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/lit/ - Literature

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1127253 No.1127253 [Reply] [Original]

So recently there's been a lot of h8 going on around this board towards me and I just wanna amend our relationship right now. So I'm going to make a topic about books (i usually do but apparently you guys never notice even if my threads have 100+ replies)

Soo what are some books that you guys carry around in public? I saw a guy carrying Lolita around and then girls were saying eww because he's a pedophile probably. I don't think Lolita is a good book to walk around with in public...

>> No.1127269

I'm going to carry some Foucault & Dostoevsky about uni so I can seem hipster sexy.

good choice, yes/no?

>> No.1127268

quentin you will never know what a faggot you are

>> No.1127273

get aids and die already ffs

>> No.1127274

Yeah that's what I was doing I would be reading outside my English classroom last year sometimes before school started and it was Crime and Punishment sometimes so a big book like that will look ok i think

>> No.1127276

i understand about the Lolita thing, i usually carry plays around in public more than books, just for ease of reading when commuting, i don't like reading a book then being interrupted, but i find plays easier to pick up and put down when required.

apart from that i carry around only my textbooks needed for study, but always in a bag, never just in my arms.

>> No.1127284

You already are Hipster Sexy.....

OP, i used to love you and all.. but this new avatarfag shit is just so shitty.

>> No.1127294

It's Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame if you think it's shitty then you might as well think Christianity is shitty

>> No.1127295

Thanks Quentin, I actually feel a bit more ok about trying this. Would it be stupid to bring a book along to freshers? Actually I guess it would... Dunno what I'll do then. I could maybe try to talk to people about books + music.

>i usually carry plays around in public more than books, just for ease of reading when commuting, i don't like reading a book then being interrupted, but i find plays easier to pick up and put down when required.
That's actually a really good point. I'm going to start on Hamlet soon. You're really taking this contribution thing seriously then? :D

>> No.1127297


>> No.1127298


>> No.1127301

If you bring a book then people will see you're reading a book and maybe talk to you and ask you what you're reading or they could leave you alone which is what they did for me half of the time for some reason

>> No.1127303

Wow so much samejellyfags why don't you just leave me alone? I'm talking about books you idiots

>> No.1127310
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>or they could leave you alone which is what they did for me half of the time for some reason
This is what I'm scared of. How do you not let that bother you Quentin? I think I'll just wait till classes start.

I think Quentin annoys you simply because he makes you aware of how uncultured & boring you are.

u mad?

>> No.1127315

Since I'm p. mature I don't let things like that irritate me and I look more smarter than them anyways

>> No.1127318


that first sage post wasn't me. well, time to fire up the attentionfag blocker add-on again.

>> No.1127319

I'm so immature ;_;

>> No.1127328


hell to the yeah!
i did that with Hamlet, Waiting for Godot, and The Homecoming at the same time, thankfully it's easy to flip between books when they're in play form, generally because they're shorter but also because of the dialogue being listed like it is.

>> No.1127340
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I dont carry around books to try to solicite opinons, I guess I'm not a total fucking pleb like some of these people.

>> No.1127343

How else would I make friends??

>> No.1127349

1. log onto 4chan
2. pick a good tripfag name for yourself
3. seek out other tripfags
4. gather together for buttsecks
5. ??????
6. PROFIT!!!

>> No.1127352

Quentin, you are a sophomore in high school. Start posting when your balls drop, you illustrious faggot.

>> No.1127351
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>> No.1127355
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You are a female, its easy to make friends as a female. People are going to be naturally attracted to your vagina. Even if you dont use it, that thing is like a bug zapper.

>> No.1127360



>> No.1127362

You hipsters..


>> No.1127361 [DELETED] 

My balls have dropped do you know anyone whose balls haven't dropped and is a sophomore in high school? lol

>> No.1127368


>> No.1127375

I carry textbooks around for classes, but I don't carry around the books I read for fun because I only read at home. If you carry around books to look smart, you're a huge faggot and you should just leave /lit/.

>> No.1127386



>> No.1127394

>/r9k/ propaganda
No people hate me because I'm so awkward. & If i'm not awkward I'm boring, I'm just med-zombie now

>> No.1127396
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>> No.1127407

Porn. I was carry porn in public. Though, that's more of a periodical, unless we're referencing the Suicide Girls photoshoot book located in the Women's Studies section of Barnes and Noble.

>> No.1127418
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I have the same problems, don't worry about it. Your inability to relate to others is probaly a result of having little in common with them, which is often a positive. Keep on the sunny side.

>> No.1127428

I've never seen this many ignorant faggots on one board.

Congrats on being #1 on my list of boards not visit.

>> No.1127429

I carry around the book I am reading at that time. Although it's usually in my bag, so I'm not really dislpaying it.

I use books for reading, weird, I know.

>> No.1127435

>tripfaggot calling people names

There's a saying about pots and kettles that comes to mind...

>> No.1127433

It's in the photography section at Borders.

>> No.1127437

are you a lady, what age?

what do you mean, i feel like a sub-human thats too boring so i spend my time on meds & just get shitty 2deep4u taste in everything...

>> No.1127439

Can I ask you a sincere question Quentin?

>> No.1127454

was that it

>> No.1127461

How much cock do you suck on a daily basis?

>> No.1127464

I guess I cannot.

>> No.1127465

none can i ask you a question why do you use such filthy language

>> No.1127468

if you want to and if it's an actual question go ahead i don't know why you have to ask

>> No.1127473

I want to know why you hate /lit/ so much.

>> No.1127474


Dude, don't ask any of the tripfags anything. Can't you see what banal attention-whores almost all of them are? I'd maybe have some small amount of respect for them if they had the dignity to remain anonymous instead of coming up here trying to become the next big thing or something. Look how much mutual masturbation they engage in. Ignore them and maybe they'll go away.

>> No.1127479
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No I'm not a lady, I just sort of identified with what you said about being awkrawd. You shouldnt think of yourself as "sub-human", I know what you mean by that, but its not a permanent feeling.

>> No.1127484

>Thread is almost cleanly split in half; tripfags having a somewhat decent conversation, and the anonymous posters antagonizing and saging

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
I always keep a copy of Borges' "Labyrinths" in my bookbag.

>> No.1127489

i don't hate lit i like it a lot it's the people here who hate me for some reason

>> No.1127496


And what *I* see is a bunch of tripfags bitching and whining about how nobody loves them, and not contributing anything of any consequence to any thread unless it's explicitly for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. I never heard an anon complain "Nobody loves me; that's it; I'm leaving forever." Seriously, how much more self-absorbed and un-self-aware could a person get? It's really pathetic.

>> No.1127503

Oh? But your presence is destroying it, how can you live with that? Let's assume you're not trolling at all, why not just go away for the good of the populace? You and you're tripfag friends are making this board suffer. Whether you're in the right or not people will still turn the threads to shit and little to no discussion will occur. Then again, dropping the trip would be rational if you actually enjoyed discussion, so one can only conclude that you're a troll.

>> No.1127510

anonimouse is legion...

tripfags are gay(why their called fags)..

never forgive,,
never forget....

>> No.1127512

My apologies.

>> No.1127515

I want Quentin to stay. I usually never see him shit-post & he makes lots of interesting threads (i'm bad at this). I don't see why he should have to go.

>> No.1127520

People carry books about? Keep em in a bag you fucktits.

>> No.1127524

you know why? because i really could not care less about people on the internet who i will never meet in my entire life hating on me. i can live with myself just fine since i don't care too much about this unlike a lot of people who seem to


>> No.1127523
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I think quentin should stay, but change his name back. And just get another password that is not blocked.

>> No.1127529


Yeah, actually you're right. It may have been decent if certain somebodies would learn how to ignore.

>> No.1127542

Alright then, fine by me. Merely a suggestion.

>> No.1127543


WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE YOU. That's the whole reason the concept of anon exists. Don't you get it, you self-obsessed little twit? Let me repeat: YOU'RE NOT HERE TO BE LIKED. You're here to contribute to a discussion so that you can help add to the knowledge base of humanity. ANONYMOUSLY. Because you WANT to contribute. Maybe just for amusement, even. NOT because you want some sort of petty recognition for it.

>> No.1127549



If you two really aren't samefags, then post at the same time to prove it.

>> No.1127551

What's the connection between fags and gays?

You smoke em both? Seems pretty farfetched to me...

>> No.1127563


I am the following posts: >>1127474,
>>1127496, and >>1127543. No more, no less.

>> No.1127571

Yeah, and I'm:


Post at the same time to prove it, you dumb shit.

>> No.1127587


Interesting request, nincompoop. How am I supposed to coordinate a postingh with someone when I can't communicate with them outside this board? You make no sense.

Furthermore, suppose for a second I WAS that guy. Suppose I was simultaneously all the anons here and everyone else who isn't you, whose opinions were similar to mine. If the point still made sense, none of that would negate it, would it? Go take a logic course. You can't come up in here trying to go ad hominim and thinking literate people are gonna buy it.

>> No.1127602


Yeah right, you fat slimy fuck. I know you're getting the proxy windows up for synchronized posting.

>> No.1127606


Oh, yeah, and by the way, I just noticed the other post you're trying to attribute to me belongs to... QUENTIN! LULZ! Moron. I think you might not have read the content of my posts very clearly.

>> No.1127616



>> No.1127619
File: 2 KB, 75x88, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess again, because I'm out of this pointless thread. It's like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

>> No.1127630


Oh, yes motherfucker, I read your shitty post. Just a red herring.

Forgot to post under your trip to make the suggestion you're two different people more believable? Too absorbed in argument? A dead giveaway: Hi quentin.

>> No.1127639


Guilty until proven innocent, you nasty fucking bastard. You two going to post at the same time, or are you just going to let everyone one laugh at you like the fucker you are?

>> No.1127645
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LMFAO, OK, wow. That is one convoluted conspiracy. Never mind that that schoolboy namefag writes nothing at all like me. Well, thanks for an entertaining round. Until next time: