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/lit/ - Literature

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11293728 No.11293728 [Reply] [Original]

what's your favorite story of his? the shadow out of time and the whisperer in darkness are my favorites

shadow out of time does so very much and is beautiful to read. All of his stuff is hard to put down, but I had to read this one at once it was so enthralling.

>> No.11293873

Gotta say it's either The Alchemist or The Tomb. both have completely different atmospheres, but they also both feature that theme of something ancient and ancestral effecting a descendant. In both of them he gains a connection/meets something from that era. In The Tomb he actually, in his mind at least, attends a party from a century past.

>> No.11294494
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Thoughts on this beautiful man?

>> No.11294515

Is Dagon a good starting point lads?

>> No.11294530

My favorite is the Dream Quest for Unknown Kadath

It is fine, short and self contained while also setting a tone for what is to come

>> No.11294537

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.

>> No.11294897

It's kinda like a prototype of the Cthulhu mythos. It has a lot of stuff that he would further explore and perfect in the late 1920s and 1930s. Yes, it's a good starting point.

>> No.11294925

Where do you buy Lovecraft books/short story collections? I've litterally never seen anything by him in a bookshop or library, and I make a point to specifically check most of the time.

I've read a few of his stories online. But I really would like a nice physical book to actually own.

>> No.11294947

The one with the nigger

>> No.11294952
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x1200, hp-lovecraft-the-complete-fiction-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are three Penguin Classics collections. I'm surprised you haven't ever run into them. There's also this Barnes and Noble collection. The 2008 edition of it was full of typos but they fixed that in 2011 and all printings of it since then have been proper.

>> No.11295149

The Music of Erich Zann is easily my favourite. I'm also very fond of The Dunwich Horror and The Color Out of Space, both of which I read while camping in locations not unlike those described in the stories.

>> No.11295210
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>> No.11295364

I just got Volume 1 and Volume 2 of his collected works. What am I in for?

>> No.11295462

some pulp tier shit and some good stuff.
his stories are extremely uneven when it comes to quality.

>> No.11295574

A scholar and a saint. Done more for Lovecraft's legacy and reputation than any other; this despite having likely been distrusted and dismissed by Lovecraft had he been a contemporary due to his racial background.

>> No.11296006

Excellent horror stories.
Eh, I would say he has more hits than misses. Plus even his pulp schlock (e.g. Herbert West Re-Animator) is enjoyable.

>> No.11296012

The Music of Erich Zann

>> No.11296077

the one with the house outside of town wheres an old fella sittin in a chair, dead, I think, who is also a vessel for Nyarlathotep,
it might be called - Whisperer in the dark, been a while

>> No.11296087

>the shit I've seen.jpeg

>> No.11296139


>splitting up his short stories in 3 separate books when they all can quite easily and comfortably fit in one volume

Typical Penguin Jewry.

>> No.11296314

It's actually way more convenient than reading one cumbersome volume and one of the main reason I recommend them over the complete fiction.

>> No.11297417

does anyone know the contemporary history of lovecraft? why didn't anyone like his stories/who were the most popular 'weird' authors instead of him then?

>> No.11297759

The White Ship.

>> No.11297764

From what I've read Weird Tales was a mixed bag. Lots of fluff with some standout stories. And these standouts were from people as diverse as Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Howard Wandrei, and even Tennesse Williams, all much bigger names than Lovecraft even today now that HP's legacy has grown exponentially.
Lovecraft sent many submissions that got rejected (some in part because they weren't typed correctly and the editor had to explain how to format correctly for submissions).
I guess back then he was mostly a niche author. The few people who admired him ended up befriending him through letters, and this paid off because these folks were the ones that made sure to get his stuff collected and published as a proper book

>> No.11297783

Yep. Read Polaris, Beyond the Wall of Sleep and The White Ship too.

The Tomb was a pleasant surprise for me. It's one of his earliest stories, and it's very well written.

>> No.11297789

That pic is retarded af.

>> No.11298991


>> No.11299383
File: 781 KB, 1400x1050, Knickerbocker Classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this baby right here.

-It includes almost all Lovecraft's stories in chronological order.
-It comes with a ribbon bookmark.
-Nice-looking and sturdy slipcase.
-The design and artwork of the cover and slipcase are really nice, and the material looks good enough.

-Most collaborations and ghostwritten stories are exluded.
-It's really big and heavy; definitely not a portable book.
-Pages are are very thin, but if you're careful enough this shouldn't be a problem.

All in all, a cheap, quality product.

>> No.11300932


>> No.11300952

On the Creation of Niggers. So true!

>> No.11301025

This. Erich Zann is easily his best story, and the other ones you listed are incredible as well. I would also put Shadow Over Innsmouth on that list, but other than that, it's perfect.

>> No.11301096

is there any non-onion editions of Lovecraft? For fucks sake.

>> No.11301112

Excellent picks in this thread.
I'd say my favorite three are The Shadow Out Time, The Whisperer in Darkness and The Dream-Quest of Unkown Kadath, the first two because I love when he describes tangible but still very alien beings, unlike the more vaguely narrated cases like the Sphinx at the end of Imprisoned with the Pharaohs. The whole section about the mi-go's machinery and their surgeries was such a treat to read.
Dream-Quest I enjoyed as a crossover bonanza, which honestly came out of nowhere, having read his works chronologically up to that point I had formed an idea of the different worlds he dealt with but never expected him to tie them up so neatly. There's also the ball of cats on the moon which is completely ebin.
Having Mountains of Madness be one of your first reads is an awful recommendation, that text is more of a conclusion to the lore he had been building up and spells it all out for the reader. The Innsmouth branch is weird too, why'd you recommend The Call of Cthulhu as Dagon-related? Why read Dream-Quest without even going through the Silver Key texts?
I'm gonna have to re-read Erich Zann, I barely remember it. Maybe The Dreams in the Witch House too.

>> No.11301233

What are you specifically looking for?

>> No.11301555

Nigger or Niggerman?

>> No.11302308

Either The Whisperer in Darkness or From Beyond.

>> No.11302564

I like Lovecraft's prose... a lot, but I hear so many people say it's one of the weaker parts of his writing.
What's the deal?

>> No.11302605

Plebs don't like that he uses so many old adjectives. They hate cracking open a dictionary.

>> No.11302635

He wasn't on a paper and he wasn't great at exposing himself or selling his stories for good profit. He wrote and submitted and didn't care much beyond that.
>who were the most popular 'weird' authors instead of him then?
Sax Rohmer had some very big stories like the Fu Manchu series and Brood of the Witch Queen and Howard was a massive figure with his Conan stories.

>> No.11302639

>He wasn't on a paper
Wait, sorry no idea what I mean here.

>> No.11302765

Are you retarded?

>> No.11302894

He just writes so descriptivley it's like eating a rich, hearty stew.

>> No.11302901

The prose poem version of Nyarlathotep is my favorite, but I love prose poems in general.

>> No.11302945

The ending is pure chaotic genius.

>> No.11302966
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>> No.11302992

Pickman's Model

>> No.11303156
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I just picked up this for 20 bucks. Over 1000 pages. After listening to a few of his audiobooks I had to just dig in. I really regret not getting into his stuff when I was younger.

>> No.11304018

I seriously don't get how he died in obscurity, was everyone back then a huge pleb or something? His writing is magnificent

>> No.11304126


>> No.11304967
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Ultimate comfy experience: play these videos simultaneously.


>> No.11305004
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>> No.11305069

Dunwich Horror is my favorite.

>> No.11305098

yes classy

this and The outsider

>> No.11305716

He wrote for a very niche market and even then he was kind of an outsider. But he made an impact in the people who decided to help preserve his work, and I guess that was enough. But yeah, surely Lovecraft would have preferred to have the money for better doctors than secured postmortem reknown

>> No.11305967

Lovecraft abhorred the idea of writing for money (or any kind of employment, for that matter). He had an aristocratic upbringing and was lead to believe that he was some sort of nobleman, an impression which unfortunately lasted throughout his life, and one the main reasons why he died in poverty.

He also said:
>"There are probably seven persons, in all, who really like my work; and they are enough. I should write even if I were the only patient reader, for my aim is merely self-expression."

>> No.11305987

He was meant for better things :(

>> No.11306331
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Shadow Over Innsmouth. But I'm a pleb.

I can drop my small photo folder if anyone is interested.

>> No.11306345


>> No.11306381
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>> No.11306387
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>> No.11306390
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The house of his early childhood.

>> No.11306395
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Providence, Rhode Island.

>> No.11306399
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>> No.11306402
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>> No.11306412
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>> No.11306417
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>> No.11306422

Not enough spires and gambrel roofs.

>> No.11306424
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And that's all.

>> No.11306432
File: 22 KB, 247x404, hp-lovecraft-and-sonia-greene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My turn.

Lovecraft and Sonia Greene.

>> No.11306433
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Lovecraft, R.H. Barlow, and Barlow's parents

>> No.11306441
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Lovecraft and friend.

>> No.11306447
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With Donald Wandrei.

>> No.11306456
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Trading blows with Frank Belknap Long.

>> No.11306482
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>> No.11306498
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Was he /fa/?

>> No.11306504

Why did he always have that air-cheek smile in photos?

>> No.11306509
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>> No.11306516
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Guess he had a case of bad teeth.

>> No.11306536
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>> No.11306552
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Chubby Lovecraft

>> No.11306559
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The actual house from The Shunned House. So shunned in fact last time I visited Providence it was for sale

>> No.11306566
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>> No.11306577

Nice. Got any side view pics?

>> No.11306589
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>> No.11306606

Thanks. It looks almost exactly like I pictured it.

>> No.11306645

The one where the guy goes down into the ancient ruins and gets eaten by a monster. Had so much potential. Too bad Lovecraft was lazy.

>> No.11307953

I thought The Outsider was pretty good.

>> No.11308592

Wow, so he was a committed NEET? The more I learn about this man, the more I respect him.

>> No.11308608

Nyarlathotep is my fav.