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/lit/ - Literature

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11268519 No.11268519 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong, /lit/?

>> No.11268528

Nothing. It's quite comfy.

>> No.11269005

t. Eliezer Yudkowsky,

>> No.11269338

Wrong? It's a classic.

“Something, somewhere, somewhen, must have happened differently...

PETUNIA EVANS married Michael Verres, a Professor of Biochemistry at Oxford.

HARRY JAMES POTTER-EVANS-VERRES grew up in a house filled to the brim with books. He once bit a math teacher who didn't know what a logarithm was. He's read Godel, Escher, Bach and Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases and volume one of The Feynman Lectures on Physics. And despite what everyone who's met him seems to fear, he doesn't want to become the next Dark Lord. He was raised better than that. He wants to discover the laws of magic and become a god.

HERMIONE GRANGER is doing better than him in every class except broomstick riding.

DRACO MALFOY is exactly what you would expect an eleven-year-old boy to be like if Darth Vader were his doting father.

PROFESSOR QUIRRELL is living his lifelong dream of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, or as he prefers to call his class, Battle Magic. His students are all wondering what's going to go wrong with the Defense Professor this time.

DUMBLEDORE is either insane, or playing some vastly deeper game which involved setting fire to a chicken.

DEPUTY HEADMISTRESS MINERVA MCGONAGALL needs to go off somewhere private and scream for a while.



You ain't guessin' where this one's going.”

>> No.11269546

Author is Dan brown of fanfiction

>> No.11269608

I fucking love rationality

>> No.11269615

The best in his field? Cool.

>> No.11269946


>> No.11270002
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>harry potter thread on my literature board

>> No.11270163

I can’t find anything else like this book and it upsets me

>> No.11270208

Yudkowsky isn't exactly stupid, so HPMoR is sort of good. But whatever media he was consuming instead of literature affected his style, of both writing and composition. Even for what it's supposed to be (fanfiction appealing to the general audience), the style is horrible at times. The guy is quite full of himself.

>> No.11270367

the Stanford Prison Experiment is taken at face value and treated as a serious piece of research how is he not stupid

>> No.11270379

>harry potter FANFICTION thread on /lit/

>> No.11270419

If you want to read Harry Potter but with all the flaws taken out but replaced with completely different ones, this is for you.

At least it inspired the rational sub-genre of writing that put out better stuff like Worm, UNSONG and Mother of Learning.