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11272313 No.11272313 [Reply] [Original]

Lit, is this worth reading? I have a copy on my shelf.

>> No.11272329

It's worth skimming through only because of how often it's referenced. Some of the chapters are shit, some of them present legit insights, but overall it could be summarized in just a couple of pages.

>> No.11272335

It's not just only a racist book but it's also inaccurate probably.

>> No.11272343

Its entertaining i guess.
Idk if its accurate in any way.

>> No.11272344

Read it in highschool and I thoroughly enjoyed doing so because it contrasted nearly everything we read up until that point. Now after being done with college I have to agree with >>11272329. It does present very interesting ideas, but it does so in a very roundabout way with a lot of unnecessary filler. I still highly recommend reading it over.

>> No.11272350

It's very good public transportation reading. I would not spend my precious reading time on it.

>> No.11272354


does its title have anything to do with its success, popularity

>> No.11272363

Do you remember from 2008-~2013 when Cracked.com was popular reading?

>> No.11272442


no, ive never even heard of the site, what are you getting at

>> No.11272528

I mean it fulfills the same want to read social commentary told through anecdotes and pop science that Cracked would at nearly the same time. I had thought I remembered the book being advertised in articles on the site as well, but I can't find anything like that.

>> No.11272647

It's a good introduction to what microeconomists do, but some of the empirical research cited has since failed to reproduce (particularly the abortion thing which had an excel error kek). I'd say it's still worth reading, but if you want to read a pop econ book I'd recommend the Undercover Economist series by Tim Hartford instead.

>> No.11273617

its now more relevant than ever
changes the way you read things
especially statistics, news sources, authority figures, bias
a great tool to question and research more into things before you decide on a matter

>> No.11274569

Was a little disappointed in pictured, but the follow up SuperFreak.. is pretty solid.

>> No.11274618
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>reading freakonomics in 2018

stop being fragile

>> No.11274662

Don't read it for knowledge. Read it for fun.
It's good fun. Not great knowledge.

>> No.11274709

Long term sentiment rules over capital markets. The queen is short term sentiment. The ceo grtting busted for mass rapes might set a company back a bit, but investors only really care about the factories the company owns at the end of the day.