk. I'm sure his non-Jewish Western Canon will be great, once he tells us what it is.

>> No.11294082

THAT'S your answer...?

Jeez... that's underwhelming.

>> No.11294083

/lit/ gets upset when /pol/ shits on Peterson, Sowell & and other kike apologists, I can't say I mind.

>> No.11294091
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Sorry /pol/ is getting in the way of the daily Gravitys Rainbow and Infinite Jest threads.

>> No.11294098

They're responsible for compiling a list, not the works in them. Where are you even going with this?

>> No.11294099

WHITE SUPREMACISTS: We have to defend the Western Canon from the Jews!

ME: Jews kinda created the Western Canon.

WHITE SUPREMACISTS: Why do you care so much about "canon"?

This is awesome.

>> No.11294104

If they're just creating lists, why do you hate them so much?

>> No.11294108

Because they want to breed out whiteness perhaps?

>> No.11294109

are you unironically implying proust, kafka, wilde, dickinson & rimbaud aren't part of the "true" canon?
i only responded to this polnigger bait cause of the digits

>> No.11294111

Also... there's a huge part of the Bible called, by Christians, the "Old Testament."

Maybe you've heard of it...

>> No.11294115

Oh, so you agree that Woolf, Whitman, Wilde etc. don't belong and are only in there to normalize degeneracy, interracial relationships, and feminism?

>> No.11294116

So, again, tell me... what's your non-Jewish canon? I've been waiting for it for months now.

>> No.11294117


>> No.11294120

You could have tried to co-opt the classics into your white supremacist canon, for example by saying "Greeks weren't REAL gays". Maybe next time, hein.

>> No.11294125

Who hates them, autist? That was my first post in this thread.

>> No.11294128

Jews aren't particularly creative people, but they'll repeat what others tell them is good. "Their" canon is simply what people generally enjoy reading.

>> No.11294135

>Jews aren't particularly creative people
t. doesn't know about science

>> No.11294136

Great. What's YOUR canon, then? Non-Jewish, y'know.

>> No.11294137

>We still make posts about books

>> No.11294140
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>> No.11294153

Okay, please (someone, ANYONE) tell me your non-Jewish canon.

I'm sick of hearing "Jews are the problem" when they defined the Canon for us. If you're defending the Canon, what are you defending?

>> No.11294157

bruh, the greatest poet in history was a pagan. Anything beyond classic antiquity is worthless

>> No.11294159

I just want to read and talk about the written word. I don't actually care about the author, I don't really want to know their background unless it changes how I have to interpret the vocabulary they use. I prefer reading a book without ever reading the author's name. If I don't know the author I can't use the book as tool for discussion, in the sense of using the author's name as a name drop or substitution for using my own words to describe they're insights or voice. It also means I can't brag about my taste, or how much I read, and I can't lock myself into a certain author or genre or writing circle. I also can eliminate personal bias a bit.

>> No.11294160

>Barthes in 2k18

>> No.11294164

I don't disagree. But even Homer nods.

>> No.11294169

I'm just fucking around and wanted to post moe. I hate the /pol/ bois too and their pseudoscience.