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11271177 No.11271177 [Reply] [Original]

Why is his ego so huge?

>> No.11271180

Because his face is too round and his benis is likely short and stout.

>> No.11271319

arabs just be like that

>> No.11271609

because he's better than everyone else

>> No.11271615

Because he deadlifts 500 kg

>> No.11271827

because he descends from niggers even though he doesn´t want to admit it

>> No.11271829

Real Question: Why aren't you antifragile?

>> No.11271856

He's Greek.

>> No.11271883


>> No.11271906

He's Lebanese, but Greek Orthodox.

>> No.11271959

Stop repeating yourself.

>> No.11271973


>> No.11271994

because he came up with a good central risk avoidance concept that even normies can learn. Then he got to pal around as a pundit, and now he assigns himself inflated worth

>> No.11272133

He's pretty great though.

>> No.11272141

'skin in the game' is a front for anti-semitism

>> No.11272144

He doesn't have a big ego, he's just angry, and he's angry because he works on Wall Street and has to deal with dumb fucks who don't understand basic probability every single day. Imagine knowing that the Earth is round and being surrounded by flat Earthers.

>> No.11272156

>being a spherecuck

>> No.11272164

Does he even work as a trader anymore? I though he made his $ and now just writes (and gets paid good for that as well)

>> No.11272189

His company (they were called Empirica or some shit) made over 1 billion using his "Black Swan Investing" technique, but then lost at least 600 million the year after, plus he got cancer, so he's not working full time as a trader but he still consults I think.

>> No.11272275

How do you know he has cancer? He doesn't seem like a kind of person that would admit that publicly.

>> No.11272277


But his ego is extremely small OP. Things is, he has many egos that collectively act in an antifragile way adapting to your attempts to call him Arab.

>> No.11272307

if you can't discern between greeks and others you should probably kys (or just leave /lit/)

>> No.11272330


>> No.11272716

If you're the leading philosopher of the 21st century... you would be too.

>> No.11272722

nice try Nassim

>> No.11272735


>> No.11272873

His /pol/ tier haplogroup spergouts are hilarious.

>> No.11272879

Is his investing method mentioned anywhere in his book?

>> No.11272941

I think that was a foreskin joke.

>> No.11272942

"Buy low, sell high."
Page 178, Black Swan.

>> No.11272950


>> No.11272951

his investing method was something like 'buy a bunch of options that will be safe even in the case of massive unlikely catastrophe, and buy a few options which are very unlikely to pay off but if they do will be very lucrative'

at least that's what he said in the black swan book

>> No.11272961

I don't know, Nick seems pretty humble, though it might just be that he's an Englishman.

>> No.11272978

never gonna make it. everyone knows you short the dip

>> No.11273159
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Because its taken so many knocks.

>> No.11273208

He invested, say, $500,000 in options every day, 95% of this money he would lose, but once every few weeks some Black Swan would occur and he would make back everything he lost and more. This is of course going by the principle that rare events are actually common. He makes money when a company collapses, when an earthquake destroys a town, when a plane crashes into a building. Alone, these events seem improbable, but these kinds of events that cause stock to jump up or down by ridiculous amounts, happen all the time

>> No.11273221

It's probably all the drugs

>> No.11273243


Nick is a regular Shanghai dad nowadays though. Probably even teaches his kids not to use drugs so that they don't accelerate their brains into deterritorialization of their selves into the capital godmachine

>> No.11273286
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Yet he still has it in him to write things like pic related. It's something to aspire to.

>> No.11273351

Because he lacks self-awareness.

>> No.11275175

Why is your ego so small?

>> No.11275194
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>> No.11275201

barbell - very safe investments and some really risky ones, he claims it will pay out more over the long run than a bunch of middle of the road investments

>> No.11275212

because he's too based

>> No.11275602

Imbecile. It's Lebanese. Z3rt kr7n t2lam3y.
I am blocking you. Stay off of Math Twitter.

>> No.11275664
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Isn't this just a De Maistre ripoff though?

>> No.11275745

Lads, I recently bought his book Antifragile. Did I do good?

>> No.11276142

I'm picking up either this or skin in the game today.

>> No.11276147


>> No.11276768


>> No.11276902

please someone post the speech of Ivan Karamazov in which he says he hardly believe in redemption (I'm a brainlet, that's the part where something like the lamb would forgive the wolf for killing him)

>> No.11277240
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>> No.11277260

Because nobody has called him out yet for repackaging stoicism

>> No.11277276

In all honesty why is it legal that people don't have "skin in the game" in the high finance sector? It just seems to me to be completely bizarre, if an engineer fails and makes a car that blows up he gets axed, yet if some banker fucks up with subprime mortgages he gets off like nothing happened?

>> No.11277446

The housing market collapse was like the assassination of Caesar - when everyone is guilty no one is punished.

And consider this - the people in charge of regulating and monitoring finnancial markets for the sake of the public, usually seek out employment in the private sector later in their careers. They tend to go soft on banks an other finnancial service providers because they are hoping to get cushy spots with those when they leave the public sector. You could say public servants have too much skin on the game, actually.

>> No.11277488

For protection. Privately, among his friends, he's probably a very pleasant person. Being bombarded daily by egotist-lets who've neither researched nor worked so hard as he has on his chosen fields via social media no doubt contributes to what is probably a generalized false perception. He's among the best so far as popular writing's concerned, however-

>> No.11277915

Oh god, he BTFO'd Krugman.

>> No.11277922

Spotted the Arab. This board stays white so fuck off you shitskin.

>> No.11277950

One in a million events happen every second of every day.

Taleb comes across as someone who isn't afraid to call a spade a spade and call bullshitters out on their bullshit. Modern mass society is in thrall to bullshit peddlers who don't practice what they preach i.e. have skin the game. He comes across as someone who lives by virtue, luckily for him he has fuck you money so it is not coming from a place of courage but all the same he's on the side of the everyman who just wants a piece of the pie in return for hard honest work and honouring our ancestry and birthright. Would love to go drinking with the madman in some Leb shithole.

>> No.11278047

Being of true Phoenician-Greek stock gives him a right to be arrogant

>> No.11278072

>Insult Taleb
>He only gets stronger
God damn it Taleb...

>> No.11278346

>You could say public servants have too much skin on the game, actually.

That's interesting.

Btw is Taleb J2? Did he get tested?

>> No.11279091

hahaha is this the power of antifragility?

>> No.11279141

kek, I'm stealing this

>> No.11279298

>all those little fragilista bitches in this thread

>> No.11279599

Should I get antifragile or skin in the game?

>> No.11279913

You only think that because you know kikes architect systems where they profit immensely while bearing zero actual risk.

>> No.11279922

It's an unofficial news website with a singular article on cancer research.

>> No.11279962

He does mention beating cancer in one of his books, I don't remember which specific one though. He was 48 when he got it I think. That's why he's obsessed with squid ink (the black pasta he constantly posts on his Twitter), because it apparently has some anti cancer properties

>> No.11280046

Nassim's this dude who's so smart he doesn't feel like he has to learn anything so he just reinvents the wheel it's a massive shame since he's clearly a smart dude but when you praise people for their intellect since childhood it gives them this horrible shitty ego where they never meaningfully grow or develop as a person

>> No.11281221

you can read any of them individually but antigrafile then black swan then skin is best since the ideas follow each other and thats the order they were published.

>> No.11282733

buy the whole incerto set

or just bed of procrustes

>> No.11282853

He's Lebanese. Machismo is big everywhere outside northern Europe and populations descended tither.

>> No.11282908
File: 29 KB, 589x194, Taleb J2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw is Taleb J2?

>> No.11284064

This. I'm ready to just buy everything he's written and start from the beginning.

>> No.11284112
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Is this white?