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/lit/ - Literature

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11290884 No.11290884 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon! I just read the most wonderful poem by Rupi! Tell me what you think!
Wat do?

>> No.11290890
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>> No.11290892
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>> No.11290897

I can see why you like it!

>> No.11290903

NOT /LIT/!!!!!!

>> No.11290905

Only the possibility of anal would justify lying here.

>> No.11290906

Rap is the only acceptable form of poetry.

>> No.11290927
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Rupi Kaur is a shitskin feminist who writes like a retard. Try the Redpill you fucking whore!

>> No.11290935

>Picture has a book in it
>op is about a famous writer
>presents a moral dilemma
What about this is not /lit/, pray?

>> No.11290939
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Honest to kek this,

>> No.11290949

Who are you and how did you get into my house?

>> No.11291008

I would probably ask her how it relates to her and why she thinks it's nice and come to some conclusion like "arh it doesn't relate to me, but i think it's nice that something connects to you" if i love her i say stuff like that because i mean it, if not i would ask her en wonder and inspect her interest in Rupi Kaur like some strange species and then i would make out with her in the end if we both felt like it.

>> No.11291009
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Shud up woman, I want my Mac and cheese dinner I've been working 6 HOURS today and don't have time for your bitchen, this is my weekend away from the kids so the buddies are coming over to play poker, so bring that sweet ass over here sweetheart and let's get nasty before you start on dadies din din.

>> No.11291018

So you've been raped like me? Otherwise you didn't get it.

>> No.11291021
File: 717 KB, 906x882, jezzebel #233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jezzebel posting

>> No.11291030

"I think I don't like it"

>> No.11291103

Post more Konata in this not /lit/ thread, pls.

>> No.11291261

I want to be her

>> No.11292091

I want to be inside her

>> No.11292103

i want to be outside her

>> No.11292110

I want to want not to be inside her but a dude instead

>> No.11292115
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>independent brooklyn bookstore
>rupi kuar top ten best seller

is /lit/ out of touch? no, it's the brooklynites who are wrong!

>> No.11292121

I want to be consubstantial with her.

>> No.11292134

What is it like to be in the same room as a girl who is in her underwear? Is it nice?

>> No.11292144

what are you on about?

>> No.11292151

I read that as Rumi.

>> No.11292210

>Not projecting unto others your own linguistic mindscape
- Anon! I just read the most wonderful poem by Rupi! Tell me what you think!
- Can you read it for me?
- Okay,
My mother sacrificed her dreams
So I could dream.
What do you think?
- It's nice -- nice comes from old french meaning stupid, clumsy, poor -- Why do you like it?
- I think the rhythm is nice, you know?
- Yeah. it has a nice cadence to it.
>Proceed to fuck.

>> No.11292248

We are free to do what we want but not to want what we want. Y god do dis?

>> No.11292543

At least she's reading. It's up to you to guide her and mold her thoughts, you ignorant, cuck-stained, redpilled, faggits. Here is opportunity. Use it to your advantage. Make her your toy. Then invite her friends to fuck too.

>> No.11292546

They are basically the same anyway

>> No.11292573

>the public is always correct
This is your brain on democracy

>> No.11292592


>> No.11292613
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>Make her your toy. Then invite her friends to fuck too.
My muse. . .

>> No.11292618

>the bottoms of her toes

>> No.11292619

'Not my thing.'

>> No.11292643

>tell pasty white girl I work with who loves typical pasty white girl shit that poetry is shit
>she gets honestly offended
>over the course of multiple days of conversation she can't come up with one defense for poetry
>later end up crashing at her house and getting head for about a week, would've fucked her but she had hangups about sex

>> No.11292664

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.11292720

>Haha I don't read much poetry but sure I like it. I'm more of a prose reader
don't be a sperg

>> No.11292775

Tell he that no poetry is as sweet as the poem of two bodies becoming one, then whip my dick out and Louis CK her

>> No.11292834

Grasping at what you are not is a mere symptom of consumerism and capitalism of today's degenerated world. Locked in fantasy and ideals, to remain segregated from practice. You do not acknowledge, understand, or accept what you are. Instead you want to pick up a new skin, like a new phone or videogame.

>> No.11293029

Play along with her joke because the book she's reading clearly has too much text on the page to ever be a Rupi poem

>> No.11293162

I love it!
It makes me feel all kinds of things.
In fact it... it kind of turns me on...
Does it turn you on too?
Oh, I know, I'm silly.
Maybe it's actually you that's turning me on.
That couch looks very comfy.
Aren't you cold?
Do you want me to warm you up?

>> No.11293394

I just read the most amazing poem by Rapi. Let me show you how it goes.

>> No.11293892
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>They are basically the same anyway

>> No.11294549

Give me the other Jezebel copypasta rn

>> No.11294580

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.11295012
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>hfw i answer that its peak middlebrow

>> No.11295043

shiggy diggy

>> No.11295050

this but unironically unironically

>> No.11295147

go watch the simpsons, uncultured swine

>> No.11295419

This is my new fetish

>> No.11296365

Only sometimes am I in a room with a girl, and she is not in her underwear. Then I have to politely excuse myself and leave