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File: 66 KB, 367x655, Nietzsche187b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11276676 No.11276676 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think you could beat Nietzsche in a fight? Note: the young, prussian artillery officer Nietzsche that is.

>> No.11276733

When naked; yeah.

>> No.11276739

Nietzsche was renowned as a sick weakling

>> No.11276784

>discharged for lung problems
>later became a medic
obviously he was expert at a different bloodsport

>> No.11276960

But he fought a german academic sabre duel.

>> No.11276965

did frederick the great ever meet kant or hegel or them niggas? i know about voltair

>> No.11276967

well i guess fred died when hegel was only 10, but his life is a good with kant's. i also thought hegel and kant had more of an overlap

>> No.11276969


>> No.11276992

Honestly he looks like a bitch.

>> No.11277012

he mentions being bored among fraternity bros because they became too dionysian even for his own taste.

>> No.11277217

Most definitely.

>> No.11277231

Anyone here could. He was a sickly little autistic pussy who was injured in tbe war. I could honestly kill him with my vare hands in under 30 seconds and I wouldn't hesitate to.

>> No.11277567


>> No.11277575

Naked but with sabre yeah!

>> No.11278504

Honestly it is the very opposite. Nietzsche was such a great stylist and so good at boiling down his complex ideas into powerful images and concepts, that a casual or lazy reader or a Wikipedia skimmer might come away with a completely wrong idea of what N is actually saying as they haven’t gone the whole hog. The fault lies with readers either expecting to be spoon fed or so bowled over by the simplified introduction of the respective philosophical argument that they cannot see the wood for the trees.

>> No.11278516

Whoops wrong thread

>> No.11278517


yes for philosophy he's tricky in a weird way


i cant imagine it would take even fifteen seconds to subdue him. maybe if he ran.

>> No.11278593

Ah yeah Nietzsche the "physical strength is everything" guy

>> No.11278746

Does he have a gun?
Then yes.

>> No.11278871
File: 5 KB, 355x142, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He propably had one of these.


>> No.11278889

i would kill him with my bare hands and eat his HPT to absorb his power, yes

>> No.11278925
File: 1.47 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180606-211818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you*
*unsheates katana*
Nothing personel, kid

>> No.11279342

Do you think had Fred lifted and became swole that he wouldn't bother writing and developing his theory?