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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1129103 No.1129103 [Reply] [Original]

1 down, 4 to go.

TyBrax is next.
What do you say Anon`s????

>> No.1129109

working on dox as we speak :)

>> No.1129108 [DELETED] 

kill yourself. This morning has been the most off-topic & boring I've seen /lit/ yet.

>> No.1129112

You have no supporter now bitch, time to go.

>> No.1129110

Funny that you say that, since you are the cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.1129115 [DELETED] 

no I'm not. people posting threads like this & the people replying >>1129112 are the problem.

>> No.1129121

no, people that spout anti-everything all day everyday and think they are shocking and witty, such as yourself, should be killed

>> No.1129123

everybody so jelly of tybrax

makes me happy.

>> No.1129126

You're after.

>> No.1129128


oh shi-
how do you plan to get rid of me?

>> No.1129129 [DELETED] 

I voice my disapproval over shitty threads & post in good ones. Problem?

>> No.1129130

Fuck off to /mu/ bitch.

>> No.1129131

You're on 4chan and you use a tripcode because you want to be noticed....ON 4CHAN....DERP

>> No.1129132

No one cares though. You never actually say anything you like because you know you'll get made fun of. Also, aren't you black? If so, what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.1129133

honey, is this you?

>> No.1129134
File: 203 KB, 1280x920, with book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me next!

>> No.1129135
File: 13 KB, 183x275, images[1].png&amp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when they're trying to get rid of someone of 4chan instead of just blocking their trip.

bet 4chan's the only chan you visit too right?

>> No.1129136

Oh god, goiter.

>> No.1129138

Just overweight.

>> No.1129139

>trying to be leet by going to more than one chan
sure showed us

>> No.1129140

Dude, how you get stubble between your chin and sideburns? It's the only place where it doesn't seem to grow thick for me.

>> No.1129141


>slightly racist on the internet
>won't do a thing in real life
>cool and edgy because they're on 4chan

oh dear, this thread is full of hilarity.

>> No.1129142

no dude, what the fuck is that nipple thing growing out of your face?

>> No.1129144

confirmed nigger

>> No.1129145

ITT: tripfags get trolled hard by one mediocre troll. I lol'd

>> No.1129146

It's called a mole, dude. Had it since I was a baby Haz/lit/t.

It takes years of practice.

This thread is now about my superior facial hair and disgusting mole.

>> No.1129147

you don't know what trolling us do you?

>> No.1129150

stfu. you'll post "itt: kill yourselves" as the only contribution you make. and this was a thread where someone asked for feedback about ideas he/she had for a story. you shit this place up. it's true. you and deepandedgy can get tripbanned. all other trips can stay.

>> No.1129148

>you don't know what trolling us do you?

>> No.1129149

TyBrax is cool

>> No.1129151

sup TyBrax

>> No.1129153

>claim you aren't being trolled...while getting mad

>> No.1129156


you just got trolled.

>> No.1129158

I like tybrax and deep&edgy

>> No.1129159

more like derp&spergy

>> No.1129160

>It takes years of practice
This is what I'm trying right now. I shave the thick bits with the trimmer only and the difficult patches get completely shaved in the hope that they grow back faster. I also give them a rub after shaving for the same reason.

Sounds good?

>> No.1129162

u so silly

>> No.1129164

Bitch you gonna answer me or what?

>> No.1129166

Deep&Edgy is the coolest tripfag on /lit/. I know that's not saying much, but whatever.

>> No.1129173

I don't think your shaving habits will change anything about how your hair grows out.

12 seconds of googling later, and I've confirmed this, and found that you should eat more vegetables, drink water, and possibly consider testosterone supplements. You could probably rub semen on your face, too.

>> No.1129180

He or she might be the coolest, but s/he is certainly not the smartest

>> No.1129182

How is he the coolest in any way whatsoever?

>> No.1129183

He listens to obscure musix

>> No.1129187

or am I thinking of someone else

>> No.1129191

You're thinking of someone else. I listen to Deftones and Beck.

>> No.1129193

All i know is, we need to kill TyBrax.

>> No.1129198

Oh, hten you're not as cool as I thought you were

>> No.1129200

Of course, Mogwai is the coolest

>> No.1129201

Obviously, but he isn't even a /lit/eral faggot.

'Official Representative of /mu/' sums it up really.

>> No.1129202
File: 23 KB, 450x315, tom-cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after last night I want to rescue her from 4chan now.

>> No.1129207

>I listen to Deftones and Beck
You're either one of the best trolls ever or a completely insufferable faggot in real life.

>> No.1129208
File: 554 KB, 565x837, hcard 015 Christopher Hitchens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for you TyBrax

>> No.1129210
File: 51 KB, 594x479, Yes+Man+Los+Angeles+Premiere+OCBNiEGlgkvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Mogwai`s already working on it.

>> No.1129216

delete thread OP

>> No.1129218

Yes, please. This thread is shit, and encourages tripfags and their faggoty faggotry.

>> No.1129224

Nope. Seeing this thread makes me chuckle that theres fags browsing without all tripfags blocked

>> No.1129228

The only tripfag I aint blockin is Pissabelle Cumfart

>> No.1129246

i agree