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/lit/ - Literature

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11279361 No.11279361 [Reply] [Original]

Do you do a once-through with books you have trouble comprehending or do you force yourself to reread difficult passages to get a full understanding before proceeding? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11279370

I find it works better for me if I mostly power through and then return to it to reread later.

>> No.11279647
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>> No.11281324

If it's a philosophical text, I might re-read a few passages if I do not understand them at first glance. I keep notes, and jot down most of the main concepts I encounter.
If it's fiction, I try to get as much as possible out of my first reading, depending only upon what I can recall. There are few works of fiction I've actually re-read, like The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, and a few Shakespeare plays (which I had to re-read for class years after first reading them).

>> No.11281332

If I feel lost I will go back a few pages and reread. I don't reread entire fiction books, only after I have forgotten the main details of the story and only know the general idea of the plot.

>> No.11281426

I am a brainlet, I have had to re-read certain books 3-4 times to properly understand them.

Usually works on philosophy/metaphysics

Does not help that most of the books I own are in English and not in my native language, so there is so much to misinterpret

>> No.11281431

If I don't remember a character or suddenly realize I have no idea what is happening I usually go back a page or so to regain my bearings.