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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 90 KB, 480x320, trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11289526 No.11289526 [Reply] [Original]

SJW degeneracy creeps into every corner of culture and won't even let the past be the past

>> No.11289536
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>Children reading kant

>> No.11289539
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>women reading kant

Who are they kidding? How many women do you think have read Kant? Five or six in 200 years?

>> No.11289541
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>won't even let the past be the past
Why are you so upset that the present is the present?

>> No.11289544

Good thing women don't read literature.

>> No.11289553

Hannah Arendt ring a bell

>> No.11289565

The only book she read was Raul Hilberg's, and then only to plagiarize it

>As Hilberg read Arendt’s articles about Eichmann, he noticed a number of striking similarities to his own research. He tallied them on an accounting spreadsheet stored in the accordion folder with the New Yorker issues. At the bottom of the spreadsheet he divided the instances into "cert." and "prob." and penciled hash marks next to each category. Among the flagged passages is Arendt’s account of the plight of Bernard Lichtenberg, a Catholic priest in Berlin who was condemned to a concentration camp after speaking out against the deportation of the Jews. Hilberg noted the page on which Arendt’s version appeared and next to it wrote, in red ink, "verbatim."

>Years later, in a letter also found among his papers, he explained to one of Arendt’s biographers, Elzbieta Ettinger, that he had "noticed what she had done as soon as I read the installments in the New Yorker." He continued, "A lawyer of my publisher at the time asked me to draw up a list of items she had lifted. I found about eighty, but he also said that I would have to prove that she could not have obtained the information anywhere else. That proof I could not supply, except in such instances as an error of spelling that she had copied." In The Politics of Memory, Hilberg dedicated a few pages to Arendt and obliquely mentioned that others had commented on her mostly invisible reliance on his research; he also averred that her work "consisted only of unoriginal essays on anti-Semitism, imperialism, and general topics associated with totalitarianism." Despite his derision, Hilberg declined to publicly air his grievances. As a result, the scale of Arendt’s debt to him has remained largely unknown.

>> No.11289570
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>not reading Kant at age 7 and discussing with your parents how the text tackles white privilege and queer theory
Brainlet Nazi detected.

>> No.11289572

>Hannah Arendt only wrote Eichmann in Jerusalem

>> No.11289573

Terrifying. Truly social justice is a blight on this world. What a sickening, amoral thing to do. It's unconstitutional, censorship & thought-policing worthy of big brother.

>> No.11289578

Fuck I've been found out

>> No.11289579

there's literally nothing wrong with warning people and leaving the content unchanged.

honestly i am more offended by introductions that spoil the content of the book.

>> No.11289580

next they will probably rewrite the passages that are not to their liking a la Orwell' 1984

>> No.11289595


>> No.11289607

>didn´t read Kant at the age of 10

>> No.11289633

Maybe if the content is fucking Peter Sotos tier, but I can't imagine being viscerally disgusted or offended by Kant of all authors. No impressionable young person would ever get far into the Critiques anyway. Most adults wouldn't even be able to handle it these days.

>> No.11289635

That publisher is some cheap outfit which puts out public domain works. They slap that on literally every single book. They are literal nobodies, why would you ever get riled up about it except for getting (you)s.

>> No.11289650

lol. "does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today". they admit that we live in a totalitarism and that if Kant were to write today, he would be forced to respect their values.

>> No.11289654

in case this is supposed to be sarcasm : you know that SJWs are not fighting for actual justice, it's all about advocating anti male, anti white hatred, genderism and general societal degenecracy.

>> No.11289659

Teens do still count as children, no? And who but teens still wastes time on Kant?

>> No.11289669


>> No.11289674

You might not, but someone else might

>> No.11289676
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>> No.11289681

They don't anymore? What philosophers are the teens reading now? t. 24 year old philosophy boomer

>> No.11289691

If Kant qualifies as content that warrants a fucking warning then I'm not entirely sure there exists a single book worth reading that doesn't.

>> No.11289721


>> No.11289722

Kant literally published a book on race.

In contemporary terms, you could say Kant was the first scientific racist.

>> No.11289736

yes, he was a very smart man.

>> No.11289738
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Way to completely shit over Kant's work and completely devalue his timeless moral system in his own fucking book. I'm not mad, just mystified.

>> No.11289751

SJW and any other type of activists are just manifestation of the systems needs. Brush up on your kaczynski for fucks sake.. this is entry level shit

>> No.11289754

Wtf, why is Hume so racist? I think we should stop reading philosophers from before the 20th century.

''David Hume’s position on the debate between polygenesis versus monogenesis is the subject of some scholarly debate. The bone of contention is his essay “Of National Characters,” where he contends that differences among European nations are attributable not to natural differences but to cultural and political influences. Amidst this argument against crude naturalism, Hume inserts a footnote in the 1754 edition, wherein he writes: “I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all the other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation” (Zack 2002, 15; emphasis added). Whereas even the most barbarous white nations such as the Germans “have something eminent about them,” the “uniform and constant difference” in accomplishment between whites and non-whites could not occur “if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men” (Zack 2002, 15). Responding to criticism, he softens this position in the 1776 edition, restricting his claims to natural inferiority only to “negroes,” stating that “scarcely ever was a civilized nation of that complexion, not even of individual eminent in action or speculation” (Zack 2002, 17; Hume 1776 [1987], 208; emphasis added). Richard Popkin (1977) and Naomi Zack (2002, 13–18) contend that the 1754 version of the essay assumes, without demonstration, an original, polygenetic difference between white and non-white races. Andrew Valls (2005, 132) denies that either version of the footnote espouses polygenesis''

>> No.11289764

>How many women do you think have read Kant? Five or six in 200 years?
Well there is Korsgaard and, um... well...

>> No.11289770

I don't find this concerning in the least. So what? They want parents to reach Kant's level and explain philosophy to their kids? Lmao. If any of you guys feel threatened, you are part of the problem.

Plebs never change.

>> No.11289815

I Kant believe they've done this.

>> No.11289846


>> No.11289871

Imagine being this buttblasted everytime you read a book. Back in the old days, fags were constantly exposed to hatred and became either strong as fuck or kept it a total secret if they couldn't face the music. That's what this generation of men and women need exposed to them, complete uninterest in their bullshit.

>> No.11289889

Like you fags bitching about a disclaimer? Parental advisory stickers are nothing new for couple decades already.

>> No.11289898

>P-plz don't sue us ; _;

>> No.11289912

the very idea of the masses of kids in a uni undergrad program reading Kant is some sort of immense farce

there is not a single person who can get anything out of Kant that would also require this disclaimer

>> No.11289932

Nietzsche,Machiavelli and Marcus Aurelius

>> No.11290010
File: 96 KB, 960x540, 20626194_667383110119120_5666897417009318633_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this buttblasted that an editor added a paragraph-long introduction to a book while leaving its contents unchanged
Wew lad.

Can confirm.
t. former teen who grew out of it.

>> No.11290099

I hope for you you didn't fabricate this retarded poster

>> No.11290104

do they still make surge?

>> No.11290259
File: 140 KB, 960x960, 28471891_1859991640717530_851227320810209280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stole it from facebook, it's from one of those ironic philosophy meme pages.

>> No.11290330

There's a difference between rewriting history for your own moral compass and letting someone know it's not suitable for kids.

>> No.11290389

History was constantly rewritten, it's how it works. Only it has no bearing here since the work is untouched.

>> No.11290558


Don't get this one.

>> No.11290640

I should've known.

>> No.11290880

BAP and Kantbot

>> No.11291085

Why is this painting so fucking good? It's just two colours and a dog head??

>> No.11291096

Young people want a socialist revolution. Defending the status quo makes you a contrarian, paradoxically

>> No.11291109

this but unironically

>> No.11291132

more attempted character assassination from 'the zionist establishment'
they've been after ever since eichmann was published
half a dozen articles from them every year

>> No.11291155

ya'll are offended by a paragraph lol, no one actually stops reading with those and they are so fucking common, you just don't notice them with topics that haven't been politicized.

O the irony of the outrage at the outrage.

The brightest Kantian I know is a Korean woman. She teaches it at the university level and understands him far better than the /pol/tards in this thread.

>>inb4 hackneyed gb2 reddit

>> No.11291165

>SJW degeneracy
Eh, this is more of a disclaimer. Publisher probably has a blanket policy for this. Either a lawyer cautioned it early or advised it after someone sued them.

>> No.11291183

This is such an Anglo thing to do, that nanny/puritanism culture of no fun allowed. No wonder you have school shootings every day. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.11291186
File: 191 KB, 710x1068, pranks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>implying everyone on the board is the same person
>implying that /pol/ doesn't have yellow fever
Remember when this board was about literature? I do.

>> No.11291198

So they print out the book but somehow a little disclaimer is silencing it???

>> No.11291209

why is kant so hard to read reeee

>> No.11291212
File: 93 KB, 377x377, 1360250037049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even a "trigger warning" you retarded crybaby.
You people need a goddamn trigger warning before any trigger warning.

>> No.11291225

>Either a lawyer cautioned it early or advised it after someone sued them.
No. The US, for all its bullshit, still has enough freedom of expression that books with vile content can be published freely.
It's pure SJW garbage.
Anyway, looks like this publisher went out of business, they no longer have a website. Also

>> No.11291264
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>> No.11291302

Well fuck.
Anon don't fucking pretend like FOX is any better or worse than any other major news outlet in the world. Even the BBC and Reuters have fallen to ruin.

>> No.11291314

If you can't tell the difference between Reuters and Fox you have some worldview expanding to do.

>> No.11291330

I can tell the difference pretty easily Anon, they're just equally shit. This is not a difficult idea that I am communicating to you.

>> No.11291353

What would you consider a 'good' news outlet, then?

>> No.11291357
File: 22 KB, 960x724, mamamia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today
What a pointless thing to put in the beginning of a book. Absolutely meaningless.

>> No.11291403

Is that Abby Shapiro?

>> No.11291426

People who actually go to places and do Journalism instead of staring at a ticker on a computer and regurgitating a story someone else gave them with their trademark bullshit on top of it. There are precious few real journalists left in the West.

>> No.11291447

Would you give examples?

>> No.11291472
File: 22 KB, 298x298, journalist in sandbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to make me say VICE, I will. I'm not fond of their political opinions but I would never question the iron testicles it takes to go interview Pakistan tribesmen fighting ISIS or Ukranian anarchists fighting Russian "contractors" on the border.

>> No.11291481

by this standard Lauren 'burn the coal, remove the ayatollah' Southern is a real journalist

>> No.11291483

Uh, Anon, embedding journalists like that is literally the norm for every news organization, speaking of Reuters do you not remember the big wikileak video release back in 2010?

>> No.11291488

I was hoping you'd at least say something like Reveal or The Intercept. But it seems like most "all media is shit!" assholes, you seem to confuse broad over-the-top cynicism with skeptic wisdom.

>> No.11291489

>There are precious few real journalists left in the West.
And that's a good thing

>> No.11291513

>The Intercept
>People who actually go to places

It isn't a contest on how retarded you can both act.

>> No.11291536

low quality bait

>> No.11291549

>you must physically go to a place to be a "real journalist"
Sifting through literal mountains of government documents is as much of worthwhile sort of journalism as photographing warzones.

>> No.11291575

They're literally most famous for fabricating stories and being so amateurish in their whistle-blowing activities they get their sources arrested. There's a reason they mostly republish AP articles theses days because people refuse to work with them.

>> No.11291587

>fabricating stories

>> No.11291616
File: 126 KB, 190x283, sort of Kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only get to use this every few years

>> No.11292215

no its retired pornstar sasha grey

>> No.11292221

The only warning they should put in a book by Kant is 'don't read this shit it's retarded horseshit' lmao

>> No.11292246

retarded porn star sasha grey amirite

>> No.11292259

All the jokes made me think it rhymed with can't.

>> No.11292282

Vice is basically State Department PR now

>> No.11292298

they have that shit for 120 days of sodom too

>> No.11292303

Lmao the children part! I love the implication that current values on "race, gender, etc..." are not to be questioned. That it is "obviously" Kant that is in the wrong here. This is a sure sign of desperation. They don't trust people to come to the "correct" conclusions. Honestly it is a little frightening. If current values are so obviously correct, why do they need to stress how dated they feel Kant's views are? And moreover, how do they know what Kant would have written if he were alive today?

What this is saying is, in effect, "children" or readers more generally, need to be properly indoctrinated into the correct worldview before reading this book because otherwise there is the unacceptable possibility they might find Kant's views entirely reasonable and accurate. Simply incredible.

>> No.11292322

>why would you ever get riled up about it
Because /pol/.
They push their narrative on every board on this site any time they can skate the rules about discussing politics outside of /pol/ by finding some crossover shit like this.

Its pretty obvious man.

>> No.11292325

>a la
Fuck it I'm taking the bait

>> No.11292335
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>If current values are so obviously correct

>> No.11292380

Your own insecurity and biases makes you interpret you the text that way. Gotta find a reason to get triggered after all.

> why do they need to stress how dated they feel Kant's views are?
Because context matters when interpreting a work. Reading the Greeks without understanding of their culture would make the whole pedophilia pretty distracting just like reading religious texts without understanding how normal and different slavery was, potentially misinterpret Jesus as a fan of chattel slavery. If anything, the disclaimer gives people a reason to overlook that some author had crazy views and focus on the arguments, since many things that are considered fucked up now, were pretty ordinary back in the day, and someone like Schoppy, who'd stand out as obvious sexist today, held pretty mild views for his time.

>> No.11292407

orwell is a socialist pinko hippy, his vision of freedom is twisted almost as much as his priorities - totalitarianism he depicts is but a passing fancy of the era which doesnt represent any real threat to mankind
his books are used by the establishment to present a convenient bogeyman and distract from actual opression that is postmodern life, detached from values and steeped in materialism and individualism, which ironically are only increasing instead of being some kind of ideal in danger

here i said it and im not afraid

>> No.11293007

>overlook that some author had crazy views
Yeah but see the implication that something not meshing well with current values means its insane and thus something to be swept under the rug/discarded out of hand is the problem here. People need to read the ideas themselves and evaluate them, they don't need anybody holding their hand and telling them "yes, I know, this part's ridiculous, don't let it get to you." Anybody who would honestly put down Symposium because of the talk of pederasty would truly gain nothing from the book anyway, just as people who can't stomach any fiction with characters they don't like are awful readers.

>> No.11293147

Are we being invaded by reddit? How did posts defending this shit end up here?
You know you could put A disclaimer on literally ANY book written at ANY time? You could put one even on the tamest and most politically correct book that came out this year. Which should make it clear that such a disclaimer is political in nature. The fact that you fail to see that shows how blinded by ideology you are or, alternatively, that you're aware of the underlying political message and agree with it.

>> No.11293267

that's not a trigger warning you fucking spastic

>> No.11293271

>alt-right snowflakes are so fucking up their own asses that they don't know what disclaimers are anymore.

>> No.11293281

Mostly Pete'o, a few Greeks

>> No.11293460

Hoomun condisshun, innit.

>> No.11293469

Good Goya

>> No.11293472

This is obviously a boilerplate message the publisher puts on all its older books ya dip

>> No.11293493

I love how Petersontards talk about "degeneracy" or "decadence" without knowing what either of them mean.

Get out of /lit/, man. You don't belong here.

>> No.11293560

>and thus something to be swept under the rug/discarded out of hand is the problem here
But isn't that what this "warning" is supposed to prevent? An overly sensitive reader might get too annoyed by the "problematic" content and just drop it, instead of engaging with it on a more objective level. I see the message more of "yes I know, this part is ridiculous, but that shit is from a different time, so deal with it"

Also let's not forget the whole parents and children stuff, it's not like the "warning" is even meant for adults.

>just as people who can't stomach any fiction with characters they don't like are awful readers.
People learn engaging with new ideas by doing it. Someone with less experience leaving their comfort zone is obviously going to be more reluctant and having no preparation might cause more harm in the end, since they might just drop the shit and return to something cozy. Don't forget that kids today can adjust how and what kind of media they get in a very individualistic way, with handpicked twitter accounts and jewtube channels, and the whole bubble is enforced by algorithms, that prevent (well, at least try to) them from seeing something they won't like right away.

I'd get half of the bitching if there were annotations INSIDE the book pointing out how certain statements or actions were not PC or some shit, but this thing just gives readers a bit context, while they are still 100% free to engage with the original ideas and form their own opinions.

>Which should make it clear that such a disclaimer is political in nature.
Just like media ratings and parental advisory stickers. Everything is political, nigga. Always was and is likely to remain that way. Do you complain about R rated movies, porn and rap albums having age restrictions or disclaimers too?

>> No.11294058

>Do you complain about R rated movies, porn and rap albums having age restrictions or disclaimers too?
No, because that content appeals to and is usually consumed by retards who need parental guidance.
That's not the case for intellectual literature, so I hold it to different standards. A normie wouldn't even make it through the first page of Kant.

>> No.11294201

who told all the leftypol fags to come here and defend their tranny trigger bullshit warnings ? or is /lit always so infested with liberal scum? must be all roasties here

>> No.11294996

Spine chilling.

>> No.11295009

Never going to make it

>> No.11295011

My old lady lecturer is a Kant scholar lmaoing at you NEETs

>> No.11295049

The problem is is that it is """warning""" people from a certain political perspective which has nothing to do with the material. Apparently you're fine with social engineering and wrong think propangandizing if it's just a liiiiitle Orwellian. Either have standards and don't be a coward or out yourself as a shill opperating from the same social justice premises.
Fucking coward bitch made faggot. Yes I'm mad.

>> No.11295056

The problem with liberals or 'SJWs' is that they're convinced that their morality, upon which all their other beliefs are founded, is objective and infallible, despite being based on pure emotion.

>> No.11295069

why are T_d chucklefucks so triggered by trigger warnings?

>> No.11295088

100% accurate

>> No.11295109

>despising emotionalism and irrationalism is indicative of fucking r/the_Donald
How about you take whoever influenced you to propogandize wherever you go and kill yourselves. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.11295122


>> No.11295129
