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File: 179 KB, 726x1190, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 9.56.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11265325 No.11265325 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this poem I wrote?

I'll reply with a bunch more

>> No.11265351
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>> No.11265354
File: 139 KB, 744x756, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 9.57.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11265359

Why this dogshit? Why not write something fun with cowboys or monsters or sex or something?

>> No.11265361
File: 96 KB, 644x602, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 9.55.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11265366
File: 89 KB, 416x668, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 10.18.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kinds of poems are what I enjoy writing. They're fun to me. Well... maybe "fun" isn't the right word. They're meaningful to me.

I'm well aware that they're not for everyone, but I hope at least someone out there can get a kick out of them as well.

>> No.11265386

Fair enough. But you should try writing something fun or lighthearted once in a while.

>> No.11265432

They're all so very purple.

>> No.11265602
File: 239 KB, 643x959, A777EEC8-55ED-40C4-A95F-2B50A2D72A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s actually a good point. I do have a good sense of humor personality-wise, and that doesn’t usually come through in my writing. Also, two of my biggest influences, Burroughs and Joyce, are known for the sense of humor in their work.
So yeah, that is something I need to work on.

>> No.11265913
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>> No.11266459
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>> No.11267068
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>> No.11268180

i like em. you've a good ear but you need to work on line breaks and scansion. only some of the phrasing sounds good aloud, and the places where it's good make the bad parts more obvious. you should probably use the crit thread

>> No.11268218


bugs, easy on the participles

>> No.11268362

Hah, that’s exactly what I’ve been worried about recently while writing. I don’t notice how often I use “ing” until a poem is done and I come back to it. I gotta work on that. I just like verbs. I guess I can use other forms of them.

>> No.11269654
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>> No.11269822
File: 17 KB, 356x523, lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have strong rhythm, and ear and phrase, clear talent, my only 'issue' is that this sort of romantic gothic dream vibe has been done a lot, and so I see this cropping up the same dreary melancholy describing simmilarly
'all forgotten men'
'morning dark'
'Burial of love'
'Dreams of touch flesh'
'attending dread' is a great phrase, and perfectly captures the mood, between abstract and physical.
This is strong too, and I'd like others to chip in, but it feels too long, too drawn out, almost overwrought, your tone is strong but almost tiring, I'd like to see you try something in a more contemporary voice, not because I dislike this one, but I'd like to see you paint experience in the immediate, rather than archaic if you see what I mean. Like you said, it's clear you enjoy writing how you do, I just wanna see another side to it, if you've got.
I've written a poem too and would appreciate your thoughts, since you have a firm grasp of the poetic.

>> No.11271008

>this sort of romantic gothic dream vibe has been done a lot

>I'd like to see you paint experience in the immediate, rather than archaic
I do see what you mean. When I first started writing poetry, I was heavily inspired by William Blake, so I still have some of his archaic language in there. Also, I use a cut-up method (which I then revise and revise and revise) taking from texts mostly from the early 20th century, so that probably adds to what you mean.

I'll give you feedback on your poem later this afternoon since I have to some stuff to do this morning

>> No.11271374

Needs more postmodern

>> No.11271948

Oh please, I’m metamodern, not postmodern

>> No.11271960

Another writer with talent who can't make the reader give a single fuck what you have to say. Write for an audience.

>> No.11271968

*an audience that isn't NEET wanna be academics

>> No.11272013

Tbh I was gonna say this in my initial critque, I've written a fair share of self indulgent poetry that I shared with others, only to cringe on revisiting due their sheer impeneatrability, that's kinda what I meant when asking for you to try and write less archaicly / epically and downsize some if you want an audience, that doesn't mean comprise, just try and branch out your writing so that it can engage a common audience as well as yourself.

>> No.11272022

"the reader" doesn't exist

>> No.11272443

>i write for the void
