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/lit/ - Literature

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1127033 No.1127033 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys's favorite movies and directors and stuff?

>> No.1127050

Lynch huh ? Could you get anymore cliche ?

>> No.1127110

Could you get any more pretentious? (no, you could not). I'd ask your favorite director but I'm sure it's some obscure one I probably haven't heard.

>> No.1127125

Stanley Kubrick, Werner Herzog, Sergio Leone, Francis Ford Coppola, some my favs

>> No.1127128

christopher nolan.

>> No.1127136

Luis Bunuel is probably my favourite.

>> No.1127146

david lynch is a senile old prick who made a couple of good films by accident

>> No.1127151



>> No.1127160

No he's not. He's a very good film maker in my opinion, nothing more nothing less. But they're certainly not accidents.

>> No.1127162


also for me:
Herzog, Eisenstien, and Bresson

>> No.1127165

David Fincher
Paul Thomas Anderson
Francis Ford Coppola
Cameron Crowe

There Will Be Blood
Apocalypse Now
Almost Famous
Fight Club
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Shawshank Redemption

I thought of naming more, but I'll stop there.

>> No.1127168

Jean-Luc Godard, Ingmar Bergman, Charlie Chaplin, Hitchcock the usual

>> No.1127172

Why have none of you fuckers sages this non-/lit/ bullshit

>> No.1127177
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>David Fincher

>> No.1127178

Luis Buñuel
Federico Fellini
Robert Altman
Martin Scorsese
Ingmar Bergman
RW Fassbinder
Douglas Sirk
John Waters
Tommy Wiseau

>> No.1127182

who were your favorites again?

>> No.1127189
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>babby's first director

>> No.1127193


Shut the fuck up. He directed Seven. That movie was incredible.

>> No.1127197

hey guys i thought se7en and the game were really good films with epic twists .. piece out

>> No.1127198

Werner Herzog, Michael Haneke, Chris Marker, Tim Pope, Stanley Kubrick, Francois Truffaut
Stroszek, 71 fragments of a chronology of chance, The 400 blows, Sans Soleil, Antichrist, Human Centipede, Return of the living dead

>> No.1127199

Christopher Nolan he makes 10/10 movies and his cast is always /fa/ as phuck soooo Christopher Nolan

>> No.1127202



>> No.1127206


Se7en was terrible. If you understood anything about films you would know that.

But then, you're probably a typical shallow american who watches thinks fight club and family guy are ePiC LuLz

>> No.1127208

>favorite screenwriter:
quentin tarantino

>favorite director:
quentin tarantino

>> No.1127233

Stanley Kubrick
Wes Anderson
Judd Apatow
Christopher Nolan
Martin Scorsese

The Shining
Saw I and II
The Royal Tannenbaums
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
Toy Story 1, 2, and 3

>> No.1127241

somew french avant-wave director u prob never heard of .

>> No.1127245

wow, i posted something a while back about wanting to see that movie about the start of facebook, and you started bawwing about fincher in that thread, too. you also implied, as you've done here, that i like family guy. so basically your mind runs on stereotypes. if i recall correctly, you refused to name directors you like in that thread, as well, i guess because you're too self-conscious. basically you have a stick up your ass, but here's your chance to show otherwise...which directors do you like?

>> No.1127249

you mean jean-claude briesseau?

>> No.1127252


Chris Marker owns

>> No.1127254


>> No.1127256


Um duh? No, he meant Agnes Varda.

>> No.1127261


Woah calm down, stop getting so angry because I like better films than you. It isn't a case of emperor's new clothes either - you really can't see why Fincher's crap is shit.

Some of us function on a higher cognitive level and can discern things like that, it's just the way things is.

>> No.1127267
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>higher cognitive level
>the way things is

>> No.1127281

clumsy dodge. who are your favorite directors? and since you're implying you're on a higher cognitive level, i'm sure you'll have no problem explaining why they are your favorites. come on, don't be shy.

>> No.1127277


LOL. Wow, I'm glad you just posted that. I have now copied and pasted it and will post it forever after as the perfect fucking example of what it means to be pretentious. You deride the quality of Fincher's films, yet you still haven't given us (a) reasons why they are so terrible or (b) your list of acceptable film, henceforth to be followed if one wishes to watch "good cinema". Fuck you, you pretentious douche.

>> No.1127287

Von Trier
Ophuls (Sr.)

>> No.1127288
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I'm rather fond of Antonioni and Bertolucci. I also quite like Bergman. More contemporary directors would include Michael Haneke, Peter Greenaway, Kiyoshi Kurosawa.

As for specific movies (not directed by any of the above), There Will Be Blood, Ken Russell's The Devils, In the Loop, Michael Clayton, A Serious Man, and Guy Ritchie's Revolver were all great.

Also, of course, Apocalypse Now.

>> No.1127291


now bros, don't be hatin on my intelligence. I can't really explain why, I've never done a film degree or anything like that, so I can't break it down into technicalities.

it's like if you ask a mathematician what some polynomial differential wizzwazz means, they'll tell you they can't explain in words - they're functioning at a higher, purely abstract level. but that doesn't mean some philistines can come along and do math - the mathematicians will laugh in their face.

>> No.1127292


>> No.1127300

The Devils is one of the FUNNIEST movies i've ever seen. I love ken russel's movies except altered states and that's just because that lead actor makes me want to puke the whole time he's such a pretentious dumbfuck psychedelics nerd who i know in real life and want to strangle the life out of. but The Devils is one of the finest films ever and that bowie-esque exorcist/witch expert whatever fucking love it!

>> No.1127304



Let me restate: >>1127287

>Von Trier
>Ophuls (Sr.)

>> No.1127306


I think we're all quite done with you here. Either you're a troll or someone with a great number of insecurities, mainly an inferiority complex that causes you to criticize people without giving anything of yourself in return. Now kindly fuck off.

SAGE'D because you suck.

>> No.1127307



Lair of the White Worm: only example of a director deliberately parodying his own work, for the length of an entire feature?

>> No.1127311

oh lawd. too true but you know what that was the first film of his that i saw (when i was a little kid ) and I liked it so even if it is a parody i still have this warm spot in my pants for it.

>> No.1127312

it's the inferiority complex. it's why, a week ago, he spouted off that same comment about how if didn't hate fincher i must obviously like family guy and love the phrase "epic lulz" (ps, i'm not the guy that mentioned liking fincher in this thread). he's doing that thing where someone backed into a corner starts pretending to be a troll to try and save face.

>> No.1127317


yet another moron who can't understand subjective taste.

two can play at the shitty psychoanalysis game - stop psychologically projectin' bro, I'm not any of those things and you know it.

the first thing a really insecure person does when they're losing an argument is cry "INSECURE!", "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!" (aka: lol you're inferior haha), "PRETENTIOUS!" when met with intellectual intimidation. cause you're not functioning on the same wavelength as me I must be pretentious. roflmao

so stop getting so desperate to prove me wrong, I have better taste than you, I know it (you probably do too, or are scared of the fact), get over it.

>> No.1127322


>hurr durr i'm gonna use psychological terms i heard on 4chan once but don't know what they mean hurr durr

>> No.1127325

>I have better taste than you, I know it

no, we don't know it, because you haven't listed any directors you like, or why you like them. also, if you don't know how gauche it is to brag about your taste, well, i'm afraid I can't help you with that. as i've said before, you're afraid to name directors you like, so now you're just pretending to be a troll, probably while googling "directors smart people like" in another tab.

>> No.1127326
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I don't want to repeat the same names as others have, just dont forget Abel Ferrara.

>> No.1127327


Seriously. The retard's last resort in an argument: wikipedia psychoanalyis

>> No.1127330


I am curious as to how I look like I have inferior tastes to you when you haven't even given your tastes! So, contrary to your belief (apparently), shitty tastes > no taste. Or do you really actually have no tastes at all and only live to contradict everyone else in the world to set yourself apart? Either way you're pathetic. At least I gave something of myself in an attempt to participate. You've done nothing but try to start shit since your first post.

Once again, sage because you suck.

>> No.1127334


So you're not only psychic now, you have cameras in my house! Impressive!

>> No.1127335

if you think "inferiority complex" is some technical, obscure psychological term, instead of pop psychology short-hand that's known to everyone, then i think that about says it all.

>> No.1127339


i don't think it's a technical obscure and no, that doesn't say "it all"

>> No.1127342

another obvious dodge. name your favorite directors.

>> No.1127344

>i don't think it's a technical obscure


>> No.1127353


Why would I dodge something like that?

Anyway, see ya guys, I'm gonna go to bed and have a quiet chuckle to myself about how you'll never realise how stupid you are. Just remember, I understand why you're stupid - you never will. Feels good man.

>> No.1127356


Tommy Wiseau. Good choice.

>> No.1127358


Another example of an inferiority complex. Declaring victory when the result isn't or never will be clear.

>> No.1127359

Bresson, Ozu, Kieslowski, Bela Tarr, Kiarostami, Claire Denis.

>> No.1127363
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as i pointed out before...he got called out, backed into a corner, then decided to be a troll to try and save face. this kind of thing is common and well documented. pic related.

>> No.1127369
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>> No.1127376

Sorry for derailing this thread, everyone. Continue with great /lit/erate film discussion.

>> No.1127388


Just came back from brushing my pearly whites, you mouthbreathers are still talking about me?

sage fella, your reading comprehention is obviously at a pretty low level if you think I'm trolling. That kind of ties in with your terrible grammar and spelling, those things tend to correlate with lower IQs and general intelligence, so I wouldn't really expect you to understand what I'm getting at with my posts.

Ignorance is bliss: c'est la vie.

>> No.1127402
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>yet another moron who can't understand subjective taste
>i have better taste than you

>> No.1127410

>c'est la vie

Ahh you're that faggot.

In fact, I think everyone in this thread is a faggot.

>> No.1127414

>In fact, I think everyone in this thread is a faggot.

Says someone who is in this thread.

>> No.1127665
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Alfred Hitchcock
Akira Kurosawa
Luis Bunuel
Stanley Kubrick
Woody Allen
Martin Scorsese
Francis Ford Coppola
Billy Wilder
John Ford
Howard Hawks
Fritz Lang
Charlie Chaplin
Buster Keaton
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Jacques Becker
Roman Polanski
Lars Von Trier
Park Chan-wook