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11267102 No.11267102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With the internet being less than fifty years old, and it only really being fully in place and functional maybe 15 years ago, are we at the birth of time? A new time?

In future, will they look back and say that was pre-internet, and post-internet? Are we at the birth of time right now?

>> No.11267110

Yeah no shit sherlock we're in a Renaissance period, enjoy it

>> No.11267121

yes, we're entering a cultural dark age. Good luck, anon.

>> No.11267123

Noone can predict whats next but its very apparent we're in a transition period

>> No.11267150

Oh gee idk OP. Was it a big deal when cave people started writing down their grunts and tongue clicks?

>> No.11267183
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yes. it is the end of the guttenberg mind.

Behold the birth of the "digital native" that can only comprehend soundbites and images. The whole world must become simplified to 280 characters and breast-fed to us sugar-coated in hilarious memes.

We are bombarded by multiple truths, from multiple sources, but instead of deducing what the truth is by reason and logic we choose truths we happen to like the idea of based on identity positions. "I like this truth because im an SJW kindof guy" " I like this truth because im a redpilled kindof guy"

Everyone born after 1989 needs to get steralized

>> No.11267188

Let's hope we will find a better name that post postmodernism for this era

>> No.11267196

Yes. The one caveat being we don't know if there will be industrial civilization in 100 years. With numerous global crises about to come to a head all bets are off.

>> No.11267203

That's a way to look at the future with the eyes of today. We look at world history as a more or less stable timeline, but that will all be obliterated in the future, because the way we relate to knowledge itself and to the reality of life itself is changing rapidly. There is no reason to entertain knowledge in your head if you know how to search for it online. Since everyone lives in their own bubble and institutions are failing everywhere, all religion, universities, sciences, politics, entertainment, ethics, production, all of that is going to have to readapt.

You are right that the internet is new, but it's totally arbitrary to mark it that much. Just like the telephone or the tv could be predecessors of the internet. The internet as we know today is different from 5 years agor, which is different from 15 years ago. It's ongoing. Soon everyone will be living in a world that is very much less real, because we will have VR experiences very close to real life, robots very close to real life, pets and people taking this seriously, we will naturally and gradually think reality itself is trivial, since the experiences will all be similar. First you're a weirdo if you don't have smart glasses, then it will be like a relic and your smartphone will feel like one of those old tall bikes. Marlon Brando in CGI as Batman reproducing a Spotify ad in your bathroom via hologram. People will marry with AI, be taught by robots in school and who is to say that is valid, legitimate or not? Other people living in a half real half artificial world.

There will be no single storyline guiding us from now on. There will be no America, West or East, Arabs, governs, no "japanese mythology" or any sense of geography and time. You'll just download your fantasy little world and live it, you won't even feel trapped.

>> No.11267209

The age of selfishness and loss of integrity, is what you're saying? There are still people who value integrity over everything, even if it means comprising their beliefs. Though they are fucking rare. Maybe 1 in 1 million people like this.

>> No.11267219
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>Soon everyone will be living in a world that is very much less real
To be young and naive...

>> No.11267220

actually nothing will change

>> No.11267222


And I mean, compromising their personal beliefs in a violent and damaging way. So they may believe one thing, though they are self aware and integrous enough to realise they are wrong and not just realise it, but to accept it, basically. Which is always obviously going to cause massive damage to health and other things

>> No.11267263

No, but I think I'm correct in saying that right now, including the past 15 years is really the start of the internet as that is when it really started to cause massive disruption to human interaction, and as you say, ways of acquiring information or knowledge, etc.

I think the internet only really came into its own 10-15 years ago. That is when human interaction at its most basic level was changed. I don't think the 90's internet was the starting point. I think the rapid rise of social media, and everything that followed it from the knock on effect it had, is the real starting point of the 'internet'.

I'm not saying it won't change, obviously I know that, I'm saying the *birth* of that is the internet 10-15 years ago to right now, and onward to whenever. That is when the internet really 'took over' and became something else entirely.

>> No.11267266

Everything is falling part on a conscious level. Materially we are so much better off but.... something is happening. There is a rot at the heart of everything. We can all feel it. That's why we come here. 4chan is one of the few fragile points in this happy material veneer - a wound into the degeneracy and decay at the heart of our collective soul.

>> No.11267268

>is what you're saying?

no just dumber

>> No.11267289

And you know, people didn't use search engines for information in 2000 as they use it now. Now, in school, they teach you how to use search engines to get information you need. It's second nature. They didn't do this until maybe 10-15 years ago. Or rather, if they did do it, it wasn't ubiquitous.

I think there was a point in the past 10-15 years when things REALLY changed, though it's difficult for us to actually see the difference so clearly since we are heavily involved in it.

>> No.11267296


>> No.11267316
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>> No.11267322

100%. It's the spirituality of humanity being crushed. There is really something sinister going on, though no one can quite put their finger on it, and people spend their lives distracting themselves from it.

I think that is a factor as well, but not the only one. I think people have lost what it even means to believe. To believe in something. To be unchanged. To not be compromised. The loss of integrity is what I mean. Integrity, in my opinion, is probably the rarest trait of mankind now. Who has integrity anymore? It's so easy to give in to something.
So yeah, people may becoming dumber, I think you can still be dumb and have integrity. Well, you definitely can. But people don't anymore.

>> No.11267327

>people didn't use search engines
how can very advanced AI improve search engines? Are there any that are really good, that can take a complexish question and find it? I cant think of an example now, but there have been a few times where I have asked like: What is the name of this thing, or what happens when .. what is that object that looks like this and does this .... how many electrons are in this .....

>> No.11267359

the rate of desire, instant gratification as is said, for stimulus has increased. Though likely this was always the case. There are so many possible points of consumption, that every milisecond wasted missing out on one of them feels like a tragic waste of a milisecond, and so every is constantly trying to cram as much life as possible per second. Maybe back in the day people were on the farm, and just hanging, enjoy the slow days, how they blended into one another. But there have also been hustling bustling cities for milenia, where people were on the constant move, and solving complex math problems, and moving armies, and creating plays, and exploring. But I guess the average person who suffers from what you say, feels trapped in their position, and the only escape is to consume novelty. And so a milisecond of not, feels like a remembrance of that being trapped.

>> No.11267373


>There is really something sinister going on

what are some possibilities sir

>> No.11267383

I've lost my train of thought but there are a million examples you could look to, but just speaking generally, who has integrity anymore? Integrity is a colossal 'thing'. And by that I mean, it is your whole life, it has to be your whole life. You can't have a little bit of integrity, you either have it or you don't. And if you do have it, it goes right down and impacts every single action or thought you ever have. But who has integrity anymore? Who believes in anything anymore? Who believes in anything enough to let it fucking destroy them and leave them in utter ruin if that is the course it takes? If we say that is what integrity is, and it is more, of course, but in its simplest form say. Or it's belief in something that you are literally unable to allow to be corrupted, even if you know it's 'wrong', etc, you will never let it be corrupted or changed. Like I said, I think maybe 1 in a million people have the nature to be that way. Maybe less now, who really knows?

>> No.11267407

It could be political, it could be spiritual, it could just be one speed-bump or rough patch of humanity like a collective feeling that past events ushered us into. It could be how we function as a society when other things are stripped away and we look at the bare bones of who we are as a society, and so on. So it could be all of the things 'conspiracy theorists' or 'extremists' fight for or talk about, or it could be something else. Obviously I'm speaking generally because there are too many things it *could* be

>> No.11267430
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It's gonna get weird, and the internet will become more and more of a cudgel for power holders to subdue the panicking masses. It may be a function of capitalist markets that, one by one, human relations are usurped by spectacle and virtual interactions; this is also definitely a contrivance of the ruling class. Facebook is tinkering with society; as analysis of Big Data is strengthened, capital will exploit systems of addiction thus funneling the perceptually stunted masses into ever tighter systems of emotional control. Look up emotional contagion through social media. Humans and computers (and all technics) are mutually programming. If you aren't a Luddite, become one.

VR and sex robots are only the cosmetic surface of systems of control – systems that arise from, and perpetuate, mass surveillance and the proliferation of artificial need. When our desires become fully chained to spectacle, capital can multiply them endlessly through the simple power of Big Data analysis and human addiction science. This is not the work of some Bilderberg cabal; it is the necessary outcome of a techno-capitalism that rewards the multiplication of cheaply-fulfilled desires. Social interaction is increasingly lashed to controlled media (tinder, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit). We now see the concurrent mutation of predatory technics and social organs, but who can stop millions of emotionally exhausted and systematically overstimulated people from participating in the ubiquity of Google's services, the simulated accomplishment of video games, or the convenience of Amazon?

>> No.11267446

On a technical level? You mean how could implementation of a search engine be improved for the end user? Who knows? A microchip? Something that takes away even the time of reading or the very method of processing the info you're reading? Some brain implant or modification? That's probably where it will end up one day.

>> No.11267459

Great post, my friend. What are you reading right now?

>> No.11267469

if the only way to maintain your integrity was to be homeless, would you?

>> No.11267507

>controlled media (tinder, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)
with the sizes of population, imagine there was no digital world, no computers or internet in this day and age, prior what people had to do to be social, what they had to do to meet a wife etc. In this day and age people would have to go to more public and social events, to meet friends and try to get married: but now all that clutter of human movement and physical public space taken up, now people can meet people digitally, friends and search for spouse. So some people are less physically connected. Thats the popularity of religion, religion was like a type of analog social media. The idea of community. People still socially and physically connect though.

>> No.11267513

The internet is practically the industrial revolution 2.0. It's causing a large amount of change very quickly, and society is struggling to adjust.

>> No.11267515

>A microchip? Something that takes away even the time of reading or the very method of processing the info you're reading? Some brain implant or modification? That's probably where it will end up one day.
well the steps in between that. There are supposedly epic AI, and neural networks, and crazzyy ai powers, but the most popular search engines still appear quite primitive in regards to how they can take an input of question or statements, and 'comprehend them', and match them up to similar ideas.

>> No.11267528

The industrial revolution 2.0 and its consequences will be a disaster for the human race..

>> No.11267531

>society is struggling to adjust.
in what ways?

>> No.11267532

100%. If I told you I was homeless right now, would you believe it anyway? Some 'extremists' or conspiracy theorists wrote on the coming 'uprooting' of peoples decades ago. How people would be in a bizarre state of perpetual motion and lost, etc. Like an idiotic nomad or some caricature of one. Many 'artists' are that way and probably significantly more than the wider population, but even that is extremely rare now. It was more common in the past probably, with writers, musicians, inventors, etc, dying on the street or in despair and only receiving recognition posthumously. In my opinion, not many people have beliefs (popular religions aside) that they are willing to literally die for. And not death as an instant death in a singular moment, but a slow and painful death played out over the course of their entire lives. Having integrity now leaves you with very few options though yeah, and you are likely to run into serious misfortune if you do have it, as you say.

>> No.11267544

>it may be a function of capitalist markets that, one by one, human relations are usurped by the spectacle and virtual interactions
I agree with you (I'm the one you were replying to) but I think this isn't a may happen, we've been spectacled out (living in a society mediated by images and simulacra) since at least WWII. It's all going to get way more hyperreal and insane though, I agree.

>> No.11267546

All you fags are like monks bitching about the printing press. The world is ending! Commoners will run amok with muh technology! Memes are bad! Sugar and Juuls and Fortnite where there should be veggies and pipes leather bound books!
You don’t know what’ll happen, neither do I. Probably it’ll all go on as planned. All we know is information and communication are free for now. Nothing more or less.

>> No.11267552

they were 100% correct about the printing press though. Could the Reformation even have occurred without all the printed propaganda

>> No.11267557

>All we know is information and communication are free for now.
Holy shit the naivete of this statement, so much unintended irony to unpack here

>> No.11267559

i miss when toaster ovens were big. and when this board was about books

>> No.11267567

There been a few examples itt, such as >>11267359
Even though society might not necessarily see the negative effects of the internet, there are still major repercussions. I suspect that in 100 years people will look at the way people wasted their lives on social media similar to the way we view the child labor of the industrial revolution.

>> No.11267580

woah dude... its like... the simulacra of the tehcnocapital acceleration deterritorializes signifiers... you definitely arent a midwit pseud

>> No.11267589

>when this board was about books

>> No.11267594

It might be that people have integrity... integrity for consumerism and capitalism.

>> No.11267598

Kek. I unironically agree with Baudrillard on most things but holy fuck is his analysis easy to abuse

>> No.11267599

>people wasted their lives on social media
what would be better for them to spend their time on? People do like having friends, people do like speaking to friends.

>> No.11267617


>> No.11267622

>People do like having friends, people do like speaking to friends.
From what I've seen very little time on social media us used doing these things

>> No.11267641

>people do like arguing in the comment section of every website, people do like expressing outrage at anonymous strangers they've never met nor ever will, people do like reading crime statistics and clickbait terror articles

>> No.11267644

>From what I've seen very little time on social media us used doing these things
explain, what is used doing these things, if you want to partake in a fruitful discussion you could have saved this post (mine) by stating some examples. which I will try to do by guessing what you meant.

Arguing, memeing, trolling, attention whoring?

All similar activities of what is done with 'friends', all seeking some semblance of human interaction. Look around you, maybe you live in idaho, maybe florida, maybe canada, maybe thailand, how many people do you see around you you can fruitfully funnly interact with? Social media is a looking around you, your room, and seeing millions of people to interact with fruitfully, funnly

>> No.11267657

Less real than today. However much that is, even if little.

I understand your point, but I think it's a nuanced discussion that doesn't really matter (to pinpoint a starting date to when shit got serious).

It's not only just about search engines. The internet, since it is based on the market, will only be giving you what you want. It's about search engines, but also about algorythms that make social media timelines just like who you are.

Imagine how the whole fake news discussion will be when we'll be watching news on our VR, and any teenager can fake face and voice from someone into some other video.

It doesn't matter what it can do on its own, but how it is integrated with all else. Now I can voice search for a town or even mistype its name and be promptly corrected and I'm a few clicks away from booking an Airbnb stay. Years ago, you didn't have a very functional eletronic credit card, there was no Airbnb, Google didn't automatically showed me its map and its wikipedia (perhaps it even could, but our pcs were too slow back then), you'd have to look for "where to stay in town", do your research through sketchy websites instead of a monopoly platform (but trustworthy one, since it is popular) and actually call them through your phone to book it. It is how all of those things "evolve" together. A search engine may not be able to answer deep questions, but it can link you quicker to a relevant Quora answer. That doesn't mean the answer is correct, not at all and that's also part of what changes, the way we trust our sources or don't trust them.

>> No.11267658

As a guy with a few normie friends, social media promoting actual socializing is fine. It's when you mindlessly scroll through your Facebook wall or refresh the front page of Reddit constantly that the awful parts of social media are apparent.

>> No.11267661
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"meme", online bullying and general banter/teasing has perhaps always been the usual means of communication among peers (specially if they have any level of intimacy which goes beyond being complete strangers). We talk about asinine shit such as the weather with people we don't know and, more often than not, it seems we usually employ humor and such with the people we do know. Philosophical or any other kind of discourse that we would classify as "speaking to friends" is actually not commonplace in day-to-day personal interactions at all. Under this view does social media not mirror this? We are looking at humorous and ironically driven shit all day long, and exposing our opinion to it in most cases, which is just a convenient simulacrum for what we usually do with "actual friends" and during "actual speaking" otherwise. This is neither having friends nor speaking to anyone, but the essential elements that make us recognize the act as so is surprisingly (or not) there.

>> No.11267677

Gonna read Morton, Dark Ecology; Kierkegaard's The Concept of Irony; Max Weber. Baudrillard? Idk I have a depressive disorder and this shit doesn't help.

>> No.11267700

Most of it seems to be scrolling and refreshing with no interaction at all

>> No.11267733

Yeah, I think none of us can really ever know what point will be used as the definitive starting point in the future, but I think it probably is right about now and the past 15 years. Or because it is so close to the invention of the internet anyway, it might just be whenever the first website went online.
But yeah, my point was that I don't think the internet changed anything for humanity until quite recently with social media, and the effectiveness of acquiring new information now.
You could use Google and Ask Jeeves a long time ago, and one of my first memories of using a computer for the first time was in school when I was about 6 years old deciding on whether I would use Ask Jeeves or Google (the first two websites I ever used), and I always chose Google because it was more aesthetic and simpler, and even as a fucking 6 year old kid, the fact that people can appreciate that is crazy to think about. This was long before Google was the behemoth it is now obviously. Weird memory, man. And the fact I remember it still to this day is odd too. But yeah, search engines and social media is probably what caused the most change.

>> No.11267757
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>you definitely arent a midwit pseud
I am a midwit pseud. I'm on this board, aren't I? I'm here to listen to the mid-high tiers that want to discuss the topic at hand. Meet me with some of that good faith. I don't think this shit is difficult to spot just from current trends – government mass surveillance gradually becoming indistinct from private mass surveillance, increased potential for brain entrainment, the fact that this potential increases alongside analysis of big data. We don't have to talk theory. Everything I've said seems convincing even without chatter about hyperreality.

>> No.11267768

>It doesn't matter what it can do on its own
my search engine quip is entirely separate from the discussion, just a believed accurate realization that ai is claimed to be crazily epic and on the cutting edge of taking over the world, and it is real powerful and great and deap blue and neural networks and yeah maybe the legit search engine power is not given to the public, but im just wondering if epic search engine power does actually exist in the world, like super super advanced chat bot, that can actually parse high degrees of complexity, and read between lines, and answer more complex questions, and stuff. I cant remember the exact occurrences but I have asked in search engine a few times what I thought it could have been capable of responding with and it just had nothing: not good with complex questions like: when was the time... what was the point of... how many parts did this thing have in 1954...

>> No.11267771

All my life I thought I was a smart kid. Now that i'm an adult, living in the middle of all this shit, I feel like the man on this meme

>> No.11267779

>mindlessly scroll through your Facebook wall or refresh the front page of Reddit constantly that the awful parts of social media are apparent.
just an extension of tv, but interactive. what you are saying is the same as, its bad for people to watch tv all day

>> No.11267793
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>Social media is a looking around you, your room, and seeing millions of people to interact with fruitfully, funnly
Social interaction is not fruitful without creative determination of the conditions of that interaction. Social media occludes an infinity of friendship's fruits. Yes, we can choose how to use social media, and it may be used subversively, but that subversion simply concedes the battlefield. We do not currently know in what ways social media are engineered for psychosocial manipulation.


>> No.11267847

To expand, interaction through social media only leads to greater use of those media because it doesn't lead to mutually-reinforcing habits of friendship. This is simply an effect of instant communication.

>> No.11267869

its hard to parse your actual complaint. What are you actually complaining about? How would you make things if you could? Police peoples attempts at joke making? Attempts of irony? Make people only interact friendly? Eliminate social media? Give people mandatory time limits on use? Many people probably have no friends or connections to others, but there is a hard natural desire for human interaction, even among mean or trolly people, who likely reach out into cyber space to feel even a fake human touch, even one of hate.

>> No.11267878

thats called being a lurker and watching tv. Or bird watching, or people watching, or rubbernecking, or stareing at the sun, or star gazing, or being on a safari, or watching a play, or thanksgiving dinner with the folks

>> No.11267914
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>Eliminate social media?
Eliminate private ownership of social media, dissolve pernicious government institutions seeking to fully control the population. The internet and social media didn't appear in a vacuum. Facebook was created for rating women. Is it really this hard to understand the contingency of social networks and technology monopolies? The problem of social media isn't extricable from the social and economic programs that it grew from and that grow from and alongside it.

>> No.11267929

imagine if you had millions of iphones and internet servers (and electricity producers) and you travelled back to ancient Rome. And traveled to the middle ages, and gave he majority of people Iphones. What do you think would happen? What would you complain about?

>Facebook was created for rating women.

Do you think if it wasnt, a "website used for friends to speak to each other and post pictures and info" would never be created? (myspace)

>The problem of social media isn't extricable from the social and economic programs that it grew from and that grow from and alongside it.

Ok lets say you invented the internet, and social media. And then what... you let millions of people use it... and then what? They use it in ways you dont like.... and then what? What are the acceptable ways to use social media? What are the things that bother you the most about it that you would tell the people that they are not allowed to do those things?

>> No.11268194

The end is nigh.

>> No.11268373
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>imagine if you had millions of iphones and internet servers (and electricity producers) and you travelled back to ancient Rome. And traveled to the middle ages, and gave he majority of people Iphones. What do you think would happen? What would you complain about?
I'd complain about ahistorical thought experiments. I think a lot of my currently held notions would be mooted if a time machine existed.

>> No.11268408

Man, you're dense.

>> No.11268411

you didnt answer my other questions.

What are your currently held notions?

What do they mean?

Why do they matter?

How would you improve things if you could?

>> No.11268412

>be safe

>> No.11268417

Are you actually implying that people were all wise Socrates types rationally and calmly discussing super duper important matters thirty years ago (or ever, really)? Get a grip you pompous edgelord.

>> No.11268421


>> No.11268441


>> No.11268444

mid post best post

>> No.11268450

80 IQ

>> No.11268465
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the window of unregulated open internet is soon coming to a close. Regulatory measures imposed in the name of copyright protection, privacy, and protection from harassment will soon require any new website not only to disclose identity of owners and users, but to also include expensive web frameworks in the backend to comply with officials. This also means site owners are held liable for all content that appears on the domain at any time.

This will not be largely objectionable to the masses, because their web experience never leaves 5 site owners, maximum, and all these companies can spend millions on compliance, and developed user monitoring anyway for their own purposes, but it will effectively price everyone else out of the business. Network providers become government contractors. Internet access becomes a human right.

Every new site will account for this new financial burden by running their site like most start-ups do. Soulless, and aiming squarely at an established market sector and audience. The inability to compete with large businesses - who can still offer services for free - will lead the new generation of websites to develop more aggressive strategies for sustainability, or simply be short-term projects that vanish once the hosting contract is up. Eventually, social media turns into the auto industry, where every new player in the industry is a drawn-out, expensive, highly scrutinized affair, and one's brand loyalty is touted publicly, and all the while Facebook remains as the city bus, an ever-present option, but one that fewer and fewer successful people wish to take.

And then things continue getting worse as the global community, now isolated due to national disagreements taking place by proxy via segmenting the web, attempts to grab hold of what was lost, and recreate an unregulated network without the innocence to the idea that was necessary to keep the original world wide web from being immediately coopted by a larger group with an agenda.

>> No.11268466

We were.

Nowadays the cultural canon is set in stone. That was the fun of the internet. No one knew what anything was supposed to be yet. We tried everything with everything. Sure, we knew some of the beats, but we didn't know the music.

No one has to make anything anymore. Raw creativity has been replaced with refined tropes. It's not a bad thing, it's just different.

So culture-wise, no, not really.We're insects trapped in amber. Most of us like that. It's safe.

The internet's definitely increased the rate of technological progress though! It's given us unparalleled openness and honesty, good and bad.

There are slews of people who identify more with the digital world than their home country, state, etc. So that's an interesting development. There's a real cross-national melting pot based on virality, which is interesting too.

Dude, 4chan is no bastion. I grew up here. 4chan's userbase is comprised of people who are too vile and repulsive to go anywhere else.

>> No.11268494

Your refutations are bizarre non sequiturs and your questions are banal and betray a lack of reading comprehension and basic critical thinking. That's why you are dense. Is English not your first language?

>> No.11268507

>Dude, 4chan is no bastion.
I never said it was. Quite the contrary actually. It is a place where all the ugliness that the internet manifests bears clear ripe fruit. Normal social media is still beholden to the restraint that comes with personal identity. 4chan peels away the veneer.

>> No.11268510
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all i know is that the internet is gonna make me RICH

>> No.11268545

And all the religious wars in Europe with nations loosing roughly 30%-50% of their entire populations - also not likely to happen without the printing press.

>> No.11268560

Explain how it’s restricted then, brainlet

>> No.11268600

You are not offering any content here. You say:
X! A! Y! B!

I say:
Why does what you just said matter?

In what way does it have value?

If you could, what would you do to satisfy your complaints?

You are pointing to something that is bad and wrong in the world?

What would you do to correct it?

How would you improve things if you could?

>Your refutations are bizarre non sequiturs and your questions are banal
This is what you think and say, as a dog can bark and a mouse can fart; now explain why what you just said is valid, correct, and meaningful. Perhaps you considered my questions, reflected on your powerlessness, and that they were simply fated to be complaints shouted into the wind, and all this is and can be is you blowing off steam, and maybe appearing to yourself more enlightened to your fellow sheepleswine, so are not mad at me for provoking this realization.


>> No.11268614

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Purple banal gibberish.

>> No.11268633

I'm not the guy you were talking to. I'm just saying you have 80 IQ

>> No.11268651

I'm an SJW kind of man, and that's why I eat grape nuts.

>> No.11268665

Why do you think that? I want to say a +80 IQ explanation of their accusation.

>> No.11268669

Probably accurate. You can't compete with Amazon. Large businesses like FB, Amazon, Google, etc, are now here forever, basically. They will only continue to grow as you said. They had the advantage of coming around at the perfect time, with the perfect backing. It literally is as OP said about pre vs. post internet. Any large company that formed and became successful in the past 15-20 years because of the net has an advantage that future companies will never have.

That's what capitalism does. Microsoft, or whoever, can buy out competition. They can buy whatever they want. That is what Facebook does. That is what Amazon does. They have already bought the future

>> No.11268672
File: 75 KB, 1200x639, DdLgEwbVwAAnn6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I too just want the facts, the real poop, the honest-to-God truth – the whole and nothing-but. First we need to unpack the internet in it's genesis. First, the internet is a series of tubes. You cannot put the internet on a truck.

>> No.11268675
File: 887 KB, 2100x3436, Vie_de_Marie-Antoinette_d%27Autriche%2C_reine_de_France%2C_femme_de_Louis_XVI%2C_1793%2CT1p31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that marie Antoinette pamphlet shitposting caused millions of deaths right up through waterloo

>> No.11268683

It would be one thing if you are not the person I was having a conversation with on particular topics: in which you jumped in and said: "those are boring topics", but if you were the person discussing your views about social media and the internet and people, then why are you deflecting from my appropriate logical conclusions of your complaints? Do you just want to blow off steam and whine about your lame normie peers?

>People on social media are annoying, vapid, they suck, tacky, simple, easy, suckers, wastes, wasting... the internet is taking over the world, everythings good, everythings bad,

Why does what you just said matter?

In what way does it have value?

If you could, what would you do to satisfy your complaints?

You are pointing to something that is bad and wrong in the world?

What would you do to correct it?

How would you improve things if you could?

>> No.11268684

Sometimes I'm speaking to people in real life and I forget that I can't end the sentence by calling them a fucking faggot retard. They tend to get offended.


>> No.11268700

Ok, so arrest everyone that makes a post on social media you don't like. Is this what you are so scared to say you must beat around the bush?

>> No.11268723

>>People on social media are annoying, vapid, they suck, tacky, simple, easy, suckers, wastes, wasting... the internet is taking over the world, everythings good, everythings bad,
Except that's not what he said. Like, at all. Why would I or anyone else answer your questions when you clearly have an issue interpreting the written word?

>> No.11268730

>Except that's not what he said
because he didnt say anything: he just ad hominemed me, leaving me to guess at what his problem is, because its probably just a troll who has no real worthy meaningful thoughts or beliefs about the world or this topic.

Point to me what he did say. On the topic, on a topic.

>> No.11268767

What is your first language?

>> No.11268769

say something of value on topic

>> No.11268775

>ad hominemed me
Kek, now I know you're trolling. Was a good run chuck.

>> No.11268781

What is your first language?

>> No.11268798 [DELETED] 

English. I answered you, now you answer me.

What about this posts, suggests a lack of understanding the English language? >>11268683

Keep in mind there may be a typo or two, because I type fast, but that the typo or two in know way detracts from an understanding of the context, if the reader is a good enough comprehender of English.

>> No.11268809
File: 9 KB, 284x284, 1425326531245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to stop

>> No.11268810

English. I answered you, now you answer me.

What about this post, suggests a lack of understanding the English language? >>11268683 (You)

Keep in mind there may be a typo or two, because I type fast, but that the typo or two in no way detracts from an understanding of the context, if the reader is a good enough comprehender of English.

>> No.11268820
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, jack-black-7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to stop

>> No.11268841

>Jack blakc
>Its time to stop memes
Fuck off you newfag 18 year old boomer cunt


>> No.11268855

You write in a very conceited manner with awkward phrasing and unclear sentence construction. I see it often in foreign English speakers who are trying their best to write intelligently in a language that they have only the slightest grasp of. Basically, your prose reeks of over-compensation. Perhaps it's not on account of a language deficit and the cause lies elsewhere. Are you experiencing any trouble in your work or personal relationships?

>> No.11268873
File: 215 KB, 592x147, 22548693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to stop

>> No.11268879

Social media as a space is where humanity's propensity for conformity is sent into overdrive as we fling ourselves into this pit that has been carefully been constructed for us by exploitative people wishing to milk our attention. We infect each other with our emotions and unnuanced ideas which splurge together to form a toxic maelstrom that most are pulled into.

Pull the plug on the internet and let's start again.

>> No.11268884

stop using the boomer meme it gives me a headache please its unfunny and forced, the shrek meme is equally irritating

>> No.11268891

This is why social media is a disease.

>> No.11268899

Caring this much is why social media is a disease

>> No.11268916
File: 63 KB, 243x147, 22548693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11268929

Why can't you say anything about the topic?

>You write in a very conceited manner with awkward phrasing and unclear sentence construction.
Sure, and you're a barbaric simpleton who pays attention to peas instead of meat and potatoes.

>> No.11268939


>15 years ago

This is what newfags actually think wow

>> No.11268948

its going to get worse, they’re unbelievably stupid too, iq is decreasing as is white population, just wait for mud internet 2030 w/90% spics and nogs