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/lit/ - Literature

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11280235 No.11280235 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book about the oppressed rising up against their oppressors?

>> No.11280260

>What's a good book about the oppressed rising up against their oppressors?

Mein Kampf

>> No.11280264

This. Praise Lord fucking Kek.

>> No.11280269

I haven't read it, but I think The Autumn of the Patriarch is up that alley.

>> No.11280270

A single punch? damn thats impressive
Also most of YA fiction

>> No.11280281
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>> No.11280293

richfags are weak and soft

>> No.11280303

This turned out to be a fake story

>> No.11280325

Give specific examples or fuck off

>> No.11280369

hunger games

>> No.11280386

I'd bet it wasn't the punch but the head hitting concrete. I doubt even Chuck Liddell could kill someone with a single punch.
"Mr Lloyd fell and hit his head after being punched and later died in his sleep."
That's why you don't fight on concrete, kids.

>> No.11280430

That was rich people forcing poor people to kill each other

>> No.11280563

Atlas Shrugged.
If you can accept the notion that it is perfectly possible for the poor, losers, and/or dumb to oppress the inventive and rich. Probably a pill too red for you to swallow though.

>> No.11280575
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>equating the oppressive rich with being "inventive" and not corrupt

>Probably a pill too red for you to swallow though.

>> No.11280583

My twisted world

>> No.11280589

kind of fucked if the lad did die to use his face like that but this is 4chan, he looks like a cunt but still not a nice way to go out

>> No.11280597

The rich should be exposed for their corruption, don't you agree?

>> No.11280611

The idiot

>> No.11280619

They're probably choosing not to mention that the body guard was likely being a cunt as well to him.

>> No.11280649
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>> No.11280652

no it didnt

>> No.11280653

that nigga deserves a darwin award

>> No.11280661

>club promoter
yeah nevermind, rich cunt probably didn't deserve it

>> No.11280684



>> No.11280692

One punch kills are actually really common, heads are fragile.

>> No.11280775

>rich cunt probably didn't deserve it

Yes he did

>> No.11280815

Are you saying vain people, particularly those who show arrogance with their words should all die?

>> No.11280829

better question: whats a good book about the aristocracy enacting rightful oppression upon the delusional masses?

>> No.11280830

club promoters are far worse than rich people

>> No.11280834

this. club promoters are absolute scum

>> No.11280836

I'm saying rich people deserve to die for their corruption and oppressive natures, yes.

>> No.11281160
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This won't go unnoticed, anon

>> No.11281252

>punching a schoolboy
lmao what a retard. at least he proved him wrong, he won't be able to work for anyone after spending a life sentence in prison.

>> No.11281260

One cunt gone, one cunt in prison. Looks like a decent outcome overall.

>> No.11281265

>killing someone for saying something rude
nonwhite or ugly poor leftist detected

>> No.11281285

what the fuck is a "club" and what goes on there?

>> No.11281303

>tfw equate anyone wearing a suit with petite bourgeois now
why are people implying that this kid was elite? It's obvious he was into business rather than something respectable like science, religion or athletics.

>> No.11281327
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Now the bouncer is in prison, stamping license plates. Really makes you think

>> No.11281328


it's real

>> No.11281334


This is pretty much the story of Yurop, though. A ruling class of effete brainlets who were born into the right families and went to the right ecolee and live in the right neighborhoods are guaranteed a paycheck from the nation's taxes for life. The main differences between them and the aristocracy they replaced is their family's didn't have to fight to get where they are, they have worse taste, far more power, and they all call themselves socialists.

>> No.11281336

are you memeing? he was just a drunk spoilt school boy

>> No.11281348

Ah yes, the infamous Greek god Yurop, son of Zeus

>> No.11281352

Peasant fag.

>> No.11281355

*kills you with one punch*

>> No.11281377

*unsheaths katana*

>> No.11281383

You're already dead, richfag. Too late

>> No.11281391

You could Google it

>> No.11281560


>> No.11281635


why is it that when people make fun of aristocracy it's always european but fail to mention the times that the french beheaded a bunch of cunts because lmao and the russians literally shot the aristocracy in a basement yet the americans continue on with theirs going "one day i too will be rich" and mow their gardens in neat little areas like the aristocracy

what a gaggle of fucking cucks you are

bbbut we rebelled from the british tttttake that inbbbbred

replaced some rulers with money for other rulers with money american lives will always be owned by either rich americans or israel lmao but at least you got your guns to stop tyranny right lol fucking cucks it's pathetic

>> No.11281644

yes, but killing 18 year olds is fucked up, he didn't have to die that way. Its disgusting behavior if true, however murder is still unacceptable, you can't kill someone significantly weaker than you just for insulting you, if you do you're basically a tyrant or a beast, not some oppressed prole. Think about what savages and nigs do over nonsense, this is encouraging savagery and nig nog judicial-ethical norms

>> No.11281661

He died

>> No.11281665

You're fucking retarded. The dude didn't mean to kill him. Nothing you ay has any bearing in any one of the conversation in this thread. Fuck off.

>> No.11281680

Right back at you.

>> No.11281685

he assaulted someone smaller and weaker than him for a petty insult and the man died. You're a faggot go fuck yourself idiot. People are held accountable for their actions. I don't think he deserves jail time even you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.11281691

Nonsensical post

>> No.11282034
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Just came here to laugh at that faggot in the OP picture.

Maybe there is still some justice left in this world.

>> No.11282080

This is pretty much the story of Murica, though. A ruling class of effete brainlets who were born into the right families and went to the right prep school and live in the right neighborhoods are guaranteed a paycheck from their daddy's company for life. The main differences between them and the British aristocracy they replaced is their family's didn't have to fight to get where they are, they have worse taste, far more power, and they all call themselves libertarians.

>> No.11282195

/pol/ is that way.

This board has gone to shit.

>> No.11282203
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>> No.11282231

>two posts

you, truly, are among the oppressed

>> No.11282249

did he imply that?
are you implying the board isn't shit?

>> No.11282254

no and yes

>> No.11282460

u mad bro?

>> No.11282499
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lol he was 1 punched by a literal chad who sped off with two women afterward ( different from the ones in pic related although this is him)

>The alleged attacker Trabucatti is said to have fled on the quad bike
accompanied by the two women.

>> No.11282516

This, Anyone who has more money than is necessary to live a comfortable middle class life deserves to be killed.

>> No.11282518


>> No.11282526


>> No.11282556

and that's why no one will mourn him

>> No.11282565
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>> No.11282578

and that cunt rots 2 meters under,
fair enough

>> No.11282581


>> No.11282660
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>literal chad
i dont think so

>average female height in uk is 5'4
>95th percentile for height is 5'7
>both girls are probably wearing heels, say 5" (very generous)
>girls are at most 6'
>guy is clearly an inch shorter than the two of them
>meaning "chad" is 5'11 AT BEST

>> No.11282692

So he'll work for the jail guards instead.

A little worse, isn't it?

(He'll also be raped and severely abused, since the guy's family must have been really rich.)

>> No.11282714

Holy shit I laughed out loud at the last panel.

>> No.11282718

Shut up you limp wristed bitch

>> No.11282737

I think it's safe to say we all deserve to die.

>> No.11282757

Holy shit this should be the ending to Das Schloss

>> No.11282936

Shut up you faggot bootlicker.

>> No.11282969

the weak should fear the strong.
that is all.

>> No.11282997

That's fucked up, hopefully that guy stays behind bars for a long time for that.

>> No.11283087

This kinda has happened to me.
A drunk rich-kid chad whose language I knew, said to me while I was carrying boxes in the joint I worked, "why don't you have a talk with me? I make more money than you anyways!".
I got cold but just laughed it off and continued working though abandoning him in his ignorance.
It's bad situations these, a real lose-lose.

>> No.11283107

looks more like he accidentally killed himself by smashing his own head into the concrete lol

>> No.11283144

All humans are dangerous and have the same potential for violent intention, as well as kindness. Those who are capable of violence need to conceal their power level. The kid started it.
This is nothing unusual or special appart from the irony of the trustee dieing Immediately after he claimed his murderer would work for him one day.
So it's not wrong to mock his death, that's the only reason we even know about it.
>Nig nogs
God I hope someone kills you with one punch.

>> No.11283170

>Club in Malia
Waste of money, booze, youth.
Shit music, shit culture, shit people.
Burned out and fake situations.

Pretty much applies to all mass tourism ghetto hell-holes in the planet

>> No.11283211

Especially with the prevalence of steroids and weightlifting among those of low social standing, like bouncers.

>> No.11283283

Honestly I would have just murdered him

>> No.11283296


was the bouncer executed? i sure hope so

>> No.11283297
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top kek

>> No.11283313

I have unironically seen and lived through a lot, and I have built some harcoded moral system that I don't change whether I am in a ghetto, at work, with women or at 4chan.

Murder him...I used to think about murder.
I have actually done a military service and lived in an ultra rough area, so I have thought a lot about murder.
Personally, I see it as the very very last ressort for self defence.
Equal violence rules apply.
Theory to theory, fist to fist, gun to gun.

This is why I like literature.
When you start living situations similar to the books you read, you can do a massive damage control.

For the story, another guy from his "escort" was looking shocked at him, and I bet he probably is in a "to be eatten" list.
Respect is a universal value.

>> No.11283341

You've committed a classic blunder, OP, but a good answer to your question is The White Tiger.

>> No.11283487

>this bend
Did he break his own fucking neck?

>> No.11284082

> thinks about the justification of murder a lot
> comes to the obvious point that it’s the last resort in cases of self-defence

Time well spent bro

>> No.11284211

It's different when you actually are in violent envinronments bro.

>> No.11284238

>Words deserve violence as a response
It's sad that people have been fooled.

>> No.11284242
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>> No.11284248

Well, words can be violent, but you respond with words or you activate the ignore mode.
You don't go physical.
Unless lines are crossed or threat involved I guess.

>> No.11284314

s e e t h i n g

>> No.11284368
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>> No.11284381
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>> No.11284408

The world is filled to overflowing with angry and stressed poor people. It doesn't take much to provoke someone who has nothing to lose. Low income people don't have fancy lawyers or connections but they still have their fists.

>> No.11284418

>i should be free to talk shit to people in their faces

>> No.11284419

People are shitting on you but I agree
I'd be fine with aristocracy if they had a little taste, modern richfags are little better than proles with money

>> No.11284439

This. Imagine being a working poor guy whose money barely allow him to live from paycheck to paycheck and them some rich kid starts bitching and bragging how you're gonna work for him.

>> No.11284854


>> No.11284861

we shouldn't have ruled out the possibility of an ugly nonwhite poor leftist teebeeaitch

>> No.11284864

>and they all call themselves socialists
lel I fucking wish mate

>> No.11284883

Atlas Shrugged.
>prole murders his future employer
>can't get a job in the future especially after serving prison time
>fucking rich people keeping me down

>> No.11284885
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Post richfags getting BTFO

>> No.11284902

>someone says mean words back to me
>I'll physically assault him, that's an appropriate response
knuckle-draggers unironically believe this

>> No.11284926

This kind of thinking is exactly why they are poor, lol.

>> No.11284928
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>> No.11284945

You are a twat.

>> No.11284957

Back to your containment board /pol/tard

>> No.11284959

I hate this place.

>> No.11284971

>As Marie Antoinette ascended the stairs to the guillotine, she accidentally stepped on the executioner’s foot, saying to him “Pardon me sir, I meant not to do it.”
>she was responsible for much of France's charity work and personally funded altruistic efforts aimed at relieving the plight of the poor

>> No.11284982

stay small

>> No.11284992

wow she funded efforts to fight the very poverty she was actively creating. truly the bill gates of her time.

>> No.11285000
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>it is another reactionary tries to humanizes royals at the expense of everyone else

>> No.11285003

fuck that made me feel a little sad
but most of them did deserve the guillotine

>> No.11285004

>rich-fags can't handle that their power over people is fleeting

Well, she clearly didn't do a great job. Though her story is really sad, she was just a silly bystander basically and quasi sold to France.

>> No.11285014

Stay inflated.

>> No.11285027

oh pardonne-moi monsieur I didn't mean to make your family starve... oh, what's this? *sees stain of dirt on her dress* oooooh... ooooooh! *faints*

>> No.11285029
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>that pic

>> No.11285044

Marie Antoinette didn't make anyone starve she was just scapegoated during the Revolution because she was an unpopular member of foreign royalty. She also never said 'let them eat cake' that line comes from a proverbial tale from India long before her time.

>> No.11285059

tres bien tres bien... *faints*

>> No.11285060

Voltaire never said “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

one of his biographers made it up

>> No.11285083
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>> No.11285147

>>rich-fags can't handle that their power over people is fleeting
>Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt. According to The New York Times, the richest 1 percent in the United States now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.

>> No.11285156

In what way was she creating poverty? She was mostly a figurehead.

>> No.11285162


>> No.11285164

>expecting proles to ever look beyond petty disputes
>thinking proles can even conceive of anything beyond the petty

>> No.11285177

by owning all the land

>> No.11285197

and can you not feel the tides of change? the rich will fall again

>> No.11285213

So how did his daddys bank account help the cunt in OP?

Did she tho? Women didn't have too much power during that time while their hubby was alive.

>> No.11285214

The Weavers by Gerhart Hauptmann

>> No.11285600
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>> No.11285606

This, but unironically.

>> No.11285961

Notice that there will be no attempt to refute this.

>> No.11286014

no it didn't
be quiet

>> No.11286040

No place in this board for /pol/troons.

>> No.11286222

>>So how did his daddys bank account help the cunt in OP?
No self-respecting member of the upper class actually associates with "club goers" so it's wrong to suggest this dumb kid is actually part of the global elite or some 'oppressor' when he was just another besotted, bored, and over-privileged western degenerate. Why would the rulers mingle with the ruled or do as they do? The premise refutes itself.

>> No.11286371

Found the nigger

>> No.11286384

>but they still have their fists.
in 'Murika, we got guns. if you watch the news, we use them a lot too.

>> No.11286385

Little something called freedom of speech. "You'll work for me one day" is not a direct incitement of violence. The guy was a cunt for saying that but the bouncer should rot in prison for life.

>> No.11286391

Star poor lmfao

>> No.11286400

The rich elites can be the most self entitled shits.

>> No.11286408


>> No.11286436

yes, he should have just lowered his head and muttered "y-you too, master"

>> No.11286445

he's kneeling in that pic with two girls lmao

>> No.11286452
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>Found the nigger

>> No.11286519

>No self-respecting member of the upper class
No self-respecting person would be a member in the first place. The 1% is relatively large given the huge world population and his parents are likely there.

>Why would the rulers mingle with the ruled or do as they do?
Frog in a pound syndrome and all that. Compared to some other rich-fags, he's basically scum, so he has to aim lower to feel better.

>> No.11286527

lmfao saved

>> No.11286536

so in that case you should've just called him a faggot

>> No.11286694

Pity you never put them to any good use but tjust aimlessly massacre each other.

>> No.11286719

A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.11286731

120 days in sodom

>> No.11286737

Last times the blacks tried, they managed to get some sensible legislation passed.

>> No.11286750

Maybe the kid deserved a busted lip for his snide comment. It would have taught him a lesson in the school of the streets. Obviously the bouncer wasn't intending to kill him and he didn't deserve to die.

What if the bouncer played the bigger man, and instead of hitting him said, "Now young man that was an impolite gesture on your part. You ought to recognize your words have impact on other people and not to take your enviable social privileges and advantages for granted. Other people are forced by their conditions of life to deal with a less smooth ride my man."

I bet that kid would have just snickered and said "piss off ya bloody tosser!" and sauntered off smugly.

>> No.11286756

He most likely comes from a "new rich" family.

>> No.11286808

>being a sixteen year old communist

>> No.11286820

>anyone who hates /pol/tards must be at the other extreme end of the political spectrum
Please fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.11286837

>/pol/tards xD
Please fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.11286849

>faggots pretending there is a difference between the site users

>> No.11286877

Maybe not on /lit/ which is full of redditors and is coincidentally the worst board on 4chan, redditfag.

>> No.11286885
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>> No.11286982


>> No.11286989

>being a 20something trump voter

>> No.11287044
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The Simulacra by PKD.

>> No.11287106

At least he choose to fuck up his future himself. People getting drowned into the ruin by old fucks who won't live to see the consequences is much worse.

>> No.11287537
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>worst board on 4chan
Then leave faggot

>> No.11287550 [DELETED] 

damn, beat me too it

>> No.11288083

This debate would be fucking terrible because they would both just tell the same 8 stories they both rotate through the whole time.

>> No.11288163

Tale of two cities

>> No.11288250


>> No.11288289

Google it you dingus

>> No.11288484
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Or just control the institutions of mass media with the wealth and resources that you have and put down any attempt to change the status quo in any meaningful way

>> No.11288564

This also happened to me, but it was from another prole which made it a bit ridiculous and also very sad.

I was working on this summer job, washing machines in a nuclear power plant. This guy, a carpenter, laughingly told me that I was working a shitty job and that I should have done better with my life. I wanted to to tell him that it was a summer job, that I was going in a PhD program and would get paid a lot (of his tax) money for writing stuff that nobody would read. I tried not to be an asshole though. I was still angry for myself, but mostly for my colleagues and because these guys who experienced daily the violence of the economy still turned against those who suffered more than them

Also I couldn't punch him

>> No.11288585

Hitians killing eurangutan oppresors.

>> No.11290018

Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.11290257

History of the French Revolution.

>> No.11290268
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>> No.11290464


Why is his head so small?

>> No.11290481

he couldve just slapped him in the face or something, a bouncer is fully aware of his own power and knows that if he punches some twink they're going to drop.

I dont think hes guilty of murder or anything like that, but it's still not a reasonable reaction

>> No.11290507
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Idk who this dude is but he has a very bad habit of reposting teenage girl inspirational quotes in fancy words

>> No.11291026
File: 74 KB, 728x546, aid1424999-v4-728px-Measure-Hair-Loss-Step-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever thought about visiting reality?

>> No.11291035

once again /lit/ gives credence to the notion that reading actually makes you less intelligent

>> No.11291046

idk about ayn rand, but the masses of relatively inferior people can definitely oppress the superior by coordinating and using their numbers

>> No.11291070

inferior and superior are value judgements

>> No.11291258

I’m a rich boy, I live in a big house and my dad drives a Beamer to and from his job as deputy CEO. I’m a person just like you, only I have more money.
Na na na nu nu I have more money than you na na na nu nu stick your head in du du

>> No.11291277

Who gives a fuck what Americans are doing

>> No.11291289

Dude, it’s 2018! Enough with your nig nog nonsense

>> No.11291311

>parasites think they are just like the people who make the whole world work
The kek is real.

>> No.11291322

being a CEO is not parasitic, they fulfill a function that has to be filled

>> No.11291345

This is why nobody likes Marxists.
Nice theories of the inherent problems and injustices within Capitalist societies, too bad your contemporary political movement is full of tankies and outright psychopathic Red Fascists.

(semi-friendly reminder that "Jacobin" is an utterly horrifying name for a magazine)

>> No.11291376

So they are, but so do doctors, janitors, nurses, plumbers, engineers, construction workers, teachers, gardeners, etc.
It just so happens that some professions (e.g. CEOs) are vastly overvalued beyond any reasonable justification.

>> No.11291389

it was a zizek quote bot, it generated quotes. Thats the joke, is that Peterson literally challenged a bot to a debate

>> No.11291394

I think you mean spooks

>> No.11291402

Zizek is a just as big of a hack fraud as Jordan Peterson is.
That's the most tragic thing about the entire story.

>> No.11291683

>It would have taught him a lesson in the school of the streets.
Not a thing. You don't have the right to assault someone for being a snarky cunt.

>> No.11291764

>y-you can't punch me because that would violate the NAP

>> No.11291941

This board is not shit.

>> No.11293012

alright it's good but pol does get in the way a little

>> No.11293047

/pol/ keeps the board from being an echo chamber

>> No.11293059

If by 'echo chamber' you mean 'a place with meaningful, intelligent discussion and rational non-biased argumentation', then yeah. /pol/ keeps this board from being an echo chamber...

>> No.11293081

there are tonnes of varied viewpoints present here that aren't retarded
pol leaving wouldn't make the board an echo chamber at all

>> No.11293124

It's fun watching people get flustered and angry though.

>> No.11293561

>Mein Kampf

>> No.11293571

woah cool it with the antisemtic remarks

>> No.11294132
File: 55 KB, 360x450, 20170915-op-venture-lawless-mitchell-delgado-roberts-pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after spending a life sentence in prison.
Most likely only did 8 years for manslaughter, the same circumstances appeared here
and that was even on CCTV
UK prison sentences are very short

>> No.11294145

t r i g g e r e d

>> No.11294158


>the amount of people actually celebrating this response

Pol is a virus.

>> No.11294170

Enjoy ur bubble.
But fear the day you run out of money and people start being honest with you.

>> No.11294175

Not worth it.
Told him to "Keep calm"

>> No.11294180

Lack of soft skills cost a lot of energy and leads to disasters in the long-run.

>> No.11294206

No they're not.
Post a single example. I guarantee it's almost always from hitting concrete afterwards.

>> No.11294210

The video is not the incident in the OP. Just an example of concrete dangers.
Yeah, looks like he broke his own neck.

>> No.11294690

Being given 8 years =/= doing 8 years. All non-indefinite sentences in the UK are automatically halved unless you really fuck up
On average one-punch deaths get <4 years, which means only doing 2 years.

>> No.11294785

Meritocracy, retard. If you're good at something, are motivated, and work hard, then you can succeed. Every time, easy. If you're not motivated and smart, well that's OK too. All you need to do to not be poor is graduate high school and get a job as a bank teller or some shit. The only time that you won't be successful is when you're either a lazy fuck, or you make or have made bad decisions.

Stay mad, faggot.

>> No.11294807

black jacobines.

>> No.11294852

>On average one-punch deaths get <4 years, which means only doing 2 years.
The absolute state of the UK's justice system
Whats the point of having a police state if someone can kill you and do 2 years watching tv in a hotel

>> No.11294889

>If you're good at something, are motivated, and work hard, then you can succeed. Every time, easy.

>> No.11294900
File: 79 KB, 620x753, parisvstesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11295035

You’re an idiot if you believe that the living conditions for the vast majority of Americans are in any way comparable to those in France and Russia immediately before their revolutions or that the French and Russians of today don’t do the same thing.

>> No.11295091

Mosh of you speak from positions of privelege. When a country rich in resources loses its aristocracy and most of its middle class in wars and economic upheavals, and its government is replaced with a corrupt one, everything is lost. The aristocracy, like the one seen in Europe, is very important to a stable country. When all that’s left are the very top echelon of a revolutionary group and the poor, then the poor take over those positions. Whether I’d be by violent theft from the families of the now poor nobles, or by drug dealing, it all results in the same, bloody tyranny. The new aristocracy of the poor made rich is one of blood, and bodies strung up on underpasses, or raped bloated corpses being fished out of a river, it as all so common now.
The aristocracy is not better than the poor, nor the poor better than the aristocracy. They both have roles to fulfill, and when that order is turned on its head, there will be hell to pay

>> No.11295141

>the aristocracy is very important to a country
no its not that cause warfare and steal from the public, they try to assassinate regents and appropriate valuable land for themselves. the UK and America have gained massive stability and economic supremacy since freeing themselves from the nobility. the most prosperous periods in America had the lowest wealth inequality and in the UK were far removed from aristocratic order. You just made everything up. The demographic crisis is from technological ascendancy and free trade

>> No.11295173

go baq reddit, this isn’t your outpost, leave

>> No.11295178

Yes everything I said was made up. The headlines of the mass shootings while the army soldiers stationed there do nothing until its hours later.
Both countries you mentioned have had aristocracies in their times of greatness, the morally corrupt rich you all complain about. Just because wealth inequality is at a low doesn’t mean it’s not there, don’t delude yourself.
Having a rich aristocracy to fund businesses, but who were also born in the country and love it is also important. I’m not saying all aristocrats are like that, but I’d much prefer an aristocrat to the drug lords we have now. There would be much less blood on the streets

>> No.11295186

>They both have roles to fulfill
that's exactly the point, aristocrats time and time again to abuse their power and by consequence they get overthrown. without a system of checks and balances revolutions are only a matter of time

>> No.11295205

There’s more to revolutions, but that is true. More common now since the aristocracies now just look after themselves and not the country as most of them were taught to do in the past. I do think education is failing the modern world as we know it. For both the rich and poor alike

>> No.11295785

Don't know about other countries but this is true here in France.
The people actually holding the power are mostly an unelected permanent administration that comes from very few schools in semi-endogamic circles. Things like the ENA. They are virtually untouchable by status (it is truly a nightmare to get any legal action against one of their members) and can get away with mostly anything.
As anon says, it would be tolerable if they were comprised of Colberts, Sullys or Hausmanns like the tradition of French high administration classes until WWI.

>> No.11295797

What manga is this from?

>> No.11295816

>tfw the first post is actually the best post
>fringe psychos btfo
>inb4 lel radical centrist
>im a soc dem senpai