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11279422 No.11279422 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: refute this
protip: you literally can't

>> No.11279468

you're right I can't. between their fucking enlightenment politics and garbage pomo philosophy the French literally ruined the West. tho it makes sense since France is the Templar's base of operations and Jacques de Molay's buddies have been performing all their rituals there since medieval times so it only makes sense that France is the great Whore of Babylon from which sll corruption issues forth

>> No.11279493

The West was ruined by greedy Protestant bankers who took advantage of the economy post WW2 and turned everyone into a consumerist robot. Thank FDR for that

>> No.11279508

I'm not familiar with american culture and history but wasn't it Truman who started to fuck shit up for the welfare system? I was always under the impression FDR was a fairly normal president who had to deal with a WW

>> No.11279509
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Prove to me the west is ruined first, because from where i'm sitting things are moving smoothly. If it was ruined, you wouldn't be able to get food, let alone shitpost

>> No.11279518

Oh boy, more liberal bitching about things that ruin their agenda. Though how the fuck is anyone supposed to refute an opinion, anon? "I don't like X" isn't something to refute. Fuck off.

>> No.11279525
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that was pretty easy

>> No.11279534

>How French Intellectuals improved* the west
Honestly, all 4chan reactionaries are just resentful virgins and everyone here knows that.

>> No.11279539

The world doesn't deserve this man

>> No.11279578

France didn't ruin nothing. Everything we do or write works for us since we're not utilitarian anglos, or soulless germans, or emasculated swedes. And yes I'm serious. Iran and France have the most advanced cultures in the world.

Rest of the world is exactly like the manichean depictions of holywood. Only people I've met capable of subtlety and perspectivism were french and iranian.

Americans angry that 'pomo ruined everything' and that 'french philosopher are gay' need to take a good look at their fucking wasteland of a culture. How come everyone in france gives zero fucks about 20th wave retarded feminism, even though feminism actually comes from here? How come france has the second highest gun ownership rate in the world with very low crime?

>> No.11279596

based pierre

>> No.11279601

>soulless germans
Are you forgetting huge amounts of music here, Frog-buddy?

>> No.11279607

FDR literally tried to take over the supreme court. Truman told Texas they didn't own offshore oil.

>> No.11279609

While this guy clearly knows his stuff, why did he became a meme in here as opposed to some other dude who teaches Hegel?

>> No.11279612

You can't say this is bad considering the US does it all the time in other countries

>> No.11279613

'ruined' = people exist that do things you dont like
'unruined' = people that do things you dont like dont exist

>> No.11279615


>> No.11279628

I apologize. Bach is the greatest musician who has ever lived.

>> No.11279634

> French intellectuals ruined...
> literally states "It drew on avant-garde and surrealist art and earlier philosophical ideas, particularly those of Nietzsche and Heidegger"

for real, it's those psychotic Germans always bringing Europe to the brink of collapse

>> No.11279636

Postmodernism is an emergent phenomenon of post-Fordist capitalism. You could save time, and ironically be less obfuscatory, by simply saying that capitalism has ruined the West.

>> No.11279641

Why would I attempt to refute an objective truth.
Objective truth does exist, you know.

>> No.11279646


>> No.11279670

Capitalism and US Imperialism LITERALLY never did nothing wrong and the FAULT for the ABSOLUTE RUIN and WHITE GENOCIDE of the west lies on a bunch of dudes who dropped acid while reading Nietzsche and kinda went off the rails.

>> No.11279677
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If it's an emergent phenomenon of post-Fordism then why did it emerge before post-Fordism?

>> No.11279682


>> No.11279710 [DELETED] 

His entire philosophical project was to put doubt into all the fundamental beliefs of western culture. He emphasized the need for using gender-neutral and species-neutral language when referring to mankind.

He respected no contemporary philosopher except for Derrida, whom he tried unsuccessfully to meet.

A pagan LARPing National Socialist invented post-modernism.

>> No.11279715


Because he is a big guy.

>> No.11279719
File: 23 KB, 211x300, Young-Heidegger-211x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His entire philosophical project was to put doubt into all the fundamental beliefs of western culture. He emphasized the need for using gender-neutral and species-neutral language when referring to mankind.

He respected no contemporary philosopher except for Derrida, whom he tried unsuccessfully to meet.

A pagan LARPing National Socialist invented post-modernism.

>> No.11279721

>How come france has the second highest gun ownership rate in the world with very low crime?

>> No.11279722

It didn't.

>> No.11279725

Based French accelerating the West out of its misery

>> No.11279750


>> No.11279800

for you

>> No.11279807

France these days is a country where men are not legally allowed to do paternity tests because legally enforced cuckoldry is considered in the best interests of the children. Lmao.

Where did France go so wrong? It used to be a world class power. Now all the french do is lose wars and get shot up by terrorists. I blame the philosophers.

>> No.11279816

Well done ! This is a pretty good /pol/ caricature.

>> No.11279834

Very good job, you actually had me going up until literally the last sentence. But then you proved you're ignorant and a troll so have a nice life, fuck off

>> No.11279863


>France these days is a country where men are not legally allowed to do paternity tests

this is fake right

>> No.11279870
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>tfw canadian intellectuals are saving the west

>> No.11279877

Nope, its 100% real. The only way to test the paternity of a child is by getting a judge to specifically agree to it during a divorce hearing. Otherwise its categorically illegal

>> No.11279886

I absolutely believe Justin Trudeau made Canadians finally snap and it ushered in a new golden age of Canadian Conservative thought.

Judges can order Paternity tests, but private individuals can't under Art. 226-25 to 226-30 of the Penal Code,

>> No.11279885
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>A more serious example of French paternity conundrums is the case of Julien Charnolé, whose girlfriend claimed the daughter she bore three years ago was the result of rape, and put the infant up for adoption.
>Charnolé later learned from the judge investigating the rape that a DNA test proved he was the biological father. On May 28th, a French court ruled that the adoption was irreversible, in the interest of the child.
>Charnolé says every time he passes a little girl in the street he wonders whether she’s his. He is appealing the court’s decision.

So this is the power of superior French culture...

>> No.11279890


are you saying that for non-paternity of the husband to be legally recognized a judicial order is necessary? is this significantly different in other countries?

>> No.11279896

No I'm saying it is categorically illegal to send for a test simply for your own personal knowledge

>> No.11279897

In other words you want privatised gene testing without any regulation. Jesus fucking Christ, you amerifats are hysterical

>> No.11279904
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>In other words you want privatised gene testing without any regulation

Eh yeah, why the fuck not

>> No.11279905


but what does this mean, that the parternity test the husband obtains is not legally controlling, or that he literally can't get it? not the latter, right? i don't see how it'd be enforceable, he'd take the kid, get him tested, find out, and if it's not his get a legally binding test via a judge

>> No.11279906

Why the fuck would it be okay, given how it needs information from other people? Sounds like reasonable data protection.

>> No.11279910

Yeah, and umbrellas were ubiquitous in the 19th century because there were no sewage systems and everyone would just dump their piss and shit out of buckets from second floor windows. Sure, buddy.

>> No.11279914


sounds absurd and not really believable but what is the penalty, something token? i don't see this as enforcable

>> No.11279915

The French government literally said they don't want fathers getting paternity tests to "preserve the peace within families" i.e. they rather enforce relationships built on lies rather than let people confirm the reality

>> No.11279917

France, the country that tried to hold onto its colonies after WWII, dragged the U.S. into SE Asia with Vietnam, and caused us to embarrass ourselves. Apparently were devoid of culture, while they're devoid of fighting their wars.

>> No.11279918

This information is easily found online my man


>> No.11279919


it needs info from more people other than the father and child?

>> No.11279920

Have fun when google puts you in their dna database, sleep tight fat fuck american.

>> No.11279927

Sure go ahead, they'll use that information later to develope better healthcare to keep me alive and well. What else are they going to do with DNA?

>> No.11279930

Isn't that a right-wing dream? A family together despite all objections!
Besides, what does it matter, practically aka. in case of child support, how likely is that a judge will deny it?

How is a child supposed to give informed consent about that shit?

>> No.11279933

who's this latest brainlet youtube conservatism meme?

>> No.11279934

The Frenchmen in this thread are right. Their wives children do deserve a right to privacy.

>> No.11279935


ok, so not enforcable, just a silly hassle of a regulation. exactly zero fathers in doubt of parentage are going to obey it

>> No.11279939

>Isn't that a right-wing dream? A family together despite all objections!

Not when they're not even a family
Are you actually this much of a cuck or just French?

>> No.11279944

You're right but the law in principle is sickening

>> No.11279947

Spam you with more personalised ads. Lower your chance for employment if you have some hereditary shit. Who knows how much else is possible?

>> No.11279949

Who knows indeed. In either case it has nothing to do with a father wondering about the status of his child

>> No.11279951

>Isn't that a right-wing dream? A family together despite all objections!
I am 100% sure that law was passed by a conservative party
Anybody can provide further information?

>> No.11279966
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>> No.11279969

Total opposite, it was introduced during the Mitterand government

>> No.11279982

>In either case it has nothing to do with a father wondering about the status of his child
Given that this requires personal data, it obviously does. The father doesn't have the right to crack his girlfriends phone either in hopes of finding pics from Tyrone.

>> No.11279993

stfu you pearl clutching fag it's not like you'll even have a kid to have your right to dna screen it kinda taken away but not really, why do you even care

>> No.11279995

DNA is not "personal data" you disingenous fucking Jew, its DNA, i.e. it came out of his fucking ballsack

>> No.11280006

Paternity testing is legal in France though, so what's the problem, take it to a judge, coward.

>> No.11280010
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Ah I see we've reach the roestie/nu-male has no argument point

>> No.11280011

Can't get any more personal than your fucking DNA.

>it came out of his fucking ballsack
That'd be his data. Good luck doing a DNA test without taking the data from the kid. Which would require consent. Which is fucking tricky when talking about a fucking kid.

>> No.11280016

>Can't get any more personal than your fucking DNA.

How? Its right there on your face literally 24/7. Your name is personal too but your father fucking knows it

>> No.11280038

hair sample

>> No.11280043

>Paternity testing is legal in France though, so what's the problem
>take it to a judge
the judge has the power to deny, and this costs money?

>> No.11280054

>Its right there on your face literally 24/7.
Doesn't make it legal for someone to take it anymore than you have the right to take someone elses credit card.

>Your name is personal too but your father fucking knows it
Well, no shit. Parents have usually some rights to their kids personal data, and at some point the law limits them.

And how does it avoid the problem of consent about your data? I can guess someones bank account access too, it doesn't make it legal to actually access it.

>> No.11280069

>Doesn't make it legal for someone to take it anymore than you have the right to take someone elses credit card.

Dude you can not ride a bus without leaving your DNA behind. There is nothing at all private about DNA, its actively observable just by looking at a person and all the test does is display it analytically

In the future you'll be able to test people's DNA with devices smaller than a cellphone, its ridiculous to be pretending its some super secret thing

>> No.11280089

yes, it's quite easy to steal dna just like how it's very easy to take candy from little kids. the question is, should we?

>> No.11280093

I'm all for the racial myth but how the concept of "aristocratic privilege" laid way for now and it's consequences makes this ring on deaf ears

>> No.11280099

>Dude you can not ride a bus without leaving your DNA behind.
And no one has the right to actually analyse it, unless there is some crime investigation or the likes going on. No one has even the right to take your fingerprint without your consent either, no matter how easy it is.

>In the future you'll be able to test people's DNA with devices smaller than a cellphone
You can crack a card with a device about as small too. Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's going to be legal.

>> No.11280100

Yes and if it was properly adopted we would have the proper cultural response to today's crisis. Instead the left took it and used it against Europeans (and particularly Germans)

>> No.11280101

The answer to that question is to leave it up to the individual parents to decide. Just like yes they can decide to take candy off their kids if they think they shouldn't be eating it. Thats the point of being a parent

>> No.11280104


the actual question is 'do we', and the answer is 'yes'. that law isn't stopping testing from happening, and tests will only get cheaper, easier to acquire.

>> No.11280106

>And no one has the right to actually analyse it

Says you. Finders keepers bitch

>> No.11280117

Good luck arguing that in court.

>> No.11280122

Why the need for the argument? I could just say I thought it was my own hair. Fuck can you do about it

>> No.11280124

>And how does it avoid the problem of consent about your data?
there is a greater importance of a father knowing if the child he is rearing is biologically his, than a child losing a follicle of hair (as is done in a barbershop)

>> No.11280157

The accident defence, I bet no criminal before ever tried to argue that they "accidentally" pocketed in someones wallet. Going to need some luck, bro.

Who knows, it's not a question about losing a follicle of hair either way but about access to data coming from it, isn't it?

>> No.11280167

>, I bet no criminal before ever tried to argue that they "accidentally" pocketed in someones wallet.

I mean, unless you have active evidence that the wallet belonged to you then yeah, its mine now

>> No.11280174

Shit, how could anyone ever prove that their DNA belongs to them. Sounds like you're ready for the crime of the century, mate.

>> No.11280182

Ah but you see the catch. The only point at which I could be shown to know that the dna wasn't mine was after the test was conducted at which point I'm done with it
There is no "catching me in the act"

>> No.11280188

>complaining about the laws of another country
this is such an american thing to do, holy shit. dog bless you sir, and dog bless the united states of america.

>> No.11280198

holy shit, are you a french woman who gave birth to a child thats not your husbands?

>> No.11280201

Sure but there is a chance a shower with Tyrone might lower the joy from the "I am not the daddy" celebrations.

>> No.11280203

>france currently has a good culture
>isn’t a wasteland coasting on past glory

>> No.11280209

Hello, reddit!

>> No.11280218

>Who knows, it's not a question about losing a follicle of hair either way but about access to data coming from it, isn't it?
Yea, and people can collect all the hair off a barber shop floor every night and get the data of DNA from it, without anyone knowing.

A father gives his dna sample, and wants to see if it matches the child he is rearing. He plucks the hair, gets it tested and sees. The government already has all citizens DNA, from blood samples right, at doctor right?

>> No.11280220

America was founded on the basis of resisting the tyrannical laws of governments overseas.
Stay unfree europoor

>> No.11280227

This. I want to steal this faggots DNA just because I can. I'm coming for you Pierre

>> No.11280246

>people can collect all the hair off a barber shop floor every night and get the data of DNA from it, without anyone knowing.
If someone forgot their wallet there same rules apply, so far so good.

>gets it tested and sees.
And commits a crime.

>The government already has all citizens DNA, from blood samples right, at doctor right?
Maybe in Murica, I'd be pretty surprised if it's legal to collect without consent and store it in civilised countries. Last time I renewed my ID they asked my consent for a fucking fingerprint.

>> No.11280249

that's the whole west, France is still above average and the US are still the absolute cesspit
Then it became about installing tyrannical governments overseas.

>> No.11280252

>france is still better
>hatespeech laws
>full of monoglots
>not a single writer fit to shine pynchon’s shoes

>> No.11280259

>I prefer the right to hate-speech over the right to health care
Based priorities there, burger.

>> No.11280272

>not a single writer fit to shine pynchon’s shoes
this is what burgers actually believe

>> No.11280280

>waah I don't get handouts

Get a job Europoor

>> No.11280283

>frenchman pisses his pants and runs to his journalese about how its better to give all your money away rather than pay by choice
Be more careful, wouldn’t want you to get arrested for these posts, slave

>> No.11280286

Name them, I’n in the mood for some comedy

>> No.11280289

free healthcare is better than being allowed to say nigger, and i support our right to say nigger

>> No.11280318

>>gets it tested and sees.
>And commits a crime.
You conveniently left out: without anyone knowing.

How many barber shops in the world? How many different customers a day? How many people paroling to know for certain where each hair follicle on the floor goes? That is supremely important, it may be illegal for DNA to be extracted from and uploaded: yet it would be impossible for the law to know if a barbershop has just sold all the hair on their floor to a person looking to do that, and no one would ever trace it, or anything.

>Maybe in Murica
Likely in all hospitals, and kids when they get their check ups as youth give blood.

But anyway, say a dad unsure if his wifes kid is his, plucks the kids hair, gives it to, the DNA-into-data service, and upload it onto a computer to see if it matches the father or not.

What could they possibly do with that data?

>> No.11280329


where do foreigners get this idea that there's no free healthcare here?

in nj, you don't even need a social security number. all the illegals get free healthcare. and it's likely better than the frog-care.

>> No.11280339

>free healthcare

You mean healthcare taken out of your taxes. Its only free if you're a nigger who never contributes anything

>> No.11280345
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>it isn't free because it's actually payed by your taxes
woah, any other redpill you want to share with us?

>> No.11280347

what good things do taxes pay for?

>> No.11280348

>What could they possibly do with that data?

He could clone his own kid. Imagine the horror of him bringing a twin into the world

>> No.11280352
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>Please spoofeed me
No thanks ameriburger, go read a book and expand your horizon

>> No.11280354

Big armies to stop European pussy states from getting invaded

>> No.11280356

What’s the differenve between that and a frenchman?

>> No.11280363

>get refuted
>hide behind easy feminine sarcasm and racist cartoons.
I think you were right, French culture really is remarkable.

>> No.11280371

>giving an opinion is spoonfeeding
You know I can't look that up right?
nvm, I can look up what the journals/ your bottom tier unis tell you to like

>> No.11280372

>the west ruined the west

so, literally nothing of value to read here?

>> No.11280374

i live in Amerikwa and its not free
yes a small amount of taxes, most of it going to SS, military, infrastructure and education, the rest to HC, so me and my family don’t have to worry about sickness. The Nazis had free healthcare you stupid fucking conservative

>> No.11280376
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You didn't refute anyone you fucking cretin, you simply stated the obvious and acted like it was some incredible truth while ignoring that the average mutt actually spends a lot more on healthcare than the average french

>> No.11280383

>everywhere is my state
You're certainly a product of our public schools

>> No.11280391

>I can't look that up
>Can't look up who France's most famous XX century writers were
Burger please stop drinking this much Mt dew the amount of sugar is so high is making your brain function incorrectly

>> No.11280398

Im not defending the state im just not a sociopath, the public, even disgusting mutant proles, need healthcare. We cannot afford to let the working class die, and white working class are disproportionately negatively affected by a lack of HC

>> No.11280402

what else?

>> No.11280411

>pay 3000 per year less and more taxes overall
>"this is worth letting daddy gov't tell me what to say and think"
>"mutt utt burger wah stop beating me"

>> No.11280416

>Can't look up who France's most famous XX century writers were
No one is talking about the 20th century as a whole. We're talking about contemporary culture, and apparently I'm talking to mental children.

>> No.11280422


>> No.11280429

I think it's safe to say that you're mentally impaired at this point

>> No.11280441

>We cannot afford to let the working class die,
I work in insurance, I am very healthy and spend most of my life just relaxing in a comfy chair in air conditioning, I likely will never use public health insurance, so why should a small amount of tax from millions of people just like me pay for some sweaty pig who breaths in asbestos or drops a steel beam on his foot. Shouldnt his health be his companies concern, workmans comp? Dont most companies take care of their employees health insurance?

>> No.11280442
File: 158 KB, 990x1627, 20180222-160745-leepicmemeguy-id2394111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy getting my children shot by mentally ill /r9k/ virgins so fucking much!

>> No.11280449

>I think
I highly doubt that

>> No.11280450

>so me and my family don’t have to worry about sickness

Only if you're an idiot. By definition publicly taxed welfare limits your capacity to direct your own finances to deal with your own medical situations. Eurocucks don't realize it but their family members are dying when they could have payed for a better doctor

>> No.11280454

>reduced to reddit memes and greentexts
This was too easy

>> No.11280458

>ban guns
>gets shot by a Muslim anyway

>> No.11280462

To be fair, 3000 is a low price to buy a frenchman off. Most of their women go for much less

>> No.11280468

Holy crap, this is some good story-telling on my /lit/.

Isn't your life expectance still below Cuba?

>> No.11280471

>been spouting Fox News propaganda that he's been brainwashed with since he was 2 years old
>Y-you're Reddit

>> No.11280478

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this faggot isn't even aware that every EU country has an healthy private sector alongside their public one
enjoy getting cucked by your republican overlords you fatass

>> No.11280481

“In a traditional German toilet, the hole into which shit disappears after we flush is right at the front, so that shit is first laid out for us to sniff and inspect for traces of illness. In the typical French toilet, on the contrary, the hole is at the back, i.e. shit is supposed to disappear as quickly as possible. Finally, the American (Anglo-Saxon) toilet presents a synthesis, a mediation between these opposites: the toilet basin is full of water, so that the shit floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected. [...] It is clear that none of these versions can be accounted for in purely utilitarian terms: each involves a certain ideological perception of how the subject should relate to excrement. Hegel was among the first to see in the geographical triad of Germany, France and England an expression of three different existential attitudes: reflective thoroughness (German), revolutionary hastiness (French), utilitarian pragmatism (English). In political terms, this triad can be read as German conservatism, French revolutionary radicalism and English liberalism. [...] The point about toilets is that they enable us not only to discern this triad in the most intimate domain, but also to identify its underlying mechanism in the three different attitudes towards excremental excess: an ambiguous contemplative fascination; a wish to get rid of it as fast as possible; a pragmatic decision to treat it as ordinary and dispose of it in an appropriate way. It is easy for an academic at a round table to claim that we live in a post-ideological universe, but the moment he visits the lavatory after the heated discussion, he is again knee-deep in ideology.”

>> No.11280484

>Isn't your life expectance still below Cuba?

Not for whites lmao

>> No.11280487 [DELETED] 

If the private sector is so healthy then what's the point of the public sector?

>> No.11280503

Idiot if you have been paying high taxes to support a public system then unless you're highly wealthy you're not going to have the income justified to look into your own medical freedom. You're stuck with Doctor Rajputa Mustaffa just like Jamel down the road on welfare.
Meanwhile its an objective fact that all the best European doctors move to the US

>> No.11280571

Memes are reality in Murica.

>> No.11280635

My workplace takes ~ 25 bucks out of each paycheck to pay for benefits. I'd much rather pay a few bucks in taxes than deal with this highway robbery + be shit out of luck if I ever decided to leave my job / got an injury that stopped me from doing it.

>> No.11280640

> plus tip

Oh goddesses, I'm dying.

>> No.11280643

no one pays "high taxes", as I've already explained Americans spend more on healthcare on average
keep getting brainwashed by Ben Shapiro and fox news good goy

>> No.11280648

France is unironically my least favorite nation on the planet.

>> No.11280666

That's the price of freedom Bernie. Much rather spend more knowing every pennies going to the right place than pumping it into Shoshokwans abortion fund

>> No.11280667

Why the fuck do lefties feel the need to defend this?

>> No.11280677

I actually do
t. australian

>> No.11280681

>greedy Protestant bankers
sure thing rabbi

>> No.11280696

>How come everyone in france gives zero fucks about 20th wave retarded feminism
because you’re all Muslim

>> No.11280697

>hasn’t had a stable government or a strong economy since before the French Revolution
Haha okay Pierre.

>> No.11280717

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11280728

Being able to yell "Nigger" while you're dying due lacking HC almost balances it out tbqh.

>> No.11280734

You're right about Iranians, wrong about French.

>> No.11280739

>How is a child supposed to give informed consent about that shit?
this is a good caricature of a dipshit leftist

>> No.11280873

stfu dumb catholic faggot, you are not REAL PEOPLE

>> No.11280901

>those plump legs