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File: 75 KB, 564x705, De76ZgBXUAA4oSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11273239 No.11273239 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading attic

For when you want to read while hiding from the world.

>> No.11273288

yes i'll take one please

>> No.11273304
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>> No.11273439


>> No.11273443



>> No.11273458
File: 97 KB, 736x552, 275352e7227498a6306497db9441dd37--vita-sackville-west-library-home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd rather have vita sackville west's writing room

>> No.11273462
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post comfy

>> No.11273467
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i mean it's in a castle tower and everything

>> No.11273469
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>> No.11273480


>> No.11273495

bump for cocaine

>> No.11273505

Reminds me of Hogwarts :-)

>> No.11273569
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>> No.11273579
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>mfw this is my room in parent's house

>> No.11273580
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>> No.11273582
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I don't need to hide if everyone ignores me

>> No.11273600
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>> No.11273607
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>> No.11273883

female romanticized bullshit. you think it's a perfect cozy workroom only because of how great he photographer was. In reality
>holy shit, every time I put pressure on the floor it creeks like Odin's diarrhea
>why the fuck is it so hot in here
>why the fuck is it so cold in here (night time)
>my perfect cute desk doesn't have space for a lamp, guess I can't do anything in the evenings
>jesus christ those birds are so loud
>why the fuck did I buy a 100 year old antique chair that is killing my back
>why the fuck did I buy a 200 year old antique desk that wobbles when I write the word "pretentious" with a fountain pen
>oh my god my asthma
>why in the fuck did I spend $200 on this collection of moldy 1930's almanacs, it smells like a library in Detroit

>> No.11274110

>he doesn't read outside

>> No.11274127


>creeks like Odin's diarrhea


>> No.11274171
File: 212 KB, 1023x800, 1024px-Carl_Spitzweg_-_Der_arme_Poet_(Neue_Pinakothek).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnificent. I appreciate a humble garret if I could for a writing space, preferably with small windows. Some of the options ITT are too bougie for my tastes.

Growing up a relative had a spare room adjacent the stables of her barn. It was a nasty spidery room that I would never sleep in as an adult but it was cozy as a boy to read in and listen to the animals and weather outside.

>> No.11274262

Ok so I live and read in an attic:
>loud as fuck (children and men screaming outside, if you live with people all the sound goes up, water tank is beside you and that's loud as fuck)
>warm as fuck, opening a window only allows sound in, suffocate to death
>long way to get anything

>whole room vibrates with heaters thus causing awful sound
>if you live with people they're louder if anything
>temperature problem gone, comfy snow is comfy
>gets dark real fucking fast

Obviously your mileage may vary but overall I'd recommend living in the forest alone.

>> No.11274741

Oh hell fucking yes.

>> No.11274767

enjoy your sweaty stifling heat

>> No.11274903
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>all these hipster pads
Only suckers keep chasing the dream, lads.

>> No.11275000

the first thing i thought after seeing this is the amount of bugs that will be crawling on my books.

>> No.11275033

>Keeping finished paintings on easels for no reason
I don't even know why this is pissing me off so much

>> No.11275293
File: 249 KB, 248x459, Bugs...EasyOnTheCarrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs... easy on the books.

>> No.11277077
File: 1.38 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20160227_043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading abandoned military base.
For when you want to read while hiding from the zombies.

>> No.11277080

>incredibly hot in the summer
>cold as fuck in the winter, likely no heating

no thanks

>> No.11277866
File: 59 KB, 500x331, 1434995042996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesse Ventura has joined your party.
>It ain't me starts playing.

>> No.11278051

can't you insulate the roof to prevent that?

>> No.11278342

People are noisy though. I wish I could get some quiet.

>> No.11278348

Imagine all the spiders.

>> No.11278377

spiders are good. what you have to imagine is all the silverfish that attracted the spiders in the first place.

>> No.11278414

I've had the good fortune of only having to deal with silverfish once. But I trust neither. Spiders have no respect for personal space.

Do you deal with a lot of spiders/silverfish/similar creatures?

>> No.11278427

spiderbros won't eat your books and will eat the things that do. maybe they just like you?

>> No.11278477

an oil lamp solves the lighting issue, the window will make the heat slightly more bearable (though it would be best to have a fan on groundlevel), the cold isn't a problem if you just pile on the blankets. everything else is sadly pretty accurate. the creaking would be nice, though.

>> No.11278530
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This will be my office one day

>> No.11278542

Anyone have a source on this? I remember seeing it a lot a long time ago when there were more general reading room/ post your study threads.

>> No.11278554
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>> No.11278566

It's the personal library of Richard A. Macksey

>> No.11278578

Forgot link


>> No.11278637
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1495308523039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe they just like you
th-that can't be it

>> No.11278817

Actually a clever twist on an old tired meme.

>> No.11278884

living for toooodayyyyyyyy aha-aaaaaaah

>> No.11278958

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.11278985

That's just fucking impractical.

>> No.11279724

Looks pretty comfy though. Like many others in this thread I suppose. Hoping a more modern post your study thread pops up soon.

>> No.11279862
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>> No.11279916

This picture makes me want to divorce my wife, buy a bike, and leave the country.

>> No.11279941

My professor recommends starting with homeric.

>> No.11279979

i haven't seen a 'post your reading area' thread in a looong time.

>> No.11281905

Same. Someone really ought to make one. I have an awful reading area so I couldn't really start a compelling thread like that.

>> No.11283325

Everyone knows you don't have a wife. I'm doubting you have a bike as well.

>> No.11283485
File: 167 KB, 448x324, Richard Burton Switzerland library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11283541

>confining your love of books to a single room
>not giving over your entire home to literature
do you pee sitting down so as to avoid toxic masculinity too?

>> No.11283562


What if every room is like this?

>> No.11283673

My teacher told me that it's dangerous to keep your books in the same room you sleep because of fungi et al. It got me scared because I keep old af books on my bedside. :c

>> No.11283721

Comfy as fuck.