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File: 258 KB, 1571x1960, Yousuf-Karsh-Ernest-Hemingway-1957-1571x1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11263131 No.11263131 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone talk about how big of a sissy this guy was? I won't read his books, but I am still interested in this guy for being such an insecure pansy.

>> No.11263154


I admire the vast ammount of expriences he lived. I really want to force myself to get out of the house and do things, but I dont know where to start. Hemmingway knew how to do it.

But yes, he seemed to have some insecurity with his sexuality. I also dont like his lion killing hobbie. If you think you are really hardcore then kill a lion with your hands, not shooting the poor animal from affar.

>> No.11263160

He had a little weenus and wrote Old Man and The Sea, about a fisherman (penis catcher) trying to catch a big fish (big penis), because of this.

>> No.11263162

What made him a pansy? He was braver than most men.

>> No.11263173

He wasn't a pansy, he was an emotional wreck. There is a distinct difference.

>> No.11263178

if u ever lived in a hispanic or black area the whole "gay dude who uses toxic masculinity to try to hide his homo essence" is hardly unique or interesting, but i guess since he was white he all have to act like its special

>> No.11263179


One of Hemingway's major obsessions was "masculinity" and what that entails - in The Sun Also Rises, his hero was actually impotent. He also suffered from severe bipolar disorder and in his later years, possibly dementia.

He was not a sissy, and he beat up people for his bud Joyce

>> No.11263180

what makes him a pansy and a sissy is his obsession with masculine image. I bet he was fearfully hetero, too.

>> No.11263188

Yeah calling him a sissy is just inflammatory, I know he was tough.

>> No.11263196


What are the best bios written about Hemingway?

>> No.11263205 [DELETED] 

Just watch some of the biographic documentaries. Your fetish with him will soon pass and the money spent on his biography will be regretted.

>> No.11263218

What makes you think he was obsessed with the masculine image? Why is admiring masculinity something that makes you a pansy?

>> No.11263221

dude its so gay

>> No.11263226

>What makes you think he was obsessed with the masculine image?

>> No.11263233
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He wrote a memoir that was pretty much about his life having sex, hanging out with artists, and drinking out in France.

I haven't read it in 8 years but I don't remember it being awful.

>> No.11263236

yeah im not gay either but I have very gay opinions about the male body. It is a non-sexual type of admiration but it is still kind of gay

im very obsessive about maintaining my own body in a sculpture-like state

women's bodies are just different, they are somehow wily and tricksterish, like they are illusions, whereas the male body is honest and presents its form clearly

>> No.11263249

this is a healthy approach to like the masculine and the male physique, but for Hemingway masculinity was a shield.

>> No.11263269

like, Mishima is the Hemingway you should admire.

>> No.11263290

Are we being raided by the faggot internet defence force?

>> No.11263300

>women's bodies are ... illusions, whereas tthe male body is honest

what the fuck are you on about mate

>> No.11263312

I understand him. Don't be a retard.

>> No.11263317


>> No.11263321

tits aren't real

>> No.11263326

this is not a nuanced reading of OP

>> No.11263333

i dont really know, it is just an impression i get. like i cant really make out how she looks, the lines are all vague and ambiguous, like a depth illusion. the male body is not like that, it juts out in a bunch of directions that are instantly recognizable, you can immediately 'measure' a man when you see him, he is precise, but women are like a well you get trapped into looking at

like the female body could somehow envelop things, like it was water or air or something, its contours are kind of smudgy and flickering. it changes from different angles in a strange way, whereas the different angles of the male body only reinforce each other as one whole.

do you get what i mean?

>> No.11263342

Prove it

>> No.11263349

ty for your post. I agree with some of it. The lion killing part is an interesting point to consider.

>> No.11263532

When he went to Spain he wrote a fanfiction account of committing a war crime
>"One time I killed a very snotty SS kraut who, when I told him I would kill him unless he revealed what his escape route signs were said: You will not kill me, the kraut stated. Because you are afraid to and because you are a race of mongrel degenerates. Besides it is against the Geneva Convention.
>What a mistake you made, brother, I told him and shot him three times in the belly fast and then, when he went down on his knees, shot him on the topisde so his brains came out of his mouth or I guess it was his nose.

Shit that didn't happen. For a "great writer" he sure has the imagination of a drumpf hating redditor, complete with feverish masturbatory revenge killings

>> No.11263560

>faggot millennial who spends his days masturbating to anime tranny porn and living in mom's basement criticizes famous author who literally went to war. More at 11.

>> No.11263570

What are you worried about, cutter? I'll only make you a man if you let me just a little closer.

>> No.11263573

>Shit that didn't happen. For a "great writer" he sure has the imagination of a drumpf hating redditor, complete with feverish masturbatory revenge killings

You know there are accounts of his war experience written by other people, right?

>> No.11263581

you know he was talking specifically about the one he quoted, right?

>> No.11263583

I'm not denying he ever went to Spain. I'm saying this specific episode is pretty obviously embellished with impotent fantasy to say the least. And even if word for word was true its a fucking war crime which makes him no better the "snotty SS kraut," who is very clearly a monocled cliche from the previous war (give or take the caricatured race obsession).

>> No.11263584

the point is, if you aren't willing to kiss a man or at least playfully consider the idea of sucking a dick you can't really be manly—and Hemingway can never be a man for all of his affectations.

>> No.11263700

Why do you think this didn’t happen? And give me a legitimate answer not just “lmao you actually believe it?” Tell me why you know it’s false.

>> No.11263704

Good post brother

>> No.11263708

>I'm not denying he ever went to Spain.
Spain wasn't his only war experience, also.

>> No.11263709

What is “toxic masculinity” to you and how does Hemingway exemplify this?

>> No.11263714
File: 12 KB, 207x224, pornographyViolenceRockmusic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*huff* *puff* nnnOT AN ARGUMENT!!

>> No.11263716

>toxic masculinity

Oh, wow.

>> No.11263727

>>Coming through, guys! Big man here coming through!
Le Cringé

>> No.11263730

Hemingway? Yeah.

>> No.11263742

t. punches anyone who calls him 'fag'

>> No.11263757

Is this a new school of literary criticism?

>> No.11263770

First of all this account is from his time in France during the war, and secondly if the guy was in the SS, he deserved it.

>> No.11263798
File: 8 KB, 275x183, hogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a mistake you made, brother
fucking based papa

>> No.11263802

Tbh I feel like this guy's work is kind of ruined by him killing himself.
>But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
Good quote, except the author who wrote it killed himself.

>> No.11263822
File: 86 KB, 525x656, IMG_7607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking QUADS


>> No.11263838

kind of the point of the thread. his image and ethos could not be maintained, and maybe it can't be. certainly Hemingway couldn't hang.

>> No.11263851
File: 49 KB, 450x450, annedan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing someone who carried out racial mass murder is the same as carrying out racial mass murder

>> No.11263894

It's an old school of literary criticism

>> No.11263921

>Executing a prisoner protected by the Geneva Convention is ok if they really deserved it
Star Wars morality

>> No.11263951

how is it not?

>> No.11263988

he couldn't hang?????? folks... but he did hang!!!!! himself!

>> No.11264005

I like this post

>> No.11264330
File: 43 KB, 1864x198, 35dab16179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11264352

honestly this board has diluted to the point that i can't figure out if this is someone trying to write in the most embarrassing manner possible or if it's sincere

>> No.11264383

It’s confusing to me how you guys will criticize Hemingway for seemingly creating this idea of the perfectly masculine man, and then in the same breath say he was a faggy, whiny little sissy (like that’s a bad thing).

Which is it? There shouldn’t be an idea of a “manly man,” or Hemingway wasn’t a real man?

>> No.11264386

The Chad Krout:
>“Throughout the war, it was always my endeavour to view my opponent without animus, and to form an opinion of him as a man on the basis of the courage he showed. I would always try and seek him out in combat and kill him, and I expected nothing else from him. But never did I entertain mean thoughts of him. When prisoners fell into my hands, later on, I felt responsible for their safety, and would always do everything in my power for them."

The virgin Amerloque:
>"One time I killed a very snotty SS kraut who, when I told him I would kill him unless he revealed what his escape route signs were said: You will not kill me, the kraut stated. Because you are afraid to and because you are a race of mongrel degenerates. Besides it is against the Geneva Convention. What a mistake you made, brother, I told him and shot him three times in the belly fast and then, when he went down on his knees, shot him on the topisde so his brains came out of his mouth or I guess it was his nose."

>> No.11264396

different wars retard

>> No.11264414

wow this is really well articulated

you're a loser, that's a really well constructed post. writhe in resentment somewhere out of sight.

>> No.11264421

This kind of criticism, calling people fags and sissies, is ironically using the language of feminine fearing manly men against their own insecurity. There is nothing wrong with being feminine, or masculine, but to be so insecure as Hemingway clearly was earns him the title of sissy or fag greater than any man who loves the feminine and homosexual unapologetic ally.

>> No.11264442

So if Hemingway wasn’t insecure then his whole deal would be okay?

>> No.11264444

>it’s okay to kill helpless prisoners if they the bad guys lol

You’re an idiot

>> No.11264447

yeah totally. the cult of masculinity thing that he, his writing and some of the less-bright appreciators of his support is based on this phony image of a capable, self-assured and composed man.

>> No.11264470

>image of a capable, self-assured and composed man.
Was he really upholding himself as this or did he just think that was the ideal to strive for?

>> No.11264471

if they deserve it, yeah

>> No.11264496

Yeah that's up for debate. All biographical accounts seem to indicate he was trying to maintain that kind of image, so I imagine it was a personal goal as well as an external ideal.

>> No.11264626

>kill a lion with your hands
Basically impossible. Should be with a spear that you crafted yourself.

>> No.11264631

>lions eat people for millennia
>start crying once we're winning
bitchmade desu i ain't about that
i'll shoot any lion

>> No.11264646

Never mind how deceitful and uncaring (in retaining health) women are usually about their real bodies. It could also be that he can appreciate male bodies due to both having a male body and not being attracted to them. With a female body, you are always intoxicated by attraction and sexuality, oftentimes it can be hard to appreciate it anywhere near plainly. You just see a mirage conjured by your natural attraction and sexual arousal. For heterosexual males, the male body is more innocent and can be appreciated as art. It can actually be seen unhindered, purely. Whereas it's very hard to ever appreciate the female body as art.

>> No.11264655

>race of mongrel degenerates
No one would say this shit except an American. Actually, what kraut would speak English at the time?

>> No.11264667

Did you know that particularly individual?
It's the same mentality as saying 'kill all blacks' just because African-Americans are inclined towards crime and such.

>> No.11264671
File: 47 KB, 657x879, abstractwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being black and being in the SS are the same thing

>> No.11264680

no one has any moral culpability for being in the SS, desu............................... or anything else... free will moralist cruelty invention

>> No.11264699

>except the author who wrote it killed himself
Based Hemingway destroys himself to prove his point

>> No.11264707

>Its not a war crime when we do it

>> No.11264716

welcome in history 101

>> No.11264734

We're not talking legality; we're talking morality. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that all war crimes were created equally. An army surgeon carrying a weapon is a war crime. It can be a meaningless title, no matter how great a weight the name throws around. If someone raped and murdered my wife, and I track down and kill them, I have committed a crime, but am I the same as my wife's murderer? Only a retard would say so. You are that retard. Stop posting here. kys

>> No.11264774

Must have missed the context where he was liberating auschwitz.

>> No.11264796

>executing a human being who had been captured in the process of fighting for his country, who was of no threat to you nor anybody else and who had individually done nothing to violate the mutually agreed on rules of engagement, because he doesn't sell out his comrades, is moral behavior

There's a difference between being moral and being self righteous. The first is hard. The second has been pretext for some of the most heinous crimes ever committed in history. You should be concerned that you don't understand the difference.

>> No.11264873

I bet he's the kind of idiot who believes that if he had grown up in Nazi Germany he would have turned out to be the same type of ''freedom''-loving egalitarian he is now.

>> No.11265026

sounds like gender theory to me, which is a waste of time

>> No.11265028

Hemingway knew he wasn't a pure steely warrior-poet, as people sometimes accused him.

Here's a passage from the (largely autobiographical) short story "In Another Country". The narrator is wounded in hospital and three others are there who all got the same medal as him:

The boys at first were very polite about my medals and asked me what I had done to get them. I showed them the papers, which were written in very beautiful language and full of 'fratellanza' and 'abnegazione', but which really said, with the adjectives removed, that I had been given the medals because I was an American. After that their manner changed a little toward me, although I was their friend against outsiders. I was a friend, but I was never really one of them after they had read the citations, because it had been different with them and they had done very different things to get their medals. I had been wounded, it was true; but we all knew that being wounded, after all, was really an accident. I was never ashamed of the ribbons, though, and sometimes, after the cocktail hour, I would imagine myself having done all the things they had done to get their medals; but walking home at night through the empty streets with the cold wind and all the shops closed, trying to keep near the street lights, I knew that Ì would never have done such things, and I was very much afraid to die, and often lay in bed at night by myself, afraid to die and wondering how I would be when back to the front again.

The three with the medals were like hunting-hawks; and I was not a hawk, although I might seem a hawk to those who had never hunted; they, the three, knew better and so we drifted apart. But I stayed good friends with the boy who had been wounded his first day at the front, because he would never know now how he would have turned out; so he could never be accepted either, and I liked him because I thought perhaps he would not have turned out to be a hawk either.

>> No.11265035

holy fuck this board is gay af, where are all the new catholics?

>> No.11265090

the catholics all became queers...

>> No.11265191

this thread is funny

>> No.11265389

Ya boy shot an unarmed prisoner because he went on Marvel villain tier monologue (which I really hope you don't believe actually happened). It either did happen in which case Hemingway is a war criminal for shooting an unarmed prisoner for talking shit. This was in Spain so Herr Krautwitz getting shot in the face for the holocaust is you applying retroactive historical judgement. 1936+ was a long time before the 1940's and whatever that individual may have been involved in or WOULD have been involved in is totally beside the point. Gloating about executing an unarmed guy is just sad shit and only a raging closet case like Hemingway would glorify it.

>> No.11265416

But that's just because you aren't attracted to it, it is purely subjective. I know women you have a very pragmatic view of the fella embody because they see it without being clouded by sexuality (for example in locker rooms). Whereas for them the male body is the unknown other. So it's really just a matter of who you are and who you are attracted to but not really of art

>> No.11265448

If he had been in the Wehrmacht I would agree with you, but he was SS, so there's appropriate justification. Also, let's be real, you only care because it was a Nazi who got shot and not someone you don't autisticly identify with

>> No.11265511

I couldn't give a fuck about Nazis. The whole original point was that this was a petty episode and extremely likely a fake one. Which says multiple things about the character of Hemingway

>> No.11267328

Glad we had this thread to talk about this subject.

>> No.11267526

This thread is like that bugman millennial son who grows up to be a weak shell of a man and who resents his strong, masculine and successful father who also fought in a war.

>> No.11267537

I'm glad I'm working out and lifting good lately because fuck my dad was a pussy growing up.

>> No.11267619

no it isn't. it's like the strong, cock-sucking adonis whose confidence makes you uncomfortable and question the stability of your sexuality.

>> No.11267776

I hate how those kind of discussions always turns into "lol he was gay". Most men would want to see themselves as masculine. It's a natural instinct.
Hemingway had a masculine temperament but was also sensitive and artistic. He also had a shitty childhood with a domineering mom. He ended up being kind of emotionally stunted and immature. It's natural he would develop a complex about his masculinity.

>> No.11268339

Would recommend if only for the chapter where he evaluates F. Scott Fitzgerald's penis size and gives him sex advice.