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11284741 No.11284741 [Reply] [Original]

Am I just a brainlet or this an incredible slog of a book? I’m 90 pages in and want to kill myself. It isn’t what I was expecting.

>> No.11284749

no you arent. evola is a /pol/ meme read actual philosophy

>> No.11284768

Evola is a really obvious midwit and god awful prose writer. Barely able to stomach yoga of power but the information is organized well and he has a strong grasp on tantra. still unbelievable people subject themselves to this shit for multiple texts

>> No.11284778

Just read Nietzsche if you want to LARP as an antiegalitarian or Guenon if you want to LARP as a mystic. Evola is mysticism repacked with far right politics for Italian petit bourgeoise and their wife's.

>> No.11284794

I'm guessing you haven't read Nietzsche and Heidegger, and maybe that's why you are having trouble grasping the content. Try reading the material cited in the footnotes, and then try reading Ride the Tiger again.

>> No.11284823

That’s what I’m beginning to realize. I have a good grasp about what other philosophers think but haven’t read too many texts, just a few greeks and romans.

However, even if I do come back to this book I’m afriad it will still be an incredible pain in the ass to read.

>> No.11284833

For someone who supposedly leaned heavily on Heidegger's work, he liked the conflate it with references to Sarte a lot

>> No.11284867
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The entire purpose of Evola is be enough of a controversy to lure people into reading entry level mysticism and and anti-modern thought only for them to eventually realize Guenon has the real answers.

>> No.11285224

You should be reading Rene Guenon.