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/lit/ - Literature

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11280852 No.11280852 [Reply] [Original]

>the greatest book you’ve ever read
>favorite food
>dont forget to r8

>> No.11280933

also share why it’s yr fav

>> No.11281099

>existentialism is a humanism
>orange chicken

The Chinese are the master race of culinary arts. Sartre blew my mind the first time I read him and it got me into philosophy.

>> No.11281263

>Blood Meridian
>Southern pit BBQ

>> No.11281268

>sugar chicken

What are you a ducking child? That shit is drunk food, at best. The chinks in china don't even eat that shit you fat amerilard.

>> No.11281411

What’s your favorite and book anondo

>> No.11281425

>The Chinese are the master race of culinary arts
The Chinese on the West Coast, sure. Actual Chinese food is fucking horrifying

>> No.11281434
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My favorite book is Don Quixote and I could eat fried fish every day for every meal for the rest of my life (with tarter sauce and hot sauce)

>> No.11281436

Moby Dick

>> No.11281443

>these nigger/gook diets

>> No.11281444

sup Queequeg

>> No.11281446

Sorry we dont all live on frozen pizzas and tendies

>> No.11281448

eating meat in general is subhuman behavior.

>> No.11281452

Mehee likee dee chowdee

>> No.11281460
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>> No.11281462
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Have we found a racist vegan, everyone?

>> No.11281473


>> No.11281474

im not a racist ive just noticed that less intelligent and/or less empathetic races indulge in meat more than the upper caste of european/jewish society.

>> No.11281476

sometimes l wonder, for what accursed purposes are ZOG's AIs collecting these weird data? l dont know that much about self learning networks, but you have to conjecture some wicked brain control fuckery must come out of the intersection between a person's fave food and literature. like our sexual stimulus response is completely broken by porn and shiet so maybe the next step is to specifically target the taste and hunger responses

>> No.11281478
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>> No.11281481

What would be Hank Hill's favourite book?

>> No.11281484
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>> No.11281486

chicken tenders are legitimately the greatest and I will fight anyone who says otherwise

>> No.11281492

The gut is a second brain

>> No.11281493

Lonesome Dove audiobook

>> No.11281497

put down the bottle, reddit

>> No.11281506

the sun also rises. pretty sure it's about a guy with a narrow urethra.

>> No.11281512

He wouldn't enjoy reading about Americans choosing to live in Europe and he would think Hemingway is a jackass.

>> No.11281514

>look at me, I'm such an elitist hack that I post exclusively on an anime imageboard

>> No.11281516



Charcuterie is objectively the best food. Prosciutto, salami, cured meats, duck pâté, fois grad, soft Brie, hard parmigiana, bleu cheese, fontina, grûyere, sharp provolone, yum.

>> No.11281519

Hemingway was a veteran (kind of) who wrote simply worded stories about men catching fish.
Seems right up Hank's alley.

>> No.11281521
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I had a morbidly obese friend in middle school whose single mother would microwave a huge plate of spicy tendies every singke time I was ofer there, which was quite often, along with a massive bowl filled with what must have been an entire ottle of buttermilk ranch dressing. I assume he ate this meal every single day. It was an amazing gimicky snack back then, but i have to declare chicken tenders are only for children and people with absolutely no taste in cuisine.
I cannot help but wonder if you are him.

>> No.11281523

Moby Dick
Dungeness crab

>> No.11281525
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>> No.11281545

Borges' Collected Fictions. Got me into mathematics and philosophy. Now maybe 1 out of every 10 books I read is fiction. Thank you based Borges.

Chicken and veggie wraps with hummus

>> No.11281549

Parks and Rec isn't nearly as well-written as KotH but I did like the scene where Ron said his favorite book was Moby Dick because it didn't have any metaphors and was just "a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal."

>> No.11281551

>Now maybe 1 out of every 10 books I read is fiction
jesus, why would you admit this

>> No.11281553

No, I'm just telling you that reddit humor is not considered humor on 4chan.

>> No.11281570

Is there anything more reddit than bringing up reddit? Not even reddit is that reddit

>> No.11281576

this post made me leave the board. finally something so annoying that i can get out of this toxic pit

>> No.11281607

Because 99.9% of fiction that's ever been written is fucking garbage.

>> No.11281611

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

>> No.11281615

Ok, I can see that you're quite new. This is the last (You) I'm sending your way, so enjoy the dopamine.

>> No.11281621

>The Dunwich Horror
>Roast Beef

>> No.11281623

>orange chicken
you might as well
t. estrogen poisoning

>> No.11281637

desu I never enjoy(ed) microwaved chicken tenders, restaurants only for me

>> No.11281640
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>eating meat full of artificial hormones
>having healthy testosterone levels

>> No.11281646

>all meat is full of artificial hormones
And all those pesticides you consume is healthier for you?

>> No.11281658

>implying I don’t eat animals from my own farm

>> No.11281660

i buy organic nigger

>> No.11281666

LOL OK, but how many pesticides do they use?

>> No.11281667

Oh boy, should someone tell her?

>> No.11281684

Tortilla Flats
A jug of wine

>> No.11281693
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>jug of wine

>> No.11281698

total false equivalence, and i presume that you dont subsist on purely meat. somehow even the more potent pesticides even in non-organic foods dont stop vegetarians from living longer than meat eaters on average. eating fish is healthy, but the rest of the meat at your average store is full of antibiotics and/or hormones that disrupt hormone levels and. and red meat is cancerous no matter how it's sourced. hunt your own food or accept your dose of emasculation like a good goy.

>> No.11281714

>it's OK for me to eat pesticides with every meal every day
>it's meat that is poison!

>> No.11281719
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>he doesnt know there are pesticides in meat
to be young...

>> No.11281725

do you only eat meat? i didnt think americans actually did that. makes sense i guess.

>> No.11281726

But I don't feed my animals pesticides

>> No.11281747

Do you seriously not get that all your precious "organic" food isn't actually organic?

>> No.11282635
